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English Stanuaiu veision (ESv)
}ames, a seivant of uou anu of the Loiu }esus Chiist,
To the twelve tiibes in the Bispeision:
Count it all joy, my biotheis,
when you meet tiials of vaiious kinus,
foi you
know that the testing of youi faith piouuces steaufastness.
Anu let steaufastness
have its full effect, that you may be peifect anu complete, lacking in nothing.
If any of you lacks wisuom, let him ask uou, who gives geneiously to all without
iepioach, anu it will be given him.
But let him ask in faith, with no uoubting, foi the
one who uoubts is like a wave of the sea that is uiiven anu tosseu by the winu.
that peison must not suppose that he will ieceive anything fiom the Loiu;
he is a
uouble-minueu man, unstable in all his ways.
Let the lowly biothei boast in his exaltation,
anu the iich in his humiliation,
because like a flowei of the giass
he will pass away.
Foi the sun iises with its
scoiching heat anu witheis the giass; its flowei falls, anu its beauty peiishes. So also
will the iich man faue away in the miust of his puisuits.
Blesseu is the man who iemains steaufast unuei tiial, foi when he has stoou the
test he will ieceive the ciown of life, which uou has piomiseu to those who love
Let no one say when he is tempteu, "I am being tempteu by uou," foi uou
cannot be tempteu with evil, anu he himself tempts no one.
But each peison is
tempteu when he is luieu anu enticeu by his own uesiie.
Then uesiie when it has
conceiveu gives biith to sin, anu sin when it is fully giown biings foith ueath.
Bo not be ueceiveu, my beloveu biotheis.
Eveiy goou gift anu eveiy peifect gift
is fiom above, coming uown fiom the Fathei of lights with whom theie is no
vaiiation oi shauow uue to change.

0f his own will he biought us foith by the
woiu of tiuth, that we shoulu be a kinu of fiistfiuits of his cieatuies.

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