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Financial Statement of Activities

Statement of Activities (Profit or Loss)

Total Income: including Sales Tax (columns 8 & 9 ONLY) Expenses Sales Tax Calculation: Sales Income x Local and State Sales Tax = Total Sales Tax !ate"ials and Su##lies (column $%) &ages' Sala"ies' and Commissions (column $$) Ot(e" )x#enses (column $*) Total Expenses (add lines +,)) Net Profit/Net Loss Calculation: Total Income , Total )x#enses = Net -" Loss Com#an0 +onuses (see ex#lanation 1elo2) Net Profit a.te" Com#an0 +onuses A.

B. C. D. E. F. = != "! , I! #

Statement of Financial Position (Balance S$eet)

Assets: Cas( +alance (column 3) Lia&ilities an' Capital Sales Tax (line +) Ca#ital Stoc4 (column 5) Ot(e" Income (column 9) Com#an0 +onuses (line 6) Net -" (line I) Total (must e7ual 8ssets) (add lines 9,O) %! (! L! )! N! * +! P! =

Boo, -al.e of Stoc, (.pon compan/ Li0.i'ation)

Net -" (line I) Ca#ital Stoc4 (column 5) Total Num1e" o. S(a"es o. Stoc4 sold Boo, -al.e 1! 2! S! = T! / 3! =

Directions for a4ar'in5 compan/ & I. 0ou" com#an0 made a net #"' it ma0 a2a"d com#an0 1onuses 1e.o"e t(e +oo4 :alue is calculated. &(en calculating t(e +oo4 :alue o. stoc4' i. 0ou" com#an0 can a2a"d com#an0 1onuses' t$e minim.m pa/ment to stoc,$ol'ers in t$e form of a 'ivi'en' is 67!87 total Boo, -al.e (;* .o" t(e initial #"ice o. stoc4 and ;.%* as a stoc4 di<idend). 6S8%3, *=

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