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Additional Information about Finale 2012a for Windows

Finale 2012a Read Me, December 2011 Copyri !t " 2011, Ma#eMusic, Inc$ Congratulations on your purchase of Finale 2012 for Windows! IMPOR !" # Read this docu$ent %efore you %egin wor&ing with Finale 2012 and print a copy of it to &eep with your Finale infor$ation' his file contains i$portant infor$ation a%out Finale 2012 not included in the (ser Manual) as well as infor$ation a%out con*erting older files into the new *ersion+s for$at' Please note that Finale 2012 files cannot %e opened in pre*ious *ersions of Finale' his docu$ent is organi,ed %y each *ersion+s changes- those of you already fa$iliar with earlier *ersions $ay wish to read only the new infor$ation' he Read Me contains the following sections# Running Finale 2012 "ew features in Finale 2012 in Finale 2012a in Finale 2012 /ou $ay also *isit our we% site) www'finale$usic'co$ for updated infor$ation a%out Finale and infor$ation on new releases'

Runnin Finale 2012

%ystem Re&uirements Windows 0P12ista13 425%it 6785%it co$pati%le9' :00M; hard dri*e space re<uired for software and user $anual' =2=5ROM dri*e re<uired for disc installation' >00.700 $ini$u$ $onitor resolution' Mini$u$ :12M; R!M 61?; or $ore reco$$ended for optional use of ?arritan and apspace 62@ 9 sounds# $ore R!M A $ore a*aila%le sounds'9 !n additional 2 ?; hard dri*e space is re<uired for all included 2@ sounds' Optional# Bigh5speed internet connection re<uired for download' MI=I interface' MI=I input and1or play%ac& de*ice' Printer' @canner' Microphone re<uired for use of Mic"otatorC' ! soundcard 6including @tandard =irect@ound) MMD) or !@IO dri*ers9 is re<uired for playing the 2@ sounds in Windows' !dditional 2@ instru$ents will perfor$ %est with faster processors and hard dri*es' Installin Finale 2012 If any pre*ious *ersion of Finale has %een installed on the $achine) Finale 2012 reco$$ends that you restart your co$puter and log on as @yste$ !d$inistrator %efore installing' his will pre*ent erroneous font warnings' We reco$$end that you install Finale) and any other software) when logged in as @yste$ !d$inistrator' If you encounter pro%le$s during installation) we reco$$end that you do the following# 1' urn off any progra$s running in the %ac&ground' 2irus detectors can often pre*ent Finale fro$ installing

necessary files and updating the registry' Rest assured) your Finale C= does not contain any *iruses' 2' Press C RE5!E 5=DED D) then clic& on as& Manager and then the Process ta%' In the Processes a%) clic& on F(ser "a$eF to sort the running progra$s %y user I= na$e' his lists e*ery process that is running on the syste$' 4' (nder the (ser "a$e colu$n) loo& at all of the processes 6FI$age "a$eF9 with your account na$e' Clic& on each one) and then clic& FDnd ProcessF and select OG' =o this for e*ery process assigned to your na$e e.cept Htas&$gr'e.eI) He.plorer'e.eI) and H@yste$ Idle Process'I 8' Close the as& Manager' :' Chec& your syste$ tray 6lower5right corner of the screen9 to see if any progra$s are running' Right5clic& each of these and choose Close 5 especially anti*irus software) which does interfere with progra$s properly installing' Aut!ori'in Finale 2012 he first ti$e you launch Finale) you will %e pro$pted to authori,e' o authori,e a single copy of Finale) clic& !uthori,e "ow! to open the !uthori,ation Wi,ard 6or) choose Help J Authorize Finale9' hen follow the instructions to authori,e your copy of Finale *ia the Internet) phone) or $ail' If you choose not to authori,e) you will %e pro$pted to do so each ti$e you launch Finale' If you do not authori,e within thirty days) printing and sa*ing are disa%led until you choose to authori,e' "ote that the (ser1!uthori,ation Codes are co$puter specific) and will only wor& on the gi*en co$puter installation' Ma&e sure that the !uthori,ation Code is typed in using capital letters) and also *erify that the correct serial nu$%er has %een entered' /our copy of Finale can %e authori,ed on two co$puters si$ultaneously) and) with an Internet connection) authori,ation can %e $o*ed fro$ one co$puter to another at will' @i$ply choose Help J Deauthorize Finale to open up a free slot' /our copy of Finale can now %e authori,ed on a different co$puter' When you =eauthori,e) printing and sa*ing are disa%led until authori,ation has %een restored' If you $a&e a change to the co$puter 6such as replacing the hard dri*e or $other%oard) or installing a new operating syste$9) then you will need to re5authori,e the installation' If you ha*e already installed and authori,ed twice) you will need to contact Custo$er @upport online www'finale$usic'co$1support'asp. with your serial nu$%er and the location I= for the specific installation in <uestion' If the software is not Fre$indingF you to authori,e when you run the progra$) then the registration1authori,ation has %een successfully co$pleted' %tartin Finale 2012 ( D))s Most applications 6including Ma&eMusic products9 re<uire a set of files) the Microsoft redistri%uta%les) in order to wor& successfully on your syste$' hese redistri%uta%le files are nor$ally already present on $ost syste$s and are not generally included in application setup1install scripts 5 doing so would add a%out 1': M; to the si,e of the pac&age) and cause a longer installation process' More i$portantly) as these files are constantly updated %y Microsoft and are operating5syste$ specific) including these files in an application installer could result in incorrect files %eing added in your syste$ and su%se<uent pro%le$s' In rare cases these files $ay %e $issing or out of date on your syste$' In this case an error will %e reported when you start the progra$' Bere are so$e e.a$ples of the errors that could %e reported# If t!e files are missin $$$ + he dyna$ic lin& li%rary M@2CP70'=EE could not %e found in the specified path'''+ or + he dyna$ic lin& li%rary M@2CR '=EE could not %e found in the specified path'''+ If t!e files are out of date$$$ + he OC0 @'D0D file is lin&ed to $issing e.port MFC82'=EE#7>>0'+ If you see one of these $essages) *isit www'$icrosoft'co$ for $ore infor$ation regarding these files and how to restore the$' *nline +ser Manual For full docu$entation on how to use Finale 2012) see the (ser Manual' o access the (ser Manual) choose Help J

User Manual' If you ha*e an Internet connection) Finale opens the (ser Manual using your default %rowser and accesses the latest online content fro$ Ma&eMusicKs ser*ers' If you do not ha*e an Internet connection) Finale auto$atically opens the local *ersion of the (ser Manual that was installed on your hard dri*e along side Finale 2012' If you prefer to always use the local *ersion of the (ser Manual) go to Edit J Program Options J Folders and unchec& Use Online Manual When Available'

,ista and -.portin -/% 0rap!ics Windows 2ista uses a rue ype font for$at that is not co$pati%le with FinaleKs DP@ e.port $echanis$' !s a result) 2ista users will notice the FInclude FontsF chec& ha*e %een re$o*ed in the D.port @election and D.port Pages dialog' Including fonts in e.ported DP@ graphics is still fully supported in Windows 0P' Installation Details o acco$$odate the autono$y of each of a co$puter+s $ultiple users) and to pre*ent per$issions issues) Finale installs its co$ponents to *arious locations on your hard dri*e depending on their function and re<uired accessi%ility' @ee HFinale Installation =etailsI in the (ser Manual for $ore infor$ation' Finale 2012a Interface C!an es L %electin Instrument 1ypes$ 2ou can now concentrate t!e list of families and Instruments to include only t!ose of a certain type, suc! as *rc!estral, C!oral, or 3a''$ %ee 4%etup Wi'ard5 and 4%coreMana er5 in t!e +ser Manual for details$ L Resi'able %coreMana er$ 1!e %coreMana er window can now be resi'ed$ %ee 4%coreMana er5 in t!e +ser Manual for details$ L Audio %etup dialo bo.$ Input and output c!annels can now be selected for A%I* audio dri6ers$ %ee 4Audio %etup dialo bo.5 in t!e +ser Manual for details$ %M/ Files created in t!e ori inal Finale 2012 release %M/ files created in t!e ori inal Finale 2012 release are not compatible wit! %martMusic 2012a$ 2ou can open suc! files in Finale 2012a to sa6e t!em as %M/s to be opened in %martMusic 2012a$ Download and Finale 1rial ;oth the full and trial *ersions of Finale 2012 are a*aila%le for download' he trial *ersion is identical to the full *ersion) %ut does not include the ?arritan sounds) local help files) or $usic files' !fter the 405day trial period) printing and sa*ing are disa%led' o purchase the full *ersion of Finale) along with all sounds and features) choose Help J Purchase Finale' rial users# after purchasing) another download is necessary to ac<uire the ?arritan sounds) help files) and $usic files' /layin 7uic#1ime ,ideos in Finale8s Mo6ie Window o play Muic& i$e *ideos in Finale for Windows) Muic& i$e 6a free download at www'apple'co$9 $ust %e installed on your co$puter' Mo*ie files sa*ed in Windows Media Player for$ats do not re<uire Muic& i$e' Contactin Customer %upport For Finale support) *isit www'finale$usic'co$1support'asp.' Con6ertin Finale 2011 9and earlier: documents into Finale 2012 documents Finale 2012 has a different file for$at than earlier *ersions) and con*erts older files to the new for$at when you open the$ in Finale 2012' Finale 2012 will open and con*ert older *ersions+ docu$ents) gi*ing the$ the default title F(" I ED='M(@'I We reco$$end sa*ing a newly con*erted docu$ent with a different na$e than the original file) &eeping the older uncon*erted file as a %ac&up' If you do want to sa*e the file using the sa$e na$e) choose @a*e !s fro$ the File $enu' Finale displays the original file na$e) so you can clic& OG to rewrite o*er the old file' Finale Maintenance is run auto$atically to chec& for any errors while opening old files as long as Clean (p File =ata is chec&ed in Progra$ Options5Open 6chec&ed %y default9'

Runnin older 6ersions of Finale Finale 2011 6and earlier *ersions9 for Windows or Macintosh cannot open any standard Finale 2012 file' o open a Finale 2012 docu$ent in an earlier *ersion) sa*e the file in Music0ME for$at and then open the Music0ME file using the Music0ME I$port plug5in' Finale for Windows includes the Music0ME i$porter %ac& to *ersion 2004) and then %ac& to 2000 using software a*aila%le separately' Finale for Macintosh supports Music0ME i$port %ac& to *ersion 2007) and %ac& to 2008 6O@ 0 only9 using software a*aila%le separately' @ee www'$a&e$usic'co$1Products1Music0ME'asp.'

;ew Features in Finale 2012

L Impro6ed Instrument <andlin $ Finale now inte rates staff attributes and playbac# sounds into its L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L
new Instrument paradi m, w!ic! allows for easier score mana ement and automatic assi nment of playbac# sounds$ %coreMana er$ Administer complete control o6er score instruments in one con6enient, modeless window$ 1!e %coreMana er allows you to add, delete, and reorder score instruments, c!an e instrument sounds, and e6en apply settin s li#e pannin and 6olume$ -asy Instrument Doublin $ Introduce mid(score instrument c!an es at any measure wit! a new option under t!e +tilities menu$ 1ransposition, clef, and ot!er staff settin s, as well as playbac# sound, are confi ured automatically$ ;ew 0arritan %ounds, includin soprano sa., celeste, accordion, recorder, mandolin, eup!onium solo, baro&ue pipe or an wit! plenum reed stop, and pipe or an pedal stop$ Impro6ed File %!arin $ -.c!an e Finale files wit! collea ues worry(free wit! intelli ent sound mappin t!at identifies t!e appropriate playbac# sound for eac! score instrument based on eac! computer8s uni&ue setup$ Auto(detect MIDI De6ices$ Finale now identifies e.ternal MIDI de6ices as soon as you plu t!em in$ ;o setup re&uired= +nicode %upport$ Finale now reco ni'es and displays +nicode font c!aracters$ /DF -.port$ %a6e your document, or a selected portion of it, as a /DF directly from Finale$ >etter 0rap!ics -.port$ -.portin rap!ics !as ne6er been easier wit! a resi'able selection area$ ;ew ?Add A ain? Metatool$ Add t!e mar#in you @ust added, a ain$ ;o setup re&uired$ ;ew Finale ;umerics Font$ -asily add !armonic analysis and fi ured bass wit! stac#able 'ero(widt! c!aracters$ ;ew Finale Copyist Font$ )i#e >roadway Copyist, but li !ter(wei !t and wit! lower(case c!aracters, t!is font was inspired by t!e olden era of !andwritten >roadway scores$ Alp!a ;otes /lu (in$ Add note letters to your note!eads in a flas! wit! t!is new plu (in$ %pace %ystems /lu (in$ Automatically position staff systems accordin to your particular spacin re&uirements$ MusicAM) B$0$ Finale supports t!e latest MusicAM) tec!nolo y, includin instrument #nowled e and +nicode$ +pdated 1utorials$ )earn all t!e Finale basics uided by new, easy(to(follow, step(by(step tutorials$ in Finale 2012a


L If an A%I* de6ice is installed, but not a6ailable 9e$ $ a +%> de6ice t!at is not attac!ed:, t!e de6ice no
lon er appears in t!e Input and *utput list of t!e Audio %etup dialo bo.$

L Documents t!at use ;ati6e Instrument libraries 9includin t!ose utili'in t!e Conta#t 2, DE Core 2E
Rea#tor F players: can now be properly sa6ed as audio files$

File menu L /roblems openin -1F files !a6e been resol6ed$ 0rap!ics L -.portin a selected re ion as a /DF can no lon er result in e.portin all pa es$ Instruments L 1ransposition is now set to 0 for 0uitar G6b and Dulcimer G6b$ L Accordion now includes a rand staff 9instead of a sin le staff:$ )yrics

L )yrics in 3apanese fonts are no lon er misali ned$

%a6e )ibrary dialo bo. L 1!e non(functional 4Custom MIDI %ounds5 option !as been remo6ed$ %croll ,iew L %ta6es in %croll ,iew are no lon er too ti !tly spaced$ 9Files created in t!e ori inal 2012 release may continue to e.!ibit ti !t %croll ,iew spacin :$ %peedy -ntry L /erformin an operation t!at causes staff reorderin w!ile t!e %peedy frame is acti6e no lon er causes entries to be mirrored or remo6ed$ %martMusic L Repeat mar#ers now wor# in e.ported %M/ files$ L 0arritan 6ocals in e.ported %M/ files no lon er play bac# usin a piano sound$ 1e.t

L 1itles and ot!er te.t inserts no lon er disappear w!en openin some files$ in Finale 2012

"ote# Finale 2012 addresses countless issues through design i$pro*e$ents) including new interface ite$s li&e the @coreManager- only specific Hfi.esI are listed here' -.pressions L 1!e 4%!ow *nH %core and /artI%core *nlyI/arts *nly5 drop(down menu no lon er appears in t!e -.pression Assi nment dialo bo. w!en t!e e.pression is set to use a %core )ist$ Mo6ie Window L Accellerators 9A)1J% and A)1JC: !a6e been added to t!e Mo6ie Window$ ;ote!eads L /roblems c!an in note!eads to c!aracters !i !er t!an K1B0 in t!e %ymbol %election dialo bo. !a6e been resol6ed$ /ro ram *ptions L )-F1 ARR*W and RI0<1 ARR*W now wor# properly in /ro ram *ptions(Folders on Windows

L$ %etup Wi'ard L %pace,oices and >and >rass %ection 0arritan Instruments are now properly confi ured for t!e %etup Wi'ard$ %ta6es

L Clefs now c!an e w!en addin a mid(score instrument c!an e to an instrument of a different clef$
Window menu L WindowI1oolbarsIMIDI Menu 1oolbar is now named correctly$

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