Cesarresume 2014

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Cesar Alan Morales 1337 W Kingspointe Ln Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 United States Email: mo ales!esa "li#e$!

om %hone: &8'1( 979)*+'' OBJECTIVE

,o o-tain a position that .ill ena-le me to /se my st ong o gani0ational skills, ed/!ational -a!kg o/nd, and a-ility to .o k .ell .ith people$

Salt Lake Comm/nity College Ci#il Enginee ing 1a2o 3igh S!hool 4iploma +'1+ 5a!kson 3ole 3igh S!hool, 5a!kson, W6 7%8: 3$9


BUBBAS BAR-B-QUE #00 $la" Cree% Dr& Ja'%son( )*

January 200 - Au!us" 20#2

Jo+ T,"le an- -es'r,.",on : Cate ing: 4 o#e to site and se #ed meals to !/stome s$ : ;/sse : Sat and !leaned ta-les$ : Salad ;a : % epa ed salads <o the day and kept salad -a !lean and o gani0ed$ : % ep Cook: % epa ed <ood <o the .hole day$ : Cashie : =e!ei#ed payments < om !/stome s, !he!k daily !ash a!!o/nts$
SPICE BISTRO 2#2# S 3,!4lan- Dr& 3olla-ay( UT

January 20#/- No0e1+er 20#/

$oo- Runner : 8ttends to ta-les and makes s/ e -a!k o< kit!hen is making ight <ood, take <ood to ta-les$
Bur" Bro"4ers 566 E& 2#00 Sou"4 Sal" 7a%e C,"y( UT 6#02

Mar'4 20#/- No0e1+er 20#/

$ T,re87u+e Te'4n,',an : >ehi!le maintenan!e as .ell as installing and epai ing ti es <o passenge s, !onstantly li<ting$

A--,",onal S%,lls : : : : : :
% e#io/s e?pe ien!e d i#ing pallet 2a!k @l/ent in English A Spanish Lea ns easily and !an apply kno.ledge to any sit/ation E?!ellent #e -al and . itten !omm/ni!ation skills 8-ility to esol#e !on<li!t in pe son o o#e the phone Sel<)moti#ated .ith a st ong .o k ethi! <o p o<essionalism and timeliness

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