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7th Grade Natural Disaster Concept Map

1) In your main idea bubble type the topic of your natural disaster unit. 2) Connected to the main ideas bubble you need FOUR bubbles that contain the following titlesa. Stats & Facts b. Disasters in History c. Ways to Prepare d. Rebuilding & Recovering 3) Research FOUR statistics and facts related to your natural disaster. Each statistic and fact needs to be typed in a separate bubble and connected to the Statistics & Facts bubble. 4) Research FOUR disasters in history. Each disaster should be typed in a bubble with the date, location, & recovery information. Each of these bubbles should connect to the Disasters in History bubble. 5) Research FOUR ways to prepare for your selected natural disaster. Each of these should be typed in its own bubble and connected to the Ways to Prepare bubble. 6) Research FOUR ways communities can rebuild and recover after a natural disaster. Each of these should be types in their own bubble and connected to the Rebuilding & Recovering bubble. 7) Make sure you find and save pictures for each of the four main bubbles you are researching. 8) Resources: FEMA: Natural Disasters National Geographic:



Disasters Name/Your Name



7th Grade Concept Map Checklist


Requirements Center bubble with name and disaster 4 main bubbles (statistics, facts, prepare, recover) 4 statistics/facts 4 historical 4 ways to prepare 4 ways to recover Layout (visability and readability)


Date Checked

7th PSA Concept Map MYP Rubric

Name:_________________________Period:___________________Date:_________ You will be assessed on the following criteria: Technology Criterion C: Creating the solution 7th Grade (Max. 8) You will:
Level 0 1-2 Task-Specific/Descriptors
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. The student demonstrates minimal technical skills when creating their concept map The student creates a concept map, which functions poorly and is presented in an incomplete form.

Your Score:______



The student demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making their concept map The student creates the concept map, which partially functions and is adequately presented


The student demonstrates competent technical skills when making the concept map The student creates the concept map, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately


The student demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the concept map The student follows the plan to create the concept map, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately

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