Onsite Visit

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Jada Brown INT 470 On-site Visit I am majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies wit concentrations in !

ealt Ser"ices #anagement and $syc ology% &'ter graduation in #ay (0)4* I will go +ac, to sc ool 'or a degree in Nursing% &'ter recei"ing my degree in Nursing* I will integrate my Nursing degree and my !ealt Ser"ices #anagement s,ills to +ecome a director in t e medical 'ield% I currently wor, at -!./ and I a"e inter"iewed t e director o' nursing in my department% #arianna spo,e wit me and stated t at t e director as to a"e t ree "ery important s,ills to possess% T ey were commitment* organi0ation* and patience% In order to +e a success'ul director* one must a"e all t ree components% S e s owed me around t e o''ice and wor,ing space t at s e spends most o' er time% T ere were piles and piles o' paperwor, t at needed attention% In my mind* I assumed t at t is position would +e c allenging% I would a"e to deal wit all t e employees as well as t e paperwor,% S e stated t at t e jo+ got easier as time passed% I' I just ,eep in mind t at e"eryt ing I will do will +ene'it t e company in many ways* I will a"e no issues% #arianna made me 'eel as t oug I am mo"ing in t e rig t direction wit my career% T is is really* w at I want to do% T is on-site "isit as elped me to understand t e dedication and ard wor, t at is re1uired 'or t is position% T is e2perience was an ama0ing 'eeling%

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