Alzheimer-Like Disease in Pets

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Alzheimer-like Disease in Pets

Older pets can suffer from Alzheimer-like disease. Named Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, CDS, it shares many of the same symptoms. As pets age, ehavior changes may e the first indication of declining health and !elfare. Symptoms include disorientation, alterations in social interactions and changes in sleep-!ake cycles, elimination ha its, and activity levels. "ets may also sho! increasing levels of an#iety !hich may e manifested y pacing or al!ays !anting to e !ith you. $emory deficits have also een identified in oth dogs and cats. Signs can e very su tle and are usually easier to recognize in performance animals such as service and hunting dogs. %n addition, signs of fear, pho ias, and an#iety might e components of CDS. CDS can e difficult to diagnose in pets ecause many of the symptoms overlap !ith other medical issues. "ain from arthritis or urinary disease can alter sleep cycles, activity levels and urination ehavior. &earing or vision pro lems can make a pet look confused !hen given commands. Cats may yo!l at night ecause of hearing loss. 'hat to do( )he first thing is have your pet e#amined y Dr. Shaw. A lood profile and urinalysis performed in our in-house lab are indicated to rule out other causes. %f those tests are !ithin normal limits there are several options for pets !ith CDS. *nvironmental enrichment such as increased social interaction, ne! and varied opportunities for e#ploration, hunt and chase games and stimulating !ays to o tain food and treats can help engage your pet. +isiting one of the numerous off-lease dog parks in Bend, Oregon is a good source of stimulation. Nutritional counseling at Westside Pet Hospital along !ith several diets !e carry contain added nutrients to slo! do!n the rain-aging process. +arious drugs have een developed to improve cognitive function. "roper diagnosis of CDS and proper intervention a local veterinarian can increase the ,uality of your pet-s later years. Dr. Scott Sha! http.//!estsidepethospital

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