Night Essay Outline Honors

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Name:___________________________________ NightEssayOutlinedueMonday,December9 Directions:Fillintheinformationforeachelementofyouressayinthespaceprovided.Besuretousecomplete sentencesandtocheckyourworkcarefully.

ThesisStatement(Answerthequestionaskedanduseathreepartthesisstatement) The actions of the Germans during the Holocaust and throughout Night by Elie Wiesel changes lives forever. Reoccurring and significance themes include resistance, father and son relationship, and lose of hope.

I. TopicSentence#1(Clearlystatethefirstpointlistedinyourthreepartthesisstatement) Resistance occurs often in Night by Elie Wiesel. Prisoners show forms of resistance through actions and words. Some forms of resistance is stronger than others.



The Jews did not believe Moishe the Beadle when he tires to warn them about the Germans. They resist the thought of the Germans trying to attack or me.

1. DirectquotetosupportthisexamplewithMLACitation People not only refuse to believe his tales, they refused to listen (Wiesel 17).

B.Secondexampletosupportyourmainpoint The young Pipel boy is found guilty along with his Kapo, resist the Germans questioning and torture. He said nothing to the Germans at all.

1. DirectquotetosupportyoursecondexamplewithMLACitation He too was tortured, but he too remained silent (Wiesel 64).

C.ClincherStatementforfirstparagraph(Wrapupyourparagraphwithastatementthattiesbackto yourthesisstatement.)

PrisonersinthecampsfeltstrongwhenresistingtheGermansandtheirorders.Itwastheir momentofpower.Theyalsofeltweakwhenresisting.Resistancecausesthesemomentsof power.Resistanceistheironlychangetofight.

II. TopicSentence#2(Clearlystatethesecondpointlistedinyourthreepartthesisstatement.) Father and son relationships is strong throughout Night. It also is a reoccurring theme with difficult and amazing relationship. A. Firstexampletosupportyoursecondmainpoint Elies father is chosen for selection and he doesnt know. When he finds out he runs to find his son and gives him the only things he has left since living during the Holocaust. 1. DirectquotetosupportthisexamplewithMLACitation Here take this knife, he said I won't need it anymore. You may find it useful. Also take this spoon. Dont sell it. Quickly! Go ahead, take what Im giving you (Wiesel 75)! B. Secondexampletosupportsecondmainpoint




ClincherStatementforsecondparagraph(Wrapupyourparagraphwithastatementthattiesback toyourthesisstatement.)

III. TopicSentence#3(Clearlystatethethirdreasonlistedinyourthreepartthesisstatement.)










ClincherStatementforthirdparagraph(Wrapupyourparagraphwithastatementthattiesbackto yourthesisstatement.)

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