Career Aspiration

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My career gets complicated. When I graduate, I will have my first bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.

My concentrations are Health Services Management and Psychology. I plan to use that degree along with my ursing degree that I will obtain within the ne!t couple of years. However, before I receive my bachelors degree in ursing, I will continue to wor" in the medical field and use my Health Services Management s"ills. In later years, I will integrate those degrees to become a director#manager in the nursing field. $he Health Services Management field has changed in recent years. %$he field is changing in terms of how and where care is delivered, who is providing those services, and how that care is financed& '(areers in Healthcare, n.d., p. )*. +ecause this field is growing so rapidly, talented and s"illed people are needed. $heses s"ills include %coordinating activities with various managers, evaluating wor" and personnel, developing budgets and reports, as well as creating and e!ecuting procedures, policies, and ob,ectives for their department& '(areer Search -ngine, n.d., p.)*. (ustomer service s"ills are also needed to contribute to improve the health of the community. Most ,obs love the fact that someone has multiple degrees. I feel as though this will be a great asset for me. I have current e!perience in the medical facility dealing with health services. I have a strong customer service bac"ground and I have e!perience in coordinating activities with my Health Services Manager. I have great s"ills to fit the ,ob. My Interdisciplinary Studies degree will also reflect the fact that I am well rounded and "nowledgeable about many disciplines. +ecoming an Interdisciplinarian has helped me to gain certain s"ills that could also help me in my career. I have become more reliable and I am better at accepting criticism. I have thic" s"in. I have gained initiative and assertiveness as well as competence in my field of study. .inally yet importantly, I became self secure and more adventurous. $hese traits are necessary to succeed in my wor". $hese characteristics will help me to stand out in my ,ob.

/eferences 0(areer Search -ngine.0 CareerOverviewcom Medical and Health Services Management Careers Jobs and Training Information Comments. .p., n.d. Web. 1 .eb. 23)4. 0(areers in Healthcare Management6 $ypes of (areers.0 Careers in Healthcare Management: Types of Careers. .p., n.d. Web. 1 .eb. 23)4.

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