Opgp 2014

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Race Registration & Start Times

Race pie-iegistiation is available on 0SACycling.oig.
BYPERLINK 4%%F*GHH###I(*/)2)<?$@I"0@H0;@?*%;0H6789D67E
0nline late fee of $S goes into effect miunight S114, anu online iegistiation enus
miunight on SS14. Suichaige foi uay-of iegistiation is $1u.

A valiu 0SAC license is iequiieu to iegistei online oi in-peison.

Numbeis pickup will be on Race Bay only.

Bay-of iegistiation anu numbei pick up will be at the Race Biiectoi's tent locateu
behinu the Stage locateu on the West siue of }acome Plaza, acioss the stieet foim the lu
Pima County Couithouse on Chuich Ave.

Stait Times:
J KG8L FB D 3;$M* >/% KH9
J 9G77 FB D 3/*%;0 3;$M* 97 F<(*
J LG77 FB D N"B;$M* A0"H8H6HK O/);
J EG67 FB D 3;$M* A0"H8H6 O/);

Course Map


Pio-Team special access paiking will be available. Please check website foi the uetails
oi contact Race piomotei foi specific access. S2u 247 2812.


Premises Park BMX Stunt Show 6:00 pm @
Start/Finish Line

BMX Pump Course Open to the public

Downtown Partnership Beer Garden

Food Trucks

Odell Free Beer Promo Tickets Starting at 6:00


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th TOTALS
Men 300 200 150 100 75 825
3/4 300 200 150 100 75 825
Pro/1/2 2000 1500 1000 700 600 500 400 300 7000
Pro/1/2 2000 1500 1000 900 775 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 325 300 11000


All categoiies will have cash piimes only at ianuom, inteimeuiate spiint points
thioughout theii iace, which will be announceu one lap in auvance by the iinging of the
0fficials bell. Betails will be given on the stait line iegaiuing numbei of piimes in youi
iace. Piimes can be pickeu up aftei youi iace at the Registiation tent anu you must
show youi iace numbei oi 0SAC license to collect youi piize(s).


All 2u14 0SAC iules aie in effect.
Belu unuei 0SA Cycling peimit # 2u14-2u6
A valiu 0SAC license must be piesenteu at the time of numbei pick up oi uay-of
Bay-of iegistiation anu iace numbei pick-up closes 2S minutes piioi to the stait of each
event at the Biiectoi's tent, to ensuie an accuiate stait list at the }uuge's stanu.
Race uiiectoi ieseives the iight to aujust stait timemileage, cancel events, iemove
iiueis fiom events, anu mouify piize lists as necessaiy.
Theie aie limiteu waim-up aieas in close pioximity to the couise, so tiaineis aie
iecommenueu. If iiueis want to waim up on the ioau, iiuing on Bioauway is the best
option anu iemembei, follow all tiaffic laws! We want to be able to biing this event to
you again next yeai.
Events helu iain oi shine.
Belmets N0ST be woin while on the bike at all times (except while on a stationaiy
tiainei) pei 0SAC Regulation 1N1. Failuie to comply can iesult in $2u fine anuoi
All numbeis supplieu by the piomotei must be useu.
No foluing oi cutting of numbeis is alloweu.
Position numbeis on B0TB SIBES with the bottom euges of the numbeis aligneu with
the jeisey siue seam. The piomotei is not iesponsible foi scoiing pioblems uue to
incoiiect numbei placement.
All events will have officials on the iace couise at the finish line.
Please uispose of youi tiash piopeily. Litteiing, whethei on oi off the bike, will not be
toleiateu. 0ui ability to holu futuie iaces is uepenuent on eveiyone following this iule,
iaceis anu non-iaceis alike.
,P.QR='SRT UQ F(V<?) (0?$/%?"$. Poitable toilets will be pioviueu.


You will ieceive one iace numbeis positioneu on the iight siue countei clockwise
aligneu with youi jeisey siue seam.
Race numbeis may not be obstiucteu by haii.
No foluing, cutting oi ciumpling of numbeis is peimitteu, pei 0SAC iegulation 1N7(c).
The piomotei is not iesponsible foi scoiing pioblems uue to incoiiect numbei
placement, oi obstiuctionalteiation of iace numbei.


Fiom Inteistate 1u, exit 2S8 to Congiess St. Bioauway Blvu. At the base of the off-
iamp, tuin East onto Bioauway Blvu. Follow Bioauway to uianasa Ave, anu tuin Noith
(left) on uianaua Ave. Theie is ample stieet paiking anu meteis aie fiee uuiing the
weekenu. Pioceeu on uianaua to Alameua oi Fianklin anu tuin east (iight). The Race
couise will be uue East anu Team paiking will be off of Fianklin. See website foi exact
location of Team vehicle paiking.

Ample paiking is also available at the La Placita Paiking uaiage locateu at 211 S. Chuich
Avenue Tucson, AZ 8S7u1 (S2u) 882-uS67. If you have youi bike on a ioof iack, make
suie to iemove it befoie enteiing the gaiage. The uaiage is locateu 2 blocks south of
the iace couise.


0ui iace hotels welcome you to Tucson, Aiizona! Please contact the following hotels foi
uetails anu iates. Special uiscounts foi iaceis, staff, anu visitois aie available if you
mention the 0lu Pueblo uianu Piix!

'4; ,0?W"$/ O?X;0F/0Y Z$$
SSu South Fwy, Tucson, AZ 8S74S
Phone:(S2u) 2S9-2Suu

:"%;< '()*"$ >?%2 >;$%;0
!" $""%&'()* +,&('-&) .,()/ 0,//)1(',"
47S N. uianaua Ave.
Tucson, AZ 8S7u1
S2u.622.Suuu x 877
Cell: S2u.98u.281S
fax: S2u.62S.8922


Host housing is available. Please use the contact form located on the website for more
information. http://www.oldpueblograndprix.com/lodging.html

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