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Ive been attending college for a little over year and a half now and I have recently realized

that it has taught me many things. So heres a list of things I have learned about life and myself.
1. It is possible to be addicted to Netflix
but you wont suffer withdraws if you resist the urge to watch another episode of Lostor Dexteror Supernaturalor rea!ing ad.

2. Its possible to write an 8 page paper the night before

but you might hate yourself for putting it off until the last minute.

3. You can be a Christian and a liberal and a biologist

It is perfectly o! for me to believe in "od and #esus and also be pro$choice% pro$gay marriage% and support the legalization of &ari'uana. I dont have to be at war with myself. I can see the proof of evolution and not have to deny it 'ust because I also see proof of "od.


n that sa!e note" no one can !a#e decisions for $ou so wh$ let the! !a#e opinions for $ou too%
sure my mom thin!s ma!ing a lot of money is important but shes not the one who has to go through ( extra years of school to get a good paying 'ob.

&. 'a(ing !one$ is not !ore i!portant than lo(ing $our )ob.
marine biologists may not ma!e much but they get to swim with dolphins and who doesnt love dolphins)*)

*. +ho cares what the cashier at C,- thin#s%

I 'ust finished an +$hour day and if I want to wear pa'amas and no ma!eup I will.

.. /he people $ou !eet now are the best.

enough said.

8. You can let loose e(er$ now and then.

dont ta!e yourself or life too seriously% itll only stress you out.

0. No !atter what people sa$ about $ou being cra1$ for dating $our high school bo$friend well into college
you gotta do whats right for you. &aybe that boy is meant to be. ,oure the only one dating him so youre the only one that can !now.

12./hese actuall$ are the best $ears $et.

dont rush into your future and en'oy every passing moment

while you can.

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