Assignment 1

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1 Jada Brown HSM 451 Assignment 1 Affordable Health Care Act

The Affordable Health Care Act was signed by President Barac !bama in "#1#$ This law has benefited millions of Americans already$ %t is mainly to &ro'ide health ins(rance at a reasonable cost$ Howe'er) it also red(ces health care s&ending$

Ten Titles/Sections of Affordable Care Act


*(ality) Affordable Health Care for All Americans

This Act gi'es e'eryone the &ower to choose the best o&tion for him or her witho(t forcef(l action$ %t &(ts e'eryone in control of his or her own healthcare) as well as) gi'es freedom for healthcare$ The article) +,ead the -aw.) states that the healthcare act created +the largest middle class ta/ c(t for health care in history). by &ro'iding ta/ relief$ Many ins(rance com&anies dro& ins(rers for +&re0e/isting conditions$ + %ns(rance com&anies are no longer able to forbid ins(rance co'erage to anyone$


The ,ole of P(blic Programs

The Affordable Care Act does not affect Medicaid or Medicare$ This Act states that it only e/tends and1or gi'es chances to im&ro'e Medicaid and Medicare$ %t also dro&s &rescri&tion costs to sa'e ta/&ayers money$ 2inally yet im&ortantly) it enhances the

" o&&ort(nities to de'elo& the care for Americans with the in ca&abilities to &erform acti'ities$


%m&ro'ing the *(ality and 3fficiency of Health Care

This Act ens(res Medicare for the f(t(re generations$ %t not only sa'es money for dr(g costs b(t also) sa'es money for ta/&ayers who o'er&ay$ The article) +,ead the -aw.) also states that +The Act sa'es ta/&ayer dollars by ee&ing &eo&le healthier before they 4oin the &rogram and red(cing Medicare5s need to &ay hos&itals to care for the (nins(red$. %n other words) the Affordable Health Care Act is sa'ing money for Medicare$


Pre'ention of Chronic 7isease and %m&ro'ing P(blic Health

This Act hel&s to im&ro'e Americans5 o'erall health and wellness$ %t wor s to &re'ent illness and &oor health in America$ %n addition) it &ro'ides a g(ide to better n(trition$ %t leads &eo&le to become healthier and in better condition$


Health Case 8or force

This Act foc(ses on the need of more health &rofessionals$ %t s(&&lies grants and &rograms to assist in the shortage of &(blic healthcare &rofessionals$ The need for n(rses) doctors) and dentists are in demand) this act increases the s(&&lies to recr(it &rofessionals in case of s(dden crisis$


Trans&arency and Program %ntegrity

This Act &ro'ides more information to &atients to hel& with healthcare decisions$ %t

9 &romotes and assists &atients and their family to ma e the best decisions based on n(rsing homes$ This Act &re'ents ris y &ro'iders from harming &atients &hysically and emotionally$ This way) safety is highly enco(raged thro(gho(t n(rsing homes$


%m&ro'ing Access to %nno'ati'e Medical Thera&ies

This Act assists low0income &atients with red(ced cost dr(gs$ !ff brand dr(gs are administered as alternati'es for high &rice dr(gs and &rescri&tions$ This is to ma e treatment dr(gs less e/&ensi'e$


Comm(nity -i'ing Assistance Ser'ices and S(&&orts of Act :C-ASS Act;

This Act re<(ires no ta/&ayer5s money$ %t is of free will$ Title %%% in the article) +,ead the -aw+) stated +8or ers will &ay in &remi(ms in order to recei'e a daily cash benefit if they de'elo& a disability$. The inca&ability of certain acti'ities will determine the disability$


,e'en(e Pro'isions

This Act &ro'ides a h(ge ta/ c(t got the middle class$ Many families will benefit from this Act$ There will be a billion dollar ta/ c(t for families earning less than >"5#)###$ This ma es healthcare more affordable for Americans$


,ea(thori?ation of the %ndian Health Care %m&ro'ement Act

This Act gi'es &ower to the Act that hel&s American %ndians and Alas an @ati'es by im&ro'ing it$ %t will reno'ate and (&date their health care system$

Changes in Health Insurance

Health ins(rance had been changed since the Act has been &(t into action$ There is way more &eo&le ins(red beca(se more f(nding has been &(t towards Medicaid &rograms$ Seniors with Medicare are recei'ing free &re'enti'e care and half off disco(nts for &rescri&tions$ Ao(ng ad(lts are e'en allowed to stay on their &arents5 ins(rance (ntil "B years old$ The Affordable Health Care Act has created a &ositi'e o(tcome for America$ The h(ndreds of tho(sands of &eo&le who were once (nins(red) now ha'e health ins(rance and the n(mbers ee& rising$

Future Changes

There are many e/&ected changes$ By the year "#14) all Americans will be able to choose an affordable health ins(rance that wor s best for them$ The law &rohibits discrimination in which ins(rance com&anies charge higher ins(rance rates d(e to gender or +&re0e/isting conditions.$ The law also &re'ents ins(rance com&anies to gi'e an ann(al limit for co'erage$ 2inally yet im&ortantly) &ayments to doctors will be determined by the <(ality of care that the &atient recei'es$ The doctor who &ro'ides better treatment will recei'e more money$

Analysis of Scenarios

5 %$ Case 1

Section %C *(ality) Affordable Health Care for All Americans a&&lies to this scenario$ % came to this concl(sion beca(se this act not only ma es ins(rance affordable b(t also &(ts &eo&le in control of their own health care$ The Ben4amin family will be able to choose the &lan that is best for them$ %ns(rance com&anies are no longer able to forbid ins(rance co'erage to anyone with +&re0e/isting conditions.$


Case "

Section %C *(ality) Affordable Health Care for All Americans a&&lies to this scenario$ % came to this concl(sion beca(se Jorge ,io does not ha'e health ins(rance$ Section % e/&lains that (nins(red Americans can choose their own ins(rance that is in their best interest in the com&etiti'e ins(rance mar et$


Case 9

Section %C *(ality) Affordable Health Care for All Americans a&&lies to this scenario$ % came to this concl(sion beca(se it states that the ins(rance com&anies ha'e to be honest by setting (nderstandable r(les$ %t bans ins(rance com&anies from forbidding co'erage d(e to medical conditions$ Therefore) the Johnsons sho(ld still be able to recei'e ins(rance for their family$


Case 4

Section %C *(ality) Affordable Health Care for All Americans a&&lies to this scenario$ % came to this concl(sion beca(se it states that it ma es health care more affordable$ %t

B &ro'ides enormo(s ta/ c(ts for small b(siness owners and families$ This Act can allow ,oger to get to choose his ins(rance &lans for his em&loyees and well as himself$


Case 5

Section %%%C %m&ro'ing the *(ality and 3fficiency of Health Care best a&&lies to this scenario$ This Act sa'es money in dr(g costs$ Sam wo(ld not ha'e to worry abo(t the costs of &rescri&tions anymore$ The e/tra money that he sa'es) he can attend the wellness &rogram$ The &ro'iders will recei'e incenti'es for im&ro'ement and fewer errors while treating the &atients$ Therefore the health care &ro'iders will also try harder to hel& Sam get in better health$


Case B

Section %=C ,e'en(e Pro'isions a&&lies to this scenario$ There will be a billion dollar ta/ c(t for families earning less than >"5#)###$ 2red earns >"##)### so he is able to recei'e that ta/ c(t$ Therefore he can ee& his ins(rance and will benefit from this Act$


Case D

Section =%%%C Comm(nity -i'ing Assistance Ser'ices and S(&&orts Act :C-ASS Act; a&&lies to this scenario$ Title %%% in the article) +,ead the -aw+) stated +8or ers will &ay in &remi(ms in order to recei'e a daily cash benefit if they de'elo& a disability$. The inca&ability of certain acti'ities will determine the disability$ Janet will be able to contin(e li'ing in their home$

D Bibliography

E,ead the -aw F HHS$go'1healthcare$E United States Department of Health and Human Services |$ @$&$) n$d$ 8eb$ B Se&t$ "#19$ Ghtt&C11www$hhs$go'1healthcare1rights1law1inde/$htmlH$

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