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Management CREDIT HOURS 3 Semester Hours CLASS MEETINGS Online using blackboard and course content can be accessed 2 hours a da!, " da!s a #eek, and $rom an!#here in the #orld #ith internet connection% INSTRUCTOR CONTACT INFORMATION Marie St% &ose, Ph', &( )ssociate Pro$essor o$ Health Ser*ices Management 'epartment o$ (ursing and )llied Health +o#ser +uilding, ,irst ,loor, &oom 10(or$olk State .ni*ersit! "00 Park )*enue (or$olk, /irginia 2300 1elephone2 "0"-323-2 30 4-mail2 mstrose5nsu%edu OFFICE HOURS 6ou ma! contact !our instructor b! e-mail, telephone and Marie7s blog online% 1he response time is #ithin 2 hours on #eekda!s and "2 hours on #eekends% 1he $ollo#ing hours are $or on-campus o$$ice *isits, 8++ 10-2 Monda!2 10200 )M-1200 PM 1uesda!2 2200 PM- 200 PM 9ednesda!2 3200 PM- 200 PM 1hursda!2 11200 )M- 1200 PM COURSE DESCRIPTION 1his course e:plores the principles, concepts, and practices in personnel

recruitment, selection, management, and utili;ation% 4mphasis is placed on the uni<ue characteristics o$ pro$essional, technical, skilled, and unskilled healthcare #orkers% 1he course pro*ides an in depth stud! o$ legal responsibilities, contract administration, grie*ance procedures, and inser*ices training and education% STUDENTS EXPECTED TO ENROLL IN THIS COURSE 4:pected students to enroll in this course are undergraduate =uniors in the health ser*ices management program> nursing students and other health pro$essionals #ho are pursuing the certi$icate in health ser*ices management> as #ell as those #ho are taking the health ser*ices management concentration to $ul$ill an undergraduate degree in interdisciplinar! studies% COURSE PRE-REQUISITE: HSM 300-Health Ser*ices Management CO-REQUISITE: (one COURSE RATONALE HSM 310 is the second course in a series o$ management courses that students are re<uired to take to complete the Health Ser*ices Management program COURSE GOAL 1his course pro*ides students #ith the concepts and techni<ues that managers need to per$orm to produce the desired emplo!ee beha*iors% COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES )t the end o$ this course, students #ill be able to2 .nderstand #h! human resource management is important to managers% 4:amine concepts and methodologies o$ #ork$orce planning% 4:amine the concept o$ globali;ation in relation to the health care #ork$orce%

'escribe the $unctions, educational preparation, licensure re<uirements, changing roles, and management implications o$ health care pro$essionals% ?denti$! ma=or la#s regulating the emplo!ment setting% .nderstand the importance o$ recruiting a di*erse #ork$orce be!ond race and ethnicit!% 'escribe the nature o$ =ob anal!sis and =ob design% 'escribe the processes o$ recruitment, selection, and retention% 4*aluate organi;ational de*elopment and training acti*ities% ?denti$! and describe *arious approaches $or managing emplo!ee per$ormance% .nderstand compensation management practices and policies% 4:amine the mandator! and *oluntar! bene$its o$ emplo!ees% &ecogni;e the $actors to consider #hen designing a bene$its plan% 4:plain basic $acts about issues o$ health and sa$et! in the health care emplo!ment setting% 'escribe the labor relations process% 'istinguish among nurse #orkload, sta$$ing and measurement% ?llustrate ho# e:penses are considered #hen de*eloping a labor budget% .nderstand ho# to connect human resources s!stems #ith a customer $ocused *ision% )nal!;e healthcare trends surrounding health care #ork$orce and

human resources management% COURSE OUTCOME )t least "0@ o$ the students #ill pass this course #ith a grade o$ "3 or greater% COURSE MATERIAL Buy th !"##"$%&' ( )u%( * T +t,""-: +ruce 8% , A M!ron '% , B2003C% Human &esources ?n Healthcare2 Managing $or Success B3rd ed%C% Dhicago2 Health )dministration Press% ISBN ./0-1-23/.4-5..-/6 1he te:tbook is a*ailable at the (or$olk State .ni*ersit! bookstore and at http2EE###%ama;on%com Su77# 8 &t9(y C"u(: M9t (%9#: http2EE###%apast!le%org &esource link to assist students in documenting sources o$ in$ormation% ?nstructor po#er point lecture and narrati*e notes% PRIMARY METHODS OF COURSE INSTRUCTION )ssigned readings $rom te:tbook% Online narrati*e and po#er point lecture notes% Dlass discussions% 9riting assignments% )udio presentations% Fink to 9eb site in$ormation% ?nstructor $eedback% COURSE TOPICS M"*u# 1: Strategic Human &esources Management M"*u# 5: Healthcare 9ork$orce Planning Globali;ation and the Healthcare 9ork$orce Healthcare pro$essionals

M"*u# 4: 1he legal 4n*ironment o$ Human &esources management M"*u# ;: 9ork$orce 'i*ersit! M"*u# 2: 8ob )nal!sis and 8ob design &ecruitment, Selection and &etention M"*u# 3: Organi;ational 'e*elopment and 1raining Per$ormance Management M"*u# /: Dompensation Practices, Planning and Dhallenges 4mplo!ee +ene$its M"*u# 0: Health Sa$et! and Preparedness Managing #ith Organi;ed Fabor M"*u# .: (urse 9orkload, Sta$$ing and Measurement Human &esources +udgeting and 4mplo!ee Producti*it! Dreating Dustomer-,ocused Healthcare Organi;ations Present 1rends )$$ecting ,uture o$ Human &esources Management and Healthcare 9ork$orce MODULE LEVEL LEARNING OBJECTIVES )t the end o$ module 1, the student #ill be able to2 'e$ine strategic human resources management% ?denti$! se*en human resources practices $or e$$ecti*e health care organi;ations% ?denti$! en*ironmental trends a$$ecting health care institutions% Fink the implications o$ strategic decisions on human resource practices% )t the end o$ module 2, the student #ill be able to2 ?denti$! and describe $i*e ma=or methods in #ork$orce planning% 4:plain the rationale $or #ork$orce planning% 4:plain the implications o$ international migration o$ ph!sicians

and nurses% 4numerate the $actors that moti*ate ph!sicians and nurses to migrate to other countries% 4:plain the role o$ health care pro$essionals in the human resources management $unction o$ health care organi;ations% )t the end o$ module 3, the student #ill be able to2 Fist and describe $i*e ma=or $ederal la#s dealing #ith emplo!ment% 'i$$erentiate bet#een illegal discrimination and statistical discrimination% 'e$ine the terms protected class, disparate impact, and disparate treatment% 4:plain ho# organi;ations can a*oid and deal #ith discrimination and se:ual harassment% Fist the steps in the 4<ual 4mplo!ment Opportunit! complaint process% )t the end o$ module , the student #ill be able to2 'e$ine cultural di*ersit!% 4:plain the impact o$ di*ersit! on the deli*er! o$ health care% Outline the components o$ an e$$ecti*e di*ersit! program% )t the end o$ module 0, the student #ill be able to2 'istinguish bet#een =ob anal!ses, =ob description, and =ob speci$ications% 'escribe the methods o$ =ob anal!ses% 4:plain the purpose o$ a =ob description% 9rite a =ob description% 'e*elop a =ob ad*ertisement% ?denti$! selection tools and the ad*antages and disad*antages o$ each one% 4:plain the relationship bet#een retention and recruitment%

)t the end o$ module -, the student #ill be able to2 'escribe the rationale $or training and de*elopment% 'i$$erentiate bet#een the on-the-=ob and o$$-the-=ob training% ?denti$! elements o$ a ne# orientation program% 4:plain the importance o$ succession planning de*elopment% 'iscuss the reasons organi;ations engage in per$ormance management% ?denti$! techni<ues that make the per$ormance appraisal inter*ie# success$ul% ?denti$! *arious methods $or collecting =ob per$ormance data% )t the end o$ module ", the student #ill be able to2 'istinguish bet#een e:trinsic and intrinsic re#ard% 4:plain the strategic role o$ compensation polic!% 'escribe the methods $or e*aluating the *alue o$ a =ob% 4*aluate *arious bene$its associated #ith emplo!ment% ?denti$! three ma=or $ederal la#s related to emplo!ee bene$its%

)t the end o$ module 3, the student #ill be able to2 'iscuss ho# to ha*e a sa$e and health! #orkplace en*ironment% 'iscuss #h! emplo!ees =oin unions% 4:plain #hat managers can do to impro*e labor management relationships% )t the end o$ module 9, the student #ill be able to2 ?denti$! ke! issues in managing nurse sta$$ing and #orkload% Pro*ide e:amples o$ ho# the e:pense side o$ a labor budget is determined% 4:plain the relationship bet#een human resources budgeting and emplo!ee producti*it!% 4:plain the role o$ human resources management practices in enhancing customer ser*ice%

'escribe #hat constitutes good customer ser*ice% SPRING 5<14-HSM 41<-.<-COURSE CALENDAR Th 9::%'&8 &t: 8u:t , 7":t * %& th '("u7 9::%'&8 &t : =t%"&6 Th =#9:: *%:=u::%"&: 8u:t , 7":t * "& th *%:=u::%"& ,"9(*6 C#%=- "& th :tu* &t "(% &t9t%"& ,utt"& t" 9== :: th 7("=t"( 977(">9# 977#%=9t%"& !"(86 O&#y th !%&9# +98 $%## , 7("=t"( *6 P( : &t9t%"&: 8u:t , 7":t * "& th *%:=u::%"& ,"9(*6 N" 89- -u7: 9( 9##"$ * !"( +98:, )u%?? :, =#9:: *%:=u::%"&: 9&* 9::%'&8 &t:6

J9& 2- J9& 1.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES )% &ead the s!llabus and $amiliari;e !oursel$ #ith its contents% +% ?ntroduce !oursel$ to the class and complete the blog e:ercise b! J9& 1; @5< 7"%&t:C D% &ead 8"*u# 1 learning ob=ecti*es% '% Stud! chapter 1 and lecture notes% 4% 1ake timed )u%? 1 on chapter 1on J9& 13 @5< 7"%&t:C% ,% Domplete '("u7 9::%'&8 &t 1 b! J9& 1. B4< 7"%&t:C%

M"*u# 5
J9& 5<- F , 4 J9& 51-M9(t%& Luth ( A%&' H"#%*9y

)% &ead 8"*u# 5 learning ob=ecti*es% +% Stud! chapters 2, 3, and lecture notes% D% Domplete )u%? 5 on chapters 2, 3, and on J9& 41@5< 7"%&t:B6 '% Domplete class *%:=u::%"& 1 and comment on the post o$ at least t#o classmates b! F , 4 @4< 7"%&t:B6 4% Domplete and submit the 7("=t"( 977(">9# 977#%=9t%"& !"(8 through e-mail attachment b! F , 46

M"*u# 4
F , ;- F , 1/

)% &ead 8"*u# 4 learning ob=ecti*es% +% Stud! chapter 0, and lecture notes% D% Domplete class *%:=u::%"& 5 and comment on the post o$ at least t#o classmates b! F , 1< @4< 7"%&t:B6 '% Domplete timed )u%? 4 on chapter 0 on F , 1; B5< 7"%&t:C% 4% Domplete '("u7 9::%'&8 &t 5 b! F , 1/ @4< 7"%&t:B6 )% +% D% '% &ead 8"*u# ; learning ob=ecti*es% Stud! chapter - and lecture notes% &e*ie# chapters 1-0% Domplete +98 1 on chapters 1-- on F , 51 @1<< 7"%&t:B6 4% Domplete '("u7 9::%'&8 &t 4 b! F , 5; @4< 7"%&t:B6 )% &ead 8"*u# 2 learning ob=ecti*es% +% Stud! chapters ", 3 and lecture notes% D% Domplete timed )u%? ; on chapters " and 3 on F , 50 @5< 7"%&t:B6 '% Domplete '("u7 9::%'&8 &t ; b! M9( 4 @4< 7"%&t:B6

M"*u# ;
F , 10- F , 5;

M"*u# 2
F , 52- M9( 4

M"*u# 3
M9( ;-M9( 1/

)% &ead 8"*u# 3 learning ob=ecti*es% +% Stud! chapters 9, 10, and lecture notes% D% Domplete timed )u%? 2 on chapters 9 and 10 on M9( /@5< 7"%&t:B6 '% Domplete class *%:=u::%"& 4 and comment on the post o$ at least t#o classmates b! M9( 1< @4< 7"%&t:B6 4% Domplete '("u7 9::%'&8 &t 2 b! M9( 1/ B4< 7"%&t:C% &ead 8"*u# / learning ob=ecti*es% Stud! chapters 11, 12, and lecture notes% &e*ie# chapters ", 3, 9, 10% 1ake t%8 * +98 5 on chapters "-12 on M9( 50 @1<< 7"%&t:B6 G% Domplete '("u7 9::%'&8 &t 3 b! M9( 41 @4< 7"%&t:B6 )% &ead 8"*u# 0 learning ob=ecti*es% +% Stud! chapters 13, 1 and lecture notes% D% Domplete timed )u%? 3 on chapters 13 and 1 on A7( 11@5< 7"%&t:B6 '% Post 9u*%" 7( : &t9t%"& 1 b! A7( 1; @1<< 7"%&t:B6 )% &ead 8"*u# . learning ob=ecti*es% +% Stud! chapters 10, 1-, 1", 13 and lecture notes% D% Domplete timed )u%? / on chapters 10, 1-, 1", and 13 on A7( 10 @5< 7"%&t:B6 '% Post 9u*%" 7( : &t9t%"& 5 b! A7( 53 @1<< 7"%&t:B6 )% Domplete 7("=t"( * !%&9# +98 on A7( 5. B1<< 7"%&t:C% )% +% D% '%

M"*u# /
M9( 10-M9( 41

M"*u# 0
A7( 1-A7( 1;

M"*u# .
A7( 12- A7( 53

F%&9# E+98 P (%"*

A7( 5/-M9y 4


COURSE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS C"87 t &=% : 9&* E>9#u9t%"& M th"*

COMPETENCY 9riting ?n$ormation 1echnolog!EFiterac! METHOD OF EVALUATION 9riting assignments, group pro=ect, discussion $orums 1his course is directl! linked #ith technolog!% (a*igate the *arious areas o$ blackboard to access course material and submit assignments> complete computer-based tests> access resource links to support course material% Fabor e:pense budgeting% 9riting assignments> test <uestions> group pro=ect% Presentation *ia audio% 1est <uestions> discussion $orums> and #riting assignments> group pro=ect%

Huantitati*e &easoning Scienti$ic &easoning Oral Dommunication Dritical 1hinking

T =h&%=9# S-%##: E+7 =t * "! Stu* &t: Students must be committed to distance education and possess coursespeci$ic technical skills, college le*el #riting and reading skills, and time management skills% 1echnical skills include2 1% .sing blackboard% 2% .sing e-mail% 3% Dreating $iles using Microso$t #ord% % Submitting $iles in #ord $ormat in the assigned areas o$ blackboard% 0% 'o#nloading and installing so$t#are% -% &ecording audio presentations using a laptop and sa*ing it as a #ma $ile% "% Submitting audio presentations in the assigned area in blackboard% C"87ut ( T =h&"#"'y R )u%( 8 &t: Domputer Hard#areESo$t#are $ollo#s2
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo/Quad, or intel Core i3, 15, 17




Hard Dri e #$ti%al Dri e &ideo Card 'et(or)in"

32! GB or "reater D&D Inte"rated 1!!/1!!! M*$+ ,t-ernet and/ or .irele++ /!2011 */"/n Mi%ro+o2t .indo(+ 7, &i+ta or Mi%ro+o2t .indo(+ 3P Mi%ro+o2t #22i%e 2!1!, 4do*e 5la+Player, 4do*e 4%ro*at 6eader, Mi%ro+o2t .indo(+ Media Player, 4$$le Qui%) 7ime Internet ,8$lorer 7, /, or 5ire2o8 305 and 309

#$eratin" 1y+tem



Broad*and Internet 4%%e++

'1U, Co8, &eri:on

N"t : D%9#-u7 8"* 8 ="&& =t%"& 89y =9u: 7(",# 8: , =9u: "! th u: "! >%* " %& th%: ="u(: 6 E89%# A=="u&t )ll students #ho are registered $or this course ha*e a (or$olk State e-mail account% ?t is mandator! that !ou use !our (S. e-mail account% 6our e-mail is an important component o$ this course and !ou must make sure it is #orking properl!% Please =h =- y"u( -89%# !( )u &t#y, 9t # 9:t *9%#y, $or $eedback and announcements $rom !our instructor% CI *%* &"t =h =- 8y -89%#D %: &"t 9& 9== 7t9,# +=u: % 6ou are being held responsible and accountable $or checking !our (S. e-mail in this course% Students must call the O$$ice o$ ?n$ormation 1echnolog! BO?1C at "0"-3233-"3 to acti*ate e-mail accounts%

C"u(: O('9&%?9t%"& %& B#9=-,"9(* 9&* N9>%'9t%"&9# I&:t(u=t%"&: 1he #eb site $or the +lackboard online classroom is http2EE###%nsuEblackboard Students must bro#se this site to get logon instructions to enter the course% )$ter students gain access to the course, the! ma! click on the $ollo#ing buttons to na*igate the course2 St9(t H ( 6 1his button pro*ides in$ormation about ho# to get started and #here to $ind *arious course components% Stu* &t O(% &t9t%"&6 1his button pro*ides na*igational instructions $or the course, basic computer skills, readiness assessment, academic support ser*ices, and proctor application $orm% Sy##9,u:6 1his button links !ou to the s!llabus% 1he s!llabus contains important in$ormation that #ill guide !ou throughout this course% C"u(: C9# &*9(6 1his button links !ou to the course calendar% 1he course calendar pro*ides in$ormation about #hat to do in the course and the dates to complete the course #ork% A&&"u&= 8 &t:6 1his button links !ou to messages $rom !our instructor% 6ou are responsible $or checking all announcements in blackboard and also reading them b! e-mail% I&:t(u=t"( C"&t9=t6 1his button links !ou to in$ormation about !our instructor% C"u(: D"=u8 &t:6 1his button links !ou to lecture notes, team per$ormance in$ormation, and resource links% G("u7:% 1his button links !ou to the group to #hich !ou belong a$ter the late registration period is completed% M9(% E: B#"'6 1his button links !ou to the place #here !ou #ill introduce !oursel$ to the class and to contact the instructor $or course related <uestions and concerns% 6ou #ill onl! use !our e-mail $or

personal matters% D%:=u::%"& B"9(*6 1his button links !ou to discussion topics, audio presentation topics and grading rubrics% G("u7 A::%'&8 &t:6 1his button links !ou to the group assignments and the place to submit them% 1he assignments must be submitted in a $ile $ormat% 1he grade #ill appear in the grade book a$ter the! are e*aluated% Qu%?? :6 1his button links !ou to <ui;;es% )$ter completing these <ui;;es, !ou #ill be able to use them to assess !our o#n learning and assist !ou in stud!ing $or the e:ams% E+98:6 1his button links !ou to the place to take the e:ams% My G(9* :% 1his button links !ou to the place #here !ou #ill *ie# !our grades% E-89%#% 1his button links !ou to the place #here !ou #ill send emails to !our instructor and classmates% 6ou ma! use e-mails onl! $or personal matters, other#ise use Marie7s blog% Messages and announcements posted in blackboard #ill also be sent to !ou automaticall!% H #76 1his button links !ou to blackboard help $or students% I! y"u h9> t =h&%=9# *%!!%=u#t% : $%th 9== ::%&' ,#9=-,"9(*, 7# 9: ="&t9=t ,#9=-,"9(* :u77"(t 9t /2/-054-5450F50156 M9- :u( y"u h9> 9== :: t" 9 ="87ut ( 9&* th9t %t %: $"(-%&' $ ##6 C"u(: 9&* U&%> (:%ty P"#%=y St9t 8 &t: E+98:, Qu%?? : 9&* P"#%=y St9t 8 &t: 1he e:ams and <ui;;es are multiple choice <uestions that re$lect !our understanding o$ the course material% 1he! consist o$ $actual, comprehension, application, and anal!tic <uestions%

B !"( y"u 9== :: th +98: 9&* )u%?? : 89- :u( y"u( ="87ut ( %: $"(-%&' $ ##% Th +98: 9&* )u%?? : 9( &"t "7 & &"t : 9&*F"( "7 & ,""9=t%>%t% :% 1here$ore, !our instructor e:pects !ou to be prepared b! reading and stud!ing the course material% Th !%&9# +98 8u:t , 7("=t"( *6 Th ( 9( &" += 7t%"&:% Students are responsible $or $inding a proctor and must seek prior appro*al $rom the instructor% 1he student must complete the Proctor )ppro*al )pplication posted under the student orientation tab in blackboard% Once completed, the student must submit the $orm ,y -89%# 9tt9=h8 &t b! F , 5% .pon appro*al, the instructor #ill communicate #ith the student7s proctor and the student% 6ou #ill arrange $or proctoring at a place and time that is con*enient $or !ou and the proctor% 4:amples o$ o$$ campus locations include college campuses, public libraries, high schools, and go*ernment or militar! education o$$ices% 4:amples o$ unacceptable proctors are relati*es and $riends, direct super*isors, and clerg!% ?t is likel! that the student #ill pa! a $ee $or the ser*ices o$ the proctor% ?t is mandator! that all students complete all e:ams and <ui;;es on the assigned dates to a*oid negati*e conse<uences% Th ( 9( &" 89- u7: !"( +98: 9&* )u%?? :6 T%8 * +98: $%## , 9>9%#9,# !"( 5; h"u(: $or !ou to take on the assigned date% 1he amount o$ time gi*en is to help !ou to manage !our time #isel! and to , 7("9=t%> %& 89-%&'

9##"$9&= : !"( 8 (' &=% :% 1here$ore, ? encourage !ou to make good use o$ the time gi*en and do not procrastinate% ?t is likel! that a student ma! e:perience technical di$$iculties during an e:am and ma! not be able to continue% It %: th :tu* &tE: ( :7"&:%,%#%ty t" &"t%!y th %&:t(u=t"( ,y -89%# 9&* t" !"##"$ u7 "& th ( :7"&: 6 6our instructor #ill pro*ide the time limit $or completing the e:ams in blackboard% B#9=-,"9(* $%## 9ut"89t%=9##y :9> 9&* :u,8%t y"u( +98 $h & th t%8 #%8%t +7%( :% Th ( !"( , :tu* &t: 8u:t 9>"%* %*#%&' *u(%&' t :t t9-%&' 9&* $h & +7 (% &=%&' t =h&%=9# *%!!%=u#t% :6 ?$ students ha*e documentation stating that th y h9> 9 *%:9,%#%ty, a time limit #ill not appl! #hen taking the e:ams% Stu* &t: h9> th "7t%"& t" ="8 t" th NSU =987u: !"( th %&:t(u=t"( t" 7("=t"( th !%&9# +98 "& th 9::%'& * *9t 6 Th %&:t(u=t"( $%## &"t%!y :tu* &t: "! th #"=9t%"& 9&* t%8 6 D%:=u::%"& T"7%=, P"#%=y St9t 8 &t: 9&* Et%)u tt )ll responses to the discussion <uestions must be posted on the discussion board% D" &"t : &* ( :7"&: : ,y 89%# , =9u: th y $%## &"t , '(9* *6 Students must participate in t#o #a!s2 B1C a ne# thread to respond to the discussion topic posted b! the instructor and B2C repl! to the post o$ at least t#o students% 6our responses and replies #ill be graded based on a rubric% 6ou must $amiliari;e !oursel$ #ith the rubric be$ore !ou compose and post the response% N" '(9* $%## , 9::%'& * !"( ( 7#% : u&# :: 9 & $ th( 9* t" th *%:=u::%"& t"7%= %: 7":t *6 Fate postings are not allo#ed%

Make sure !ou are posting under the right discussion topic% Dite re$erences in )P) st!le #hen using the #ork o$ others in !our discussion )*oid personal attacks #hen commenting on the postings o$ others% 6ou should address classmates #hen commenting on their postings% 'o not make an! derogator! comments% G("u7 A::%'&8 &t:, P"#%=y St9t 8 &t: 9&* Et%)u tt 6our instructor #ill assign each student to a group and #ill select a group leader% &ead the in$ormation on teambuilding posted in course documents% 1his in$ormation #ill help !ou to decide ho# to $unction as a group% )ll group members must participate in the assignments% I! 9 8 8, ( *%* &"t ="&t(%,ut , h "( :h $%## &"t ( = %> th '("u7 '(9* 6 1he responses to the assignments are not based on opinions% 1here$ore, !ou must read and stud! the course material in order to respond accuratel! and grammaticall! correct% Fate assignments are not allo#ed% 6our instructor pre$ers that groups resol*e their o#n issues% Ho#e*er, the instructor #ill be a*ailable i$ the need arises% Support !our team leader and members% +e courteous #hen communicating to team members in the online classroom and through e-mail e:changes%

4ncourage other team members to share ideas% 1he ma=orit! should rule on decisions related to the group assignments% +e considerate and meet deadlines set b! the group% ?$ !ou are unable to meet set deadlines> noti$! the group ahead o$ time% Att &*9&= P"#%=y ?n the online classroom, blackboard tracks students7 participation online% 9hile !our instructor understands that students ma! ha*e to balance school #ith other li$e responsibilities, the instructor e:pects students to appl! good time management techni<ues to complete all course #ork on time% Students ha*e the responsibilit! to noti$! the instructor b! telephone or email i$ an emergenc! arises and are unable to keep up #ith this course% N"t%= t" :tu* &t:: ?$ !ou do not login and complete course #ork during the $irst t#o #eeks, !our name #ill be lined out on the class roster% L 9(&%&' D%!!%=u#ty ?$ !ou ha*e di$$icult! in understanding concepts and other course material, please contact !our instructor immediatel! $or help% ?$ !ou do so a$ter the course #ork is completed or at the end o$ the semester, !our instructor can do nothing% EVALUATIONFASSESSMENT METHODS:


A:: ::8 &t 1 ?ntroduction 4:ercise 3 Dlass 'iscussion ,orums - 9riting )ssignments 2 )udio Presentations " Hui;;es 3 4:ams T"t9# P"%&t:

P"%&t V9#u 20 30 30 100 20 100

T"t9# P"%&t: 20 90 130 200 1 0 300 930

GRADING STANDARDS G(9*%&' S=9# 100 I 9 ) 93 I 90 )39 I 3" +J 3- I 33 + 32 I 30 +"9 I "" DJ "- I "3 D "2 I "0 D-9 I -" 'J -- I -3 ' -2 I -0 '+elo# -0 , B930-3"0 pointsC B3-9-333 pointsC B332- 300 pointsC B30 - "-3 pointsC B"-"- " 0 pointsC B"39 -"12 pointsC B"11 --"0 points B-" - - " pointsC B- -- -19 pointsC B-13- 032 pointsC B031- 00 pointsC B+elo# 00 pointsC

1he instructor reser*es the right to re*ise the grading criteria as appropriate and #ill make reasonable attempts to noti$! students as time permits% G(9* : "! CID @%&="87# t B 9( &"t 9$9(* * %& th%: ="u(: 6 N" +t(9 =( *%t $"(- %: 9$9(* *6

H"$ t" =9#=u#9t y"u( '(9* 6ou can calculate !our grade at an! gi*en time during the semester using the $ollo#ing e<uation2 Grade K BPoints earned di*ided b! Possible pointsC : 100 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STANDARDS ?n keeping #ith its mission, the .ni*ersit! seeks to prepare its students to be kno#ledgeable, $orthright, and honest% ?t e:pects and re<uires academic honest! $rom all members o$ the .ni*ersit! communit!% )cademic honest! includes adherence to guidelines established b! the .ni*ersit! $or the use o$ its libraries, computers, and other $acilities% L)cademic or academicall! related misconduct7 includes, but not limited to, unauthori;ed collaboration or use o$ e:ternal in$ormation during e:aminations, plagiari;ing or representing another7s ideas as one7s o#n, $urnishing $alse academic in$ormation to the .ni*ersit!, $alsel! obtaining, distributing, using, or recei*ing test material> obtaining or gaining unauthori;ed access to e:aminations or academic research materials, soliciting or o$$ering unauthori;ed academic in$ormation or materials, improperl! altering or inducing another to alter improperl! an! academic record, or engaging in an! conduct #hich is intended or reasonabl! likel! to con$er upon one7s sel$ or another an un$air ad*antage or un$air bene$it respecting an academic matter B(S. .ndergraduate Datalog, 2009-2011, p% 3"C% AMERICANS GITH DISABILITIES ACT STATEMENT ?n accordance #ith Section 00 o$ the 19"3 &ehabilitation )ct and the )mericans #ith 'isabilities )ct B)')C o$ 1990, i$ !ou ha*e a disabilit! or think !ou ha*e a disabilit!, contact Supporting Students through 'isabilit! Ser*ices BSS'SC $or in$ormation regarding programs and ser*ices to enhance student success% Focation2 Student Ser*ices +uilding, Suite 110, &oom 110' 1elephone2 323-201 UNIVERSITY ASSESSMENT STATEMENT )s part o$ (or$olk State .ni*ersit! commitment to pro*ide the en*ironment and resources needed $or success, students ma! be re<uired to participate in a number o$ uni*ersit!-#ide assessment acti*ities% 1he acti*ities ma! include tests, sur*e!s, $ocus groups and inter*ie#s, and port$olio re*ie#s% 1he primar! purpose o$ the assessment acti*ities is to determine the e:tent to #hich the uni*ersit!7s programs and ser*ices maintain a high le*el o$

<ualit! and meet the needs o$ students% Students #ill not be identi$ied in the anal!sis o$ results% .nless indicated other#ise b! the instructor, results $rom .ni*ersit! assessment acti*ities #ill not be computed in student grades% SUCCESS TIPS Success$ul completion o$ this course #ith a grade o$ "3 or higher comes $rom doing the important things that are necessar! to obtain the desired grade2 1% 'o not procrastinate because it is detrimental to online learning and #ill reduce !our chances o$ success in this course% ?n other #ords stud! and do course #ork no# instead o$ later% 2% Set deadlines that are consistent #ith those o$ !our instructor to complete assignments% 3% &ead, think criticall!, ask <uestions, understand, re$lect on #hat !ou ha*e learned, and appl! #hat !ou ha*e learned% % 1hink positi*el! because thoughts usuall! guide actions% 0% 6our instructor is here to help !ou> there$ore, !ou must speak up%


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