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Total Expected Cost $12,606.


Traveling Students Include: Jasmine West Jada Brown Das ia Watson Cameron B!tler Breanna Dennis

Travel Date
"a# 10, 201$ % "a# 2&, 201$

Chosen Cities
Tainan and 'ao si!n(

Breanna Dennis Flight Itinerary Costs

W will tra)el !sin( *nited +irline. We will depart ,rom -or,ol., /+ at 7am "a# 10, 201$ to C ica(o. 0rom C ica(o, we ,l# to 1on( 'on(. We will arri)e at 'ao si!n( at 220 am on "a# 11 and we tra)eled !sin( *nited +irline. Eac passen(er3s is 1740.22 ,or a ro!nd trip

Jada Brown Hotel Information

'ao si!n(5 Jin Bao 1otel Twin 6oom 7 -i( ts, t ree 6ooms, "ax 6 +d!lt7s8 Brea.,ast 9ncl!ded, 0ree Cancellation: 7 -i( ts 7*;D $2&1.2$8 Brea.,ast 9ncl!ded 1otel tax and ser)ice ,ees x 7 -i( ts 7*;D $&$.0<8 Location: ;anmin District, 'ao si!n( Chec !in: 0ri 17 "a# 201$

Chec out: 0ri 2& "a# 201$ Desi(ned ,or =ot =!siness and leis!re tra)el, Jin Bao 1otel is ideall# sit!ated in ;anmin District> one o, t e cit#?s most pop!lar locales. 0rom ere, (!ests can en@o# eas# access to all t at t e li)el# cit# as to o,,er. -o less exceptional is t e otel?s eas# access to t e cit#?s m#riad attractions and landmar.s, s!c as Aio! e To!rist -i( t ", 'ao si!n( "ain *nder(ro!nd Train ;tation, and 'ao si!n( 6ailwa# ;tation. T e otel o,,ers access to a )ast arra# o, ser)ices, incl!din( la!ndr# ser)iceBdr# cleanin(, room ser)ice, ele)ator, 2& r room ser)ice, =ic#cle rental. 9t is ,!rnis ed to pro)ide com,orts s!c as air conditionin(, internet access % wireless 7complimentar#8, re,ri(erator, internet access % A+- 7complimentar#8, complimentar# =ottled water. Besides, t e otel?s ost o, recreational o,,erin(s ens!res #o! a)e plent# to do d!rin( #o!r sta#.

Tainan5 Cam=rid(e Tainan 1otel Del!xe Twin 7 -i( ts, t ree 6ooms, "ax 6 +d!lt7s8 7 -i( ts 7*;D 1,&74.&<8 Brea.,ast 9ncl!ded 1otel tax and ser)ice ,ees x 7 -i( ts 7*;D $62.168 Location: Tainan Cit#, Tainan Chec !in: 0ri 10 "a# 201$ Chec out: 0ri 17 "a#, 201$

Con)enientl# located in t e eart o, Tainan, Cam=rid(e Tainan 1otel o,,ers a com,orta=le and con)enient accommodation in a prime spot. 0rom t e propert#, (!ests can explore all t e cit# as to o,,ers wit =!siness areas and s oppin( )en!es near=#, =ot =!siness tra)elers and olida#ma.ers will appreciate its location ali.e. Cettin( aro!nd can also =e done wit ease w en train station and airport not ,ar awa#. 0or ea(er to!rists, Tainan3s

ma@or istoric attraction, C i 5'an Tower, is sit!ated ri( t across ,rom t e otel. +irport trans,er a)aila=le Total otel costsD $2&26.&4

In!Country Travel Costs

We will tra)el aro!nd t e co!ntr# =# taxi. + lar(e n!m=er o, taxis are a)aila=le in most ma@or cities. Taxi ,ares in all ma@or cities are set =# t e local cit# (o)ernment itsel,, and t ere are ,ew )ariations. Tainan is a=o!t $0 miles ,rom 'ao si!n(. Taxi ,are startin( price is $2.$6 *;D. 9t is =ased on t e meter pl!s a 1<E s!rc ar(e, i( wa# tolls not incl!ded. Taxis will also transport passen(ers t ro!( o!t all o, Taiwan accordin( to passen(er need. 0ares are c ar(ed accordin( to set standard rates. Dri)in( ,rom 'ao si!n( Cit# to Tainan Cit# will =e a=o!t $$<.00. T e estimated costs ,or tra)elin( to and ,rom e)ents, as well as, to and ,rom t e cities will =e $200.

Dashia "atson #enues$%vents

7/en!es will =e /isited m!ltiple times8
Total cost ,or all e)ents incl!din( ,i)e people is $2<0.

E)ents in Tainan, Taiwan

T e Con,!cian Temple 7"a# 10t 5128
Completed in 1666, Tainan3s Con,!cian Temple is one o, t e oldest and most istoricall# important =!ildin(s in Taiwan. T e temple ser)ed as Taiwan3s ,irst o,,icial sc ool. T e

Con,!cian Temple is one o, Tainan3s premier to!rist attractions. 7cost F,ree to wal. t e (ro!nds8

T e Crand "ats! Temple 7"a# 1$t G 1&t 8

T e Crand "ats! Temple o, Tainan was t e ,irst o,,iciall# dedicated "ats! Temple in Taiwan. 9t (ains additional esteem =eca!se aro!nd t e time o, its dedication t e deit# "ats! was ele)ated in stat!s, and so t is temple was t e ,irst to =e named Tian o! or ea)enl# (oddess. T is is one o, t e lar(est temples in Tainan cit#, especiall# amon( t e old and istoric ones. 7costF ,ree to )isit and wal. t e (ro!nds8

Eternal Colden Castle 7Er.!ns en 0ortress8 7"a# 1<t 517t 8

T is was t e ,irst modern5era ,ort =!ilt in Taiwan. 9ts t ree ectors consist o, a sH!are central ,ield wit lar(e walls s!rro!ndin( it. T e ,ort did not =lossom as a to!rist attraction and piece o, c!lt!ral erita(e !ntil its centennial. 9n 1476, t e (o)ernment repaired t e ,ort and called ,or a #ear o, to!rism. 0or t e next se)eral #ears, t e area was de)eloped ,or to!rism and in 142$> t e ,ort was named a

national ,irst class istoric site. 7costF $<0 ,or ad!lts, $2< ,or c ildren8

E)ents in 'ao si!n(, Taiwan

"art#rs ; rine 7ma# 12t 520t 8
Aocated at t e top o, ; o!s an "o!ntain, it was ori(inall# a Japanese ; into ; rine. T e Japanese re=!ilt it into t e 'ao si!n( ; rine to enco!ra(e t e since o, !nit# d!rin( world war two. T ese da#s3 local (o)ernment o,,icials per,orm important ceremonies ere. 7cost F,ree to )isit and wal. t e (ro!nds8

Aot!s Aa.e 7"a# 21st G22nd8

T is ,amo!s scenic area on t e nort ern o!ts.irts o, 'ao si!n( Cit# is noted ,or its pro,!sion o, temples, wit t e Con,!ci!s Temple at its nort ern ed(e and, in t e so!t , t e Dra(on and Ti(er Ia(odas and in t e sprin( and a!t!mn pa)ilions. T e la.e is most =ea!ti,!l in late a,ternoon, w en t e settin( s!n is re,lected in t e water. 7costF ,ree to )isit and wal. t e (ro!nds8

Dream "all 7"a# 2$rd8

-at!re, li,e, and maritime c!lt!re con)er(e at Dream "all, 'ao si!n( Cit#3s ,irst international class s oppin( and leis!re center. T e new mall is sit!ated in 'ao si!n( "!lti,!nctional commerce and Trade Iar. ad@acent to C en((on( 6d. and J on( !a 6d. T e s oppin( area o, Dream "all co)ers a=o!t 2<7,000 sH!are meters o, t e total ,loor space o, &00,000 sH!are meters accommodatin( nearl# 600 ma@or retail s ops. 7costF ,ree to )isit and wal. t e (ro!ndsB personal mone# ,or s oppin( needed8

Cameron Butler Cost of &eals 'estaurants$Ty(es of Foods

)"e will *e dining at each restaurant listed for dinner on the s(ecific date listed+ )Late *runches will *e eaten at the hotels that all offer free *rea fast+

'estaurants in Tainan

"a# 10 % We will dine at KWill#?s Bar and CrillL on -o $21 section 2 Jian( 'an( 6oad, Tainan. We will s are 2 Aar(e Iepperoni IiaMMas w ic will cost $1&.22 alto(et er. "a# 11 % We will dine at K"asala 9ndian 6esta!rantL on 146 W!,ei ;treet, Tainan, Taiwan. We will eat Tandoori C ic.en, w ic cost $1<. "a# 12 % We will dine at K+lle# Creen 6esta!rantL on 62, Aane 66, ;ection $, C an(ron( 6oad, Tainan> We will eat ;almon ,or $2. "a# 1$ % We dine at KNellow BeeL on 16, lane 22, DaO!e 6oad, Tainan. We will all eat a Western ;t#le 1am=!r(er and it will cost $6. "a# 1&5 We will dine at K0! Oin /e(etarian 6esta!rantL on 67 -an men 7;o!t Cate8 6oad, Tainan. We will all en@o# and 0r!it ;alad ,or $12. "a# 1<5 We will dine at K1e#e 1!o(!oL on 2<2 Oialin 6oad, ; inan District, and Tainan. We will eat some Bisi Bele Bat ,or $7. "a# 165 We will dine at K; an( ai 1aoweidao Oiaolon( Tan(=aoL on 26 Don( +n 6oad, East District, Tainan Cit#, Taiwan 701, Tainan. We will eat some ;o!r D!mplin(s ,or $4. "a# 175 We will dine at KTin Ian +lle#L on 22 Beiman 6d., ;ec. 2, and Tainan. We will eat a Aar(e IiMMa ,or $1&.

Total F $$1$.22

'estaurants in ,aohsiung
"a# 175 We will dine at KT e Ba#oL We will eat Cat,is tenders ,or $10. "a# 125 We will dine at KWan( ;tea.L on 22, J on(M en( $rd 6d., Oinxin( Dist, and 'ao si!n(. We will eat stea. ,or $1&. "a# 145 We will dine at K;mo.e# Joe?sL on $12 TM!#! 2nd 6oad, 'ao si!n(. We will eat a 0!ll 6ac. o, 6i=s ,or $2$. "a# 20 5We will dine at K0rida#?s 7W!,!8L on 2< W!0! $rd 6oad, Cian@in District, 'ao si!n(. We will eat t e ;pic# T ai C ic.en ;alad ,or $10. "a# 215 We will dine at KAa ore 71alal8L on 26, AinC !an ;t.,Ain(Na, 'ao si!n(. We will eat T e E(#ptian salad ,or $$. "a# 225 We will dine at KJen(@on( 6i=s 6iceL on 6$ J en(M on( 6oad, ;anmin District, and 'ao si!n(. We will eat 6i=s and 6ice ,or $1$. "a# 2$ 5We will dine at KNaletown BistroL on 265$, Oin(!an( 6d, Ain(#a District, and 'ao si!n(. We will eat some C eese C!rds and drin. =eer ,or $10. "a# 2&5 We will dine at KAai Aai ;ea,ood Bar=ec!e 6esta!rantL on <$ "ins en( 2nd 6d, 'ao si!n(. We will eat ; rimp, Cat 0is and Iotatoes ,or $10. Total F $&6<.00

Jasmine "est -eneral Country Facts

Taiwan is located in ;o!t eastern +sia, near C ina, Japan, and ;o!t 'orea. T e Capital o, Taiwan is Tapei Cit#. Taiwan is t e se)enteent lar(est co!ntr# inn t e world. T e o,,icial lan(!a(e is "andarin. 1i( temperat!re and !midit#, massi)e rain,all and tropical c#clones in s!mmer c aracteriMe t e climate o, Taiwan. Taiwan?s ann!al a)era(e temperat!re is a=o!t 2& de(rees Celsi!s in t e so!t and 22PC in t e nort . 9n J!l#, t e warmest mont , t e island?s temperat!re (oes !p to 27PC wit t e nort sli( tl# warmer t an t e so!t . 9n t e winter, t e coldest a)era(e temperat!re ,or t e nort is a=o!t 1<PC in 0e=r!ar# w ile t at ,or t e so!t is aro!nd 14PC in Jan!ar#. T e expected weat er in Taiwan d!rin( o!r )isit wo!ld a)era(e 2& de(rees Celsi!s, w ic con)erts to 7<.2 de(rees 0a ren eit. T is is )er# nice weat er so onl# a li( t wo!ld =e needed. We will =rin( s orts, alter5tops, @ac.ets, and ,lip5,lops. T e tropical c#clone season r!ns ,rom "a# to -o)em=er. Beca!se o!r trip is sc ed!led ,rom "a# 10t % "a# 2&t , 201$ it is possi=le t at a t#p oon co!ld come w ile we are )isitin( Taiwan. ;ince we are tra)elin( o!t o, t e co!ntr#, we wo!ld a)e to ta.e t e necessar# steps in order to recei)e an# )accinations =e,ore lea)in(. Based on t e trips t at we wo!ld =e w ile in Taiwan, it is necessar# to =rin( s oes. Considerin( will =e seein( man# istoric =!ildin(s a camera wo!ld also =e a (ood idea, i, allowed to.

"or s Cited
QCam=rid(e Tainan 1otel.Q Agoda. -.p., n.d. We=. 24 Jan. 201$. R ttpDBBwww.a(oda.comBasiaBtaiwanBtainanBcam=rid(eStainanS otel. tmlT. C ian(, Iin(5@an, wen5s !o '!o, C en '!o5#en, and 1eie C ian5min. QT e Climate o, Taiwan.Q UVWWXaYM. -.p., n.d. We=. 6 0e=. 201$. R ttpDBBtw(eo(.(eo.ntn!.ed!.twBen(lis Bclimatolo(#Bclimatolo(#. tmT. QDisco)er Taiwan T Climate T .Q Welcome to Taiwan. -.p., n.d. We=. 6 0e=. 201$. R ttpDBBen(<T. QJin Bao 1otel.Q Agoda. -.p., n.d. We=. 24 Jan. 201$. R ttpDBBwww.a( si!n(B@inS=aoS otel. tmlT. Q'ao si!n( Tra)el Vnline.Q 'ao si!n( Tra)el Vnline. 'ao si!n( Cit# Co)ernment. 2011, n.d. We=. 0$ 0e=. 201$. Q6esta!rants in 'ao si!n(.Q 5 Trip+d)isor. -.p., n.d. We=. 06 0e=. 201$. QTainan Cit# C!ide.Q Tainan Cit# C!ide. -.p., n.d. We=. 0$ 0e=. 201$. QTainan 6esta!rants.Q D ;ee &0 6esta!rants wit 77 6e)iews. -.p., n.d. We=. 06 0e=. 201$ QTaiwan Weat erD Climate wit Weat er 0orecast, Best Time to /isit.Q C ina Tra)el +(enc# wit 2&B7 To!r ;er)ice 5 Tra)elC inaC!ide. -.p., n.d. We=. 6 0e=. 201$. R ttpDBBwww.tra)elc ina(!ide.comBclimateBtaipei QTaxi 0are in Taipei, Taiwan. Taxi Irices Calc!lator ,or Taipei.Q Cost of Living. -.p., n.d. We=. 7 0e=. 201$. R ttpDBBwww.n!m=eo.comBtaxi5 ,areBcit#Sres!lt.@spZ co!ntr#FTaiwanGcit#FTaipeiGdispla#C!rrenc#F*;DT. QT e 1eart o, +sia.Q Taiwan. -.p., n.d. We=. 24 Jan. 201$. Ren( QWelcome to Taiwan.Q Welcome to Taiwan. 201$ To!rism B!rea!, 6ep!=lic o, C ina, n.d. We=. 0$ 0e=. 201$.

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