Educ 202 Evaluation of Student Performancedraft 2011-12 4 2

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Co ege o' So(thern Idaho Ed(cation )*) + "ie d E,-erience + . Credit E/ALUATION O" STUDENT !

As the instructor or cooperating teacher for EDUC 202, you are asked to evaluate the performance of the student enrolled in your course or completing field experience in your classroom. lease rate the student on each of the dimensions listed !elo" using the scale from 0 #$ndicator %ot &et' to 2 #$ndicator at (arget'. (hank you for your assistance. %ame of C)$ )tudent* +++++++,anelle -rti.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Coordinating (eacher* Dr. Dave &akings++++++++++++++++ )chool* +D"orshak++++ /ield Experience Coordinator* Claudia 0odrigue.
DIMENSION LITERACY/COMMUNICATION: (Idaho Core Teaching Standard 6) 2 Communicates effectively 2 Communicates appropriately 2 565 2 $%D$CA(-0 %-( &E( 0 $%D$CA(-0 ACCE (A12E 3 $%D$CA(-0 A( (A04E( 2 )C-0E


Indicator Tota
!RO"ESSIONAL COMMITMENT AND RES!ONSI#ILITY: (Idaho Core Teaching Standard $) 2 Conveys a positive image 2 Displays enthusiasm 2 Uses decision7making skills 2 Demonstrates responsi!ility 2 )ho"s respect for others 2 Demonstrates initiative 2 )ho"s commitment to teaching 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Indicator Tota Coordinating Teacher Co%%ent&:


Coordinating (eacher )ignature* __Claudia 2039++++++++

Rodriguez______ Date* +++/e!ruary 28,

EDUC )*) "ie d E,-erience Chec0 i&t E1a (ation (o the coordinating teacher* 1elo" is a list of field experience activities that "e "ould like you to evaluate for your C)$ /ield Experience student. :hile "e #Education faculty at C)$' do not expect that each field experience student "ill have the opportunity to perform or participate in all of these activities, "e do hope that the field experience is a !road and as diverse as possi!le. lease place a checkmark in either the 2e& or no column. :hat makes the field experience course so rich is the a!ility for the student to spend some time o!serving the cooperating teacher in his or her setting. During this time, the C)$ student "ill !e a!le to take notes, get a feel for the classroom routine, and o!serve student learning, look at items hanging on the "alls, and get a general feel for ho" things go. ;o"ever, the most important aspect of /ield Experience is the time the students spend actually doing the things that teachers do. "ie d e,-erience &t(dent: is punctual. is dependa!le. dressed appropriately for the educational atmosphere. asked =uestions "hen appropriate. adhered to school policies6classroom policies. <es < < < < < %o Comments

$n order for the C)$ faculty to gain an understanding of the activities the student experienced, please place a checkmark in either the yes or no column. (hank you. Additionally, rest assured that the C)$ /ield Experience student is not penali.ed if he6she does not complete all activities listed. "ie d E,-erience St(dent: <es %o Comments < >ery good "ith "orking "orked "ith small groups on defined tasks. "orked "ith individual students.
< "ith the students especially "ith the struggling ones ,anelle "ould encourage those that "ere struggling to try their !est and she "ould model for them

attended a faculty meeting. graded papers and6or recorded grades. designed and put up a !ulletin !oard. ran copies. laminated materials. !ound materials. o!served or participated in arent (eacher conferences. developed and presented a lesson or activity. Ad%ini&trati1e E1a (ation
#(o !e completed !y C)$ /ield Experience $nstructor'

% % < % % % % <

&ath &eeting 1oard

,anelle has helped "ith the &orning Calendar !oard

)tandard %ot &et

)tandard Accepta!le 3 3

Rating o' Standard 6 Rating o' Standard $

0 0

)tandard at (arget 2 2

C)$ $nstructor )ignature* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Date+++++++++++++++++

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