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Jada Brown INT 322-90 Assignment #6 Denise Snowden-Langley S !mitted "ar#$ 9% 20&3 1. How does one regain curiosity?

Explain The first step is to realize that lack of interest and the tendency to take everything for granted are not natural, but ac uired, characteristics. !ne can regain curiosity by appropriate exercise. "or exa#ple?

$. How does one lose curiosity? Explain There are #any factors, such as television, that entertain, rather than sti#ulate thought. %ost people lose the habit of #eaningful uestions about the world around the#. "or exa#ple, and besides non&hu#an factors, who else influences the loss of curiosity? 'arents? Teachers?

(. )hat are the six helpful techni ues the author suggests will assist in regaining curiosity? *ist the# and explain each. +e observant, begin looking at and listening to people, places, and things #ore closely. Try to pick up details that you-d ordinarily #iss. *ook for the i#perfections in things, #eans realizing where i#prove#ents can be #ade. .ecognize that everything is open to i#prove#ent. /ote your own and others- dissatisfactions, take note of the dissatisfactions you feel in situations. 0earch for causes, +e alert to any significant situation or event you cannot explain satisfactorily. )onder how they got to be and the way they are and how they work. +e sensitive to i#plications, *ots of things #ake an i#pact whose extent is seldo# fully realized at first. .ecognize the i#pact before others. .ecognize the opportunity in controversy, This is the opportunity to be adventurous, explore new perspectives, and enrich their understanding.

Part II: 1o#plete Application 2.1 )hat was application 2.1? 3 tried this application at olive !live g4arden on the #orning of 0aturday, %arch 56, $51(.

The conversations that 3 heard, included people talking about the food and another set of people talking about how big the baby was growing. 7 few 1aucasian wo#en were talking about the different ite#s on the #enu. They expressed their opinion about the food. 8That was good9, 3 like that9:, 8That was not as good as 3 thought.: That-s pretty #uch all 3 heard. The next table on the other side of us was talking to a baby in a high chair. 0ayingsaying, 8;ou are getting so big:, andbig.: and 8;ou want so#e?: They were all in the baby-s face for a while. %y boyfriend and 3 were engaged in a conversation talking about work. There were no co#plaints. )e both recently <ust got offered a new <ob. )e talked about our duties and pay at the <obs. The environ#ent at olive garden was cal#9, the waiter was nice. 0he was not eligible for a tip, but she was okay. The environ#ent see#ed natural.

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