Urban Models Quiz

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Urban Models Quiz

Question 1

They stay the same They decrease They increase

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Question 2
Which landuse zone is being described below?

"This area contains back to back terraced housing. The streets are laid out in a linear,
grid iron pattern"

CBD Outer suburbs Inner City

Wrong answer 2

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Correct answer 2

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Question 3
Council estates are usually found in which landuse

Inner City Inner Suburbs Outer Suburbs

Wrong answer 3

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Correct answer 3

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Question 4
What is the function or use of an area of land known as?

Land value Landuse Relief

Wrong answer 4

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Correct answer 4

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Question 5

Why is the concentric circle model (or Burgess model) useful?

They provide a simplistic

overview of the layout It illustrates the layout of They are true to life and
of land use in an a city in an LEDC fit most cities.
MEDC city
Wrong answer 5

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Correct answer 5

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Question 6
What problems are associated with the use of landuse

They only show the

layout in an LEDC
city and do not They only fit cities in They are too simplistic and
accurately show the France and the USA rarely match a given city.
location of shanty
Wrong answer 6

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Correct answer 6

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Question 7
What does the term gentrification means?

Wealthy middle class People moving from the

people moving into the Migrating from urban to inner city to the
inner city and redeveloping rural areas. outer suburbs
the housing.
Wrong answer 7

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Correct answer 7

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Question 8
Which of the following is not likely to be associated with
the CBD?

Office blocks Setting up heavy industry High order shops

Wrong answer 8

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Correct answer 8

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Question 9
Which of the following is not likely to be associated with the
inner city?

Large open spaces Linear street patterns Restricted car parking space
Wrong answer 9

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Correct answer 9

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• Make up 3 - 5 more questions about land
use models, based on other models you
have studied.

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