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uear Cuardlans,

l am looklng forward Lo a wonderful school year and wanL Lo sLarL off by saylng, Lhank
you. 1hank you for supporLlng and LrusLlng me Lo help your chlld learn and grow. l belleve lL ls
lmporLanL Lo lnform you wlLh some lnformaLlon ln regards Lo my educaLlonal phllosophy.

ln addlLlon Lo academlc goals, l wanL each sLudenL Lo leave my classroom aL Lhe end of
Lhe school year a beLLer clLlzen. l wanL your chlld Lo noL only learn buL Lo change ln Lhe process.
l belleve LhaL chlldren have Lhe poLenLlal Lo excel on an lndlvldual level lf Lhey are passlonaLe
abouL Lhelr learnlng. l wlll do my besL Lo provlde relevanL, real-world learnlng experlences for
Lhem as ofLen as posslble. 1hls role ls whaL l call Leacher as a change agenL". lL ls my hope LhaL
Lhls goal wlll be a Leam efforL and as Lhelr guardlan, you wlll encourage and supporL Lo Lhe besL
of your ablllLy.

l plan on uLlllzlng sLraLegy-based lnsLrucLlon ln Lhe classroom, Lhls ls a form of learner-
focused Leachlng. SLraLegy based lnsLrucLlon provldes sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo undersLand
whaL Lhey learn ln Lhe classroom as well as how Lhey can learn more effecLlvely and efflclenLly.
1hls sLyle of Leachlng ls expllclL and focuses heavlly on scaffolded lnsLrucLlon. 1hls means l wlll
supporL your chlld by provldlng numerous examples as well as showlng Lhem how lL ls done

A few addlLlonal phllosophles perLaln Lo learnlng sLyle. l belleve LhaL sLudenLs learn besL
when lnformaLlon ls presenLed ln a way Lhey undersLand. 1hls means l wlll do my besL Lo Leach
each concepL a few dlfferenL ways. Along wlLh Lhls ldea of Leachlng sLudenLs ln mulLlple ways, l
also plan on dlfferenLlaLlng lnsLrucLlon. 8y dlfferenLlaLlng lnsLrucLlon l can reach more sLudenLs
on Lhelr lnsLrucLlonal level and provlde a beLLer learnlng experlence.

l am here for you and your chlld so please feel free Lo conLacL me wlLh any quesLlons or
concerns. l am always Lrylng Lo flnd addlLlonal ways Lo supporL and lmprove so please uLlllze me
as a resource for chlld's educaLlonal needs. l am here for you and your chlld. l look forward Lo
an amazlng year!

Ms. Anderson

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