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Angelique Bolognese January 29, 14 Classroom Rules Theme: Birds Explanation:

1.) No background fluttering 2.) Raise your wing to fly

a. This rule would apply to any all of those annoying sounds that students like to make either squeaking their chair or tapping their pencil and/or talking to their neighbor. a. Students need to raise their hand to ask questions, input a statement or share what they want to say with the class. a. Students are to keep their desk and floor area clean. b. This rule will also apply to center areas of the classroom that students may be nesting in temporarily. a. Students are to respect the speaker, whether it be the teacher, a guest speaker or a fellow peep

3.) Dont leave your nest a mess

4.) Always listen when someone is tweeting 5.) Dont act like a baby bird

a. This rule will stand for students having manners and not acting like a baby for their grade appropriate level

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No background fluttering!

Raise your wing to fly.

Dont leave your nest a mess.

Always listen when someone is tweeting.

Dont act like a baby bird.

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