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Thls book ls based on the STREET TALK Studcnt 8cck by Davld Burke and Davld Harrlngton.

A very
speclal thanks goes to Davld Harrlngton, the author of Spcnking cj Spccch, Disccucr Dcbntc,
Cctting Rcndy jcr Spccch," Listcn Kids, Hi Fcrjcrmnncc, andvhnts in thc Cnrds: Hls help ln pavlng
the vay for a nev excltlng look for the serles ls hlghly appreclated. I am grateful for hls sense of
cleverness, endless lmaglnatlon and creatlvlty. I admlre hls sense of humor and style.
Book Deslgn and Productlon: Slangman Publlshlng
Copy Edltor: Julle Bobrlck
Front Cover Illustratlon: Ty Semaka
Inslde Illustratlons: Ty Semaka
Copyrlght 2000, 200 by Davld Burke
Publlshed by Slangman Publlshlng 2 North Moss Street, Burbank, CA 9l02 USA
Telephone: l-SlS-S-662
Vorldvlde Fax number: l-l-6;-lS9
Slangman ls a trademark of Davld Burke. All rlghts reserved.
Reproductlon or translatlon of any part of thls vork beyond that permltted by sectlon l0; or l0S of the
l9;6 Unlted States Copyrlght Act vlthout the permlsslon of the copyrlght ovner ls unlavful. Requests for
permlsslon or further lnformatlon should be addressed to the Permlsslons Department, Slangman
Publlshlng, Inc.
Thls publlcatlon ls deslgned to provlde accurate and authorltatlve lnformatlon ln regard to the sub|ect
matter covered. It ls sold vlth the understandlng that the publlsher ls not engaged ln renderlng legal,
accountlng, or other professlonal servlces. If legal advlce or other expert asslstance ls requlred, the
servlces of a competent professlonal person should be sought.
The persons, entltles and events ln thls book are flctltlous. Any slmllarltles vlth actual persons or entltles,
past and present, are purely colncldental.
ISBN10: 1891888080
ISBN1: 9]8189188808
Prlnted ln the Unlted States of Amerlca
l0 9 S ;
ne of the most lmportant
parts of any language ls to
be able to understand vhat
you hear. These exerclses
can all be found on the
audlo program. (Scc ccupcn
cn bnck pngc jcr dctniis)
These exerclses relnforce
vlsual recognltlon of the
slang terms and ldloms
presented throughout thls
These oral exerclses are
deslgned to help you to
begln speaklng and
thlnklng llke a natlve.
These exerclses lnclude
flll-lns, crossvord puzzles,
vord matches and many
other fun vord games to
help you use the nev terms
ln context.
(Ansucrs cn p. 1}1)
l. Don`t get so upset! 0et o grp!
Cct n grip means: . . . . . . . . . Leave me alone . . . . . . . . Cet control of your emotlons
2. Vhat a great party! I`m houng o blost!
hnuing n binst means: . . . . . . . terrlbly bored . . . . . . . . . . havlng a great tlme
. Rob seems a llttle upset. Whots up uth hlm
vhnts up uith him means: . . . . Vhat`s vrong vlth hlm. . . . Vhat`s he vearlng
. That`s not hls real halr. I thlnk lt`s a rug.
l think its n rug means: . . . . . . I thlnk lt`s a halrplece . . . . . I thlnk lt`s a shlrt
. That story can`t be true. You`re puttng me on.
\curc putting mc cn means: . . . You`re dlsagreelng vlth me. . You`re klddlng me
6. 0et o lood oj that dress. Isn`t lt ugly
Cct n icnd cj thnt drcss means: . . Look at that dress . . . . . . . Buy that dress
;. Davld exerclses a lot. He`s a hunk.
Hcs n hunk means: . . . . . . . . He`s an ldlot . . . . . . . . . . He`s a muscular man
S. You drove dovn that one-vay street agalnst trafflc! No woy!
Nc uny' means: . . . . . . . . . . That`s vonderful! . . . . . . . That`s lmposslble!
9. Vhy do you keep crltlclzlng me! 0et ojj my cose!
Cct cjj my cnsc means: . . . . . . Co on a trlp! . . . . . . . . . . Stop nagglng me!
l0. I`m not lnvltlng Dlane to my party. I cont stond her.
l cnnt stnnd hcr means: . . . . . . I really llke her . . . . . . . . . I can`t tolerate her
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-A: TRAtK 2
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Deb ble and Becky are at tend lng a party.
Dcb bic: I don`t knov vhy I let you convlnce me to come here. I hate partles.
8ccky: Vould you get a gzg Thls ls golng to be a bIast!
Dcb bic: h, no. Look vho |ust valked ln. Shella Hampton. I cant stand her. She alvays
gets on my case because she doesn`t llke the vay I dress.
8ccky: Vhat! Dld you get a Ioad o that tlny dress she`s vearlng Her belt`s so tlght lt looks
llke she`s belng cut ln half! Hey, lsn`t that Ernle Mllton she`s vlth
Dcb bic: Yeah, you`re rlght. He`s galned so much velght! And whats ug wth hls halr
8ccky: Vhat halr I don`t knov vhat you thlnk, but I thlnk lt`s a zug.
Dcb bic: No way! You`re guttng me on! He vas such a hunk! He`s changed so much ln
ten years!
8ccky: I remember. I vonder vhat happened to hlm. Uh oh. I thlnk Shella`s vavlng at us.
They`re both comlng thls vay!
Dcb bic: h, no. Run!
Deb ble and Becky are at tend lng a party.
Dcb bic: I don`t knov vhy I let you convlnce me to come here. I hate partles.
8ccky: Vould you get contzoI o youz emotons Thls ls golng to be a gzeat tme!
Dcb bic: h, no. Look vho |ust valked ln. Shella Hampton. I can`t toIezate her. She alvays
cztczes me because she doesn`t llke the vay I dress.
8ccky: Vhat! Dld you take a good Iook at that tlny dress she`s vearlng Her belt`s so tlght
lt looks llke she`s belng cut ln half! Hey, lsn`t that Ernle Mllton she`s vlth
Dcb bic: Yeah, you`re rlght. He`s galned so much velght! And whats wzong wth hls halr
8ccky: Vhat halr I don`t knov vhat you thlnk, but I thlnk lt`s a hazgece.
Dcb bic: Thats mgossbIe! Youze kddng me! He vas such a muscuIaz and
handsome guy! He`s changed so much ln ten years!
8ccky: I remember. I vonder vhat happened to hlm. Uh oh. I thlnk Shella`s vavlng at us.
They`re both comlng thls vay!
Dcb bic: h, no. Run!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Deb ble `n Becky`er at tend lng a pardy.
Dcb bic: I dunno vhy I letchu convlnce me da come here. I hate pardles.
8ccky: Vould`|a ged a gzg Thls`ez gonna be a bIast!
Dcb bic: h, no. Look `oo |us` valked ln. Shella Hampton. I cant stand `er. She alvays gets on
my case `cuz she doesn` llke the vay I dress.
8ccky: Vhat! Dld`|a ged a Ioad o that tlny dress she`s vearlng Her belt`s so tlde lt looks llke
she`s belng cud `n half! Hey, lsn`t that Ernle Mllton she`s vlth
Dcb bic: Yeah, yer rlght. He`s galned so much velght! An` whats ug wth `ls halr
8ccky: Vhat halr I dunno vhatchu thlnk, bud I thlnk lt`s a zug.
Dcb bic: No way! Yer guddng me on! He vas such a hunk! He`s changed so much `n ten years!
8ccky: I remember. I vonder vhat happened ta hlm. Uh oh. I thlnk Shella`s vavlng ad us. They`re
both comlng thls vay!
Dcb bic: h, no. Run!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-A: TRAtK 2
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. wRA'0I0 TRLY $AY7 (Ansucrs cn p. 1}1)
Match the sentence ln "real speak` vlth the standard Engllsh
translatlon by checklng the approprlate box.
8. 0I0'JA 0R 0I0B'tR07
Read the questlon or statement out loud from Column l vlth
the response from Column 2. Then start agaln uslng the short
verslon response from Column .
l. What ddja do?
a. Vhat do you do
b. Vhat dld you do
2. I wantcha to Ieave.
a. I vant you to leave.
b. I vant to chev a leaf.
. Ddncha nsh youz homewozk?
a. Dldn`t you flnlsh your homevork
Not yet.
b. Dld you flnlsh your homevork
Not yet.
. Why doncha getchez
caz xed?
a. Vhy don`t you get your car flxed
b. Vhy don`t you get her car flxed
. Is thatchez book?
a. Is that your book
b. Is that chalr broke
6. Ddja eatchet? No, ddju?
a. Dld you eat yet
No, dld you
b. Dld you cheat, Chet
No, dld you
t0-A: TRAtK 3
t0-A: TRAtK 4
bIast (to have a) cxp. to have a great tlme.
LXAHPLL: Ve had a bIast at the amusement park! Ve stayed there
all day and nlght!
TRAB$LATI0B: Ve had a gzeat tme at the amusement park! Ve
stayed there all day and nlght!
Ve had a bIast `lt the amusement park! Ve stayed there
all day `n nlght!
Vnrinticn: bIast (to be a) cxp. to be a lot of fun, to be excltlng.
Syncnym 1: baII (to have a) cxp.
Syncnym 2: way cooI tme (to have a) cxp. (tccn sinng).
It uos o blost gong to.
get a gzg (to) cxp. to get control of one`s emotlons.
LXAHPLL: I`ve never seen you so upset! If you don`t get a gzg,
you`re golng to get an ulcer!
TRAB$LATI0B: I`ve never seen you so upset! If you don`t get contzoI o
youz emotons, you`re golng to get an ulcer!
RLAL $PLAK: I`ve never seen you so upset! If ya don`t ged a gzg, yer
gonna ged `n ulcer!
Nctc: Thls expresslon refers to someone vho ls so upset that
he/she needs "to get a grlp` on hls/her emotlons.
Vnrinticn: get a gzg on oneseI (to) cxp.
Syncnym 1: a hoId o oneseI (to get) cxp.
Syncnym 2: guII oneseI togethez (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
0et o grp ond stop.
get a Ioad o someone/somethng (to) cxp. to take a good look at someone/somethlng, to look
at someone/somethlng unusual or lnterestlng.
LXAHPLL: Get a Ioad o the nev dress Irene ls vearlng! I`ve never
seen anythlng llke lt!
TRAB$LATI0B: Look at the nev dress Irene ls vearlng! I`ve never seen
anythlng llke lt!
RLAL $PLAK: Ged a Ioad a the nev dress Irene`s vearlng! I`ve never
seen anythlng llke lt!
Syncnym: check out someone/somethng (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
0et o lood oj thot.
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-A: TRAtK $
get on someones case (to) cxp. to crltlclze or nag someone.
LXAHPLL: Every tlme my aunt comes to vlslt, she gets on my case
because I drlve a motorcycle lnstead of a car.
TRAB$LATI0B: Every tlme my aunt comes to vlslt, she nags me because I
drlve a motorcycle lnstead of a car.
"RLAL $PLAK": Ev`ry tlme my aunt comes ta vlslt, she gets on my case
`cause I drlve a modorcycle lnstead of a car.
Syncnym: get on someone about somethng (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My jrends get on my cose when I.
hunk n. a handsome and muscular man.
LXAHPLL: Davld used to be very thln and veak. Nov he`s become a
TRAB$LATI0B: Davld used to be very thln and veak. Nov he`s become a
handsome and muscuIaz man!
"RLAL $PLAK": Davld usta be very thln `n veak. Nov `e`s become a
Syncnym: stud n.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
...s o reol hunkl
No way! intcrj. 1. Absolutely not! 2. That`s lmposslble!
LXAHPLL I: You vant me to lend you money No way! The last tlme
you borroved money from me, lt took you a month to pay
me back!
TRAB$LATI0B: You vant me to lend you money AbsoIuteIy not! The
last tlme you borroved money from me, lt took you a
month to pay me back!
"RLAL $PLAK": Ya vant me da lend`|a money No way! The las` tlme ya
borroved money fr`m me, lt took ya a month ta pay me
LXAHPLL 2: Todd |ust bought a nev BMV! No way! He doesn`t
have any money!
TRAB$LATI0B: Todd |ust bought a nev BMV! Thats mgossbIe! He
doesn`t have any money!
"RLAL $PLAK": Todd |us` bavd a nev BMV! No way! He doesn` have
any money!
Nctc: The dlfference betveen deflnltlons 1. and 2. slmply
depends on the context.
Syncnym: Get zeaI! intcrj.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
You [ust jound ...7l No woyl
gut someone on (to) cxp. to tease or kld someone.
LXAHPLL: I thlnk Joe vas guttng you on vhen he sald he has ten
chlldren. He |ust vanted to see your reactlon.
TRAB$LATI0B: I thlnk Joe vas kddng you vhen he sald he has ten
chlldren. He |ust vanted to see your reactlon.
"RLAL $PLAK": I thlnk Joe v`z guddng you on vhen `e sald `e has ten
chlldren. He |us` van`ed ta see yer reactlon.
Syncnym: yank someones chan (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Suson wos puttng me on when she sod.
zug n. (humcrcus/dcrcgntcry) halrplece.
LXAHPLL: My father ls startlng to lose hls halr. In another tvo years,
he`ll probably have to get a zug.
TRAB$LATI0B: My father ls startlng to lose hls halr. In another tvo years,
he`ll probably have to get a hazgece.
"RLAL $PLAK": My father`s stardlng ta lose `ls halr. In another tvo years,
`e`ll prob`ly hafta ged a zug.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Bob weors o rug becouse.
unabIe to stand someone (to be) cxp. to be unable to tolerate someone, to dlsllke.
LXAHPLL: I cant stand our nev math teacher. She alvays glves us
homevork on the veekend.
TRAB$LATI0B: I cant toIezate our nev math teacher. She alvays glves
us homevork on the veekend.
"RLAL $PLAK": I cant stand `ar nev math teacher. She alvays glves us
homevork on the veekend.
Syncnym: unabIe to stomach someone (to be) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I cont stond Corl becouse.
Whats ug wth... cxp. Vhat`s the problem vlth. Vhat`s vrong vlth.
LXAHPLL: Whats ug wth your brother He looks really upset
about somethlng!
TRAB$LATI0B: Whats the gzobIem wth your brother He looks
really upset about somethlng!
"RLAL $PLAK": Whats ug wth yer brother He looks really upsed
about somethlng!
Syncnym 1: Whats wth... cxp.
Syncnym 2: Whats the deaI wth... cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Whots up wth...7
Did ycu hnuc jun nt thc pnrty:
\cs. l hnd n binst'
8cb is sc thin'
l kncu. Hcs such n hunk'
lm sc upsct'
Cct n grip. \cu nccd tc rcinx.
Cct n icnd cj Anns drcss:
l did. lts sc hcnuy'
vhnts up uith Stcuc:
Hcs ncrucus nbcut his grndcs.
l cnnt stnnd Hnrrict'
l iikc hcr, tcc'
A. t0BTLXT LXLRtI$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1}1)
Read the short conversatlons. Declde vhether the slang used
makes sense or doesn`t make sense. Clrcle your ansver.
l thcught Ncrmnn uns bnid.
Hc is. Hcs ucnring n rug'
My mcthcr is n skydiucr.
\curc putting mc cn'
\cu icck bcnutijui tcdny'
Cct cjj my cnsc'
I 2 3
8 $ 4
9 8 7
t0-A: TRAtK 8
8. tR00$L TRL RIoRT w0R0 (Ansucrs cn p. 1}1)
Underllne the approprlate vord that best completes the
l. Vhy are you so (haggy, zeIaxed, ugset) I thlnk you need to get a grlp!
2. Davld ls so (thn, muscuIaz, at). Vhat a hunk!
. You von a mllllon dollars Are you puttlng me (on, o, n)
. I had a (bang, bIast, boom) at the party. It vas so much fun!
. Vhat`s (ug, down, ovez) vlth the boss. He`s been screamlng at people all mornlng.
6. Dld you get a load (o, at, n) that guy`s halrcut It looks terrlble.
;. I don`t thlnk hls (azm, haz, hand) ls real. I thlnk lt`s a rug.
S. I can`t stand Susan. She`s alvays so (nce, heIguI, mean) to me.
9. My mother got on my (case, bag, waIIet) because I came home late last nlght.
l0. That`s your father (Yes, No, Maybe) vay! He looks so young!
l. _____________________ vlth Tom He`s been ln a bad mood all day.
2. I`ve never seen you so upset! __________________!
. Nancy gave blrth to tvlns and she dldn`t even knov she vas pregnant! I don`t belleve lt. Are
you _____________________
. My slster got _________________ because I borroved her sveater vlthout asklng.
. I had a _____________ at the amusement park!
6. I ___________________ our nev math teacher. She glves us so much homevork every veekend!
;. Carol asked you lf she could borrov money agaln ______________! She borrovs money from
you every veek!
S. I don`t thlnk hls halr ls real. I thlnk lt`s a ____________ .
9. Mlke used to be so thln but he`s turned lnto a real ________________ .
t. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1}2)
Complete the phrase by chooslng the approprlate vords from
the llst belov. Use each ansver only once.
get a gzg
guttng me on
on my case
no way
cant stand
whats ug
t0-A: TRAtK 7
t0-A: TRAtK 8
0. I$ IT YL$ 0R I$ IT B07 (Ansucrs cn p. 1}2)
Read Person A`s questlons aloud folloved by the correct
response from Person B. Use the suggested vord(s) to create
your ansver.
t0-A: TRAtK 9
(Ansucrs cn p. 1}2)
1. Dld you taste thls blueberry ple It`s to de jor!
2. Vhy dld you pay so much for that TV Vhat o rp-ojj!
3. If you`re ready, I can rng up your purchases.
4. Thls store has rock bottom prlces.
5. The llnes ln thls market are so long. They need more
6. The market ls sloshng lts prlces.
7. My mother alvays says I need to eat more uegges.
8. These pastrles are mokng my mouth uoter.
9. My mother made a cake jrom scrotch.
10. I need to pck up some mllk at the market.
A. thlevery
B. buy
C. absolutely fantastlc
D. maklng me drool
E. add up
F. cashlers
G. extremely lov
H. from the very
beglnnlng (uslng fresh
I. vegetables
J. slgnlflcantly reduclng
Blll and Llz are shop plng for dln ner.
8iii: Chlcken ls only tventy-nlne cents a pound. Talk about zock-bottom prlces!
Liz: I knov. They`ve been sIashng thelr prlces all veek.
8iii: I have an ldea. Let`s gck ug some chlcken and vegges and make a blg salad tonlght.
Ve could also buy a cake for dessert.
Liz: Creat ldea! Look at thls pastry sectlon. It`s to de oz! Just look at all these cakes! The smell
of these pastrles ls makng my mouth watez.
8iii: Valt! Dld you see the prlce of these cakes They cost more than the chlcken. Vhat a zg-o!
Let`s |ust make one zom sczatch. It`ll be a lot cheaper.
Liz: I thlnk you`re rlght. Let`s hurry and get the checkez to zng ug our purchases. I`m starvlng!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-A: TRAtK I0
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Blll and Llz are shop plng for dln ner.
8iii: Chlcken ls only tventy-nlne cents a pound. Talk about extzemeIy Iow prlces!
Liz: I knov. They`ve been sgncantIy zeducng thelr prlces all veek.
8iii: I have an ldea. Let`s buy some chlcken and vegetabIes and make a blg salad tonlght.
Ve could also buy a cake for dessert.
Liz: Creat ldea! Look at thls pastry sectlon. It`s antastc! Just look at all these cakes! The smell
of these pastrles ls makng me dzooI.
8iii: Valt! Dld you see the prlce of these cakes They cost more than the chlcken. Vhat thevezy!
Let`s |ust make one zom the begnnng usng zesh ngzedents. It`ll be a lot cheaper.
Liz: I thlnk you`re rlght. Let`s hurry and get the cashez to add ug our purchases. I`m starvlng!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Blll `n Llz`er shop plng fer dln ner.
8iii: Chlcken`s only tven`y-nlne cents a pound. Talk about zock-boddom prlces!
Liz: I knov. They`ve been sIashng thelr prlces all veek.
8iii: I have `n ldea. Let`s gck ug s`m chlcken `n vegges `n make a blg salad tanlght. Ve
could also buy a cake fer dessert.
Liz: Crade ldea! Look `lt thls pastry sectlon. It`s ta de oz! Jus` look ld all these cakes! The
smell `a these pastrles ls makng my mouth wadez.
8iii: Valt! Dld`|a see the prlce of these cakes They cost more th`n the chlcken. Vhad a
zg-o! Let`s |us` make one zm sczatch. Id`ll be a lot cheaper.
Liz: I thlnk yer rlght. Let`s hurry `n get the checkez da zng ug `ar purchases. I`m starvlng!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-A: TRAtK I0
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. T PR0B00BtL0 LIKL 0 (Ansucrs cn p. 1}2)
STEP l: Underllne all lnstances vhere "t` ls pronounced llke "d.`
STEP 2: Repeat the sentence aloud ln real speak.
l. Vhat a beautlful sveater! Dld you get lt vhen you vent shopplng last Saturday
2. My parents ordered a bottle of champagne for thelr annlversary.
. My laptop computer ls battery-operated.
. Vhat a great car! Is lt an automatlc
. Let`s go to the party later. Betty sald there`s golng to be a lot of good food there.
6. Vhat clty do you llve ln
;. Vould you llke a soft drlnk or a bottle of vater
S. Dld you lnvlte that pretty glrl to your house for a llttle dlnner
9. I |ust bought a potted plant. It`s a beautlful bonsal tree.
l0. Vhat a plty about your llttle slster`s babysltter. I heard she got lnto a car accldent!
t0-A: TRAtK II
checkez n. a cashler ln a supermarket.
LXAHPLL: Look at the long llne ln thls market! They need more
TRAB$LATI0B: Look at the long llne ln thls market! They need more
RLAL $PLAK: Look `lt the long llne `n thls market! They need more
Nctc: The chcckcr vorks behlnd a chcckstnnd vhere customers
pay for thelr grocerles.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The checker ot my grocery store oluoys soys.
zom sczatch (to make somethng) cxp. 1. vhen used ln reference to cooklng, lt means "to
start or make somethlng from the very beglnnlng uslng fresh lngredlents 2. (ln general) to start
somethlng from the very beglnnlng.
LXAHPLL I: Your daughter made thls cake zom sczatch Vhen I
vas her age, I vas uslng package mlxes!
TRAB$LATI0B: Your daughter made thls cake staztng zom the vezy
begnnng usng zesh ngzedents Vhen I vas
her age, I vas uslng package mlxes!
RLAL $PLAK: Yer dauder made thls cake zm sczatch Vhen I v`z
her age, I v`z uslng package mlxes!
LXAHPLL 2: I made a mlstake on thls dravlng. Nov I have to start over
zom sczatch.
TRAB$LATI0B: I made a mlstake on thls dravlng. Nov I have to start over
zom the vezy begnnng.
RLAL $PLAK: I made a mlstake on thls dravlng. Nov I hafta stard over
zm sczatch.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My mother mokes ...jrom scrotch.
make ones mouth watez (to) cxp. sald of somethlng that makes one drool.
LXAHPLL: The smell of that fresh bread ls makng my mouth
TRAB$LATI0B: The smell of that fresh bread ls makng me dzooI!
RLAL $PLAK: The smell `a that fresh bread`s makng my mouth
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The smell oj ...mokes my mouth uoterl
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-A: TRAtK I2
gck ug (to) u. vhen ln reference to golng to the store, lt means "to buy` or "to get.`
LXAHPLL: I`m golng to the market. Can I gck ug somethlng for
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m golng to the market. Can I buy somethlng for you
RLAL $PLAK: I`m golng ta the market. C`n I gck ug somethlng for ya
Syncnym: gzab (to) u. (llt.): to take.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost thng I pcked up ot the store uos.
zng ug (to) u. (sald of a cashler) to add up, to tally.
LXAHPLL: I`m golng to flnd a cashler to zng ug my grocerles.
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m golng to flnd a cashler to add ug my grocerles.
RLAL $PLAK: I`m gonna flnd a cashler da zng ug my gros`rles.
Syncnym: check out (to) u. 1. to add up a customer`s purchases
2. to settle one`s account at a grocery store or hotel
. to look at, to observe.
LXAHPLL I: My checkstand ls open. I cancheck you out over here.
TRAB$LATI0B: My checkstand ls open. I can add ug youz guzchases
over here.
RLAL $PLAK: My checkstand`s open. I can check ya oud over here.
LXAHPLL 2: Ve need to check out of the hotel early.
TRAB$LATI0B: Ve need to settIe ouz account at the hotel early.
RLAL $PLAK: Ve need ta check oud `a the hotel early.
LXAHPLL 3: Check out that beautlful nev car!
TRAB$LATI0B: Obsezve that beautlful nev car!
RLAL $PLAK: Check out that beaudlful nev car!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The cosher rong up my order oj.
zg-o n. (sald of somethlng overprlced) thlevery, theft.
LXAHPLL: You pald a thousand dollars for that televlslon Vhat a
zg-o! I sav an ldentlcal televlslon yesterday for a
hundred dollars!
TRAB$LATI0B: You pald a thousand dollars for that televlslon Vhat
thevezy! I sav an ldentlcal televlslon yesterday for a
hundred dollars!
"RLAL $PLAK": You pald a thousan` dollers fer that TV Vhad a zg-o!
I sav `n ldenlcal TV yesterday fer a hundred dollers!
Vnrinticn: zg n. a shortened verslon of: rip-cjj.
Aisc: zg someone o (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Houng to poy ...dollors jor . s o rp-ojjl
zock-bottom ndj. (sald of a prlce) extremely lnexpenslve.
LXAHPLL: I`m golng to buy a nev car today. The dealer ls selllng them
at zock-bottom prlces!
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m golng to buy a nev car today. The dealer ls selllng them
at extzemeIy Iow prlces!
"RLAL $PLAK": I`m gonna buy a nev car taday. The dealer`s selllng `em at
zock-boddom prlces!
Syncnym: dzt-cheag ndj.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My grocery store chorges rock-bottom prces
sIash gzces (to) cxp. to reduce prlces slgnlflcantly.
LXAHPLL: Do you vant to go vlth me to the dress shop They`re
sIashng thez gzces today!
TRAB$LATI0B: Do you vant to go vlth me to the dress shop They`re
sgncantIy zeducng thez gzces today!
"RLAL $PLAK": Do ya vanna go vlth me da the dress shop They`re
sIashng thez gzces taday!
Syncnym: cut gzces (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The neu morket s sloshng ther prces on.
to de ozcxp. used to descrlbe somethlng that ls vonderful (usually ln reference to food or thlngs).
LXAHPLL: I`ve never tasted such a vonderful ple ln my llfe! It`s to de
TRAB$LATI0B: I`ve never tasted such a vonderful ple ln my llfe! It`s
absoIuteIy antastc!
"RLAL $PLAK": I`ve never tasted such a vonderful ple `n my llfe! It`s ta de
Vnrinticn: to de zom cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
...s to de jorl
vegges n. a popular shortened verslon of "vegetables.`
LXAHPLL: My mother made a great dlnner last nlght. She served
chlcken, rlce, vegges, and a vonderful dessert.
TRAB$LATI0B: My mother made a great dlnner last nlght. She served
chlcken, rlce, vegetabIes, and a vonderful dessert.
"RLAL $PLAK": My mom made a great dlnner las` nlght. She served
chlcken, rlce, vegges, an` a vonderful dessert.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My jouorte uegges ore.
l. At Davds Mazket, what do they have n the gzoduce degaztment?
2. Why wont you have to wat n Ine?
. What dd the announcez suggest that you gck ug zom the bakezy?
. Aze they zasng oz Iowezng gzces o vegetabIes at Davds Mazket?
. How s the Iemon sgonge cake n the bakezy degaztment?
6. I you gzeez to make the cake youzseI, does the mazket have what you need?
A. Tv t0HHLRtIAL (Ansucrs cn p. 1}})
Read the commerclal and ansver the questlons
uslng a complete sentence.
t0-A: TRAtK I3
8. Y00'RL TRL A0TR0R (Ansucrs cn p. 1}})
Complete the follovlng dlalogue uslng the vord(s) from the
llst belov.
Jcc: Ve need to ____________ some ___________ llke lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes for
our salad tonlght. And you`re golng to love thls store. They`ve ______________ thelr
prlces on everythlng thls veek.
Kim: You`re rlght! I`ve never seen such _________-bottom prlces. At my store, everythlng ls so
expenslve. Yesterday I pald flve dollars for a loaf of bread! Vhat a ____________!
Jcc: You`re not klddlng! Hey, I have an ldea. Instead of buylng dessert, let`s make one from
_____________...somethlng vlth chocolate. I have a reclpe that`s ___________________!
Kim: You`re maklng my ____________________! Let`s buy the lngredlents qulckly so that ve
can have the _______________ rlng ______ our order before I falnt from hunger!
t. TR0L 0R tAL$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1}})
Declde lf the sentence ls elther true or false by checklng the
approprlate box.
l. A checkez vorks ln a bank.
True False
2. A hundred dollars for a candy bar ls a zg-o.
True False
. If you pald a lot more thls veek for the same ltem last veek, the market ls sIashng lts prlces.
True False
. The smell of hot bread cooklng ln the oven vlll make youz mouth watez.
True False
. A cake that doesn`t taste good ls to de oz.
True False
6. People vho hate to bake prefer to make cakes zom sczatch.
True False
;. People prefer to shop at stores that have zock-bottom prlces.
True False
S. A person vho never eat carrots, corn, broccoll, or celery prefers to eat vegges.
True False
9. A bank teller vlll zng ug your order.
True False
l0. You can gck ug a loaf of fresh bread at the bakery.
True False
t0-A: TRAtK I4
mouth watez
gck ug
to de oz
t0-A: TRAtK I$
0. tR0$$w0R0 P022LL (Ansucrs cn p. 1}})
Flll ln the crossvord puzzle by chooslng the correct vord(s)
from the llst belov.
l. You pald flve hundred dollars for a palr of
shoes Vhat a ____-off!
. Davld`s Market ls havlng a huge sale today.
They`ve ____ thelr prlces on everythlng!
l. Let`s flnd a ____ so ve can pay for thls food.
20. Thls store ls knovn for havlng rock- ____
prlces. You can alvays flnd some great deals
2. That dress ls beautlful! It`s to ____ for!
l. If you`ve flnlshed shopplng, I`d be happy
to ____ up your order for you.
. Before ve leave the market, I have to
remember to ____ up some mllk.
;. Thls cake ls dellclous! Dld you make lt
from ____
l. My horse loves ____, especlally carrots.
lS. The smell of thls soup ls maklng my ____
l. . . ;.
t0-A: TRAtK I8
(Ansucrs cn p. 1})
l. Vhat a horrlble actor! He cont oct hs
woy out oj o poper bog.
Dcjiniticn: is nn cxcciicnt nctcr
True False
2. Vhat a great movle! It`s golng to be a real
Dcjiniticn: jniiurc
True False
. The crltlcs loved the movle. They even
gave lt two thumbs up.
Dcjiniticn: n bnd rcuicu
True False
. That vas the vorst movle I`ve ever seen.
Vhat a bomb!
Dcjiniticn: succcss
True False
. The movle vas supposed to start ten
mlnutes ago. Let`s get ths show on
the rood'
Dcjiniticn: hurry nnd gct stnrtcd
True False
6. Dld you read the wrte-up It`s supposed to be
a great movle.
Dcjiniticn: rcuicu
True False
;. There are no tlckets left. It`s a sellout.
Dcjiniticn: pcrjcrmnncc jcr uhich nii cj thc
tickcts hnuc bccn scid
True False
S. The movle ls golng to be very popular. It`s
belng plugged all over the vorld!
Dcjiniticn: prcmctcd
True False
9. That unpopular movle surprlsed everyone.
It turned out to be a sleeper'
Dcjiniticn: surprisingiy succcssjui mcuic
True False
l0. My role ls too large! I have too many lnes to
Dcjiniticn: ucrds in n script
True False
Lesson AT TRL H0vIL$
Ceorge and Da vld are at the mov les.
Cccrgc: It`s a good thlng ve got tlckets early. The movle ls a seIIout!
Dn uid: They must have been gIuggng thls movle for veeks. Nov lt`s a bIockbustez!
Cccrgc: The crltlcs must be surprlsed that lt turned out to be a sIeegez.
Dn uid: I`ll say. They sald lt vas golng to be a bomb and that the performers couIdnt act
thez way out o a gagez bag.
Cccrgc: Vell, yesterday I sav a wzte-ug vhere the revlever gave lt two thumbs ug. He
sald there vere a lot of funny Ines.
Dn uid: Revlevers never seem to agree on anythlng. Vhen ls thls thlng golng to start It should
have started an hour ago. Let`s get the show on the zoad!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-A: TRAtK I7
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Ceorge and Da vld are at the mov les.
Cccrgc: It`s a good thlng ve got tlckets early. The movle doesnt have any tckets Iet!
Dn uid: They must have been gzomotng thls movle for veeks. Nov lt`s a huge success!
Cccrgc: The crltlcs must be surprlsed that lt turned out to be a success atez staztng sIowIy.
Dn uid: I`ll say. They sald lt vas golng to be a comgIete aIuze and that the performers
couIdnt act weII at aII.
Cccrgc: Vell, yesterday I sav a zevew vhere the revlever gave lt hgh gzase. He sald
there vere a lot of funny ghzases n the sczgt.
Dn uid: Revlevers never seem to agree on anythlng. Vhen ls thls thlng golng to start It should
have started an hour ago. Let`s stazt!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Lesson AT TRL H0vIL$
Ceorge `n Da vld `er at the mov les.
Cccrgc: It`s a good thlng ve got tlckets early. The movle`s a seIIout!
Dn uid: They must`a been gIuggng thls movle fer veeks. Nov lt`s a bIockbusdez!
Cccrgc: The crldlcs must really be saprlsed thad lt turned out ta be a sIeegez.
Dn uid: Ah`ll say. They sald lt v`z gonna be a bomb `n th`t the performers couIdn act thez
way oud o a gagez bag.
Cccrgc: Vell, yesderday I sav a wzde-ug vhere the revlever gave lt two thumbs ug. He
sald there vere a lod `a funny Ines.
Dn uid: Revlevers never seem da agree on anythlng. Vhen`s thls thlng gonna start It should`a
starded `n hour ago. Let`s get the show on the zoad!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-A: TRAtK I7
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. $R00L0'A, t00L0'A, w00L0'A, H0$T'A (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Uslng the llst belov, flll ln the blanks vlth the correct vord(s). Note
that one or more of the vords ln the llst may be used more than once!
t0-A: TRAtK I8
Lesson AT TRL H0vIL$
act ones way out o a gagez bag (to be unabIe to) cxp. to be a terrlble actor.
LXAHPLL: I sav a terrlble movle on televlslon last nlght. The actors
couIdnt act thez way out o a gagez bag!
TRAB$LATI0B: I sav a terrlble movle on televlslon last nlght. The actors
weze hozzbIe!
RLAL $PLAK: I sav a terr`ble movle on TV las` nlght. The acters couIdn
act thez way oud o a gagez bag!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
...cont oct hsjher uoy out oj o poper bog.
bIockbustez n. a very successful movle.
LXAHPLL: You have to go see the nev movle that |ust opened. It`s a
real bIockbustez!
TRAB$LATI0B: You have to go see the nev movle that |ust opened. It`s a
real success!
RLAL $PLAK: Ya hafta go see the nev movle th`t |ust opened. It`s a real
Syncnym 1: ht n.
Syncnym 2: smash n.
Syncnym }: smash-ht n.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The moue ...uos o blockbusterl
bomb n. a complete fallure (sald of a movle, play, etc.).
LXAHPLL: Poor Clna. She produced a movle vlth her ovn money
and lt turned out to be a bomb.
TRAB$LATI0B: Poor Clna. She produced a movle vlth her ovn money
and lt turned out to be a comgIete aIuze.
RLAL $PLAK: Poor Clna. She praduced a movle vlth `er ovn money `n lt
turned out ta be a bomb.
Syncnym: dud n.
Nctc: In the late nlnetles, teenagers created the expresslon thc
bcmb meanlng "fantastlc`:
LXAHPLL: That movle vas the bomb!
TRAB$LATI0B: That movle vas antastc!
RLAL $PLAK: That movle v`z the bomb!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost ...I sou uos o bomb.
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-A: TRAtK I9
get the show on the zoad (to) cxp. to begln somethlng rlght avay.
LXAHPLL: I can only stay at thls meetlng for thlrty mlnutes, so Iets
get the show on the zoad.
TRAB$LATI0B: I can only stay at thls meetlng for thlrty mlnutes, so Iets
begn zght away.
RLAL $PLAK: I c`n only stay at thls meedlng fer thlrdy mlnutes, so Iets
get the show on the zoad.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Lets get the shou on the roodl Were lote jor.
Ine n. a phrase or vord that a performer memorlzes from a scrlpt.
LXAHPLL: Vhen I got hlred to act ln the movle, I thought lt vas golng
to be a very small part. But vhen I recelved the scrlpt,
I dlscovered that I had pages and pages of Ines!
TRAB$LATI0B: Vhen I got hlred to act ln the movle, I thought lt vas golng
to be a very small part. But vhen I recelved the scrlpt,
I dlscovered that I had pages and pages of ghzases to
RLAL $PLAK: Vhen I got hlred ta act ln the movle, I thod lt v`z gonna be
a very small part. But vhen I recelved the scrlpt,
I dlscovered th`d I had pages `n pages of Ines!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
...ore the lnes jrom (jomous ploy or moue).
gIug somethng (to) u. to advertlse or promote somethlng.
LXAHPLL: Vhen the actor vas lntervleved on televlslon, he
gIugged hls nev movle.
TRAB$LATI0B: Vhen the actor vas lntervleved on televlslon, he
gzomoted hls nev movle.
RLAL $PLAK: Vhen the acter v`z ln`ervleved on TV, he gIugged `ls
nev movle.
Vnrinticn: gve somethng a gIug (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I sou o commercol on TV pluggng.
seIIout n. sald of a performance for vhlch all of the tlckets have been sold.
LXAHPLL: I couldn`t get tlckets for the shov at the Bl|ou tonlght. It`s a
TRAB$LATI0B: I couldn`t get tlckets for the shov at the Bl|ou tonlght. AII
o the tckets have been soId!
RLAL $PLAK: I couldn`t get tlckets fer the shov at the Bl|ou danlght. It`s a
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
...uos o selloutl
Lesson AT TRL H0vIL$
sIeegez n. a success after startlng slovly.
LXAHPLL: Megan`s play vas a bomb vhen lt flrst opened, but lt
turned out to be a sIeegez!
TRAB$LATI0B: Megan`s play vas a bomb vhen lt flrst opened, but lt
turned out to be a success atez staztng sIowIy!
RLAL $PLAK: Megan`s play v`z a bomb vhen lt flrst opened, bud lt
turned out ta be a sIeegez!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The moue ...uos o sleeper.
two thumbs ug (to gve somethng) cxp. to glve somethlng a favorable revlev.
LXAHPLL: Let`s go see the movle around the corner. It should be
really good. The crltlcs gave t two thumbs ug!
TRAB$LATI0B: Let`s go see the movle around the corner. It should be
really good. The crltlcs gave t a avozabIe zevew!
RLAL $PLAK: Let`s go see the movle aroun` the corner. It should be
really good. The crldlcs gave t two thumbs ug!
Nctc: Thls ex pres slon co mes from a pop u lar tele vl slon shov
fea tur lng the tvo vell-knovn crlt lcs, the late Cene Slskel
and Roger Ebert, vho gave ln dl vld ual crl tlques of movles.
At the end of both re vlevs, the home au dl ence vas shovn
el ther a flst vlth a thumb polnt lng up (for a fa vor able
re vlev) or a flst vlth a thumb polnt lng dovn (for an
un fa vor able re vlev) be lov each crltlc`s name. Many tlmes
the crlt lcs vere not ln agree ment. Hov ever, vhen both
gave a fa vor able re vlev, the au dl ence vas shovn tvo
thumbs up. Thls ex pres slon can also be used ln ref er ence
to only cnc per son`s fa vor able re vlev: l giuc thc mcuic tuc
thumbs up'
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I uould gue the moue ...tuo thumbs upl
wzte-ug n. a vrltten revlev of a play, shov, etc.
LXAHPLL: Congratulatlons on your play! I read a great wzte-ug
about lt ln the Los Angeles Tlmes!
TRAB$LATI0B: Congratulatlons on your play! I read a great zevew
about lt ln the Los Angeles Tlmes!
RLAL $PLAK: C`ngrad|alatlons on yer play! I read a great wzde-ug
aboud ld ln the L.A. Tlmes!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I reod o goodjbod urte up on.
A. I KB0w TRL AB$wLR, 80T wRAT'$ TRL 0L$TI0B7 (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Read the ansver and place a check next to the correspondlng questlon.
t0-A: TRAtK 20
Lesson AT TRL H0vIL$
8. tIB0 Y00R PLRtLtT HATtR (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Vrlte the number of the slang term or ldlom from Column A
next to lts matchlng plcture ln Column B as vell as next to the
matchlng deflnltlon ln Column C.
t0-A: TRAtK 2I
t. IHAoIBL TRAT... (Ansucrs cn p. 1},)
Someone has presented you vlth a sltuatlon as seen belov.
Respond to each sltuatlon aloud by maklng a complete
sentence uslng one of the groups of vords belov. Use each
group only once.
Lesson 0B vAtATI0B
(Ansucrs cn p. 1},)
l. Let`s go to dlnner tonlght then
toke n o moue.
go to the movles
act ln a movle
2. After vorklng hard all veek,
lt`s nlce to go to the beach and
hong out.
play baseball
relax and do nothlng
. Instead of a hotel, let`s stay ln
a B ond B.
hotel vlth bed and
hotel vlth bath and
. Let`s go to the pool and toke
o dp.
vatch televlslon
go svlmmlng
. You`re so tan! Have you
been sookng up some
sun today
staylng lnslde
6. Let`s ht the toun and go
leave tovn
go lnto tovn
;. The hotel dldn`t have any
rooms left. They vere
booked sold.
not yet cleaned
completely fllled
S. I hope ve can flnd a hotel
to put us up for the nlght.
to lend us money
to accommodate us
9. In Nev York, you can elther
take the subvay or grob o
cob anyvhere.
|ump ln front of a taxlcab
take a taxlcab
l0. I`m tlred because last nlght
I stoyed up tll oll hours
oj the nght.
vent to bed early
stayed avake untll very late
ll. I vent sghtseeng today.
Vhat a beautlful clty!
vlsltlng some lnterestlng
l2. I usually get up early, but
tomorrov I`m sleepng n.
gettlng up extra early
sleeplng later than usual
Lesson 0B vAtATI0B
Chrls and Ma rle are on va ca tlon.
Chris: It`s a good thlng thls BGB vas able to gut us ug for the nlght. All the hotels ln tovn
vere booked soId.
Mn ric: So, vhat should ve do nov Hey, I have an ldea. Tonlght, let`s gzab a cab and ht
the town. Maybe ve can go sghtseeng before dlnner.
Chris: And slnce ve`re on vacatlon, ve can stay ug tII aII houzs o the nght and
sIeeg n tomorrov.
Mn ric: Creat! Then ln the afternoon, ve can take a dg and hang out by the pool. It`ll be
nlce to soak ug some sun.
Chris: And tomorrov nlght, ve could take n a move!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-A: TRAtK 22
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Chrls and Ma rle are on va ca tlon.
Chris: It`s a good thlng thls hoteI oezng bed and bzeakast vas able to Iodge us for
the nlght. All the hotels ln tovn vere comgIeteIy IIed.
Mn ric: So, vhat should ve do nov Hey, I have an ldea. Tonlght, let`s take a taxcab and
go nto town. Maybe ve can go vst the ntezestng gIaces before dlnner!
Chris: And slnce ve`re on vacatlon, ve can stay awake untI vezy Iate and sIeeg Iatez
than usuaI tomorrov.
Mn ric: Creat! Then ln the afternoon, ve can go swmmng and zeIax and do nothng by
the pool. It`ll be nlce to sunbathe.
Chris: And tomorrov nlght, ve could go to the moves!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Lesson 0B vAtATI0B
Chrls `n Ma rle `er on va ca tlon.
Chris: It`s a good thlng thls B n B v`z able da gud us ug fer the nlght. All the hotels `n tovn
vere booked soId.
Mn ric: So, vhat shu`ve do nov Hey, I have `n ldea. Tanlght, let`s gzab a cab `n ht the
town. Maybe ve c`n go sghtseeng b`fore dlnner.
Chris: An` slnce v`r on vacatlon, ve c`n stay ug tII aII houzs a the nght `n sIeeg n
Mn ric: Creat! Then ln the afternoon, ve c`n take a dg `n hang out by the pool. Id`ll be nlce
ta soak ug sm sun.
Chris: An` tamorrov nlght, ve could take n a move!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-A: TRAtK 22
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. P0T TRL PAIR$ 8AtK T0oLTRLR (Ansucrs cn p. 1},)
Belov are some common palrs of vords that are often
connected by "and.` Flnd the mlsslng plece on the rlght that
completes the palr on the left. Make sure to pronounce "and`
ln real speak as `n. t0-A: TRAtK 23
Lesson 0B vAtATI0B
B and B n. (an abbrevlatlon for "bed and breakfast`) generally a home converted lnto a
hotel vhlch offers guests a room for the nlght lncludlng breakfast.
LXAHPLL: Ve stayed ln a charmlng B and B ln London last summer.
TRAB$LATI0B: Ve stayed ln a charmlng bed and bzeakast ln London
last summer.
RLAL $PLAK: Ve stayed `n a charmlng B n B `n London las` summer.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Ij I ouned o B ond B, I uould nome t.
booked soId (to be) cxp. to be completely full, to have no more space avallable (sald of a hotel,
crulse shlp, alrplane, etc. that requlres a reservatlon).
LXAHPLL: I vanted to stay at the famous Rltz Hotel ln Parls, but lt vas
booked soId.
TRAB$LATI0B: I vanted to stay at the famous Rltz Hotel ln Parls, but lt vas
comgIeteIy uII.
RLAL $PLAK: I van`ed ta stay `lt the famous Rltz Hotel `n Parls, bud lt v`z
booked soId.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I uonted to stoy n o hotel n. but t uos booked
gzab a cab (to) cxp. to take a taxl.
LXAHPLL: Instead of trylng to flnd parklng, let`s |ust gzab a cab and
go out to dlnner.
TRAB$LATI0B: Instead of trylng to flnd parklng, let`s |ust take a tax and
go out to dlnner.
RLAL $PLAK: Instead `a trylng da fln` parklng, let`s |us` gzab a cab `n go
out ta dlnner.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Its best to grob o cob to go jrom .... to .
hang out (to) cxp. to relax and do nothlng.
LXAHPLL: I`m golng to hang out by the pool vlth Debble today. Do
you vant to |oln us
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m golng to zeIax and do nothng by the pool vlth
Debble today. Do you vant to |oln us
RLAL $PLAK: I`m gonna hang out by the pool vlth Debble daday.
Vanna |oln us
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I usuolly hong out ot.
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-A: TRAtK 24
ht the town (to) cxp. to go lnto tovn vhere all the attractlons are (usually for a nlght
of fun, dlnlng, danclng, movles, etc.).
LXAHPLL: I`m bored tonlght. I have an ldea! Let`s ht the town
and go out to dlnner and a movle!
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m bored tonlght. I have an ldea! Let`s go nto the
man gazt o town and go out to dlnner and a movle!
RLAL $PLAK: I`m bored tanlght. I have `n ldea! Let`s ht the town `n
go out ta dlnner `n a movle!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I lke to ht the toun ond.
gut ug oz the nght (to) cxp. to accommodate for the nlght.
LXAHPLL: Ve von`t have to pay anythlng for a hotel vhen ve go to
Los Angeles. I have some frlends there vho can gut us
ug oz the nght.
TRAB$LATI0B: Ve von`t have to pay anythlng for a hotel vhen ve go to
Los Angeles. I have some frlends there vho can accom-
modate us oz the nght.
RLAL $PLAK: Ve von`t hafta pay anythlng fer a hotel vhen ve go da
L.A. I have s`m frlen`s there vho c`n gud us ug ez the
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
When I go to ...s house, hejshe oluoys puts me up
jor the nght.
sghtseeng (to go) cxp. to go look at the attractlons and lnterestlng slghts.
LXAHPLL: Thls ls my flrst tlme ln Rome. I can`t valt to go
TRAB$LATI0B: Thls ls my flrst tlme ln Rome. I can`t valt to go Iook at
the attzactons and ntezestng sghts!
RLAL $PLAK: Thls ls my flrs` tlme `n Rome. I can`t valt ta go
Vnrinticn: sghtsee (to) u.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I lke gong sghtseeng n .
sIeeg n (to) cxp. to sleep later than usual.
LXAHPLL: Everyday, I vake up at slx o`clock ln the mornlng. But next
veek vhen I`m on vacatlon, I`m golng to sIeeg n!
TRAB$LATI0B: Everyday, I vake up at slx o`clock ln the mornlng. But next
veek vhen I`m on vacatlon, I`m golng to sIeeg Iatez
than usuaI!
RLAL $PLAK: Ev`ryday, I vake up `lt slx a`clock `n the mornlng. B`t next
veek vhen I`m on vacatlon, I`m gonna sIeeg n!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I lke to sleep n untl.
Lesson 0B vAtATI0B
soak ug some sun (to) cxp. to sunbathe.
LXAHPLL: I`m golng to Havall tomorrov! I`m not golng to do
anythlng but soak ug some sun and relax!
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m golng to Havall tomorrov! I`m not golng to do
anythlng but sunbathe and relax!
RLAL $PLAK: I`m golng da Havall damorrov! I`m not gonna do
anythlng b`t soak ug sm sun `n relax!
Syncnym 1: soak ug some zays (to) cxp.
Syncnym 2: catch some zays (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
...s o greot ploce to sook up some sunl
stay ug tII aII houzs o the nght (to) cxp. to stay up all nlght long (havlng a good tlme,
studylng, vatchlng televlslon, etc.).
LXAHPLL: The party vent on for hours! Ve stayed ug tII aII
houzs o the nght danclng!
TRAB$LATI0B: The party vent on for hours! Ve stayed ug aII nght
RLAL $PLAK: The pardy ven` on fer hours! Ve stayed ug tII aII
houzs a the nght danclng!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I stoyed up tll oll hours oj the nght dong.
take a dg (to) cxp. to go svlmmlng.
LXAHPLL: It`s such a beautlful varm day today. I thlnk I`ll take a
TRAB$LATI0B: It`s such a beautlful varm day today. I thlnk I`ll go
RLAL $PLAK: It`s such a beaudlf`l varm day daday. I thlnk ah`ll take a
Syncnym: go oz a swm (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Lost summer I took o dp uhen I uent to.
take n a move (to) cxp. to go to the movles.
LXAHPLL: It`s been ralnlng all day long. Vell, slnce ve can`t do
anythlng outslde, do you vant to take n a move
TRAB$LATI0B: It`s been ralnlng all day long. Vell, slnce ve can`t do
anythlng outslde, do you vant to go to the moves
RLAL $PLAK: It`s been ralnlng all day long. Vell, slnce ve can`t do
anythlng outslde, vanna take n a move
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost tme I took n o moue, I sou.
A. tIB0 TRL HI$$IBo w0R0$ (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Complete the dlalogue by fllllng ln the blanks vlth the correct
vord(s) uslng the llst belov.
Tcm: Thls ____________ has so much more charm than the hotel ve stayed at last nlght.
8ccky: It`s a good thlng they vere able to ________________ for the nlght. It vas the only
vacancy ln the entlre clty! All the other places vere booked ________________ .
Tcm: Ve really got lucky. It`s so qulet here. It vas hard to ______________ ln at the other hotel
because of all the nolse. So, vhat do you vant to do tonlght
8ccky: Let`s go hlt the _____________!
Tcm: Cood ldea. Ve could go ________________ a movle.
8ccky: Actually, I thought lt vould be fun to go ______________________ and explore a llttle.
Ve could ___________ a cab and be there ln a fev mlnutes.
Tcm: After ve vlslt the sltes, ve could get somethlng to eat at that great restaurant around the
corner and then go danclng tlll all _________________________________ .
8ccky: That`s perfect! Then tomorrov ve could relax all day. It vould be so nlce to vake up
late then ____________________ by the pool and ________________________ some sun.
Ve could even take a _________ lf lt`s gets too hot!
gut us ug
hang out
soak ug
take n
houzs o the nght
t0-A: TRAtK 2$
Lesson 0B vAtATI0B
8. HATtR TRL $LBTLBtL$ (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Match the numbered sentences belov vlth the lettered
sentences on the opposlte page. Vrlte your ansvers ln the
boxes at the bottom of the pages.
t0-A: TRAtK 28
8. HATtR TRL $LBTLBtL$ - (ccntinucd)
t0-A: TRAtK 28
(Ansucrs cn p. 1})
1. I hate taklng the red-eye. I alvays arrlve so tlred.
2. I don`t take a lot of clothes vlth me vhen I go on
buslness trlps. I prefer to trouel lght.
3. Slnce I dldn`t have a reservatlon, I vas put on stondby.
4. I got bumped because I vas late to the alrport.
5. I`m sorry I`m late. Ve had a three-hour loyouer ln
6. As a jreguent jlyer, I vas glven a free tlcket!
7. I got slck durlng the fllght and needed a borj bog.
8. After not sleeplng all nlght, I`m uped out.
9. Vhen I arrlved ln Parls, I vas ured because I vas so
10. Vhen you fly from L.A. to Nev York, do you get [et log
11. Lols llves uoy out n the boones. I got lost flve tlmes
on the vay to her house!
12. It`s easler to travel vlth only a corry-on.
A. stop
B. tlred from crosslng tlme
C. a passenger valtlng llst
D. bag used for alrslckness
E. ln a dlstant and remote
F. person vho travels often
C. small sultcase that can be
carrled on the plane
H. exhausted
I. overnlght fllght
J. lost my seat ln the
K. travel vlth fev ltems
L. full of energy
Ka ren ls at the alr port valt lng for Steve to ar rlve.
Stcuc: I`m sorry ve`re so late. Ve had an unexpected tvo-hour Iayovez some place way
out n the boones. You knov, I almost mlssed the fllght entlrely because of all the
trafflc! So I arrlved late and got bumged. Lucklly, they agreed to put me on standby.
All I had vas a cazzy-on, so lt vas easy.
Kn rcn: It`s a good thlng you tzaveI Ight. Vell, vlth the jet Iag, I lmaglne you`re pretty
wged out.
Stcuc: Actually, I`m pretty wzed after all that travellng. At least I got a free tlcket for belng a
zeguent Iyez!
Kn rcn: So, hov vas lt travellng on the zed-eye
Stcuc: It got a llttle bumpy for a vhlle. Lucklly, I never had to use the baz bag!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-A: TRAtK 27
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Ka ren ls at the alr port valt lng for Steve to ar rlve.
Stcuc: I`m sorry ve`re so late. Ve had an unexpected tvo-hour stog some place az away and
zemote. You knov, I almost mlssed the fllght entlrely because of all the trafflc! So I arrlved
late and my seat was gven away. Lucklly, they agreed to put me on a watng Ist.
All I had vas a bag smaII enough to take on the azgIane, so lt vas easy.
Kn rcn: It`s a good thlng you tzaveI wth IttIe Iuggage. Vell, vlth the atgue due to the
tme dezence, I lmaglne you`re pretty exhausted.
Stcuc: Actually, I`m pretty tense wth exctement after all that travellng. At least I got a free
tlcket for belng a zeguIaz azIne tzaveIez!
Kn rcn: So, hov vas lt travellng on the oveznght Ight
Stcuc: It got a llttle bumpy for a vhlle. Lucklly, I never had to use the azsckness bag!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Ka ren`s at the alr port valdlng fer Steve ta ar rlve.
Stcuc: I`m sorry v`r so late. Ve had `n unexpected tvo-hour Iayovez some place way out
n the boones. Ya knov, I almost mlssed the fllde entlrely `cuz of all the trafflc! So I
arrlved late `n got bumged. Lucklly, they agreed da put me on stanby. All I had v`z
a cazzy-on, so lt v`z easy.
Kn rcn: It`s a good thlng ya tzaveI Ight. Vell, vlth the jet Iag, I lmaglne yer preddy wged
Stcuc: Akshelly, I`m preddy wzed after all that trav`llng. At least I godda free tlcket fer belng a
zeguent Iyez!
Kn rcn: So, hov v`z lt trav`llng on the zed-eye
Stcuc: It god a llddle bumpy fer a vhlle. Lucklly, I never had ta use the baz bag!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-A: TRAtK 27
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
8. TA 8L 0R B0T TA 8L... (Ansucrs cn p. 1}/)
Say the follovlng sentences ln real speak decldlng vhen to use
"ta` and vhen to use "da.`
l. I vent to the market to plck up some bread.
2. Can you tell me hov to get to the post offlce from here
. Steve vanted to go to the park but I vanted to go shopplng lnstead.
. I`d love to |oln you but I have vork to do.
. n the vay to the alrport, I had to stop to get gas.
6. Ve need to close the vlndovs before lt starts to raln.
;. I don`t llke to go to the dentlst.
S. Jennlfer`s tvo frlends vere too tlred to go to the movles.
A. AtR0$$ w0R0 P022LL (Ansucrs cn p. 1}/)
The follovlng sentences are vrltten ln "real speak.` Revrlte
the entlre sentence ln standard Engllsh uslng one letter per
t0-A: TRAtK 28
t0-A: TRAtK 29
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-A: TRAtK 30
baz bagn. a bag used for alr slckness (usually ln the back pocket of the seat ln front of the passenger).
LXAHPLL: I sat next to a man vho vas alrslck durlng the entlre fllght.
He never stopped uslng the baz bag.
TRAB$LATI0B: I sat next to a man vho vas alrslck durlng the entlre fllght.
He never stopped uslng the azsckness bag.
RLAL $PLAK: I sat next to a man vho v`z alrslck durlng the entlre fllght.
He never stopped uslng the baz bag.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
An unusuol use jor o borj bog s.
boones (way out n the) n. ln a place that ls far avay and remote.
LXAHPLL: My grandmother llves way out n the boones. It takes
us hours to get to her house.
TRAB$LATI0B: My grandmother llves n a az away and zemote
gIace. It takes us hours to get to her house.
RLAL $PLAK: My gramma llves way oud n the boones. It takes us
hours da get to `er house.
Syncnym: boondocks (way out n the) n.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My jrend ...lues uoy out n the boones.
bumged (to get) u. to lose one`s seat ln an alrplane, traln, etc.
LXAHPLL: I got bumged for belng flve mlnutes late! Nov I have to
take a later fllght.
TRAB$LATI0B: I Iost my seat for belng flve mlnutes late! Nov I have to
take a later fllght.
RLAL $PLAK: I got bumged fer belng flve mlnutes late! Nov I hafta
take a lader fllght.
Aisc: bumged ug (to get) u. to get upgraded to a hlgher
class of travel.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
When I uos trouelng to ...I got bumped.
cazzy-on n. a small bag vhlch one can easlly "carry on` and place ln the alrplane.
LXAHPLL: Vhen you go to Parls for the veek, |ust take a cazzy-on.
That vay you can avold the long llne at baggage clalm.
TRAB$LATI0B: Vhen you go to Parls for the veek, |ust take a smaII bag
whch you can easIy cazzy wth you on the
azgIane. That vay you can avold the long llne at
baggage clalm.
RLAL $PLAK: Vhen ya go da Parls fer the veek, |us` take a cazzy-on.
That vay you c`n avold the long llne `lt baggage clalm.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
In my corry-on, I oluoys pock my.
zeguent Iyezn. a person vho travels often by alr and ls part of a speclal program offerlng free fllghts
for those vho travel frequently.
LXAHPLL: As a zeguent Iyez, I can get a free tlcket to anyvhere
ln the vorld after I`ve traveled l00,000 mlles!
TRAB$LATI0B: As a membez o the azInes sgecaI gzogzam
oezng zee Ights oz those who tzaveI oten,
I can get a free tlcket to anyvhere ln the vorld after I`ve
traveled l00,000 mlles!
RLAL $PLAK: As a zeguent Iyez, I c`n ged a free tlcket ta anyvhere
`n the vorld after I`ve traveled l00,000 mlles!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
As o jreguent jlyer, I got o jree trp to.
jet Iag n. fatlgue due to the tlme change betveen one`s polnt of departure and one`s destlnatlon.
LXAHPLL: I never get jet Iag vhen I travel to Europe. But vhen
I travel back home, I`m exhausted!
TRAB$LATI0B: I never get tzed zom the tme change vhen I travel
to Europe. But vhen I travel back home, I`m exhausted!
RLAL $PLAK: I never get jet Iag vhen I travel da Europe. B`t vhen
I travel back home, I`m exhausted!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The uorst [et log I hod uos uhen I troueled to.
Iayovez n. a stop ln one or more cltles vhen travellng by alr.
LXAHPLL: n our vay to Parls, ve had a three-hour Iayovez ln
TRAB$LATI0B: n our vay to Parls, ve had a three-hour stog ln
RLAL $PLAK: n `ar vay da Parls, ve had a three-hour Iayovez `n
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The longest loyouer I euer hod uos.
zed-eye n. a fllght vhlch occurs overnlght and vhose passengers arrlve at thelr destlnatlon vlth "red
eyes` from staylng avake.
LXAHPLL: I`m taklng the zed-eye to Nev York lnstead of taklng a
fllght durlng the daytlme because I can save a lot of
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m taklng the oveznght Ight to Nev York lnstead of
taklng a fllght durlng the daytlme because I can save a lot
of money.
RLAL $PLAK: I`m taklng the zed-eye ta Nev York lnstead of taklng a
fllght durlng the daytlme `cuz I c`n save a lod `a money.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost tme I took o red-eye uos.
standby (to be on) n. to be on a passenger valtlng llst for an avallable seat.
LXAHPLL: Slnce I dldn`t have a reservatlon, the alrllne put me on
TRAB$LATI0B: Slnce I dldn`t have a reservatlon, the alrllne put me on
a gassengez watng Ist oz an avaIabIe seat.
RLAL $PLAK: Slnce I dldn`t have a reservatlon, the alrllne put me on
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I uould jly stondby j.
tzaveI Ight (to) cxp. to travel vlth fev pleces of luggage (usually only a small plece of luggage).
LXAHPLL: I alvays tzaveI Ight, even vhen I go overseas. Then I
can buy lots of souvenlrs!
TRAB$LATI0B: I alvays tzaveI wth a smaII Ight gece o
Iuggage, even vhen I go overseas. Then I can buy lots of
RLAL $PLAK: I alvays tzaveI Ight, even vhen I go overseas. Then I
c`n buy lots `a souvenlrs!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
When I trouel lght, I neuer pock my.
wged out (to be) ndj. to be exhausted.
LXAHPLL: After travellng for tvo days, I`mwged out. All I vant to
do ls to go to bed!
TRAB$LATI0B: After travellng for tvo days, I`mexhausted. All I vant to
do ls to go to bed!
RLAL $PLAK: After trav`llng fer tvo days, I`m wged out. All I vanna
do ls ta go da bed!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Im uped out becouse.
wzed (to be) cxp. to be tense vlth excltement.
LXAHPLL: After all of thls excltement today, I don`t knov hov I`m
golng to sleep tonlght. I`m so wzed!
TRAB$LATI0B: After all of thls excltement today, I don`t knov hov I`m
golng to sleep tonlght. I`m sotense wth exctement!
RLAL $PLAK: After all `a thls excltement taday, I dunno hov I`m gonna
sleep tanlght. I`m so wzed!
Syncnym: buzzed (to be) ndj. 1. to be extremely energetlc
2. to be sllghtly lntoxlcated.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Im ured becouse.
A. t0HPLLTL TRL tAIRY TALL (Ansucrs cn p. 1}/)
Flll ln the blanks by chooslng the correct vord from the llst
belov. Note that tvo extra vords are ln the llst from the
prevlous lesson!
t0-A: TRAtK 3I
8. t0BTLXT LXLRtI$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1}8)
Look at the phrase ln the left column then flnd the best match
ln the rlght column. Vrlte the approprlate letter ln the box.
1. Vhy don`t you vlslt Nancy more
2. I thought you left for Los Angeles
today. Vhat happened
3. Vhy are you so tlred
4. I hope you`ll come vlslt me vhen you
come through London.
5. It vas hard travellng vlth so many
6. There vas so much turbulence on the
plane that I got alrslck.
7. You`re only taklng that llttle sultcase
on your trlp
8. It`s mldnlght but I`m not tlred. It`s
three hours earller vhere I arrlved
from. But I knov I`ll be tlred vhen I
vake up tomorrov mornlng.
9. I haven`t slept ln tvo days because
I`ve been travellng. I`m looklng
forvard to golng to bed.
10. It dldn`t cost me anythlng to fly here!
11. I vasn`t able to buy a tlcket for thls
12. I shouldn`t have had so much coffee
on the plane.
A. It vas the flrst tlme I ever
needed a baz bag.
B. I`m so wged out.
C. I`m afrald I`ll only be there for a
ten-mlnute Iayovez.
D. Yes. I belleve ln tzaveIng Ight.
E. I got to the alrport late and got
F. I |ust arrlved on the zed-eye thls
mornlng from Nev York.
G. Next tlme, I`m only brlnglng a
H. Nov I`m wzed!
I. I hope thls jet Iag doesn`t last long!
J. I`m uslng a speclal zeguent Iyez
K. She llves way out n the boones!
L. Fortunately, they agreed to put me on
t0-A: TRAtK 32
Ka ren ls at the alr port valt lng for Steve to ar rlve.
Stcuc: I`m sorry ve`re so late. Ve had an unexpected tvo-hour ______________ some place
way out n the _______________. You knov, I almost mlssed the fllght entlrely because
of all the trafflc! So I arrlved late and got _________________. Lucklly, they agreed to put
me on _________________. All I had vas a __________________, so lt vas easy.
Kn rcn: It`s a good thlng you tzaveI ______________. Vell, vlth the jet __________, I lmaglne
you`re pretty _____________ out.
Stcuc: Actually, I`m pretty ____________ after all that travellng. At least I got a free tlcket for
belng a zeguent _____________!
Kn rcn: So, hov vas lt travellng on the zed-___________
Stcuc: It got a llttle bumpy for a vhlle. Lucklly, I never had to use the __________ bag!
t. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1}8)
Complete the openlng dlalogue uslng the llst belov. Try not to
look at the dlalogue at the beglnnlng of the lesson untll you`re
t0-A: TRAtK 33
(Ansucrs cn p. 1}8)
l. I eat too much. I need to cut doun.
eat less
eat more
2. Let`s order hamburgers and o sde oj frles
a small amount of
an addltlonal order of
. I`m golng to skp the salad. I`ve eaten enough
vegetables today.
. Let`s go Dutch today and |ust spllt the blll.
pay separately
get someone else to pay
. I love desserts. I have a sueet tooth.
dlsllke for sveets
passlon for sveets
6. You thlnk you can eat all that! Your eyes
ore bgger thon your stomoch!
You alvays flnlsh everythlng on your plate
You belleve you can eat more than you can
;. I`ll flnlsh thls sandvlch tomorrov.
I can eat the lejtouers for lunch.
remalnlng food
freshly prepared food
S. Leave your money at home. Lunch s on me.
ls golng to be pald for by me
ls golng to be made by me
9. I`m hungry. Let`s grob o bte before the
vlslt the dentlst
get somethlng to eat
l0. Irene ate a box of chocolates today. She`s a
real chocoholc!
chocolate hater
chocolate lover
ll. Vhat a meal! I really pgged out!
ate llghtly
ate ln excess
l2. I can`t eat any more. I need a dogge bog.
bag to carry food home
bag of donuts
Lesson 6 AT A RL$TA0RABT
Ceclly and Jlm are gzab bng a bte.
Ccciiy: I knov ve vere golng to go Dutch for lunch, but slnce today ls your blrthday, lunch
s on me.
Jim: Vell, I vas plannlng on cuttng down, but lf you`re paylng, I`m golng to gg out!
Ccciiy: Cood! It`s your blrthday! Have vhatever you vant. I feel llke havlng a blg |ulcy hamburger
and a sde o frles. Hov about you
Jim: I`ll have the same. I thlnk I`ll also get an order of onlon rlngs, potato salad, baked beans,
cole slav, and some blscults. And to satlsfy my sweet tooth, I`ll get a sllce of chocolate
ple. You knov vhat a chocahoIc I am!
Ccciiy: Jlm, youz eyes aze bggez than youz stomach.
Jim: Maybe you`re rlght. kay. Skg the salad.
Ccciiy: I have a feellng you`re golng to need a dogge bag for all the Ietovezs. And I`m golng
to need to get a second |ob to pay for thls lunch!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-8: TRAtK I
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Ceclly and Jlm are get tng some thng to eat.
Ccciiy: I knov ve vere golng to gay segazateIy for lunch, but slnce today ls your blrthday,
III gay oz lunch.
Jim: Vell, I vas plannlng on detng, but lf you`re paylng, I`m golng to eat n excess!
Ccciiy: Cood! It`s your blrthday! Have vhatever you vant. I feel llke havlng a blg |ulcy hamburger
and an extza ozdez o frles. Hov about you
Jim: I`ll have the same. I thlnk I`ll also get an order of onlon rlngs, potato salad, baked beans,
cole slav, and some blscults. And to satlsfy my gasson oz sweets, I`ll get a sllce of
chocolate ple. You knov vhat a chocoIate Iovez I am!
Ccciiy: Jlm, you beIeve you can eat moze than you actuaIIy can.
Jim: Maybe you`re rlght. kay. Omt the salad.
Ccciiy: I have a feellng you`re golng to need a bag used to cazzy ood home for all the
excess ood. And I`m golng to need to get a second |ob to pay for thls lunch!
Lesson 6 AT A RL$TA0RABT
Ceclly `n Jlm`er gzab bng a bte.
Ccciiy: I knov ve v`r gonna go Dutch fer lunch, b`t slnce taday`s yer blrthday, lunch s on
Jim: Vell, I v`z plannlng on cuddng down, b`t lf yer paylng, I`m gonna gg out!
Ccciiy: Cood! It`s yer blrthday! Have vhadever ya vant. I feel llke havlng a blg |ulcy burger an`
a sde a frles. Hov `bout chu
Jim: Ah`ll have the same. In fact, I thlnk ah`ll also ged `n order of onlon rlngs, patado salad,
s`m bake` beans, cole slav, an` s`m blscults. An` ta sadlfy my sweet tooth, ah`ll ged a
sllce `a choc`llt ple. Ya knov vhadda chocahoIc I am!
Ccciiy: Jlm, yez eyes ez bggez thn yez stomach.
Jim: Maybe yer rlght. kay. Skg the salad.
Ccciiy: I have a feellng yer gonna need a dogge bag fer all the Ietovezs. An` I`m gonna
need da ged a secon` |ob da pay fer thls lunch!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
t0-8: TRAtK I
A. B0w Y00'RL o0BBA 00 A o0BBA LXLRtI$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1}8)
Repeat the sentences replaclng "golng to` vlth "gonna.`
l. I`m so hungry! I`m golng to pg out tonlght!
2. Thls restaurant serves such blg portlons. I`m
golng to need a dogge bog.
. I`m startlng to get fat. I`m golng to have to
cut down on desserts.
. I`d llke a hamburger but I`m golng to skp
the frles.
. I`m havlng lunch vlth Irene
today, but ve`re golng to go Dutch.
6. If Davld ls anythlng llke hls mother, he`s golng
to be a chocahoIc vhen he grovs up.
;. Ve have a lot of extra food from the party.
Steve ls golng to take home the Ietovezs.
S. I`m hungry. I`m golng to go gzab a bte.
8. I$ IT o0BBA 0R o0IBo T07 (Ansucrs cn p. 1}9)
Read the follovlng paragraph and underllne all the lnstances
vhere "golng to` can be reduced to "gonna.` But be careful!
There are tvo places vhere "golng to` cannot change!
Janet and I are gong to a great French restaurant tonlght and ve`re gong to plg out! I`m
probably gong to need a doggle bag because they serve so much food. After dlnner, ve`re
gong to my mother`s house and I`m gong to brlng her the leftovers. In fact, I`m gong to
order an extra chocolate dessert that I`mgong to surprlse her vlth. I knov that`s gong to make
her happy because she`s a blgger chocahollc than I am!
t0-8: TRAtK 2
t0-8: TRAtK 3
Lesson 6 AT A RL$TA0RABT
chocahoIc n. one vho loves chocolate.
LXAHPLL: My father ls a chocahoIc. He`ll eat anythlng vlth
chocolate on lt!
TRAB$LATI0B: My father ls a Iovez o chocoIate. He`ll eat anythlng
vlth chocolate on lt!
RLAL $PLAK: My father`s a chocahoIc. He`ll ead anythlng vlth
choc`llt on lt!
Nctc: Thls ls a play-on-vords on the term nicchciic, meanlng "a
person addlcted to alcohol.` The sufflx -nhciic can be
added to many vords to suggest that the sub|ect ls
addlcted to somethlng. For example: jccd-nhciic, shcp-
nhciic, gym-nhciic, ctc.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I thnk Km s o chocoholc becouse.
cut down on somethng (to)u. to decrease somethlng (such as eatlng, spendlng, shopplng, etc).
LXAHPLL: I love desserts, but I`m trylng to cut down because I`ve
started to put on velght!
TRAB$LATI0B: I love desserts, but I`m trylng to eat Iess o them
because I`ve started to put on velght!
RLAL $PLAK: I love desserts, bud I`m trylng ta cut down `cuz I`ve
starded da pud on velght!
Vnrinticn: cut back on somethng (to) cxp.
Aisc: cut out somethng (to) cxp. to ellmlnate somethlng
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Im tryng to cut down on.
dogge bag n. a bag used to carry leftover food home from a restaurant.
LXAHPLL: I can`t flnlsh all thls food. I`m golng to ask our valter for a
dogge bag.
TRAB$LATI0B: I can`t flnlsh all thls food. I`m golng to ask our valter for a
bag to take ths ood home.
RLAL $PLAK: I can`t flnlsh all thls food. I`m gonna ask `ar valder fer a
dogge bag.
Nctc: Thls term vas orlglnally used to refer to a bag that people
could use to take bones home from a restaurant to thelr
dog or dcggic (a chlld`s term for "dog`).
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I need o dogge bog to toke home ths.
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-8: TRAtK 4
Dutch (to go) cxp. to pay lndlvldually.
LXAHPLL: Every tlme Vllllam and Steven eat at a restaurant, they go
TRAB$LATI0B: Every tlme Vllllam and Steven eat at a restaurant, they
gay ndvduaIIy.
RLAL $PLAK: Ev`ry tlme Vllllam `n Steven ead at a rest`rant, they go
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Doud ond I went Dutch to the.
eyes that aze bggez than ones stomach (to have) cxp. to thlnk one can eat more than
one actually can.
LXAHPLL: You`re golng to eat all that food I have a feellng youz
eyes aze bggez than youz stomach.
TRAB$LATI0B: You`re golng to eat all that food I have a feellng you
thnk you can eat moze than you can.
RLAL $PLAK: Yer gonna ead all that food I have a feellng yez eyes ez
bggez thn yez stomach.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My mom sod my eyes ore bgger thon my
stomoch becouse.
gzab a bte (to) cxp. to get somethlng to eat.
LXAHPLL: I`m startlng to get hungry. Do you vant to gzab a bte
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m startlng to get hungry. Do you vant to get some-
thng to eat somevhere
RLAL $PLAK: I`m stardlng da get hungry. Ya vanna gzab a bte
Vnrinticn: gzab a bte to eat (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Yesterdoy I grobbed o bte ot.
Ietovezs n. remalnlng food that couldn`t be flnlshed.
LXAHPLL: Do you vant to come to my house for dlnner Ve have a
lot of Ietovezs from the party last nlght.
TRAB$LATI0B: Do you vant to come to my house for dlnner Ve have a
lot of zemanng ood from the party last nlght.
RLAL $PLAK: Ya vanna come ta my house fer dlnner Ve have a lod `a
Ietovezs fr`m the pardy las` nlght.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My jouorte lejtouers ore.
Lesson 6 AT A RL$TA0RABT
on someone (to be) cxp. to be pald for by someone else.
LXAHPLL: Slnce you dld such a blg favor for me yesterday, dnnez
s on me.
TRAB$LATI0B: Slnce you dld such a blg favor for me yesterday, Im
gayng oz dnnez.
RLAL $PLAK: Slnce ya dld such a blg faver fer me yesderday, dnnezs
on me.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
In honor oj your. lunch s on me.
gg out (to) cxp. to eat ln excess, to overeat, to eat llke a plg.
LXAHPLL: I don`t thlnk I`m golng to eat dlnner tonlght. I ggged out
durlng lunch and I`m stlll full!
TRAB$LATI0B: I don`t thlnk I`m golng to eat dlnner tonlght. I ovezate
durlng lunch and I`m stlll full!
RLAL $PLAK: I don` thlnk I`m gonna eat dlnner tanlght. I ggged out
durlng lunch `n I`m stlll full!
Syncnym: gozk out (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost tme I pgged out wos.
sde o somethng (a) n. (used vhen orderlng food) an extra order of somethlng.
LXAHPLL: Slnce my hamburger doesn`t come vlth anythlng extra,
I`m golng to get a sde o cole slav.
TRAB$LATI0B: Slnce my hamburger doesn`t come vlth anythlng extra,
I`m golng to get an extza ozdez o cole slav.
RLAL $PLAK: Slnce my burger doesn`t come vlth anythlng extra, I`m
gonna ged a sde a cole slav.
Nctc: Ccic sinu (or sinu) ls a popular salad made of shredded
cabbage and mayonnalse.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Im so hungry thot Im gong to order o sde oj.
skg somethng (to) u. to omlt somethlng from one`s food order.
LXAHPLL: I`m golng to skg the salad today and |ust have a
sandvlch and a drlnk.
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m golng to decde aganst ozdezng the salad today
and |ust have a sandvlch and a drlnk.
RLAL $PLAK: I`m gonna skg the salad taday `n |ust have a san`vlch `n a
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I thnk Id better skp dessert tonght becouse
ojter lunch I.
A. tR00$L TRL RIoRT w0R0 (Ansucrs cn p. 1}9)
Underllne the approprlate vord that best completes the
l. I`d love to go vlth you to the restaurant, but let`s go (Fzench, Sgansh, Dutch).
2. I can`t flnlsh all thls food. I thlnk I`m golng to need a (ktty, bzde, dogge) bag.
. I`m startlng to get fat! I`d better start to cut (down, ug, out).
. I`m hungry. Let`s go grab a (chew, bte, swaIIow) before the movle.
. I`m golng to (jumg, hog, skg) dessert. I`m trylng to lose velght.
6. Dld you see all the dessert Ceclly ate She must really have a sveet (tooth, mouth, eaz).
;. Slnce today ls your blrthday, dlnner ls (on, o, ovez) me.
S. I`m starvlng! I`m really golng to (cow, gzae, gg) out durlng dlnner!
9. Vhy dld you order so much food I thlnk your (eazs, eyes, eIbows) are blgger than your
l0. I`m golng to order a (tog, bottom, sde) of French frles to go vlth my hamburger.
ll. I thlnk ve bought too much food for the party. Look at all these left(uggezs, ovezs, downezs)!
l2. No one loves (chaIk, chocoIate, chokng) as much as my mother. She`s such a chocahollc!
sweet tooth (to have a) u. to have a passlon for sveets.
LXAHPLL: Dld you see all the candy Irene ate She must really have a
sweet tooth!
TRAB$LATI0B: Dld you see all the candy Irene ate She must really have a
gasson oz sweets!
RLAL $PLAK: Dld`|a see all the candy Irene ate She must really have a
sweet tooth!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
I thnk. hos o sweet tooth becouse yesterdoy
I sow hmjher eot o...
t0-8: TRAtK $
Lesson 6 AT A RL$TA0RABT
8. tR0$$w0R0 P022LL (Ansucrs cn p. 1}9)
Flll ln the crossvord puzzle by chooslng the correct vord from
the llst belov.
l. You vant to order tvo hamburgers, French frles, salad, and dessert! I thlnk your eyes are blgger
than your ____ !
ll. Steve has never offered to pay for my lunch even once. Every tlme ve go out to eat, ve alvays
go ____ .
lS. I`m hungry. Ve have a llttle extra tlme before the shov starts. Let`s grab a ____ at that nev
restaurant that |ust opened yesterday.
l9. Slnce today ls your blrthday, lunch ls ____ me.
2. I have to start ____ dovn or I`m golng to get fat!
2;. Vhy don`t ve order a ____ of spaghettl that ve can share vlth our meal.
2. I`m golng to ____ dessert today. I couldn`t eat another thlng.
S. I couldn`t posslbly eat another blte. I`m golng to ask the valter for a doggle ____ .
l. For dessert I ate a blg plece of chocolate cake, a sllce of lemon ple, slx chocolate chlp cookles,
and a brovnle. I`ve alvays had a ____ tooth!
6. Tessa could easlly eat an entlre chocolate cake all by herself. Everyone knovs she`s a real ____.
l;. I thlnk I bought too much food for the party. Ve`ll never be able to eat all thls food. I suppose
ve can alvays eat the ____ tomorrov.
. Yesterday for dlnner, I vent to an all-you-can-eat restaurant. You should have seem me ____
t0-8: TRAtK 8
Lesson 6 AT A RL$TA0RABT
1. Let`s go grob o bte before the movle starts. I knov a
great restaurant |ust around the corner.
2. I don`t usually eat desserts. I guess I never really
developed much of a sweet tooth.
3. I`m tlred of alvays paylng for Blll every tlme ve go out for
dlnner. Next tlme, I vant to go Dutch.
4. If you don`t start cuttng down, you`re golng to galn
5. I couldn`t posslbly eat another blte. I`m so full! I`d better
ask the valter for a dogge bog.
6. Look at that beautlful buffet. I`ve never seen so much
food! Let`s go pg out.
7. Thank you for treatlng me to lunch yesterday. Let`s go
out to dlnner today. Its on me.
8. I`m golng to skp the salad tonlght slnce I |ust had one
durlng lunch.
9. If you`re stlll hungry, you could alvays order o sde oj
bread rolls or a salad.
10. That vas such a dellclous meal, but there`s so much food
ve dldn`t even touch. Vell, I guess ve can alvays have
lejtouers tomorrov.
11. Vhy dld you take such a huge plece of ple You`ll never
be able to flnlsh that. I thlnk your eyes ore bgger
thon your stomoch.
12. I thlnk Joe ls a chocoholc. He |ust ate an entlre
chocolate cake and tvo chocolate lce cream cones!
t. HATtR TRL t0L0HB (Ansucrs cn p. 1u)
Match the vords ln boldface vlth the deflnltlon ln the
rlght column. Vrlte the letter of the deflnltlon ln the box.
A. eatlng less
B. passlon for sveets
C. omlt
D. eat ln excess
E. chocolate lover
F. get somethlng to eat
G. the remalnlng food that
couldn`t be flnlshed
H. I`ll treat
I. pay lndlvldually
J. bag used to carry
remalnlng food home
from a restaurant
K. an extra order of
L. you belleve you can
eat more than you
actually can
t0-8: TRAtK 7
(Ansucrs cn p. 1u)
(Ansucrs cn p. 11)
l. I drove my car over a nall and
got a blouout.
flat tlre
scratch on my car
2. My car vas totoled ln an
accldent. Nov I have to buy
a nev one.
damaged sllghtly
. Yesterday a drlver ron o
lght and almost hlt me!
crashed lnto a llght post
drove through a red llght
. Vould you llke to go for a
spn ln my nev car
. I`m golng to be late for vork!
I`d better punch t!
accelerate suddenly
stop suddenly
6. I vas ln a jender-bender
today. The car repalrs
shouldn`t cost very much.
mlnor car accldent
ma|or car accldent
;. Yesterday, lt took me an
hour to drlve home durlng
rush hour, and I only llve a
mlle avay!
the tlme vhen everyone
ls drlvlng on the road
the tlme vhen no one ls
drlvlng on the road
S. I`ll be glad to drlve you to
the market. Hop n!
start |umplng
get ln
9. Bob got houled n for
speedlng! He may have to
spend the nlght ln |all!
an avard
l0. The bumper-to-bumper
trojjc made me late!
llght trafflc
heavy trafflc
ll. The cop |ust arrested that
man for bank robbery!
flre flghter
pollce offlcer
l2. I rulned my tlres vhen I drove
over those pot holes.
rocks ln the street
deep holes ln the street
l. I have to take the bus untll my
clunker gets flxed.
old blcycle
old car
l. I don`t drlve vlth Dan
because he has a leod joot!
broken foot
tendency to drlve very fast
Lesson ; 0B TRL R0A0
John ls shov lng Mark hls nev car.
Mnrk: Is thls your nev car It`s beautlful!
Jchn: Thanks. It sure ls a step up from the cIunkez I used to have. Hog n and I`ll take you
for a sgn.
Mnrk: Just be careful. I knov about that Iead oot of yours. You don`t vant to get lnto a
endez-bendez! And you deflnltely don`t vant to get hauIed n by a cog for
speedlng or zunnng a Ight.
Jchn: Don`t vorry. I promlse I`m not golng to totaI my caz or get arrested my flrst day
havlng a nev car.
Mnrk: kay, but be careful. The road to Nancy`s house ls full of got hoIes and you don`t
vant to get a bIowout.
Jchn: Don`t vorry! I`ll take lt slovly. Besldes, slnce thls ls zush houz, ve`re not golng to be
able to go very fast vlth all the bumgez-to-bumgez tzac! But once lt clears up,
I`m golng to gunch t!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-8: TRAtK 8
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
John ls shov lng Mark hls nev car.
Mnrk: Is thls your nev car It`s beautlful!
Jchn: Thanks. It sure ls a step up from the oId caz I used to have. Get n and I`ll take you
for a dzve.
Mnrk: Just be careful. I knov about your tendency to dzve ast. You don`t vant to get
lnto a caz accdent! And you deflnltely don`t vant to get azzested by a goIce
ocez for speedlng or dzvng thzough a zed Ight.
Jchn: Don`t vorry. I promlse I`m not golng to destzoy my caz or get arrested my flrst day
havlng a nev car.
Mnrk: kay, but be careful. The road to Nancy`s house ls full of deeg hoIes and you don`t
vant to get a Iat tze.
Jchn: Don`t vorry! I`ll take lt slovly. Besldes, slnce thls ls the tme when most o the
cazs aze on the zoad, ve`re not golng to be able to go very fast vlth all the heavy
tzac! But once lt clears up, I`m golng to acceIezate guckIy!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Lesson ; 0B TRL R0A0
John`s shov lng Mark `ls nev car.
Mnrk: Is thls yer nev car It`s beaudlful!
Jchn: Thanks. It`s sher a step up fr`m the cIunkez I usta have. Hog n `n ah`ll take ya fer a
Mnrk: Jus` be careful. I knov about cher Iead oot. Ya don`t vanna ged lnto a endez-
bendez! And ya deflnltely don`t vanna get hauIed n by a cog fer speedlng `r
zunnng a Ight.
Jchn: Don`t vorry. I promlse I`m not gonna todaI my caz `r ged arrested my flrs` day havlng
a nev car.
Mnrk: kay, b`t be careful. The road ta Nancy`s house ls full `a got hoIes `n ya don`t vanna
ged a bIowout.
Jchn: Don`t vorry! Ah`ll take lt slovly. Besldes, slnce thls ls zush houz, v`r not gonna be
able da go very fast vlth all the bumgez-da-bumgez tzac! B`t once lt clears up,
I`m gonna gunch t!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-8: TRAtK 8
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. wABBA 0R wAB$TA (Ansucrs cn p. 11)
Ansver the questlon ln Column A aloud uslng the vords ln
Column B. Make sure to use "vanna` or "vansta` ln your
t0-8: TRAtK 9
Lesson ; 0B TRL R0A0
bIowout n. (sald because the alr "blovs out` of the tlre) a punctured tlre.
LXAHPLL: I vas late to vork because I got a bIowout on the
hlghvay thls mornlng.
TRAB$LATI0B: I vas late to vork because I got a gunctuzed tze on the
hlghvay thls mornlng.
RLAL $PLAK: I v`z late ta vork `cuz I god a bIowoud on the hlghvay
thls mornlng.
Syncnym: Iat n. (short for: jint tirc).
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My cor got o blouout on my uoy to.
bumgez-to-bumgez tzac cxp. trafflc that ls so heavy that there ls no room betveen cars.
LXAHPLL: It took me tvo hours to get home because of all the
bumgez-to-bumgez tzac and I only llve a fev
mlles from vork!
TRAB$LATI0B: It took me tvo hours to get home because of all the heavy
tzac and I only llve a fev mlles from vork!
RLAL $PLAK: It took me tvo hours ta get home because of all the
bumgez-da-bumgez tzac an` I only llve a fev mlles
fr`m vork!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The rood to ...s knoun jor houng o lot oj
bumper-to-bumper trojjc.
cIunkez n. an old car ln poor condltlon.
LXAHPLL: I flnally sold my old cIunkez and bought a nev Mercedes
TRAB$LATI0B: I flnally sold my old wozn out caz and bought a nev
Mercedes Benz!
RLAL $PLAK: I fln`lly sold my old cIunkez `n bod a nev Mercedes
Syncnym: jaIogy n.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost clunker I ouned uos o...
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-8: TRAtK I0
cog n. pollce offlcer (orlglnally called a ccppcr).
LXAHPLL: Be careful not to speed on thls street. I |ust sav a cog.
TRAB$LATI0B: Be careful not to speed on thls street. I |ust sav a goIce
RLAL $PLAK: Be careful not ta speed on thls street. I |us` sav a cog.
Nctc: Thls popular term (used even among pollce offlcers) came
from the days of gangsters vhen pollce offlcers vere
knovn for vearlng a copper badge.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The [ob oj o cop s to.
endez-bendez n. n mincr cnr nccidcnt.
LXAHPLL: I got lnto a car accldent thls mornlng, but don`t vorry. It
vas |ust a endez-bendez.
TRAB$LATI0B: I got lnto a car accldent thls mornlng, but don`t vorry. It
vas |ust a mnoz accdent.
RLAL $PLAK: I god lnto a car accldent thls mornlng, b`t don`t vorry. It
v`z |ust a endez-bendez.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The lost tme I sou o jender-bender uos.
hauIed n (to get) cxp. to get taken to the pollce statlon.
LXAHPLL: Dld you hear the nevs Jlm got hauIed n for drunk
TRAB$LATI0B: Dld you hear the nevs Jlm got taken to the goIce
staton for drunk drlvlng!
RLAL $PLAK: Dld`|a hear the nevs Jlm got hauIed n fer drunk
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Iue neuer been houled n jor.
hog n (to) u. to get lnto a car.
LXAHPLL: I`d be happy to drlve you to the grocery store thls mornlng.
Hog n!
TRAB$LATI0B: I`d be happy to drlve you to the grocery store thls mornlng.
Get n the caz!
RLAL $PLAK: I`d be happy da drlve you da the groc`ry store thls
mornlng. Hog n!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Hop nl Id be glod to drue you to.
Lesson ; 0B TRL R0A0
Iead oot (to have a) cxp. sald of a drlver vho has a tendency to drlve faster than the speed llmlt (as
lf hls/her foot vere made of lead, causlng the car`s gas pedal to be pressed too far dovn).
LXAHPLL: My brother got hls thlrd speedlng tlcket ln tvo veeks! My
father ls alvays yelllng at hlm about hls Iead oot.
TRAB$LATI0B: My brother got hls thlrd speedlng tlcket ln tvo veeks! My
father ls alvays yelllng at hlm about hls tendency to
dzve too ast.
RLAL $PLAK: My brother god `ls thlrd speedlng tlcket `n tvo veeks! My
dad`s alvays yelllng ad `lm aboud `ls Iead oot.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
My (jomly member or jrend) hos o leod jootl
got hoIe n. a large hole ln the street resembllng the slze and depth of a kltchen pot.
LXAHPLL: Unfortunately, the clty doesn`t have enough money to flx
all the got hoIes.
TRAB$LATI0B: Unfortunately, the clty doesn`t have enough money to flx
all the hoIes n the stzeet.
RLAL $PLAK: Unfortunately, the cldy doesn` have anuf money da flx all
the got hoIes.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
[Street nome] hos o lot oj pot holesl
gunch t (to) cxp. to press the accelerator pedal dovn suddenly.
LXAHPLL: Punch t! Ve only have flve mlnutes before the movle
TRAB$LATI0B: AcceIezate mmedateIy! Ve only have flve mlnutes
before the movle starts!
RLAL $PLAK: Punch t! Ve only have flve mlnutes b`fore the movle
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Were lote jor.... Punch tl
zun a Ight (to) cxp. to go through a trafflc slgnal durlng a red llght.
LXAHPLL: Dld you see that! That guy zan the Ight and almost hlt
TRAB$LATI0B: Dld you see that! That guy went thzough the tzac
sgnaI duzng a zed Ight and almost hlt us!
RLAL $PLAK: Dld`|a see that! That guy zan the Ight `n almost hld us!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
The donger n runnng o red lght s.
zush houz n. the tlme vhen most drlvers are on the road at the same tlme (usually at the openlng or
close of buslness).
LXAHPLL: Let`s meet for dlnner tonlght, but let`s make lt around
seven o`clock. I don`t vant to drlve durlng zush houz.
TRAB$LATI0B: Let`s meet for dlnner tonlght, but let`s make lt around
seven o`clock. I don`t vant to drlve durlng the tme
when most dzvezs aze on the zoad at the same
RLAL $PLAK: Let`s meet fer dlnner danlght, b`t let`s make ld aroun`
seven a`clock. I don`t vanna drlve durlng zush houz.
Nctc: Thls term ls stlll commonly used although lt`s no longer
accurate, slnce ln most blg cltles zush houz actually lasts
for scucrni hours!
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Durng rush hour, t tokes me ...hours to get to.
sgn (to take a) cxp. to take a short drlve vlth no partlcular destlnatlon.
LXAHPLL: It`s such a beautlful day! Vhy don`t ve take a sgn ln my
nev car
TRAB$LATI0B: It`s such a beautlful day! Vhy don`t ve take a zeIaxng
dzve ln my nev car
RLAL $PLAK: It`s such a beaudlf`l day! Vhy don` ve take a sgn `n my
nev car
Vnrinticn: sgn (to go oz a) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Ij I hod o Porsche, Id osk ...j hejshe uonted to
toke o spn uth mel
totaI a caz (to) cxp. to completely destroy a car ln an accldent.
LXAHPLL: Dld you hear the nevs Pat totaIed hs caz ln an
accldent last nlght! Lucklly, no one vas hurt.
TRAB$LATI0B: Dld you hear the nevs Pat destzoyed hs caz ln an
accldent last nlght! Lucklly, no one vas hurt.
RLAL $PLAK: Dld`|a hear the nevs Pat todaIed s caz ln `n accldent
las` nlght! Lucklly, no one v`z hurt.
B0w Y00 00 IT. t0HPLLTL TRL PRRA$L AL000:
Ij I totol my jothers neu cor, he ull.
Lesson ; 0B TRL R0A0
A. t0RRLtT 0R IBt0RRLtT (Ansucrs cn p. 11)
Declde vhether or not the vords ln boldface have been used
correctly or lncorrectly by checklng the approprlate box.
l. Ceorge |ust bought a brand nev cIunkez. It`s beautlful!
2. You`re drlvlng too fast! Punch t!
. Becky alvays drlves too fast. She has a real Iead oot.
. I made lt home easlly because there vas bumgez-to-bumgez tzac the entlre vay.
. The roads ln the clty are ln perfect condltlon. They all have lots of got hoIes.
6. Do you need a rlde to the market Hog n!
;. I feel llke taklng a valk today. Let`s go for a sgn.
S. Let`s try to drlve out of the clty around zush houz. That`s vhen there von`t be many cars on
the road.
9. n the vay to my mother`s house, I drove over a nall and got a bIowout.
l0. I heard you got lnto an accldent yesterday and totaIed your car! Vere you hurt Is your car
really rulned
ll. That drlver almost zan the Ight and hlt me!
l2. My slster vants to be a cog because she loves flghtlng flres.
t0-8: TRAtK II
8. 8LABK-8LABK (Ansucrs cn p. 11)
Flll ln the blank vlth the correct vord(s) from Column B.
t0-8: TRAtK I2
Lesson ; 0B TRL R0A0
t. TR0L 0R tAL$L (Ansucrs cn p. 12)
Declde vhether or not the deflnltlon of the vord ln boldface ls true or false by
checklng an "X` ln the correct box.
l. cog n. pollce offlcer (orlglnally called a ccppcr because of the copper badge).
2. to hog n u. to go through a red llght.
. to gunch t cxp. to get lnto a flght vlth a cop.
. to have a Iead oot cxp. sald of someone vho has a tendency to drlve fast (as lf hls/her foot
vere made of lead).
. bIowout n. a punctured tlre.
6. cIunkez n. a brand nev car.
;. bumgez-to-bumgez tzac cxp. trafflc that ls so heavy that there ls no room betveen cars.
S. zush houz n. a tlme vhen there are fev cars on the road.
9. to totaI a caz cxp. to completely destroy a car ln an accldent.
l0. got hoIe n. a large hole ln the street the slze and depth of a kltchen pot.
ll. to zun a Ight cxp. to drlve vlth the headllghts on.
l2. to take a sgn cxp. to take a short drlve vlth no partlcular destlnatlon.
l. to get hauIed n cxp. to get taken to the pollce statlon.
l. endez-bendez n. a qulck rlde ln the car.
t0-8: TRAtK I3
(Ansucrs cn p. 12)
(Ansucrs cn p. 12)
1. Tony cut closs yesterday and vent to the movles lnstead.
2. My psych teacher ls strange. I thlnk she`s neurotlc!
3. I`m so exclted! I oced the test!
4. I pulled on oll-nghter studylng! I`m exhausted.
5. The teacher surprlsed us all by glvlng us a pop guz!
6. Thls class ls too hard. I thlnk I`m golng to drop t.
7. My slster alvays gets stroght As vlthout even studylng!
8. If I don`t pass the jnol, I`m golng to be ln blg trouble!
9. I bleu my test. I`m studylng harder next tlme!
10. Vhat a kller test! It vas really hard!
11. Paul jlunked the course because he never studles.
12. I mlssed the test because I vas slck. I hope the teacher ls
glvlng a moke-up.
13. You forgot about the test tomorrov You`d better crom
for lt!
14. I passed the md-term! My parents vlll be so happy!
A. falled
B. psychology
C. perfect grades
D. surprlse test
E. dld extremely vell on
F. mlddle-of-term examlnatlon
C. dld extremely poorly
H. end-of-term examlnatlon
I. dldn`t attend class
J. stayed up all nlght
K. study hard ln a short perlod
of tlme
L. very dlfflcult
M. second chance at taklng the
N. remove the class from my
Lesson S AT $tR00L
Lee and Da vld are talk lng about Erlc.
Dn uid: I |ust heard Erlc Iunked our gsych class! Is that true
Lcc: Yeah, I can`t belleve lt. It`s never happened to hlm before! He alvays gets stzaght As
on the gog guzzes and he even aced the md-tezm. Hov could he posslbly bIow
the naI
Dn uid: That`s because he started to cut cIass all the tlme and stopped studylng. I passed lt
because I guIIed an aII nghtez trylng to czam for lt.
Lcc: I`ve never taken such a kIIez test ln my llfe. Unfortunately for Erlc, the professor lsn`t
allovlng hlm to take a make-ug.
Dn uid: He should have dzogged the cIass vhen he had the chance!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-8: TRAtK I4
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Lee and Da vld are talk lng about Erlc.
Dn uid: I |ust heard Erlc aIed our gsychoIogy class! Is that true
Lcc: Yeah, I can`t belleve lt. It`s never happened to hlm before! He alvays gets gezect gzades on
the suzgzse tests and he even dd extzemeIy weII on the md-tezm examnaton.
Hov could he posslbly do extzemeIy goozIy on the naI examnaton
Dn uid: That`s because he started to mss cIass ntentonaIIy all the tlme and stopped studylng.
I passed lt because I stayed ug aII nght trylng to study hazd for lt.
Lcc: I`ve never taken such a dcuIt test ln my llfe. Unfortunately for Erlc, the professor lsn`t
allovlng hlm to take a ze-test.
Dn uid: He should have zemoved the cIass zom hs scheduIe vhen he had the chance!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Lesson S AT $tR00L
Lee `n Da vld `er talk lng aboud Erlc.
Dn uid: I |ust heard thad Erlc Iunked `ar gsych class! Izat true
Lcc: Yeah, I can`t b`lleve lt. It`s never happen` to `lm b`fore! He alvays gets stzad As on
the gog guzzes an` `e even aced the md-tezm. Hov could `e posslbly bIow the
Dn uid: That`s `cuz `e starded da cut cIass all the tlme `n stopped studylng. I passed lt `cuz
I guIIed n aII-ndez trylng da czam for lt.
Lcc: I`ve never taken such a kIIez test ln my llfe. Unfortunately fer Erlc, the prafesser lsn`
allovlng `lm ta take a make-ug.
Dn uid: He should `a dzogged the cIass vhen `e had the chance!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-8: TRAtK I4
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. tRABoL 'LH T0 RLAL $PLAK (Ansucrs cn p. 12)
Flll ln each box vlth the real speak verslon of he (e),
hm (m), hs (s), her (er), or them (em) vhen
approprlate. But be careful! In some cases, there ls no
change! Most lmportant, practlce speaklng the paragraph
ln real speak uslng your ansvers.
t0-8: TRAtK I$
Lesson S AT $tR00L
ace a test (to) cxp. to do extremely vell on a test.
LXAHPLL: I studled for veeks and veeks. I |ust knov I`m golng to ace
the test!
TRAB$LATI0B: I studled for veeks and veeks. I |ust knov I`m golng to do
extzemeIy weII on the test!
RLAL $PLAK: I studled fer veeks `n veeks. I |us` knov I`m gonna ace
the test!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use oce the test" n o sentence)
bIow a test (to) cxp. to do extremely poorly on a test.
LXAHPLL: Steve bIew the test ln algebra. I alvays thought he
loved math!
TRAB$LATI0B: Steve dd extzemeIy goozIy on the test ln algebra.
I alvays thought he loved math!
RLAL $PLAK: Steve bIew the test `n algebra. I alvays thod `e loved
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use blou the test" n o sentence)
czam (to) u. to study very hard ln a short perlod of tlme.
LXAHPLL: I should have been studylng all veek. Nov I have to stay
up and czam for thls test tomorrov mornlng!
TRAB$LATI0B: I should have been studylng all veek. Nov I have to stay
up and study vezy hazd n a shozt gezod o tme
for thls test tomorrov mornlng!
RLAL $PLAK: I should`ev been studylng all veek. Nov I hafta stay up `n
czam fer thls tes` tamorrov mornlng!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use crom" n o sentence)
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-8: TRAtK I8
cut cIass (to) cxp. to mlss class lntentlonally.
LXAHPLL: I don`t feel llke golng to school today. Let`s cut cIass and
go to the movles.
TRAB$LATI0B: I don`t feel llke golng to school today. Let`s mss cIass
ntentonaIIy and go to the movles.
RLAL $PLAK: I don` feel llke golng ta school taday. Let`s cut cIass `n go
da the movles.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use cut closs" n o sentence)
dzog a cIass (to) cxp. to remove a class from one`s schedule.
LXAHPLL: You`re taklng elght classes thls term If you vant any free
tlme, you`re golng to have todzog a cIass. maybe tvo!
TRAB$LATI0B: You`re taklng elght classes thls term If you vant any free
tlme, you`re golng to have to zemove a cIass zom
youz scheduIe. maybe tvo!
RLAL $PLAK: Yer taklng elght classes thls term If ya van` any free tlme,
yer gonna hafta dzog a cIass. maybe tvo!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use drop o closs" n o sentence)
naI n. the flnal test vhlch covers everythlng learned durlng the school term.
LXAHPLL: I need to study all veek. If I don`t pass the naI, I von`t be
able to graduate!
TRAB$LATI0B: I need to study all veek. If I don`t pass the naI test
covezng evezythng we Ieazned, I von`t be able to
RLAL $PLAK: I need da study all veek. If I don`t pass the naI, I von`t
be able da graduate!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use jnol" n o sentence)
Iunk (to) u. to fall a test or a sub|ect.
LXAHPLL: I studled all nlght for thls test! Hov could I have posslbly
TRAB$LATI0B: I studled all nlght for thls test! Hov could I have posslbly
RLAL $PLAK: I studled all nlght fer thls test! Hov could I`ev posslbly
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use jlunk" n o sentence)
Lesson S AT $tR00L
kIIez ndj. 1. extremely dlfflcult 2. terrlflc.
LXAHPLL I: That vas a kIIez test! I hope I dldn`t blov lt!
TRAB$LATI0B: That vas a zeaIIy dcuIt test! I hope I dldn`t blov lt!
RLAL $PLAK: That v`z a kIIez test! I hope I dldn`t blov lt!
LXAHPLL 2: That`s a kIIez dress! Vhere dld you buy lt
TRAB$LATI0B: That`s a tezzc dress! Vhere dld you buy lt
RLAL $PLAK: That`s a kIIez dress! Vhere`d `|a buy lt
Nctc: The dlfference betveen deflnltlons 1. and 2. slmply
depends on the context.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use kller" n o sentence)
make-ug |or] make-ug test n. a test that can be taken agaln at a later tlme, a re-test.
LXAHPLL: I vas slck the day the teacher gave the class the test.
Lucklly she`s glvlng a make-ug.
TRAB$LATI0B: I vas slck the day the teacher gave the class the test.
Lucklly she`s glvlng a second chance to take t.
RLAL $PLAK: I v`z slck the day the teacher gave the class the test. Lucklly
she`s glvlng a make-ug.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use moke-up" n o sentence)
md-tezmn. a test taken ln the mlddle of the term vhlch covers all the materlal learned up to that
LXAHPLL: If I pass the blology md-tezm, the rest of the course vlll
be easy!
TRAB$LATI0B: If I pass the blology test taken n the mddIe o the
tezm, the rest of the course vlll be easy!
RLAL $PLAK: If I pass the blo md-tezm, the rest `a the course`ll be
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use md-term" n o sentence)
gog guz n. a surprlse test (for vhlch students aren`t able to study ln advance).
LXAHPLL: My Engllsh teacher gave us a gog guz today. Lucklly
I read all of the materlal last veek!
TRAB$LATI0B: My Engllsh teacher gave us a suzgzse test today.
Lucklly I read all of the materlal last veek!
RLAL $PLAK: My Engllsh teacher gave us a gog guz taday. Lucklly I
read all `a the materlal last veek!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use pop guz" n o sentence)
gsych n. a common shortened name for "psychology.`
LXAHPLL: I have to hurry. My gsych class starts ln flve mlnutes and I
don`t vant to be late!
TRAB$LATI0B: I have to hurry. My gsychoIogy class starts ln flve
mlnutes and I don`t vant to be late!
RLAL $PLAK: I hafta hurry. My gsych class starts `n flve mlnutes `n I
don`t vanna be late!
Nctc: Many other school courses have shortened names such as:
bic ~ blology
chcm ~ chemlstry
cccn ~ economlcs
Engiish iit ~ Engllsh llterature
hcmc cc ~ home economlcs
mnth ~ mathematlcs
F.E. cr phys cd ~ physlcal educatlon
pcii sci ~ polltlcal sclence
scsh ~ soclology
trig ~ trlgonometry
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use psych" n o sentence)
guII an aII-nghtez (to) cxp. to stay up all nlght studylng.
LXAHPLL: I`m exhausted. I guIIed an aII-nghtez studylng for my
chemlstry flnal.
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m exhausted. I stayed ug aII nght studylng for my
chemlstry flnal.
RLAL $PLAK: I`m exhausted. I guIIed n aII-ndez studylng fer my
chemlstry flnal.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use pull on oll-nghter" n o sentence)
stzaght As cxp. perfect grades (ln all sub|ects or all of one`s exams).
LXAHPLL: Dld you see Nancy`s report card She got stzaght As
for the thlrd tlme!
TRAB$LATI0B: Dld you see Nancy`s report card She got gezect
gzades for the thlrd tlme!
RLAL $PLAK: Dld`|a see Nancy`s report card She got stzad As fer the
thlrd tlme!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Use stroght As" n o sentence)
Lesson S AT $tR00L
A. TR0TR 0R LIL (Ansucrs cn p. 12)
The students belov are calllng home. Read the conversatlon
each student ls havlng on the phone, then read thelr actual
thoughts ln the bubble. Declde lf the student ls telllng the truth
or a lle by checklng the approprlate box. t0-8: TRAtK I7
8. tIB0 TRL 0LtIBITI0B (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Vrlte the deflnltlon of the slang vord(s) ln boldface chooslng
from the vord llst belov.
l. ace a test (to) cxp. .
2. bIow a test (to) cxp. .
. czam (to) v. .
. cut cIass (to) cxp. .
. dzog a cIass (to) cxp. .
6. naI n. .
;. kIIez ndj. .
S. make-ug / make-ug test n. .
9. gog guz n. .
l0. gsych n. .
ll. guII an aII-nghtez (to) cxp. .
l2. stzaght As cxp. .
to study very hard ln a short perlod of tlme
to stay up all nlght studylng
a common abbrevlatlon for "psychology`
to mlss class lntentlonally
extremely dlfflcult or terrlflc
to do extremely poorly on a test
an end-of-term test vhlch covers everythlng
learned durlng the school term
to remove a class from one`s schedule
a test that can be taken agaln at a later tlme
perfect grades
a surprlse test
to do extremely vell on a test
t0-8: TRAtK I8
Lesson S AT $tR00L
t. tIB0-TRL-w0R0 oRI0 (Ansucrs cn p. 1})
Flll ln the blanks vlth the most approprlate vord uslng the llst.
Next, flnd and clrcle the vord ln the grld belov. Vords may be
spelled vertlcally or horlzontally.
l. I pulled an all-________________________ studylng for my hlstory exam.
2. I ____________ my test! I got a perfect score!
. My slster got the hlghest grade polnt average ln our school. She got _______________ A`s ln
every course!
. I dldn`t see Ernle ln school today. I vonder lf he __________ class agaln.
. If you don`t start to study harder, you`re golng to __________ thls course.
6. That vas a ________________ test! I hope I pass!
;. I hate vhen the teacher glves us ________ qulzzes. I`d rather be able to prepare!
S. It`s really lronlc but I thlnk our ____________ teacher ls crazy!
9. I`d llke to go vlth you to the movles but I have to ____________ for a blg test tomorrov mornlng.
l0. Thls class ls so hard! I thlnk I mlght _____________ lt and take somethlng else.
t0-8: TRAtK I9
(Ansucrs cn p. 1})
(Ansucrs cn p. 1)
l. You`re varm. Are you
runnng o jeuer
feellng energetlc
2. It takes veeks to bounce
bock from the flu.
to get slck agaln
. Joan got dlzzy and almost
possed out.
voke up
. I mlssed three veeks of
vork because I vas
os sck os o dog.
feellng great
feellng very slck
. After belng slck for a
veek, I`m flnally back n
the pnk.
ln good health
ln poor health
6. There`s nothlng to do
here. I`m bored out oj
my mnd!
very bored
very exclted
;. Don`t vork so hard. Toke
t eosy!
eat somethlng
S. If I don`t get out of thls
house, I`ll go str crozy!
go to sleep
become very restless
from conflnement
9. After a veek of rest, you
should be rorng to go!
full of energy
l0. I can`t sleep. I`m too
nervous and agltated
ll. Dld your mother pull
through after surgery
get much vorse
l2. You don`t look vell. Are
you feellng under the
weother today
l. There ls no cure for a
cold. You |ust have to let
lt run ts course.
get better fast
lose strength on lts ovn
l. I don`t knov vhat`s
vrong vlth me today.
I don`t really feel slck, |ust
a llttle bloh.
tlred and llfeless
Lesson 9 T0 Y00R RLALTR
Ka ren and Janet are talk lng on the phone.
Kn rcn: Hl, Janet. I haven`t heard from you ln a vhlle. Hov are you
Jnnct: I`ve been eeIng undez the weathez. I felt bIah all mornlng. Then by the
afternoon, I vas as sck as a dog. I started zunnng a evez and actually thought I
vas golng to gass out! Flnally I had Brad take me to the doctor vho sald lt vas a bad
case of the flu vhlch |ust has to zun ts couzse. I should be zazng to go soon.
Kn rcn: Vell, lt sounds llke you`ll deflnltely guII thzough. It takes a vhlle to bounce back
after havlng the flu, but I`m sure you`ll be back n the gnk soon. Just try to take t
easy for a vhlle.
Jnnct: You`re rlght, but I`m too antsy to |ust lle ln bed. I get bozed out o my mnd.
Kn rcn: I knov vhat you mean. The last tlme I vas slck, I started to go stz czazy!
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-8: TRAtK 20
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Ka ren and Janet are talk lng on the phone.
Kn rcn: Hl, Janet. I haven`t heard from you ln a vhlle. Hov are you
Jnnct: I`ve been eeIng sck. I felt IeIess all mornlng. Then by the afternoon, I vas
extzemeIy sck. I started gettng a evez and actually thought I vas golng to
ant! Flnally I had Brad take me to the doctor vho sald lt vas a bad case of the flu
vhlch |ust has to Iose stzength on ts own. I should be uII o enezgy soon.
Kn rcn: Vell, lt sounds llke you`ll deflnltely suzvve. It takes a vhlle to zecovez after
havlng the flu, but I`m sure you`ll be back n good heaIth soon. Just try to zeIax
for a vhlle.
Jnnct: You`re rlght, but I`m too zestIess to |ust lle ln bed. I get extzemeIy bozed.
Kn rcn: I knov vhat you mean. The last tlme I vas slck, I started to become vezy zestIess
zom beng conned to one gIace!
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Lesson 9 T0 Y00R RLALTR
Ka ren `n Janet `er talk lng on the phone.
Kn rcn: Hl, Janet. I haven`t heard fr`m ya ln a vhlle. Hov are ya
Jnnct: I`ve been eeIng undez the weathez. I felt bIah all mornlng. Then by the
afternoon, I v`z ez sck ez a dog. I starded zunnng a evez `n akshelly thod I v`z
gonna gass out! Fln`lly I had Brad take me da the doctor vho sald lt v`z a bad case `a
the flu vhlch |ust hasta zun ts couzse. I should be zazn da go soon.
Kn rcn: Vell, lt sounds llke you`ll deflnltely guII thzough. It takes a vhlle da bounce back
after havlng the flu, bud I`m sher you`ll be back n the gnk soon. Jus` try da take d
easy fer a vhlle.
Jnnct: Yer rlght bud I`m too antsy da |us` lle `n bed. I get bozed oudda my mnd!
Kn rcn: I knov vhat`cha mean. The las` tlme I v`z slck, I starded ta go stz czazy!
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-8: TRAtK 20
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
A. 0B$tRAH8LL (Ansucrs cn p. 1)
Step l: Unscramble the vord tlles and vrlte the sentence
belov ln box l.
Step 2: Revrlte the sentence replaclng you, your, youre,
andyours vlth thelr real speak equlvalents ln box 2.
t0-8: TRAtK 2I
Lesson 9 T0 Y00R RLALTR
antsy (to be) ndj. to be restless.
LXAHPLL: The movle vas three hours long. After tvo hours, I started
gettlng antsy.
TRAB$LATI0B: The movle vas three hours long. After tvo hours, I started
gettlng zestIess.
RLAL $PLAK: The movle v`z three hours long. After tvo hours, I starded
geddlng antsy.
Syncnym: ants n ones gants (to have) cxp.
Nctc: Both expresslons con|ure up an lmage of ants cravllng all
over someone causlng that person to squlrm around and
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng ontsy")
bIah (to eeI) ndj. to feel llfeless, generally a llttle tlred and unfocused.
LXAHPLL: Thank you for lnvltlng me to go vlth you, but I thlnk I`m
|ust golng to stay home tonlght. I`m feellng a llttle bIah.
TRAB$LATI0B: Thank you for lnvltlng me to go vlth you, but I thlnk I`m
|ust golng to stay home tonlght. I`m feellng a llttle tzed
and unocused.
RLAL $PLAK: Thanks fer lnvldlng me da go vlth you, b`d I thlnk I`m |us`
gonna stay home tanlght. I`m feellng a llddle bIah.
Syncnym 1: out o t (to eeI) cxp.
Syncnym 2: out o sozts (to eeI) cxp.
Syncnym }: to be oneseI (not) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng bloh")
bozed out o ones mnd (to be) cxp. to be very bored.
LXAHPLL: I vas bozed out o my mnd durlng the lecture!
I couldn`t valt for lt to end!
TRAB$LATI0B: I vas tezzbIy bozed durlng the lecture! I couldn`t valt
for lt to end!
RLAL $PLAK: I v`z bozed oudda my mn durlng the lecture!
I couldn` valt for lt ta end!
Syncnym 1: bozed out o ones skuII (to be) cxp.
Syncnym 2: bozed st (to be) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng bored out oj ones
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
t0-8: TRAtK 22
bounce back (to) u. to recover.
LXAHPLL: Dan ls taklng a long tlme to bounce back from the flu.
He must be really slck.
TRAB$LATI0B: Dan ls taklng a long tlme to zecovez from the flu. He must
be really slck.
RLAL $PLAK: Dan`s taklng a long tlme da bounce back fr`m the flu. He
mus` be really slck.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng bounce bock")
n the gnk (to be)cxp. to be en|oylng good health (exhlblted by a healthy plnk color of one`s skln).
LXAHPLL: My father ls feellng much better. He`s flnally n the gnk
TRAB$LATI0B: My father ls feellng much better. He`s flnally enjoyng
good heaIth agaln.
RLAL $PLAK: My dad`s feellng much bedder. He`s fln`lly n the gnk
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng n the pnk")
gass out (to) u. to falnt.
LXAHPLL: Jody gassed out after vorklng out at the gym. I thlnk he
exerclsed too hard!
TRAB$LATI0B: Jody anted after vorklng out at the gym. I thlnk he
exerclsed too hard!
RLAL $PLAK: Jody gassed oud after vorklng oud at the gym. I thlnk `e
exerclsed too hard!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng poss out")
guII thzough (to) u. to survlve.
LXAHPLL: Don`t vorry. I`m sure Debble vlll guII thzough. The
doctors say she`s gettlng better every day.
TRAB$LATI0B: Don`t vorry. I`m sure Debble vlll suzvve. The doctors
say she`s gettlng better every day.
RLAL $PLAK: Don`t vorry. I`m sher Debble`ll guII thzough. The
docters say she`s geddlng bedder ev`ry day.
Syncnym: make t (to) cxp.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng pull through")
Lesson 9 T0 Y00R RLALTR
zazng to go (to be) cxp. to be energetlc (and ready to selze the moment).
LXAHPLL: I knov you feel blah rlght nov but after a good nlght`s
sleep, I`m sure you`ll be zazng to go!
TRAB$LATI0B: I knov you feel blah rlght nov but after a good nlght`s
sleep, I`m sure you`ll be enezgetc!
RLAL $PLAK: I knov ya feel blah rlght nov bud after a good nlght`s
sleep, I`m sher you`ll be zazn da go!
Syncnym: ug and at them (to be) cxp.
Nctc: Thls expresslon ls alvays reduced to: to be ug n
ad em.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng rorng to go")
zun a evez (to) cxp. to have a hlgh body temperature, to be feverlsh.
LXAHPLL: If you start to zun a evez, you should go see your doctor
rlght avay.
TRAB$LATI0B: If you start to get a hgh body temgezatuze, you
should go see your doctor rlght avay.
RLAL $PLAK: If ya start ta zun a evez, you should go see yer docter
rlde avay.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng run o jeuer")
zun ts couzse (to) cxp. sald of an lllness that vlll lose strength on lts ovn over tlme.
LXAHPLL: Unfortunately, there`s no treatment for the common cold
yet. It |ust has to zun ts couzse.
TRAB$LATI0B: Unfortunately, there`s no treatment for the common cold
yet. It |ust has to Iose stzength on ts own ovez
RLAL $PLAK: Unfortunately, there`s no treatment fer the common cold
yet. It |ust hasta zun ts couzse.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng run ts course")
sck as a dog (to be as) cxp. to be extremely slck.
LXAHPLL: Usually I never get slck. But last veek I vas as sck as a
dog! Lucklly, I`m dolng a lot better nov.
TRAB$LATI0B: Usually I never get slck. But last veek I vas extzemeIy
sck! Lucklly, I`m dolng a lot better nov.
RLAL $PLAK: Usually I never get slck. B`t last veek I v`z ez sck ez a
dog! Lucklly, I`m dolng a lot bedder nov.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng sck os o dog")
stz czazy (to go) cxp. to become very restless from belng conflned to one place.
LXAHPLL: I vlsh lt vould stop ralnlng so I could go outslde. I`ve been
locked up ln thls house for almost a veek and I`m startlng
to go stz czazy!
TRAB$LATI0B: I vlsh lt vould stop ralnlng so ve could go outslde. I`ve
been locked up ln thls house for almost a veek and I`m
startlng to become vezy zestIess zom beng con-
ned to one gIace!
RLAL $PLAK: I vlsh lt`d stop ralnlng so ve could go outslde. I`ve been
locked up `n thls house fer almost a veek `n I`m stardlng ta
go stz czazy!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng str crozy")
take t easy (to) cxp. to relax.
LXAHPLL: Ralph vorks so hard all the tlme. I`m vorrled that lf he
doesn`t start to slov dovn and take t easy, he`s golng to
get slck!
TRAB$LATI0B: Ralph vorks so hard all the tlme. I`m vorrled that lf he
doesn`t start to slov dovn and zeIax, he`s golng to get
RLAL $PLAK: Ralph vorks so hard all the tlme. I`m vorrled thad lf `e
doesn`t start ta slov dovn `n take d easy, he`s gonna
get slck!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng toke t eosy")
undez the weathez (to eeI) cxp. to feel slck.
LXAHPLL: Hl, Rlchard. You look a llttle tlred today. Have you been
eeIng undez the weathez
TRAB$LATI0B: Hl, Rlchard. You look a llttle tlred today. Have you been
eeIng sck
RLAL $PLAK: Hl, Rlchard. You look a llddle tlred taday. Have you been
eeIng undez the weathez
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng jeel under the
Lesson 9 T0 Y00R RLALTR
A. TRL 0BtIBI$RL0 t0BvLR$ATI0B (Ansucrs cn p. 1)
Read the conversatlons then flll ln the last llne vlth your ovn
vords ln response to vhat you`ve |ust read. Make sure to use
the suggested vords ln your response. Your response can be ln
the form of a questlon or statement. t0-8: TRAtK 23
8. tR00$L TRL RIoRT w0R0 (Ansucrs cn p. 1)
Underllne the approprlate vord that best completes the
l. I`m feellng a llttle (undez, ovez, behnd) the veather today. I hope I`m not catchlng a cold.
I have to go to vork tonlght!
2. I haven`t gone outslde for three days because I`ve been slck. I`m startlng to go stlr (haggy,
hungzy, czazy)!
. I`ve been cold all day and lt`s the mlddle of summer! I vonder lf I`m (skggng, waIkng,
zunnng) a fever.
. My mother caught the flu last veek and vas slck as a (cat, gzae, dog).
. You really don`t need to vorry at all. The surgeon sald Monlca vlll (guII, gush, It) through
|ust flne.
6. Let`s go to the movles. I vant to do somethlng fun. I`ve been bored out of my (bzan, mnd,
eyes) all day!
;. Unfortunately, there`s no cure for a vlrus. You |ust have to let lt (zun, jog, waIk) lts course.
S. I vas slck for tvo veeks but I`m flnally ln the (gzeen, yeIIow, gnk)!
9. I don`t feel slck or anythlng. I |ust feel klnd of (bIue, bIond, bIah).
l0. You`ve been slck for a long tlme, so don`t exerclse too hard yet. It takes a vhlle to bounce
(back, azound, ug) after havlng the flu.
ll. I feel llke I`m golng to pass (ug, n, out). I need to slt dovn.
l2. Vhy are you (antsy, ancy, n the gnk) today You need to calm dovn!
l. You`re vorklng too hard. You really need to take lt (hazd, easy, smgIe).
l. After a fev days of rest, you`ll be rarlng to (go, stog, move).
t0-8: TRAtK 24
Lesson 9 T0 Y00R RLALTR
t. t0HPLLTL TRL $T0RY (Ansucrs cn p. 1,)
Use the lllustratlons to help you flll ln the blanks vlth the
correct slang term or expresslon.
t0-8: TRAtK 2$
(Ansucrs cn p. 1)
(Ansucrs cn p. 1)
l. They`re not old enough to
knov true love. It`s |ust
puppy loue.
Dcjiniticn: immnturc icuc
True False
2. Cathy`s smlllng at you. Maybe
she has a crush on you!
Dcjiniticn: disiikc jcr
True False
. That`s your vlfe Vhen dld
you te the knot
Dcjiniticn: gct mnrricd
True False
. There are no stzngs
attached to my lnvltatlon.
I don`t expect anythlng ln
Dcjiniticn: hiddcn mctiucs
True False
. If you don`t vant to go out
vlth Blll, turn hm doun.
Dcjiniticn: dcciinc his cjjcr
True False
6. John ls deflnltely not a hunk.
He`s the blggest nerd'
Dcjiniticn: nthictc
True False
;. My boyfrlend dumped me
for another glrl!
Dcjiniticn: rcjcctcd
True False
S. Ted vas late, but he flnally
shoued up.
Dcjiniticn: nppcnrcd
True False
9. I valted an hour for hlm. He
stood me up!
Dcjiniticn: jinniiy nrriucd
True False
l0. Vhen I met your father, lt
vas loue ot jrst sght.
Dcjiniticn: instnnt icuc
True False
ll. Tessa ls drop-deod
gorgeous! Is she a model
Dcjiniticn: ucry bcnutijui
True False
l2. Leonard and I planned on
havlng dlnner together last
nlght, but he had to breok
our dote.
Dcjiniticn: tc cnncci cur dntc
True False
l. If you don`t really llke Martln,
don`t go out vlth hlm. You`re
|ust leodng hm on!
Dcjiniticn: mnking him jnisciy
think ycurc intcrcstcd in him
True False
l. If you vant a date vlth
Jennlfer, |ust osk her out!
Dcjiniticn: nsk hcr cn n dntc
True False
l. I heard you vent out on a
blnd dote last nlght! Dld
you knov vhat he looked
llke before you met hlm
Dcjiniticn: dntc uith scmccnc
ycu kncu ucii
True False
Lesson l0 0B A 0ATL
Su san ls tell lng Melanle about her date.
Mcinnic: You have to tell me about your bInd date. Hov vas lt Vas he dzog-dead
gozgeous Vas lt Iove at zst sght
Su snn: Hardly! Flrst of all, I valted for an hour before he flnally plcked me up. I |ust assumed
that he stood me ug. Then vhen he flnally dld show ug, I opened the door to flnd
the blggest nezd standlng there! By the end of the evenlng, he told me that he had a
czush on me and then started talklng about tyng the knot!
Mcinnic: n the flrst date! It vas probably |ust guggy Iove. Llsten, my advlce to you ls that the
next tlme he asks you out, |ust tuzn hm down and run ln the opposlte dlrectlon!
Vhatever you do, you certalnly don`t vant to Iead hm on.
Su snn: I`m supposed to go out vlth another guy next veek, but I`ve declded to bzeak ouz
date. I |ust can`t go through thls agaln.
Mcinnic: Nov, don`t dumg hlm before you even meet hlm! He may be a great guy for you. Just
make sure there are no stzngs attached before you go out.
Su snn: Flne. \cu go out vlth hlm.
The vords lntroduced on the flrst tvo pages are used ln the follovlng
dlalogue and lllustrated ln the long plcture above. Can you
understand the conversatlon and flnd the lllustratlon that
corresponds to the slang Nctc: The translatlon of the vords ln
boldface ls on the rlght-hand page.
t0-8: TRAtK 28
A. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo $LABo $ I0I0H$
Su san ls tell lng Melanle about her date.
Mcinnic: You have to tell me about your date wth the gezson youve nevez met beoze. Hov
vas lt Vas he extzemeIy attzactve Vas lt mmedate Iove ugon seeng hm oz
the zst tme
Su snn: Hardly! Flrst of all, I valted for an hour before he flnally plcked me up. I |ust assumed that he
ntentonaIIy ddnt azzve oz ouz date. Then vhen he flnally dld azzve, I opened
the door to flnd the blggest socaI mst standlng there! By the end of the evenlng, he told me
that he had an natuaton wth me and then started talklng about gettng mazzed!
Mcinnic: n the flrst date! It vas probably |ust mmatuze Iove between young geogIe. Llsten,
my advlce to you ls that the next tlme he nvtes you to go on a date, |ust decIne and
run ln the opposlte dlrectlon! Vhatever you do, you certalnly don`t vant to make hm
aIseIy thnk that youze ntezested n hm.
Su snn: I`m supposed to go out vlth another guy next veek, but I`ve declded to canceI the date.
I |ust can`t go through thls agaln.
Mcinnic: Nov, don`t end the zeIatonshg vlth hlm before you even meet hlm! He may be a great
guy for you. Just make sure there are no hdden motves before you go out.
Su snn: Flne. \cu go out vlth hlm.
Just for fun, bounce around ln random order to the vords and
expresslons ln boldface belov. See lf you can remember thelr slang
equlvalents vlthout looklng at the left-hand page!
Lesson l0 0B A 0ATL
Su san`s tell lng Melanle aboud `er date.
Mcinnic: Ya hafta tell me about cher bIn date. Hov vas lt Vas `e dzog-dead gozgeous
Vas lt Iove t zs sght
Su snn: Hardly! Flrst of all, I valded fer `n hour b`fore `e fln`lly plcked me up. I |ust assumed th`d
I v`z belng stood ug. Then vhen `e fln`lly dld show ug, I open` the door da fln` the
blgges` nezd standlng there! By the end `a the ev`nlng, he told me thad `e had a czush
on me an` then starded talklng about tyng the knot!
Mcinnic: n the flrs` date! It v`z prob`ly |us` guggy Iove. Llsten, my advlce ta you ls that the
nex` tlme `e asks you out, |us` tuzn m down an` run `n the opposlte dlrectlon!
Vhadever ya do, ya certalnly don`t vanna Iead m on.
Su snn: I`m sapposta go out vlth another guy next veek, b`d I`ve declded ta bzeak az date.
I |us` can`t go through thls agaln.
Mcinnic: Nov, don`t dumg `lm b`fore ya even meed `lm! He may be a great guy fer you. Jus`
make sher there`er no stzngs attached b`fore ya go out.
Su snn: Flne. \cu go out vlth `lm.
t. 0IAL0o0L 0$IBo RLAL $PLAK
t0-8: TRAtK 28
The dlalogue belov demonstrates hov the slang conversatlon
on the prevlous page vould rcniiy be spoken by natlve speakers!
t0-8: TRAtK 27
A. B0w Y00 RAtTA 00 A RAtTA LXLRtI$L (Ansucrs cn p. 1/)
Flll ln each box decldlng vhen to use "hafta` and vhen to use
"hasta.` Most lmportant, practlce speaklng the paragraph ln real
speak uslng your ansvers.
Lesson l0 0B A 0ATL
t0-8: TRAtK 28
The follovlng vords and expresslons vere used ln the prevlous
dlalogues. Let`s take a closer look at vhat they mean.
ask someone out (to) cxp. to lnvlte someone to go on a date.
LXAHPLL: Don`t be so scared. Just ask hez out. The vorst thlng she
could say ls no.
TRAB$LATI0B: Don`t be so scared. Just nvte hez to go on a date
wth you. The vorst thlng she could say ls no.
RLAL $PLAK: Don`t be so scared. Just ask ez out. The vors` thlng she
could say ls no.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng osk someone out")
bInd date n. 1. a date vlth someone you have never met ln person 2. a person you are golng on a
date vlth that you have never seen ln person.
LXAHPLL I: Tonlght I`m golng on a bInd date. I hope he`s better
than the last one. He vas so horrlble!
TRAB$LATI0B: Tonlght I`m golng on a date wth someone Ive
nevez met beoze. I hope he`s better than the last one.
He vas so horrlble!
RLAL $PLAK: Tanlght I`m golng on a bIn date. I hope `e`s bedder th`n
the last one. He v`z so horrlble!
LXAHPLL 2: Dld you see Tlna`s bInd date He`s gorgeous!
TRAB$LATI0B: Dld you see Tlna`s date that shes nevez seen n
gezson beoze He`s gorgeous!
RLAL $PLAK: Dld`|a see Tnas bIn` date He`s gorgeous!
Nctc: The dlfference betveen deflnltlons 1. and 2. slmply
depends on the context.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng blnd dote")
bzeak a date (to) cxp. to cancel a date.
LXAHPLL: I`m sorry but I`m golng to have to bzeak ouz date.
I need to go out of tovn on buslness.
TRAB$LATI0B: I`m sorry but I`m golng to have to canceI ouz date.
I need to go out of tovn on buslness.
RLAL $PLAK: I`m sorry bud I`m gonna hafta bzeak az date. I need ta
go oudda tovn on buslness.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng breok o dote")
czush on someone (to have a) cxp. to have an lnfatuatlon vlth someone.
LXAHPLL: I thlnk Betty has a czush on me. She keeps follovlng me
TRAB$LATI0B: I thlnk Betty has an natuaton wth me. She keeps
follovlng me everyvhere!
RLAL $PLAK: I thlnk Betty has a czush on me. She keeps follovlng me
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng houe o crush on
dzog-dead gozgeous cxp. extremely beautlful.
LXAHPLL: Nancy`s chlldren are dzog-dead gozgeous! It vouldn`t
surprlse me lf they became movle stars.
TRAB$LATI0B: Nancy`s chlldren are extzemeIy beautuI! It vouldn`t
surprlse me lf they became movle stars.
RLAL $PLAK: Nancy`s chlldren `er dzog-dead gozgeous! It vouldn`t
saprlse me lf they b`came movle stars.
Syncnym: babe (to be a) n.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng drop-deod gorgeous")
dumg someone (to) u. to end a relatlonshlp vlth someone.
LXAHPLL: My boyfrlend |ust dumged me because he sav me vlth
another man and that man vas my brother!
TRAB$LATI0B: My boyfrlend |ust ended ouz zeIatonshg because he
sav me vlth another man and that man vas my brother!
RLAL $PLAK: My boyfrlen` |ust dumged me cuz `e sav me vlth
another man an` that man v`z my brother!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng dump someone")
Iead someone on (to) cxp. to make someone falsely thlnk that there ls mutual lnterest.
LXAHPLL: You have to be honest and stop Ieadng hm on. Just
tell hlm that you`re not lnterested ln hlm.
TRAB$LATI0B: You have to be honest and stop makng hm thnk
you Ike hm when you dont. Just tell hlm that
you`re not lnterested ln hlm.
RLAL $PLAK: Ya hafta be honest `n stop Ieadng m on. Jus` tell `lm
that ch`r nod lnt`rested ln `lm.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng leod someone on")
Lesson l0 0B A 0ATL
Iove at zst sght cxp. lnstant love upon seelng someone for the flrst tlme.
LXAHPLL: Vhen I met your father tventy years ago, lt vas Iove at
zst sght.
TRAB$LATI0B: Vhen I met your fa ther tventy years ago, lt vas nstant
Iove ugon see ng hm.
RLAL $PLAK: Vhen I met ch`r father tven`y years ago, lt v`z Iove t
zs sght.
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng loue ot jrst sght")
nezd n. a soclal mlsflt, someone vho ls out-of-date ln appearance and unsophlstlcated.
LXAHPLL: I`ve never met anyone vho ls so borlng! And you should
have seen the vay he dresses. Vhat a nezd!
TRAB$LATI0B: I`ve never met anyone vho ls so borlng! And you should
have seen the vay he dresses. Vhat a socaI mst!
RLAL $PLAK: I`ve never med anyone vho`s so borlng! An` you
should`ev seen the vay he dresses. Vhad a nezd!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng nerd")
no stzngs attached cxp. vlth no hldden expectatlons, no hldden motlves.
LXAHPLL: Vould you llke to go to the movles tonlght No stzngs
TRAB$LATI0B: Vould you llke to go to the movles tonlght No hdden
RLAL $PLAK: Vould`|a llke ta go da the movles tanlght No stzngs
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng no strngs ottoched")
guggy Iove cxp. lmmature love betveen young people or chlldren.
LXAHPLL: I thlnk my llttle son llkes your llttle daughter. Puggy Iove
ls so sveet!
TRAB$LATI0B: I thlnk my llttle son llkes your llttle daughter. Immatuze
Iove between young chIdzen ls so sveet!
RLAL $PLAK: I thlnk my llddle son llkes yer llddle daughter. Puggy
Iove ls so sveet!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng puppy loue")
show ug (to) cxp. to arrlve.
LXAHPLL: You von`t belleve vhat tlme Noah flnally showed ug.
tvo o`clock ln the mornlng!
TRAB$LATI0B: You von`t belleve vhat tlme Noah flnally azzved. tvo
o`clock ln the mornlng!
RLAL $PLAK: You von`t b`lleve vhat tlme Noah fln`lly showed ug.
tvo a`clock `n the mornlng!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng shou up")
stand someone ug (to) cxp. to fall to arrlve for a date.
LXAHPLL: Creg vas supposed to meet me at seven o`clock for
dlnner, but he never arrlved! Thls ls the last tlme he`s golng
to stand me ug!
TRAB$LATI0B: Creg vas supposed to meet me at seven o`clock for
dlnner, but he never arrlved! Thls ls the last tlme he`s golng
to aI to azzve oz a date wth me!
RLAL $PLAK: Creg v`z sapposta meet me `lt seven a`clock fer dlnner,
bud `e never arrlved! Thls ls the las` tlme `e`s gonna stan
me ug!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng stond someone up")
te the knot (to) cxp. to get marrled.
LXAHPLL: I heard you and Nlcholas ted the knot last month!
TRAB$LATI0B: I heard you and Nlcholas got mazzed last month!
RLAL $PLAK: I heard`|u `n Nlcholas ted the knot las` month!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng te the knot")
tuzn someone down (to) cxp. to decllne someone`s offer of golng on a date.
LXAHPLL: I never should have llstened to you. Vhen I asked Sally
out, she tuzned me down!
TRAB$LATI0B: I never should have llstened to you. Vhen I asked Sally
out, she decIned my oez!
RLAL $PLAK: I never should`a llsten` da you. Vhen I asked Sally out, she
tuzn me down!
B0w Y00 00 IT:
(Creote o sentence usng turn someone doun")
Lesson l0 0B A 0ATL
A. tRLATL Y00R 0wB $T0RY- (Fnrt 1) (Ansucrs cn p. 1/)
Follov the lnstructlons belov and vrlte dovn your ansver ln
the space provlded. Vhen you have flnlshed ansverlng all the
questlons, transfer your ansvers to the story on the opposlte
page. Make sure to match the number of your ansver vlth the
numbered space ln the story.
l. Vrlte dovn a "thlng` (pcncii, pctntc, tccthbrush, ctc.):
2. Vrlte dovn a "man`s name`:
. Vrlte dovn a "body part`:
. Vrlte dovn an "ad|ectlve` (big, smnii, prctty, ctc.):
. Vrlte dovn "somethlng you eat`:
6. Vrlte dovn "any klnd of llquld`:
;. Vrlte dovn another "klnd of llquld`:
S. Vrlte dovn a "thlng`:
9. Vrlte dovn another "thlng`:
l0. Vrlte dovn a "body part`:
ll. Vrlte dovn a "mode of transportatlon`:
l2. Vrlte dovn a "thlng`:
l. Vrlte dovn another "thlng`:
l. Vrlte dovn another "thlng`:
8. tRLATL Y00R 0wB $T0RY- (Fnrt 2)
nce you`ve fllled ln the blanks, read your story aloud. If
you`ve done Part l correctly, you`re story should be hllarlous!
Lesson l0 0B A 0ATL
t. wRAT w00L0 Y00 00 It $0HL0BL $AI0...7 (Ansucrs cn p. 1/)
Vhat vould you do ln response to the vords ln vhlte ltallcs
Choose your ansver by placlng an "X` ln the box.
t0-8: TRAtK 29
(Ansucrs cn p. 1/)
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
AB$wLR$ T0
LL$$0B$ I-I0
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. Cet control of your emotlons
2. havlng a great tlme
. Vhat`s vrong vlth hlm
. I thlnk lt`s a halrplece
. You`re klddlng me
6. Look at that dress
;. He`s a muscular man
S. That`s lmposslble!
9. Stop nagglng me!
l0. I can`t tolerate her
A. wRA'0I0 TRLY $AY7
l. b
2. a
. a
. a
. a
6. a
l. makes sense
2. makes sense
. doesn`t make sense
. doesn`t make sense
. makes sense
6. makes sense
;. doesn`t make sense
S. makes sense
9. doesn`t make sense
8. tR00$L TRL RIoRT w0R0
l. upset
2. muscular
. on
. blast
. up
6. of
;. halr
S. mean
9. case
l0. No
l. vhat`s up
2. get a grlp
. puttlng me on
. on my case
. blast
6. can`t stand
;. no vay
S. rug
9. hunk
0. I$ IT YL$ 0R I$ IT B07 1P0$$I8LL AB$wLR$1
l. Yes. He`s a hunk.
2. No. I can`t stand her.
. No. I`m puttlng you on.
. No. I thlnk lt`s a rug.
. Yes. He needs to get a grlp.
6. Yes. She got on my case.
;. Yes. I got a load of lt.
S. No. No vay!
9. Yes. I had a blast!
l0. Yes. Vhat`s up vlth hls eye
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. C
2. A
. E
. C
. F
6. J
;. I
S. D
9. H
l0. B
A. T PR0B00BtL0 LIKL 0
l. Vhat a beautlful sveater! Dld you get lt vhen you vent shopplng last Saturday
2. My parents ordered a bottle of champagne for thelr annlversary.
. My laptop computer ls battery-operated.
. Vhat a great car! Is lt an automatlc
. Let`s go to the party later. Betty sald there`s golng to be a lot of good food there.
6. Vhat clty do you llve ln
;. Vould you llke a soft drlnk or a bottle of vater
S. Dld you lnvlte that pretty glrl to your house for a llttle dlnner
9. I |ust bought a potted plant. It`s a beautlful bonsal tree.
l0. Vhat a plty about your llttle slster`s babysltter. I heard she got lnto a car accldent!
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
8. Y00'RL TRL A0TR0R
Ve need to gck ug some vegges llke lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes for our salad tonlght. And you`re
golng to love thls store. They`ve sIashed thelr prlces on everythlng thls veek.
You`re rlght! I`ve never seen such zock-bottom prlces. At my store, everythlng ls so expenslve. Yesterday I pald
flve dollars for bread! Vhat a zg-o!
You`re not klddlng! Hey, I have an ldea. Instead of buylng dessert, let`s make one from sczatch...somethlng vlth
chocolate. I have a reclpe that`s to de oz!
You`re maklng my mouth watez! Let`s buy the lngredlents qulckly so that ve can have the checkez rlng
ug our order before I falnt from hunger!
l. In the produce department, they have veggles.
2. You von`t have to valt ln llne because there are ten checkers valtlng to rlng up your order.
. The announcer suggests that you plck up lemon cake from the bakery.
. They are loverlng prlces of vegetables at Davld`s Market.
. The lemon sponge cake ls to dle for!
6. Yes, the market has everythlng I need to make a vonderful dessert from scratch.
t. TR0L 0R tAL$L
l. False
2. True
. False
. True
. False
6. False
;. True
S. False
9. False
l0. True
0. tR0$$w0R0 P022LL
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. False
2. False
. False
. False
. True
6. True
;. True
S. True
9. True
l0. True
A. $R00L0'A, t00L0'A, w00L0'A, H0$T'A
l. must`a been
2. should`a
. must`a
. should`a gotten
. vouldn`a
6. could`a
;. shouldn`a
S. must`a been / vouldn`a been
A. I KB0w TRL AB$wLR, 80T wRAT'$ TRL 0L$TI0B7
l. Dld the crltlcs en|oy the movle
2. Vere you able to get tlckets for the play
. Do ve have tlme to eat somethlng before ve leave
. Do you vant to see the nev muslcal Fciincs
. The movle made a fortune, dldn`t lt
6. Look at the long llne! I thought you sald thls movle
vasn`t popular.
8. tIB0 Y00R PLRtLtT HATtR
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
In thls sectlon, you could have many posslble ansvers. Remember, respond to each sltuatlon by maklng a complete sentence
uslng one of the groups of vords ln the vord llst AND uslng each group only once. Be as creatlve as you`d llke!
LL$$0B t00R - 0B vAtATI0B
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. go to the movles
2. relax and do nothlng
. hotel vlth bed and breakfast
. go svlmmlng
. sunbathlng
6. go lnto tovn
;. completely fllled
S. to accommodate us
9. take a taxlcab
l0. stayed avake untll very late
ll. vlsltlng some lnterestlng places
l2. sleeplng late
l. queen
2. out
. dovn
. rlght
. fork
6. pepper
;. butter
S. bad
9. |elly
l0. vhlte
ll. bottom
l2. cold
l. day
l. take
l. son
l6. brother
l;. vlfe
lS. socks
l9. ears
20. vrong
2l. eggs
22. dogs
A. tIB0 TRL HI$$IBo w0R0$
Thls BGB has so much more charm than the ho tel ve stayed at last nlght.
It`s a good thlng they vere able to gut us ug for the nlght. It vas the only vacancy ln the entlre clty! All the
other places vere booked soId.
Ve really got lucky. It`s so qulet here. It vas hard to sIeeg ln at the other hotel because of all the nolse. So,
vhat do you vant to do tonlght
Let`s go hlt the town!
Cood ldea. Ve could go take n a movle.
Actually, I thought lt vould be fun to go sghtseeng and explore a llttle. Ve could gzab a cab and be
there ln a fev mlnutes.
Tcm: After ve vlslt the sltes, ve could get somethlng to eat at that great restaurant around the corner and then go
danclng tlll all houzs o the nght.
That`s perfect! Then tomorrov ve could relax all day. It vould be so nlce to vake up late then hang out by
the pool and soak ug some sun. Ve could even take a dg lf lt`s gets too hot!
l. F
2. J
. D
. I
. A
6. B
;. E
S. C
9. H
l0. K
ll. L
l2. C
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. I
2. K
. C
. J
. A
6. F
;. D
S. H
9. L
l0. B
ll. E
l2. C
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
A. AtR0$$ w0R0 P022LL
l. Vlll you go to the market to get me somethlng to eat
2. I have to try to flnd a present to glve to my vlfe.
. You need to knov hov to drlve ln order to buy a car.
. If I need you to help me move tomorrov, I`ll ask.
. It`s really too cold to go to the beach thls mornlng.
8. TA 8L 0R B0T TA 8L...
l. I vent ta the market ta plck up some bread.
2. Can you tell me hov da get ta the post offlce from here
. Steve vanted da go da the park but I vanted da go shopplng lnstead.
. I`d love da |oln you but I have vork ta do.
. n the vay da the alrport, I had ta stop ta get gas.
6. Ve need da close the vlndovs before lt starts ta raln.
;. I don`t llke ta go da the dentlst.
S. Jennlfer`s tvo frlends vere too tlred da go da the movles.
nce upon a tlme, there vas a young glrl named Clnderella vho llved vay out ln the boones and vanted somethlng fun to do. So
one day, she declded to use her frequent Iyez mlles and get a free tlcket to somevhere excltlng. She made an appolntment to sell
her scrlpt to a blg producer ln Hollyvood. She alvays thought that her llfe story vould make a good movle or even a muslcal!
Later that day, taklng only a cazzy-on, she left for the alrport. She alvays belleved ln tzaveIng llght. Unfortunately, vhen she
arrlved at the alrport, she got bumged because she vas late. So, she vas put on standby for the next avallable fllght. Flnally,
several hours later and completely vlped out, she vas put on the zed-eye for Hollyvood, Callfornla!
The fllght vas so bumpy, that she started to feel alrslck and feared that she mlght have to use the baz bag. Fortunately, |ust then the
plane made a landlng ln Denver. After a tvo-hour Iayovez, she vas once agaln on her vay to Hollyvood, the land of fame and
By the tlme she arrlved, she vas so wzed that she couldn`t sleep and stayed up tlll all houzs of the nlght. Unfortunately, the
comblnatlon of no sleep and |et Iag caused her to sIeeg ln late and mlss her appolntment vlth the producer!
She vas so dlsappolnted that she declded to take the next fllght back home. Hovever, as fate vould have lt, she found herself slttlng ln
the alrplane next to Hovard, a very handsome young man, formerly knovn as Prlnce.
Clnderella and Hovard, formerly knovn as Prlnce, fell ln love and moved to Chlcago vhere they llved happlly ever after ln a
double-vlde moblle home.
l. K
2. E
. F
. C
. C
6. A
;. D
S. I
9. B
l0. J
ll. L
l2. H
I`m sorry ve`re so late. Ve had an unexpected tvo-hour Iayovez some place vay out ln the boones.
You knov, I almost mlssed the fllght entlrely because of all the trafflc! So I arrlved late and got bumged.
Lucklly they agreed to put me on standby. All I had vas a cazzy-on so lt vas easy.
Kn rcn:
It`s a good thlng you travel Ight. Vell, vlth the |et Iag, I lmaglne you`re pretty vlped out.
Actually, I`m pretty wzed after all that travellng. At least I got a free tlcket for belng a frequent Iyez!
Kn rcn:
So, hov vas lt travellng on the red-eye
It got a llttle bumpy for a vhlle. Lucklly, I never had to use the barf bag!
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. eat less
2. an addltlonal order of
. omlt
. pay separately
. passlon for sveets
6. You belleve you can eat more than you can
;. remalnlng food
S. ls golng to be pald for by me
9. get somethlng to eat
l0. chocolate lover
ll. ate ln excess
l2. bag to carry food home
A. B0w Y00'RL o0BBA 00 A o0BBA LXLRtI$L
l. I`m so hungry! I`m gonna plg out tonlght!
2. Thls restaurant serves such blg portlons. I`m gonna need a doggle bag.
. I`m startlng to get fat. I`m gonna have to cut dovn on desserts.
. I`d llke a hamburger but I`m gonna sklp the frles.
. I`m havlng lunch vlth Irene today, but ve`re gonna go Dutch.
6. If Davld ls anythlng llke hls mother, he`s gonna be a chocahollc vhen he grovs up.
;. Ve have a lot of extra food from the party. Steve ls gonna take home the leftovers.
S. I`m hungry. I`m gonna go grab a blte.
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
8. I$ IT o0BBA 0R o0IBo T07
Janet and I are gong to a great French restaurant tonlght and ve`re gonna plg out! I`m probably gonna need a
doggle bag because they serve so much food. After dlnner, ve`re gong to my mother`s house and I`mgonna brlng her
the leftovers. In fact, I`m gonna order an extra chocolate dessert that I`m gonna surprlse her vlth. I knov that`s gonna
make her happy because she`s a blgger chocahollc than I am!
A. tR00$L TRL RIoRT w0R0
l. Dutch
2. doggle
. dovn
. blte
. sklp
6. tooth
;. on
S. plg
9. eyes
l0. slde
ll. overs
l2. chocolate
8. tR0$$w0R0 P022LL
l. F
2. B
. I
. A
. J
6. D
;. H
S. C
9. K
l0. C
ll. L
l2. E
LLT'$ RLvILw! - TRL o000, TRL 8A0, AB0 TRL.
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
LL$$0B $LvLB - 0B TRL R0A0
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. flat tlre
2. destroyed
. drove through a red llght
. drlve
. accelerate suddenly
6. mlnor car accldent
;. the tlme vhen everyone
ls drlvlng on the road
S. get ln
9. arrested
l0. heavy trafflc
ll. pollce offlcer
l2. deep holes ln the street
l. old car
l. tendency to drlve fast
l. Yes. I wanna see a comedy.
2. He wansta plg out on plzza.
. Everybody wansta order hamburgers and a slde of frles.
. Yes. He wansta take home the leftovers ln a doggle bag.
. Yes. I wanna take a spln to the beach.
6. She wansta eat at a French restaurant.
;. Nobody wansta play cards tonlght. Everyone wansta vatch TV.
S. No. The cat wansta sleep on the sofa.
l. lncorrect
2. lncorrect
. correct
. lncorrect
. lncorrect
6. correct
;. lncorrect
S. lncorrect
9. correct
l0. correct
ll. correct
l2. lncorrect
l. bumper-to-bumper trafflc
2. go for a spln
. ran a llght
. lead foot
. punch lt
6. fender-bender
;. hop ln
S. totaled
9. clunker
l0. blovout
ll. cop
l2. rush hour
l. pot holes
l. hauled ln
t. TR0L 0R tAL$L
l. true
2. false
. false
. true
. true
6. false
;. true
S. false
9. true
l0. true
ll. false
l2. true
l. true
l. false
LLT'$ RLvILw! - IB 0TRLR w0R0$...$YB0BYH$!
l. to get on someone
2. to yank someone`s chaln
. to check out
. smash hlt
. to have a ball
6. to soak up some rays
;. vay out ln the boondocks
S. to pull oneself together
9. to be buzzed
l0. vhat`s the deal vlth...
ll. to pork out
l2. to grab somethlng
LL$$0B LIoRT - AT $tR00L
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. I
2. B
. E
. J
. D
6. N
;. C
S. H
9. C
l0. L
ll. A
l2. M
l. K
l. F
Last nlght I babysat my nlece and nephev. You should have seen em. They`re so cute! Tessa ls elght years old and ez eyes look
|ust llke ez mother`s. Vhen you look at em ln the sunllght, they look very dark blue. Hez favorlte food ls lce cream and ez
favorlte color ls red. Hez brother Nlcholas |ust had s flfth blrthday. Everyone thlnks e looks |ust llke s father but e thlnks e
looks llke s grandfather. Frankly, vhenever I see m smlle, I thlnk e looks |ust llke me! After all, I`ms uncle! Both of em
love to read. Yesterday, Tessa read a story to ez mother and Nlcholas read one to s father. I`m glad they llve so close. It`s so
much fun vatchlng em grov up!
l. lle
2. lle
. lle
. truth
. truth
6. truth
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
l. to do extremely vell on a test
2. to do extremely poorly on a test
. to study very hard ln a short perlod of tlme
. to mlss class lntentlonally
. to remove a class from one`s schedule
6. an end-of-term test vhlch covers everythlng
learned durlng the school term
;. extremely dlfflcult or terrlflc
S. a test that can be taken agaln at a later tlme
9. a surprlse test
l0. a common abbrevlatlon for "psychology`
ll. to stay up all nlght studylng
l2. perfect grades
LLT'$ RLvILw! - A t0B TIHL wA$ RA0 8Y ALL
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. feverlsh
2. recover
. falnted
. feellng very slck
. ln good health
6. very bored
;. relax
S. become very restless from conflnement
9. full of energy
l0. nervous and agltated
ll. survlve
l2. lll
l. lose strength on lts ovn
l. tlred and llfeless
l. Vhat dld you get for your blrthday
Vhat dld ya get for yez blrthday
2. Are you golng to your mother`s house
Are ya golng to yez mother`s house
. You gave all your money to your brother
Ya gave all yez money to yez brother
. You knov you are my best frlend.
Ya knov yez my best frlend.
. Are you golng to get your car vashed today
Are ya golng to get yez car vashed today
In thls exerclse, be as creatlve as you`d llke. Make sure to use the slang and ldloms provlded.
l. under
2. crazy
. runnlng
. dog
. pull
6. mlnd
;. run
S. plnk
9. blah
l0. back
ll. out
l2. antsy
l. easy
l. go
8. tR00$L TRL RIoRT w0R0
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
LL$$0B TLB - 0B A 0ATL
LLT'$ wARH 0P!
l. True
2. False
. True
. True
. True
6. False
;. True
S. True
9. False
l0. True
ll. True
l2. True
l. True
l. True
l. False
AB$wLR$ T0 LL$$0B$ I-I0
A. B0w Y00 RAtTA 00 A RAtTA LXLRtI$L
t. wRAT w00L0 Y00 00 It $0HL0BL $AI0.
l. b
2. a
. c
. b
. b
6. c
;. c
S. a
9. b
l0. b
A. $ 8. tRLATL Y00R 0wB $T0RY 1PART$ I $ 21
Create your ovn vord llst. Be as creatlve as you can!
l. D
2. E
. B
. C
. A
LLT'$ RLvILw! - $0HL 0PP0$ITL$ 00 ATTRAtT!
a hoId of oneseIf (to get)
Scc: gct n grip (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
ace a test (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,
act one's way out of a
paper bag (to be unabIe to) . . . . . . . . . }1
ants in one's pants (to have)
Scc: nntsy (tc bc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1u9
antsy (to be) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1u9
ask someone out (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12}
B and B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
babe (to be a)
Scc: drcp-dcnd gcrgccus . . . . . . . . . . . 12
baII (to have a)
Scc: binst (tc hnuc n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
barf bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,
bIah (to feeI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1u9
bIast (to be a)
Scc: binst (tc hnuc n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
bIast (to have a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
bIind date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12}
bIockbuster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }1
bIow a test (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,
bIowout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
bomb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }1
booked soIid (to be) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
boondocks (way out in the)
Scc: bccnics (uny cut in thc) . . . . . . . . . ,,
boonies (way out in the) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,
bored out of one's mind (to be) . . . . . . . . 1u9
bored out of one's skuII (to be)
Scc: bcrcd cut cj cnc's mind (tc bc) . . . . . 1u9
bored stiff (to be)
Scc: bcrcd cut cj cnc's mind (tc bc) . . . . . 1u9
bounce back (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11u
break a date (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12}
bumped (to get) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,
bumped up (to get)
Scc: bumpcd (tc gct) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,
bumper-to-bumper traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
buzzed (to be)
Scc: uircd (tc bc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,/
carry-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,
check out (to)
Scc: ring up (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
check out someone/something (to)
Scc: gct n icnd cj scmccnc/scmcthing (tc) . . . /
checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
chocahoIic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
cIunker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
cop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
cram (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,
crush on someone (to have a) . . . . . . . . . 12
cut back on something (to)
Scc: cut dcun cn scmcthing (tc). . . . . . . . /
cut cIass (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
cut down on something (to) . . . . . . . . . . . /
cut out something (to)
Scc: cut dcun cn scmcthing (tc). . . . . . . . /
cut prices (to)
Scc: sinsh priccs (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Scc: rcck-bcttcm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
doggie bag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
drop a cIass (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
drop-dead gorgeous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Scc: bcmb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }1
dump someone (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Dutch (to go) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
eyes that are bigger
than one's stomach (to have) . . . . . . . . 8
fender-bender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
finaI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Scc: bicucut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
fIunk (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
frequent fIyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
from scratch (to make something) . . . . . . . 19
get a grip (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
get a grip on oneseIf (to)
Scc: gct n grip (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
get a Ioad of someone/something (to) . . . . . . /
get on someone about something (to)
Scc: gct cn scmccnc's cnsc (tc) . . . . . . . . . 8
get on someone's case (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Get reaI!
Scc: Nc uny' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
get the show on the road (to) . . . . . . . . . . }2
give something a pIug (to)
Scc: piug scmcthing (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . }2
go for a swim (to)
Scc: tnkc n dip (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
grab (to)
Scc: pick up (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
grab a bite (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
grab a bite to eat (to)
Scc: grnb n bitc (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
grab a cab (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
hang out (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }
hauIed in (to get) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Scc: bicckbustcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }1
hit the town (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hop in (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
hunk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
in the pink (to be) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11u
Scc: ciunkcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
|et Iag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
kiIIer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/
Iayover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Iead foot (to have a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8}
Ieftovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Iine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }2
Iove at first sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,
make it (to)
Scc: puii thrcugh (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11u
make one's mouth water (to) . . . . . . . . . . 19
make-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/
make-up test
Scc: mnkc-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/
mid-term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/
nerd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,
no strings attached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,
No way! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
on someone (to be). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
out of it (to feeI)
Scc: binh (tc jcci) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1u9
out of sorts (to feeI)
Scc: binh (tc jcci) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1u9
pass out (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11u
pick up (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
pig out (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
pIug something (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }2
pop quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9/
pork out (to)
Scc: pig cut (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
pot hoIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8}
psych. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
puII an aII-nighter (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
puII oneseIf together (to)
Scc: gct n grip (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
puII through (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11u
punch it (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8}
puppy Iove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,
put someone on (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
put up for the night (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
raring to go (to be) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
red-eye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
ring up (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
Scc: rip-cjj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
rip someone off (to)
Scc: rip-cjj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
rip-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
rock-bottom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
rug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
run a fever (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
run a Iight (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8}
run its course (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
rush hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
seIIout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }2
show up (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
sick as a dog (to be as) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
side of something (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
sightsee (to)
Scc: sightsccing (tc gc). . . . . . . . . . . . .
sightseeing (to go) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
skip something (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
sIash prices (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
sIeep in (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sIeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }}
Scc: bicckbustcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }1
Scc: bicckbustcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }1
soak up some rays (to)
Scc: scnk up scmc sun (tc). . . . . . . . . . . ,
soak up some sun (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
spin (to go for a)
Scc: spin (tc tnkc n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
spin (to take a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
stand someone up (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
standby (to be on) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,/
stay up tiII aII hours of the night (to) . . . . . . ,
stir crazy (to go) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
straight A's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Scc: hunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
sweet tooth (to have a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . /u
take a dip (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
take in a movie (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
take it easy (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
tie the knot (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
to be oneseIf (not)
Scc: binh (tc jcci) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1u9
to die for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
to die from
Scc: tc dic jcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
totaI a car (to). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
traveI Iight (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,/
turn someone down (to) . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
two thumbs up (to give something) . . . . . . }}
unabIe to stand someone (to be) . . . . . . . . . 9
unabIe to stomach someone (to be)
Scc: unnbic tc stnnd scmccnc (tc bc) . . . . . . 9
under the weather (to feeI) . . . . . . . . . . 112
up and at them (to be)
Scc: rnring tc gc (tc bc) . . . . . . . . . . . 111
veggies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
way cooI time (to have a)
Scc: binst (tc hnuc n ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
What's the deaI with...
Scc: vhnt's up uith... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
What's up with.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
What's with...
Scc: vhnt's up uith... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
wiped out (to be) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,/
wired (to be) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,/
write-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . }}
yank someone's chain (to)
Scc: put scmccnc cn (tc) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1c|c|ccc: c'c-c--C-C2 ! |~: -'-C-7-'c
Lc~||: |cc-|~cjc~c.ccc ! .c|-|:c: ....-|~cjc~c.ccc
1c|c|ccc: c'c-c--C-C2 ! |~: -'-C-7-'c
Lc~||: |cc-|~cjc~c.ccc ! .c|-|:c: ....-|~cjc~c.ccc
1c|c|ccc: c'c-c--C-C2 ! |~: -'-C-7-'c
Lc~||: |cc-|~cjc~c.ccc ! .c|-|:c: ....-|~cjc~c.ccc

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