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Chapter 3: - Mr Chawla is introduced properly. - Cinema monkey concern mentioned. - Family frustration towards Sampath's lack of initiative.

- Ammaji supports Sampath. - Sampath works in post office. "No wonder the boy has turned out like this, spending his life at the bottom of the ladder." "Wait and see! He will come up out on the other side. Yes, on top of the world." Chapter 4 - Post office is described. - Sampath cycles Pinky to school. - Miss Jyotsna and Mr. DPS and Mr Gupta are introduced. - Sampath reads letters instead of doing work. For a while Sampath attempted half -heartedly to add together the costs of the wedding in an accounts letter. He was sent home with warning of dire consequences to follow. Chapter 5 - Winter in Shakot. - Wedding day of Mr DPSs daughter. - Sampath goes inside the room with wedding finery and plays with jewelry. - Sings - Takes off clothes - Fired from work. - Family upset. Kulfi gives him a guava, he enjoys it and reflects on things. He wondered if he could be considered beautiful. No, I dont want an egg, I want my freedom. Chapter 6 - Sampaths family go to a wedding without him. - Sampath goes to the bazaar and takes the first bus he sees. - At the top of the hill he sees the guava orchard, and climbs, feeling peaceful and content. - Falls asleep in tree. Yes he was at the right place at last Oh if he could exchange his life for this luxury of stillness Chapter 7 - Sampath moves into a tree. - Chawla family worry about this. - Pinky feels embarrassed. - They call Doctor Banergee.

- People on bus stare at Sampath. - There is an article on Sampath. Someone in this country is crazy enough to climb up a tree you could be sure it is Sampath What am I to do with this boy?

Chapter 8 Chapter 9 - Pinky expresses that Sampaths fame has overshadowed her. - Talk of social status, going to a bazaar. - Pinky goes with Ammaji to the bazaar to buy dentures. - They watch a movie, and then the cinema monkey attacks them and steals dentures. - The hungry hop boy retrieves them. Chapter 10 - Mr Chawla installs electricity and water in orchard - Chawla thinks of making a business out of Sampath - One of the visitors is a member of atheists society and wants to uncover him as a fraud. - Sampath avoids hard questions - Spy has suspicions. That way attention would be diverted to religious matters and donations would pour in How could he fool all these people? Chapter 11 - Kulfi cooks for Sampath - Sampath enjoys his eating arrangements - The visitors want Kulfis food but she gets rid of them. - Kulfi hits the spy when she sees him. - Visiting hours are established. - The monkeys are mentioned. Beware of the wild catsbut she didnt care. (Kulfi) Every son knows there is no cooking unlike their mothers cooking Chapter 12 - Cinema monkey comes to tree with troops. - Sampath has control over monkeys. - Pinky cries in front of Hungry Hop boy then asks Sampath for help. - Pinky dresses up and spy follows her to the bazaar. - Pinky gets ice-cream and bites HH boys ear off. - She gets special treatment from officials and they go to get Sampaths blessing. - Chawla brings photographer, monkeys dont like that. Article is released. - Mr Gupta doesnt like not being center of attention.

For a minute she thought she might kiss him, but the vain aggression pounded powerfully within her and she bit him instead. You can ask him another time. Sometimes it is hard to get him to pay attention to what is happening down below. Chapter 13 - About a month after the appearance of the monkeys. - Monkeys are found drunk. They love liquor. - The monkeys are becoming more violent. The monkeys had developed an unquenchable taste for liquor They grew bolder and bolder Chapter 14 - Monkeys getting more and more out of hand. - Mr Chawla suggests to Sampath to build a proper hermitage and leave the tree. - Sampath thinks the idea is outrageous. - Month after monkeys first alcohol they become more drunk than ever. - Monkeys make a mess of Kulfis kitchen. - Monkeys then flee. - Chawla goes to tell authorities about the safety of Shahkot and the monkeys. Sampath said his father Perhaps it is time to build you a proper hermitage. Oh but the monkeys were different he thought despite himself as he watched them raid his mothers kitchen. Chapter 15 - The CMO reads about monkeys exploits at orchard. - Chawla visits the CMO and asks for help. - CMO says he cant help as monkeys are religious. - Professor calls CMO for advice on monkeys. - Brigadier reads about monkeys in paper. Calls the police for back up. - Sampath is not angry with the monkeys. The monkeys are threatening my son, the ladies of the community and disturbing the peace. Chapter 16 - HH boys family are concerned. - Sampath reflects on himself and life. - Pinky writes a note to HH boy to apologize. - Pinky sneaks into his house and they exchange various items. - They are caught and Chawla receives a note asking Pinky to stop bothering their son. Once the rain has filled up all the holes in the earth a worm has no option but to emerge.

Chapter 17 - Sampath is depressed. He remembers poem from old teacher and tried to write his own. - Monkeys being threatened, and Kulfi wants to cook a monkey. She was the royal cook of a great kingdom she imagined. Chapter 18 - No more peace in Shahkot. - Monkeys making a mess of shrine. - People protesting to save or kill monkeys. - Sampath suffering due to this. Below his tree two fervent camps of devotees had been formed. One was adamant that the monkeys be removed () the other was furious that these sacred animals were to be thus humiliated. Chapter 19 - Verma thinks of a plan to stop the monkeys, so does the brigadier and the CMO. - Sampath feels frustrated and angry at the people visiting him in the orchard. He remembered his early rapture in the orchard, it had been a love affair. Chapter 20 - District collector arrives in Shahkot, is confused at proposals to get rid of the monkey. As soon as he descended from the train he found himself rushed at and surrounded by several stern faced messengers. Chapter 21 - DC visits Sampath but they do not speak. - DC rejects the Brigadiers idea. - CMO meets with Ammaji and also rejects idea. - Chawla visits DC, and proposes monkey catchers, DC accepts. - Sampath wont come down from tree. Yes this is a workable plan Chapter 22 - Chawlas plan is put into action. - Monkey catchers go into training. - People of Shahkot are angry because they are training around their houses. - Police prepare the nets. - Sampath worried about monkeys The monkey catchers began to prepare to be trained at a furious pace. Chapter 23 - HH boy is trapped in his house. - Letter from Pinky arrives saying they should escape together. - Pinky asks Sampath to go with them but he wont.

- Day before HH is due to escape his family introduces him to an attractive girl. - HH boy doubts escape with Pinky. When they left all his doubts filled back into his brain and that night he did not sleep a wink Chapter 24 - Problems form on way to orchard for catchers and officials. - CMO is leaving on holiday. We especially chose this time for lack of traffic and obstructions, and now just see what is happening. Chapter 25

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