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MOISES (INTRODUCTION) In Peru we have a holiday called Pichangas Day. It usually takes place in November. Its a holiday where men can spend time with their friends. Its usually celebrate in syntetic fields or in fields of flagstone. Before we celebrate Pichangas day , we should plan what foods were going to bring to eat. Also, men bring beer, soda and water to drink. This holiday has an important condition, you shouldnt go with your wife or children because is an exclusive day for men. Men return to their daily routine after they enjoy a great day. ------Well, now my partner Diego will tell us about the activities in this day----

DIEGO: The municipalities of each neighborhood organize PICHANGAS. Generally ,the matches take place in synthetic fields or in fields of flagstone. Each municipality gives away boxes of beer for people who celebrate this day The municipality organizes artistic shows(AQUI PUEDES AGREGAR MAS INFO ACERCA DE LOS GRUPOS QUE SE PRESENTAN O LA MUSICA QUE ES PREFERIDA POR LOS PICHANGUEROS) People play soccer by day, but at night, people drink beer.

-----------Well, now my partner Luis will tell us about the prizes for the winners in this day---LUIS: In each neighborhood, eleven teams participate in this competence. This competence isn't only play soccer for fun. Because all of teams are looking the prizes. For example: The best striker gets a pair of gold shoes. The best goalkeeper gets a pair of gold gloves. The best team will get a benefit for its neighborhood. The worst team will clean its streets for one month.

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