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10 Reasons Why I'm Breaking Up With You Caitlin Leiva I bet you're won ering why I've !

alle you here to ay" Ya see# between when we starte ating an where we are now# something went terribly wrong" $ere are a %ew o% the possible reasons why this &ust isn't going to work out between us' Reason (umber 1' It's not you) it's me" Well# really it is you# but we'll get to that later" Reason (umber *' I've &ust got too mu!h going on in my li%e right now" I have a lot to !at!h up on on (et%li+" Reason (umber ,' You !an o so mu!h better than me" Like"""uh""" Reason (umber -' You %all asleep on me ./.RY 0I(1L. (I1$2 when we te+t" Reason (umber 3' 2hat !olor blue you wore that one time we went to that restaurant with those people !lashe with the !olor blue I was wearing# an that's &ust not gonna work" Reason (umber 4' You !an't rea my min " 5!tually this has been a problem with all o% my past boy%rien s" 5nyways" Reason (umber 6' You're not Ryan Reynol s" 7s8uints9 (o# still not Ryan Reynol s" Reason (umber :'You take way too many sel%ies" Reason (umber ;' I'm a ;< You're a""""well"""a -" Reason (umber 10' Y=U >ILL.? >.((.2$< Bran on rushe in an s!reame # @>.((.2$" >.((.2$ I0 ?.5?<A but su enly# >.((.2$ BUR020 2$R=U1$ 2$. ?==R" 5n he" $e tol us" $e tol us the name o% the isgusting person who eprive him o% sweet an pre!ious li%e" It" Was" You" I2 W50 Y=U BIC$5.L" 5n he ie """in"""my"""arms" Well# this was in a ream# but I &ust !an't risk being in a relationship with a erange mur erer"

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