Case Study (Group1)

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1) Case Study (Group1): On the first day of his office a plant manager, noticed a technician service executive in the

lab having a discussion with an external contractor. While she was wearing safety glasses, the contractor was not. The manager has a no tolerance policy as far as safety is concerned. What would you do to motivate the technician in such a case. 2) Case Study (Group 2): Mr. Ashok is now a department manager of service technicians for a large security company that provides security e uipment and alarm systems for banks, hotels, and industrial firms. !is department must work closely with salespeople, systems design specialists, clerical staff, and maintenance personnel. Mr. Ashok is having trouble convincing his technicians that they are part of the team. "ometimes they don#t listen to the advice of the salespeople, clerical staff, or each other, which results in miscommunication and frustration. What would Ashok do so that he can build a rapport within and among departments and as result they work as a Team. 3) Case Study (Group 3): One of the workers, "unil $awar is a worker in the $roduction %epartment and works as a driller. !e is in the company for past five years and all the while he has been working as a driller only. !e record of service has been generally good, except for one warning for remaining absent for two days without permission. &n the early years of service, he used to be rude to his superiors and uarrelsome with his co'workers. (ut there is nothing about this on the record, because no serious view was taken about this by the superiors. &n the past eight months, since the new management took over the control of )eptune *ngineering +ompany, there is a change in the policy. The new management has taken a stricter approach in enforcing discipline. One day, at ,.-- p.m., at the time of starting of the shift "unil went to his supervisor saying that some guests has arrived unexpectedly at his house in the morning and he wanted leave for that day. The supervisor told him that since few more workers were already absent in the %epartment he could not grant him, leave. &nstead he asked "unil to work on the press machine. On that day because the regular press operator had not come and there was a large backlog which must be cleared today. "unil declined to obey the instruction. !e said, .& will work on my machine only and not on any other machine., and he went to his usual drilling machine. After some time he left a leave application on the supervisor table. !e was not seen on the shop floor throughout the day. The supervisor had reported the case to his manager and the manager wants your opinion as the "enior +onsultant to the company. "uggest the course of action. 4) Case Study (Group 4):/roup Think

5) Case Study (Group 5):A supervisor was annoyed with one of his workers. !e went to the shop floor and scolded him in public. The worker felt humiliated and complained to the manager. The manager called the supervisor and advised him that criticism ought to be levied in private and praise in public. The supervisor did not agree with this view and argued that if criticism was offered only in private, then, only the worker would know about it and since the others would not be aware, they would think that the misdeed had gone unpunished. Therefore, unless admonition is given in the public. &t will not have an effect on the others, which is the maxim of discipline and punishment in an industry. On the other hand, manager said that if criticism was offered in public, it would demorali0e the employee and demotivate him. 1urther, a controversy might arise about the uantum of admonition given to the worker and a comparison may be made between him and another person. Analy0e the situation and with whom do you agree and why2 6) Case Study (Group 6):A well known business house started an industrial unit using new technology under the name 3oyal *lectronics. Their system of management in general was of old type where everything was centrali0ed on a personal level. !owever , in case of new company , due to various factors like distance , time , etc. , the industry was allowed to develop on autonomous lines and was put in charge of a 4.5 trained *ngineer. +onsidering the various aspects, the industry was progressing well. (ut due to the lack of ade uate attention to labour and industrial relations, a strike occurred. &t generated tensions and fears among the executives, both on the production side and in other departments. "everal engineers and executives left 6ob including labour officer who felt in secured due to vacillation and interference from top management. 1inally the strike was resolved. (ut some workers were still under charge sheets. Their cases had been conducted by the new labour officer who had 6oined at the height of strike. One day, the factory manager received a call from the Managing %irector to dismiss the labour officer immediately. The factory manager solicited reasons at least to 6ustify his action, but to no avail. &n fact, the managing director came personally to meet labour officer and gave him the dismissal letter. The labour officer was appointed by the factory manager and so he went to the latter who said that he could do nothing now. Analy0e the factors that led to break down. 7) Case Study (Group 7):!ari is a manager who supervises 7 staff members. !e has 8 star performers, but the others usually lag behind. !e doesn9t understand why 3am and "hyam seem to get so much work done while the others are marginal. !e has tried talking to them to motivate them, but he never sees any improvement. All 7 employees have been at the company for over 7 years. Why do 3am and "hyam excel and the others don9t2

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