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Since the dawn of human civilization, we humans have been fascinated to create the perfect structures-perfect buildings, sculptures & paintings. And the golden ratio is an apt example of it. The Golden ratio has fascinated western intellectuals of diverse interests for at least 2,400 years. Golden ratio is said to exist between two numbers if their ratio is equal to the sum ratio of the sum of the two numbers to the numerically larger number.The golden ratio is also called the golden section, golden mean or divine proportion. It is represented by the Greek symbol phi. Since then it has been studied by a slew of mathematicians including Plato, Pythagoras, Euclid, Fibonacci etc. painting Monalisa. Even Beethovens symphony is said to contain notes occurring at golden mean point! Structures like golden spiral and golden rectangle are far more common than what we usually think. Golden ration is a perfect example of how maths and nature are intertwined. Indeed its mystique occurrence can only be explained as a clever act of god or it could be a very desirable symmetry in nature. It certainly is intriguing.

It has been seen in a number of world renowned structures including the Parthenon, yhe great Pyramid of Giza, The cathedral of Notre dam and is also believed to be present in the famous

Sankalp Sahu Class- XI O

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