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Result The computer Coding that has been inserted.

;O2029 N5 G91 G28 Z0; N10 G28 X0 Y0; N15 G54; N20 T1 M6 S2600 M3; N25 G43 H1; N30 G90 G0 X0 Y0 Z5; N35 G42 H11; N40 G0 X13 Y5; N45 G01 Z-3 F250; N50 G01 X35 Y5; N55 G02 X55 Y5 R10; N60 G01 X75 Y5; N65 G01 X85 Y45; N70 G01 X60 Y85; N75 G01 X27 Y85; N80 G01 X20 Y78; N85 G01 X20 Y70; N90 G02 X5 Y55 R15; N95 G01 X5 Y13; N100 G03 X13 Y5 R8; N105 G01 X85 Y5; N110 G01 X85 Y85; N115 G01 X5 Y85; N120 G01 X5 Y5; N125 G01 X85 Y5; N130 G01 X85 Y45; N135 G01 X70 Y85; N140 G01 X27 Y85; N145 G01 X5 Y55; N150 G01 X5 Y5; N155 G01 X85 Y5; N160 G01 X85 Y45; N165 G01 X75 Y85; N170 G01 X15 ; N175 Y70; Z10; G40; M30;

The results obtained based on the coding through the EXSL-WIN software.

Discussion CNC Milling is a numerical control automation of machine tools that are operated precisely programmed command encoded on a storage medium. The EXSL-WIN is a software used to programme our design before it is transferred to the machine for cutting process .There are some difficulties we face when using the software due to wrong setting and wrong coding insertion. This software needs high precision on the coding and the product that we are going to create. We also dint get the full exposure on using the machine this causes lack of understanding about the machine. As a recommendation, the machine should be repaired as soon as possible for benefit of students.

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