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George Bernard Shaw once wrote: England and America are two countries separated by a common language and the same can certainly be said of America and Australia. Australia has its own distinct accent that while similar to the British accent is very unique.
Press PLAY for a quick primer on the Australian accent

Australian Traditions
Australians have many traditions and rituals however I am going to focus on: Folklore Clothing Food


In the workforce Australians tend to dress light because of the constant heat. Long socks, tailored shorts, and a light shirts. In the city and workplace areas people tend to dress formal and casual in their spare time as well as on weekends. Children wear uniforms and sunscreen year round. Sun tans are looked upon as foolishness since Australia has the highest rate for skin cancer.

The famous UGG made initially for the Australian deserts and hot beaches

Australia is abundant in seafood, meats, as well as fruits and vegetables. However, the most famous meals are
A yeast extract and salt spread

Meat Pie
Made from beef pork, or lamb.

Made of soft meringue, cream filling and fruit

Sponge cake coated with chocolate and coconut

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