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2011 1 22 1

Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, Jan. 2011,22(1) : 221-228



( , 350002)

. :, 20%
20% + 1 5 d 14 8 d 17 3 d,
1 5 d 11 3 d 12 3 d. 20% ,,23
26 ,32 ,
. , 11:0015:00 ,18:00 ; 9:00
12:00 ,17:00 . 79 ,7 ,
89 ;, 80% ,
. ,.

. ,

1001-9332(2011)01-0221-08 S476 3 A

Longevity and emergence rhythm of adult parasitoids of Coccobius asumai Tachikawa ( Hy

menoptera: Aphelinidae) introduced from Japan. CHEN Shunli, ZHANG Feiping, HONG
Binghuang ( College of Forestry, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Chi
na) . Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. ,2011,22(1) : 221-228.

Abstract: A series of feeding experiment and regular observation were conducted in laboratory to
explore the effects of diet and temperature on the longevity of Coccobius azumai adults and their tem
poral rhythm of emergence. Diet had significant effects on the longevity of the adults. Without any
diet supply, the mean longevity of the females and males was 1 5 d; but with the supplement of
20% honey water and of 20% honey water + fresh pine needles, the mean longevity reached 14 8
d and 11 3 d, and 17 3 d and 12 3 d, respectively. Temperature also played an important role on
the longevity of the adults fed with 20% honey water. At 23 and 26 , the longevity of the fe
males and males was obviously longer; while at 32 , the longevity was the shortest. At same tem
peratures, the mean longevity of the females was significantly longer than that of the males. In their
circadian cycle, most of the females emerged from 11:00 to 15:00, but most males emerged from
9:00 to 12:00. Few females emerged after 18:00, and few males after 17:00. Most of the adult
parasitoids enclosed from July to September. The amount of emerged adults peaked in July, and
showed a fluctuant and descending trend in the subsequent August and September. Over 80% of the
emerged adults were female in most days, and the males were always fluctuating in a low level in
this period. A separate experiment showed that in the collection of the adult parasitoids, cloth shed
was more superior to paper box. This study showed that limited energy was conserved in the parasit
oids before adult emergence, and thus, supplementing suitable diet to newly emerged adults before
release was necessary for prolonging their longevity and improving the efficiency of biological con
trol. In Fujian and Guandong of China, there would be some potential disadvantage factors against

* ( 30671690, 30972379 ) ( 2006NZ0012 )

(2009J06007) .
**. Email: fpzhang1@ 163. com
20100720 ,20101019 .



the continuation of the parasitoid population, e. g. , high temperature in summer, lack of temporal
synchronization between the adult parasitoid females and their hosts ( adult females of pine armored
scale) , and greatly high proportion of parasitoid females. Cloth shed benefited the collection of
large amount of the parasitoids, being available in the biological control activities.
Key words: Coccobius azumai; Hemiberlesia pitysophila; adult; longevity; emergence rhythm.
, [1] .

(256 N,11838 E,

, 15 1% .

, 100% . 2002 5 ,

, Luck [2] , 18811977

[3] . ( Insecta)
( Hymenoptera)
( Coccobius azumai)
( Aphelinidae) ,
( Hemiberlesia pitysophi
la) [4-5] . 20 90 ,

[7] [8-9] ,

300 ~ 400 m) , 6570 hm -2 ,

10 75 m, 0 9,
. ,
, , 120
km .

1 2

2 .


2 ~ 3 ( 30 ~ 40 cm

) ,

2 / 3, 1 5 kg, 40 cm 40

cm50 cm .


[10] ,

,. ,

, [11] . ,


2 15 cm ,

, [5]

. ,

[6] ,

. ,.

[6] [12] .
, -
. ,
1 1

1 .


, 3 m1 5 m2 5 m

1 7 m ,

50 cm25 cm .
80 ~ 85 ,
. ,
1 .

1 3

2007 7 2228 8:0018:00,

1 :


30 min 1 ,

1 ,18:00 1 ,

. 123

1 5

1 2 3 1 ,

( 3 cm 10 cm) , 20 ~ 30

. (30 min )
. ,

8 10 9 3 9 29 .

2007 7 18 1 1 ,

84 ,

. 18:00,
. 8 12 ,

, 3

8:0018:00 3 ~ 4 h 1 ,18:00

;2) 20% : 2 20% (


. :1) :
) 1 min (1 cm 2 cm

1 ,
3 .

) , 8:00

1 6

5 ,

, ShapiroWilk

(22 1 5) (


1 ;3) 20% +: 2)
8:00 1 20% .

) (50 5) % RH12L 12D ,

0:006:0012:00 18:00 1
. 90 .

, 5

. :(20 1 5) (23 1 5) (26


. SPSS 15 0

( SPSS Inc,USA) . Excel

( Microsoft Corporation, USA) .

1 5) (29 1 5) (32 1 5) .

2 1


20% ,
90 . PYX1250QA

1 4

, 2007 7 11 8

11 9 6 , 3 1 1 ,
1 2 , 7:00
, 8:00 18:00,
1 h 1 ,

, 6

10 , 7
9 . 2007 7 19 8

11 9 5 , 3
, 18:00
. , 8:0018:00 3 ~ 4 h

2 1 1 1 ShapiroWilk
. KruskalWallis :

:2 = 187 97,df = 2,P < 0 001;:2 = 178 14,

df = 2,P<0 001) , 20% 20%

1 5 d 14 8 d 17 3 d,
1 5 d 11 3 d 12 3 d;
. ,
( 2 = 2 31,df = 1,P = 0 128) , 2

( :
2 = 36 52, df = 1, P < 0 001; + :
2 = 59 83,df = 1,P<0 001) .

2 1 2 2 ,29



Table 1 Longevity of Coccobius azumai adults with supplements of different diets ( d)




20% 20% honey water






( W)

3 6

21 4

14 80 4

0 97

1 0

20% + 20% honey water + fresh

pine needles

2 0
1 0

20% 20% honey water

1 3

2 0

22 6
2 0

15 9

1 50 0

17 30 4
1 50 0

0 96

0 004

0 89

<0 001

0 95

11 30 3


0 92

0 040
0 001

<0 001

20% + 20% honey water + fresh

1 5
17 8
12 30 5
0 89
<0 001
pine needles
1) , 0<W1 Test for normality, 0<Wvalue1;2) Probability that the observed data came from a normal distribution.
The same below.

2 20%
Table 2 Longevity of Coccobius azumai adults fed with 20% honey water under different temperatures ( d)


Temperature ( )




( W)


3 1

20 9

16 50 4

0 84

<0 001

0 98

0 156






6 3

19 7

2 0

22 0

3 3

17 6

2 3

17 5

7 3

11 8

7 3

13 0

9 3

13 8

6 1

10 3

0 3

10 6

14 80 3
16 00 4
12 30 3
11 80 3
10 30 1
11 30 1
11 50 1
8 40 1
5 50 4

0 96
0 95
0 95

0 005
0 001
0 003

0 92

<0 001

0 98

0 257

0 95
0 97
0 91

0 001
0 039

<0 001

26 ,

; 9:0012:00

. KruskalWallis

, 10:00 ,17:00

( : = 134 05,df = 4,P <0 001;: =

2 2 2 79

, 32 . 23

. 3 ,

316 86,df = 4,P <0 001) , 23 26

26 , 32
4 8 d 4 3 d, 5 8 d 6 1 d.

( 2) ,7 , 8 9
( )

( P
0 001) .

2 2

2 2 1 1 ,
3 d
. , 7 12 8 12 9 7
13:0014:00 14:00 ,

11:0015:00 , 8:00 18:00

; 11:0015:00

1 (2007 7 12

. ,7 12 8 12 9 7

Fig. 1 No. of emerged Coccobius azumai adults at different time

,13:0014:00 ,18:00
10:00 ,9:0012:00 ,17:00

8 12 9 7 )

in a whole day on July 12, August 12 and September 7, 2007.

1 :


122 , 3

204 6 ,. 3 , 7

25 ,
8 12 ,;

;8 5 ,

2 (2007 7
20 9 29 )
Fig. 2 Daily number of emerged Coccobius azumai adults and
ratio of females during July 20 to September 29, 2007.

The arrows indicated the date of the samples

being displaced with approximately equal fresh pine needles.

, 1 (7 20 8

10 ) 7 , 2 (8

12 9 3 ) 8 , 3 ( 9

629 ) 9 .
, 1

8 ,, 2
. 2 ,79

,( / )
, 89 ,
0 8 .

[13-14] ,.
,, 2

d, 20% 20% +
10 d . ,
( ) ,
. ,

2 , 3 d 60% ,
, 14 8

[6] . :1)

83 18% .


12 ,3

2 2 3 2007 7 19 8


. ,,

(2007 7 19 8 12 )
Fig. 3 Numeric dynamics of emerged Coccobius azumai adults
collected from different instruments ( paper box and cloth shed)
during July 19 to August 12, 2007.

, 20 ~ 26 ,
, 29 32




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, 7 ,89
. , 79 ,

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, 1 [6] ,


36 ,1012 ,79

, 2 :1)

. ,


, 79

. 7 ,



. ,

. ,

/ ,



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