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7/17/2013 Name: Mohammad Abdullah

Teaching is more than mentoring do you agree Roll No: E-037

Teaching Is More than Mentoring? Answer: obviously yes! See how

Mentoring Mentoring is a most important part of teaching.

Teaching Definitely it is most important part of teaching but notify that it is a component of teaching not more than teaching.

We have seen that to perform a job with sixteen years of education it is indispensable to do a six month mentor ship.

Another clue that indeed intimating towards the significance of teaching that teaching is for 16 years but mentoring is for only 6 month in usual job scenarios.

Mentoring is developing and sustaining only the required traits. Mentoring is telling how the job will be rendered. Animals can be most likely to be very well trained.

Where as teaching is developing a vast vision in the processes of whole life. But teaching cultivates mental approach to manipulate and originate. But animal can never be well educated. This is the educations that distinguish the man with the animal.

No doubt mentee can perform his job very well.

But the literate person will be the blessing for the whole society/family/country and the world.

Mentee only peruse the dictation.

But the educated person have own mentality.

Comparison of teaching and mentoring posted by Mohammad Abdullah IMS University of Balochistan.

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