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Origami in Engineering and Architecture

An art spanning Mathematics, Engineering and Architecture

Dr Mark Schenk (ms652) October 25th 2012

Advanced Structures Group

Objective: introduction to Origami in mathematics, engineering and architecture. E am!"es #rom academic research and rea" "i#e a!!"ications. $oda% & "ecture ('1 hr) & (orksho! ) !resentations ('2 hrs)

* #rom +a!anese #or oru (#o"d) and kami (!a!er) * ear"iest book to describe origami dates to 16,2, (ith the c"assic crane dating to a 1-.- book The Secret of One Thousand Cranes Origami * resurgence o# interest in 20th centur% * ra!id de/e"o!ment o/er the "ast 2 decades.

Origami Art

Photo courtesy of Andreas Bauer

From simple

Origami Art
to advanced

Designed and folded y !o ert "# $ang

Origami Art


+oe" 0oo!er (200,)

Origami Art : tessellations


Star Tessellation y 1ric 2)erde

Origami Art : tessellations



Origami Art : tessellations

htt%&''(((#flickr#com'%hotos'%olyscene'++--.*33.3' htt%&''(((#flickr#com'%hotos'cam ridgeuni7ersity8engineering'43-,4/4,+0'

Origami Art : curved folding

Da/id 7u##man (1.25&1...)

htt%&''(((#graficao scura#com'huffman'inde9#html htt%&''(((#theiff#org'oe9hi its'%a%er-4#html htt%&''(((#nytimes#com'+--4'-,'++'science'++orig#html

Origami Art : developments

increased mode" com!"e it% * crease !atterns /s. "inear #o"ding instructions * com!uter aided design o# mode"s * a more #undamenta" understanding o# the under"%ing mathematics o# origami

Designed and folded y !o ert "# $ang

Origami : Mathematics

Origami Mathematics
origami 8 mathematics are dee!"% intert(ined 9 origami foldability i#e# can a crease !attern actua""% be #o"ded: 9 surface geometry i#e# (hat sha!es can %ou attain:

Origami Mathematics : foldability

E am!"e 1 :iura8ori sheet

flat and rigid #o"dab"e

Origami Mathematics : flat foldability

9 flat foldability a#ter #o"ding a"" creases b% ;1,0<, the #ina" !attern "ies in a !"ane

;a(asaki8"ustin theorem1 =1 > =2 ) =4 > =3 ? 0

Origami Mathematics : flat foldability

9 #"at #o"dabi"it% * counter e am!"e

engineering 1 com!act sto(age

Origami Mathematics : rigid foldability

9 rigid foldability i# the !attern (ere made o# rigid !ane"s connected b% hinges, it can be #o"ded.

Dureissei (2011)

engineering 1 de!"o%ab"e (or rigid) !"ate structures

Origami Mathematics : rigid foldability

9 rigid #o"dabi"it% * counter e am!"e !a!er sho!!ing bag on"% @e istsA in either the co""a!sed or u!right !osition.

Ba"kcom (2003)

Origami Mathematics : rigid foldability

a rigid&#o"dab"e sho!!ing bag1

Cu and Dou (2011)

Eurther research1 7u##man (1.-6), Cu and Dou (2010), Stache" (200.,2010), $achi (200.)

Origami Mathematics : foldability

the @un#o"dab"eA h%!erbo"ic !arabo"oid

Demaine et al# (200.)

Origami Mathematics : foldability

mode""ing the Fun#o"dab"eF

Dias, Dudte, Mahade/an, Santange"o (2012)

Origami Mathematics : surface geometry

surface geometry (aka, di##erentia" Geometr%)
Ht"as1 Iero Gaussian cur/ature

Chat kind o# #o"ded sha!es can (e attain: & assume no stretching de#ormations (i.e. developable)

S!here1 !ositi/e Gaussian cur/ature

Origami Mathematics : surface geometry

Ht"as1 Iero Gaussian cur/ature

S!here1 !ositi/e Gaussian cur/ature

Origami Mathematics : surface geometry

de/e"o!ab"e sur#ace (i#e# a sheet o# !a!er) Gaussian curvature is in/ariant under bending

Origami Mathematics : surface geometry

Ji"ian et a". (200,)

engineering 1 cur/ed sur#aces #rom #"at sheets

Origami Mathematics : surface geometry

<mage courtesy of Carol :# =ighsmith

Erank Gehr% (1...) Ca"t Disne% 0oncert 7a"" (Kos Hnge"es, LSH)

Origami Mathematics
be a(are o# certain conce!ts1 & #"at #o"dabi"it% & rigid #o"dabi"it% & sur#ace geometr% (Gaussian cur/ature) Mt is an acti/e #ie"d o# mathematicsN

Origami : Engineering

Engineering Origami
Engineering Origami 1 a!!"ication o# origami to so"/e technica" !rob"ems.

E am!"es #rom m% current research (i#e# shame"ess se"#&!romotion)1 i) Deployable Space Structures ii) Folded Meta Materials

Engineering Origami : deployable

i) Deployable Space Structures 9 in#"atab"e sate""ite de&orbiting de/ice 9 "arge sai" structure (2 2m) 9 4L 0ubeSat

4L 0ubeSat

2Om m%"ar membrane

Mn#"atab"e booms

Engineering Origami : deployable

Mn#"atab"e Booms 9 Mn#"atab"e Hntenna E !eriment (MHE, 1..6)

KFGarde 8 6HSH +PK (1..6)

Engineering Origami : deployable

So, ho( do %ou #o"d an in#"atab"e boom:

Engineering Origami : deployable

So, ho( do %ou #o"d an in#"atab"e boom: 9 rolling!coiling 9 #o"ding & " fold & origami !atterns 9 conica" sto(age

MK0 Do/er (M$SH$)

Cang and +ohnson (2004)Q 6HSH KaR0

Engineering Origami : deployable

Guest and Pe""egrino (1..3)

origami booms (124)

Barker and Guest (2003)

7oberman (1..4)

Engineering Origami : deployable

origami booms (224)

EHDS Hstrium

Senda et al (2006)

Engineering Origami : deployable

origami booms (424) & sto(ed /o"ume (flat foldable) & materia" de#ormation (rigid foldable) & straightness o# de!"o%ment

Schenk, SiTuerat, Se##en and Guest (2012)

Engineering Origami : deployable

conica" te"esco!ic booms (122) & concentric #o"ds & te"esco!ic de!"o%ment

Pa"isoc (2003)

KFGarde, MSPSS (2005)

Engineering Origami : deployable

conica" te"esco!ic booms (222)

e !eriments


Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

ii) Folded Meta Materials Meta-Material - A synthetic composite material engineered to display properties not usually found in natural materials. 9 #o"d !atterns introduce kinematic !ro!erties
Schenk and Guest (2012)

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

Basic com!onent1 :iura8ori sheet

a) Eo"ded She"" Structure b) Eo"ded 0e""u"ar Meta&Materia"

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

a) meta&materia" 1 Eo"ded She"" Structures

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

no/e" !ro!ert% 1 9 doub"%&cur/ed sur#ace

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

no/e" !ro!ert% 1 9 negati/e in&!"ane PoissonAs ratio

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

no/e" !ro!ert% 1 9 !ositi/e out&o#&!"ane PoissonAs ratio

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

a!!"ication 1 mor!hing structures & change sha!e & maintain continuous sur#ace E am!"e1 mor!hing (ings

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

b) Eo"ded 0e""u"ar Meta&Materia" & stacking o# #o"ded "a%ers & maintains #o"ding motion

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

no/e" !ro!erties1 & omni&directiona" negati/e PoissonFs ratio & high"% anisotro!ic materia" !ro!erties

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

Eo"ded Sand(ich Pane" 0ore & b"ast im!act mitigation
bla im st pa ct

Schenk, Guest, McShane (2012)

Engineering Origami : Meta-Materials

#o"ded sand(ich !ane" core
& numerica" simu"ations & core manu#acture

Engineering Origami : applications

Engineering Origami 1 a!!"ication o# origami to so"/e technica" !rob"ems. i) deployability ii) increased sti##ness iii) impact absorption i/) meta materials /) energ%&e##icienc%

:iura8ori sheet

Engineering Origami : deployable

Kang (2004)

i) de!"o%ab"e structures
* s!ace te"esco!e * so"ar !ane"s
Miura and 6atori (1.,.)

Engineering Origami : deployable

i) de!"o%ab"e structures
* so"ar sai"s

Guest (1..2) Kei!o"d et al# (2002) +HUH MJHROS (2010)

Engineering Origami : deployable

i) de!"o%ab"e structures
* emergenc% she"ters * medica" stent * bio&mechanics

Juriba%ashi et a". (2006)

de $emmerman (200-)

Joba%ashi (1...)

Engineering Origami : deployable

most common #o"d !attern1 :iura8ori
* #"at&#o"dab"e * rigid&#o"dab"e

Engineering Origami : deployable

genera"iIed :iura8ori1 rigid&#o"dab"e and #"at&#o"dab"e


$achi (200.*2011)

Engineering Origami : deployable

rigid&#o"dab"e h%!erbo"a
$achi (2010)

Engineering Origami : deployable

i) de!"o%ab"e structures
* !rogrammab"e matter

7a(kes et a". (2010)

Engineering Origami : stiffness

ii) increased sti##ness
* architecture 1 #o"ded !"ates

Engineering Origami : stiffness

ii) increased sti##ness
* #o"ded !"ates

Enge" (1.6,)

Origami Engineering : stiffness

ii) increased sti##ness
* sand(ich !ane" cores
Miura (1.-2)

7eimbs (200-)

Ra!! (1.60)

Engineering Origami : impact resistance

iii) im!act resistance
* sand(ich !ane" cores

$esse""ated Grou! (2010)

E"sa%ed and Basi"% (2003)

Engineering Origami : impact resistance

Miura (1.6.)

iii) im!act resistance

* car crash bo es

Cu (2010)

$arnai (1..3)

Engineering Origami : meta-materials

i/) meta&materia"s
* de!"o%ab"e ce""u"ar so"ids

Miura and $achi (2010), $achi (2011)

Engineering Origami : meta-materials

i/) meta&materia"s
* cur/ed corrugated she"" structures

6orman (200.)

Se##en (2012)

Engineering Origami : energy efficiency

/) energ%&e##icient manu#acturing & sheet meta" bending & cur/ed #o"ding

$achi and E!!s (2011)

Engineering Origami : curved folding

9 cur/ed #o"ding 1 RoboEo"d


Rhino4D (ith Grassho!!er and Jangaroo

Origami Engineering used #or a (ide range o# technica" a!!"ications1 i) de!"o%ab"e structures ii) increased sti##ness iii) im!act resistance i/) meta&materia"s /) sheet meta" #o"ding Hnd more a!!"ications are being de/e"o!edN

Origami : Architecture

Origami Architecture : Bauhaus

+ose# H"bers (1.2-)

Origami Architecture : applications

1) #o"ded !"ate roo#s 2 #aWades
* * * * mechanica" ad/antage /isua" a!!ea" materia"it% 1 timber, g"ass, etc. a!!ro imation to cur/ed sur#aces

2) de!"o%ab"e architectura" structures 4) trans#ormab"e 2 kinematic architecture

Origami Architecture : folded plates

Mi"o Jetchum (1.10&1...)

Origami Architecture : folded plates

Enge" (1.6,)

Origami Architecture : folded plates

Enge" (1.6,)

Origami Architecture : folded plates

Skidmore, O(ings and Meri"" (1.56) LS Hir Eorce Hcadem% 0adet 0ha!e", 0o"orado S!rings

Origami Architecture : folded plates

Miura (1.6.)

0o!!a (1.-0)

$onon (1..4)

Origami Architecture : folded plates

RenIo Piano (1.66) Mobi"e Su"!hur E traction Eactor%, PomeIia, Rome

Origami Architecture : foldable dome

Ron Resch (1.4.&200.)

Origami Architecture : Ron Resch

Origami Architecture : Ron Resch



XMade (ith Pa!er Sho(X 6o/. 1.6-

Origami Architecture : foldable dome



Origami Architecture : folded plates

Eoreign O##ice Hrchitects (2002) Dokohama Mnternationa" 0ruise $ermina"


Origami Architecture : folded plates

St. Bridget 0hurch GdaYsk, Po"and

?rom =ea7enly 7aults& from !omanes@ue to 2othic in 1uro%ean architecture

Origami Architecture : folded plate

Re/i/a" o# interest in #o"ded !"ate structures: Recent de/e"o!ments 9 timber 2 g"ass structures 9 com!uter design too"s 9 #ree&#orm geometr% (i.e. BKOB architecture)

Origami Architecture : timber panels

Buri et al# (200.)

Origami Architecture : timber panels

com!uter design too"s
case study& tem!orar% cha!e" o# St. Kou!

Buri et al# (200.)

Origami Architecture : timber panels

case stud%1 tem!orar% cha!e" o# St. Kou!

Origami Architecture : glass panels

$rometer et al# (2006)

Origami Architecture : glass panels

O"a#ur E"iasson (200-) One&(a% 0o"our $unne"

htt%&''flu9#net'take8your8time8olafur8eliasson8ne(8york htt%&''(((#design oom#com'(e log'cat'/-'7ie('/,43'take8your8time8olafur8eliasson#html

Origami Architecture : free-form

$rautI et al# A+--.B

Origami Architecture : free-form

7einIe"mann (200.)

Origami Architecture : deployable

De Temmerman A+--3B

Origami Architecture : deployable

htt%&''(((#inha itat#com'+--0'/-'++'origami8ins%ired8folding8 am oo8house8 y8ming8trang'

Origami Architecture : deployable

htt%&''(((#inha itat#com'+--0'-.'-*'matthe(8malone8reco7ery8shelter'

accordeon re0o/er she"ter

Bo"er and $andon (1.6-)

Origami Architecture : deployable

$achi (200.)

Origami Architecture : deployable

Emi"io PZreI Pi[ero (1.45&1.-2)



Origami Architecture : deployable

Danie" MacGibbon (200,)

htt%&''designstudio># logs%ot#com'

Origami Architecture : transformable

KAinstitut du Monde Hrabe, Paris +ean 6ou/e" (1.,-)

htt%&''(((#archnet#org'li rary'sites'one8site#)s%EsiteFidG0>/

Origami Architecture : transformable

7oberman Hrch (2002) Sa"t Kake 0it%, LSH

0huck 7oberman

Origami Architecture : transformable

htt%&''(((#ada%ti7e uildings#com

0huck 7oberman

Mris Dome, 2000 Cor"ds Eair, 7anno/er, German%

htt%&''(((#ho erman#com

Hda!tab"e Sunshade, 2006 Bui"ding 0enter $rust, Kondon, LJ

Origami Architecture : transformable

#iefer $ec%nic &ad Gleic%enberg Giselbrec%t ' (artner )$ Gmb* +,--.)

Origami Architecture : transformable

7%!osur#ace (conce!t)
7%!osur#ace 0or! (2000)


Origami Architecture : transformable

Robotic Membrane (conce!t)Q OrangeSoid


Origami Architecture : transformable

\Res!onsi/e Jinematics], +ohn 7obart&0u""eton

Origami : Summary

Origami Hrt
recent de/e"o!ments due to com!utationa" too"s and im!ro/ed understanding o# its mathematics

Origami Mathematics
* acti/e #ie"d o# mathematics * be a(are o# some o# the conce!ts
9 #o"dabi"it% (#"at 8 rigid) 9 sur#ace geometr% (Gaussian cur/ature)

Origami Engineering
used #or a /ariet% o# a!!"ications, main"% #or the design o# de!"o%ab"e structures

Origami Hrchitecture
* #o"ded !"ate structures
9 /isua" a!!ea" 2 strength 2 de!"o%abi"it% 2 materia"it%

* kinematic architecture
9 /er% much under&e !"oredQ !"ent% o# cha""enges

Origami :


Origami Engineering
* 4 di##erent assignments ("imited co!ies o# each) * grou!s o# '5 !eo!"e * e !"ore as!ects o#
9 in#"atab"e #o"dab"e c%"inders 9 cur/ed #o"ding 9 ^

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