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Importing students from SIS to AccelTest:

Prepping Student Data from SIS:

1. Log into SIS and export your roster as a csv (comma separated values) format.
3. Open the exported roster (Report…csv). Delete everything except the column
with the student names.
4. Click on the column with the student names.
5. Select Data, Convert “Text to Columns”
6. Check Delimited then Next.
7. Check Comma then Next, then Finish.
8. Click on 1 (the number of the first row).
9. Select Insert, Row.
10. Click on 1 again.
11. Select Format, Cell. Click on the Number tab and
select Text.
12. in cell A1 type @Lname.
13. In cell B1 type Fname.
14. In cell C1 type ID
15. Number the ID cells uniquely (for example number your first period 100s, 2nd
200s, 3rd 300s, etc. Quick numbering: in your 3rd period for instance, number
the first student 301, and the second 302. Highlight the two cells, click in the
bottom right corner of lower cell, drag + sign to end of the list to automatically
number. (Note: These numbers may be used to assign 2Know devices, e.g., 301
to #1, 302 to #2, etc.)
16. Add sheets for each class.
17. Cut the students and ids for each class and paste in the second row of each new
18. Copy the header row from the first to the other sheets.
19. Save the document as your name student data (e.g., Xavier student data) as an
Excel spreadsheet.
20. Click on the first sheet. Select Save as, in the type box select CSV, in the file
name box type your name per # (Xavier per 1), select New folder (on the
desktop) then save. Repeat for each sheet (Note: you don’t need to select a new
folder after the first time, it will automatically save the other files there).

Importing Data to AccelTest.

1. Open AccelTest. the folder on the desktop and select the first
2. Click on the Classes tab. class. Click Next.
3. Select Classes (top menu), then Import from
4. Select
Import from
a Comma
Value, click
5. Click Select
File to
browse to

Revised 100109
6. Check Select
All. Click Next.
If your classes
are already set
up, Select
Students in
and pick the
class from the
list. If you have
not set up
classes, Select Enroll Students in a New
Class and type the name of the class.

9. The students names will be added to the

Master Roster and Per 6 (on the right).
10. Repeat for each class.
11. Done .

Revised 100109

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