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Anima Astrologiae; Or, A GUIDE for ASTROLOGERS Anima Astrologiae; Or, A GUIDE for ASTROLOGERS

Being the Considerations of the famous

!aithfull" rendered into English#
As Also
The Choi$est A%horisms of Cardan&s Sea'en Segments,

Translated and methodi$all" digested under the %ro%er

(ith a e) Ta*le of the fi+ed Stars, Re$tified for se'eral
"ears to
$ome, And di'ers other ne$essar" illustrations#

(or, most useful and ne$essar" for all Students,
and re$ommended as su$h to the Sons of Art#
B" (illiam Lill", Student in Astrolog"# B" (illiam Lill", Student in Astrolog"#
London, -rinted for B# .arris at Stationers& Arms
In S)eethings Rents near the Ri"al E+$hange, /010
Anima Astrologiae;
The considerations of the Famous
Faithfu! rendred into En"ish.
As Aso
The #hoicest A$horisms of
#ARDAN%S Seaven Segments,
Transated, and methodica! di"ested
under their $ro$er &eads.
'ith a Ne( Ta)e of the fi*ed Stars,
rectified for se+era !ears to come,
and di+ers other necessar! Iustrations.
A 'or, most usefu and necessar! for
a Students, and recommended
as such to the Sons of Art.
B! 'iiam Li!, Student in Astroo"!.
London, -rinted for B. &arris at the Stationers%Arms
in S(eethin"s Rents near the
Ro!a E*chan"e, ./0/
TO TH !"#"!O$% &O'R% OF (RT
)e ha*e formerl+ some tho,ghts of re*ising o,r !ntrod,ction to (strolog+- no. o,t of print- and to ha*e
enriched it from another edition .ith the choicest aphorisms- /oth from the .ritings of the ancients and o,r
o.n man+ +ears0 e1perience- /,t the la/orio,sness of that .or2- considering o,r age and man+ infirmities
of /od+- .ith the disco,ragements .e ha*e alread+ me .ith from some ,ngratef,l persons- ca,sed ,s to la+
aside 3at least for the present4 those intentions.
5et that .e might not /e .holl+ .anting to promote an+thing that might tend to the ad*ancement of (rt and
gratification of its painf,l st,dents- and ho. necessar+ the ens,ing Considerations of #,ido
Bonat,s and (phorisms ad6oined- are to /e 2no.n and regarded- .hich man+ of o,r ingenio,s co,ntr+men
co,ld not do- for the+ ha*e hitherto remained in the &atin tong,e .ith the rest of the .or2s of these a,thors
in large *ol,mes- diffic,lt to /e got at and too chargea/le for man to /,+- .e therefore recommend them to
a friend to /e translated /+ themsel*es- .hich he has 6,dicio,sl+ performed in plain significant lang,age- so
that .e 6,dge the .or2 ma+ deser*e the title Anima Astrologiae .hich .e ha*e gi*en it- comprehending the
marro. and s,/stance of (strolog+- and m,ch e1cellent matter necessar+ to /e o/ser*ed /+ all honest
st,dents that practice (rt to disco*er tr,th and not to *apo,r .ith.
)e do,/t not /,t the legitimate %ons and .ell7.ishers of $rania .ill find considera/le ad*antages from
hence- directing them to a certaint+ in gi*ing 6,dgments ,pon all occasions- and the+ .ill for this
p,/lication ha*e ca,se to than2 their old friend.
William Lilly
)alton7,pon7Thames- 2d(,g,st- 1675.
(mongst those things that appertain to gi*ing 6,dgment in :,estions of (strolog+- there are si1 to /e
considered: 7 1st 7"ations- and their partic,lar 2inds. 2nd Families- and the constit,tions and ordinations of
Families and Ho,ses. 3rd 7 Rich and potent persons- ;ispositions and affairs. <th 7 Regard is to /e had to
the !ndi*id,als of h,man 2ind. =th lections or times proper for the /eginning of an+ )or2 or nterprise.
>th 7?,estions as .ell ,ni*ersal as partic,lar- pertinent and fit to /e demanded.
B,t first of all there are some things necessar+ to /e premised: (s the fit manner of propo,nding a :,estion-
and di*ers other points to /e o/ser*ed in di*ing 6,dgment. Of .hich sort of considerations .e shall rec2on
,p no than One H,ndred Fort+ and %i1- .hich tho,gh @tis impossi/le the+ sho,ld happen or /e so
o/ser*ed altogetherA +et the+ all deser*e to /e 2no.n- and .itho,t them an (strologer shall ne*er /e a/le to
gi*e tr,e and perfect 6,dgement. B,t /efore .e treat distinctl+ of them it .ill /e con*enient to sa+ a little of
the right .a+ or manner ho. a :,estion sho,ld /e proposedA for to 6,dge of things to come is no eas+ tas2-
nor indeed can it al.a+s /e e1actl+ performedA /,t .e ma+ come near the tr,th- and differ from it onl+ in
some small time or circ,mstancesA .hich diffic,lt+ sho,ld not at all disco,rage ,s from st,d+ing and
endea*o,ring to o/tain as great a 2no.ledge therein- as H,man minds are capa/le ofA for since inferiors are
go*erned /+ s,periors 3as all agree4- and that the nat,re and disposition of s,ch s,periors ma+ /e 2no.n /+
their motions- .hich arc no. e1actl+ fo,nd o,t /+ the learned in (stronom+A .e ma+ thence ,ndo,/tedl+
arri*e at an a/ilit+ of 6,dging of things to come: That is declare .hat .ill happen /+ or from s,ch their
motions- and /+ conse:,ence foretell f,t,re accidentsA for this art has its pec,liar r,les and (phorisms and
its end in 6,dgement- .hich ta2es off their o/6ection .ho sa+ that (strolog+ is nothing .orthA for it .o,ld
not /e an (rt- ,nless it had its proper preceptsA /,t that it is an (rt- .e ha*e s,fficientl+ pro*ed
and the same is generall+ ac2no.ledgedA and its end is to gi*e 6,dgements as aforesaid- .hich are accidents
imprinted on inferiors /+ the motions of the s,perior /odies and their :,alities and effects in or ,pon the
Tho, art here presented .ith t.o choice pieces of (rt in o,r mother tong,eA the first- the Considerations of
#,ido Bonat,s- a person no less happ+ in the practice than s2illf,l in the theor+ of (strolog+ of .hich ! .ill
here gi*e thee one instance as it is recorded /+ that eminent Historian F,lg,sos- That #,ido arl of 9o,nt7
%errant /eing /esieged in that cit+- o,r (,thor Bonat,s sent him .ord- that if s,ch a da+ and ho,r he .o,ld
ma2e a sall+ on the enemies0 camp- he sho,ld gi*e them an a/sol,te defeat- and force them to raise their
siege and :,it the place- /,t sho,ld himself recei*e a dangero,s 3/,t not mortal4 .o,nd in the thigh. The
arl pro*iding himself of all things necessar+ in case of a .o,nd- and according to the prediction- tho,gh
*astl+ inferior in n,m/ers- o/tained a most signal and entire *ictor+- /,t the p,rs,it .as .o,nded
in the place foretold- of .hich in short time he reco*ered.
The second- consists of the choicest (phorisms of Cardan,s- a man famo,s to the learned .orld- and of
.hom the 6,dicio,s and se*ere %calier 3tho,gh an ad*ersar+4 in the preface to the /oo2 he .rote against
him- gi*es a most respecti*e and appla,ding character. These (phorisms 3/+ .hich is meant short
comprehensi*e and appro*ed r,les of (rt4 .ere in the original deli*ered promisc,o,sl+- /,t ! for /etter
method ha*e ta2en the pains here to marshal them ,nder their distinct and proper titles- and that ! might not
,nnecessaril+ charge the reader- ha*e omitted s,ch as seemed tri*ial or s,perfl,o,sA this m,ch ! tho,ght fit
to premise- and ha*e onl+ more to add- that /+ reason of m+ a/sence some fa,lts ha*e escaped the press-
/esides those .hich m+self ma+ /e chargea/le .ith in the translationA the Reader .ill sho. his 6,dgment in
disting,ishing- and his good nat,re in pardoning them.
Henr+ Cole+
(pril 29- 1>B=
1 To consider .hat mo*es a man to propose a :,estion 1
2 The co,rse the ?,erent sho,ld ta2e .hen he goes to an (strologer 1
3 Ho. man+ .a+s the 8lanets operate in !nferiors 1
< Of the ca,ses assisting to accomplish things 1
= Ho. man+ .a+s s,ch states of the 9oon does happen 2
> (nother .a+ of the 8lanets /eing de/ilitated not m,ch different 3
B To /e.are of those things that lead an (rtist into error 3
E To see ho. man+ Considerations tho, sho,ldst ,se <
9 To consider the helpers or hinderers of a /,siness <
1F The Fi1ed %tars that so hinder or help B
11 To consider the !nfort,nes- .hat the+ signif+ B
12 )hat the Fort,nes signif+ B
13 )hat the %,n signifies B
1< )hat 9erc,r+ and the 9oon signifies E
1= Ho. the 8lanets ma2e their !mpress ions on !nferiors E
1> )hether the %ignificator /e afflicted /+ either of the !nfort,nes E
1B )hether the 8lanets /e free from !mpediment E
1E )hether a 8lanet is in the (ngle of the !nferiors 9
19 )hether the 9oon /e 'o+d of Co,rse 9
2F )hether the 9oon or %ignificator /e 6oined to an+ of the 8lanets 9
21 From .hat 8lanet the 9oon separates 9
22 )hom she ne1t applies to 9
23 Her condition as 6oined 9
2< )hether a 8lanet /e in his declension 1F
2= )hether a 8lanet /e Retrograde or %tationar+ 1F
2> )hether %tationar+ or Retrogradation or ;irection 1F
2B )hether the !nfort,nes /e %ignificators 1F
2E )hether the %ignificator /e slo. 1F
29 )hether the 9oon /e in Corporal Con6,nction .ith an+ 8lanet 1F
3F )hether the %ignificator or 9oon /e past 29G of the %ign the+ are in 1F
31 )hen one 8lanet applies to the con6,nction of another 11
32 !f an !nfort,ne /e %ignificator- his condition 11
33 )hether an !nlort,ne /e %ignificator 11
3< On .hat to gro,nd H,dgment 11
3= )hether a 8lanet /e in %igns agreea/le 11
3> )hen the !nfort,nes signif+ !mpediment 12
3B )hether Fort,nes are %ignificators 12
3E !f %ignificators are Cadent 12
39 )hether the %ignificator /e in Reception 12
<F !f an !nfort,ne /e 8eregrine 12
<1 )hether an !nfort,ne /e %ignificator 12
<2 )hether a Fort,ne /e %ignificator 12
<3 !f Fort,nes and !nfort,nes /e in 9alignant 8laces 12
<< !f the %ignificator /e in his o.n Ho,se 12
<= )hether !nfort,nes are in (ngles of the (scendant 12
<> )hether the %ignificator /e a Fort,ne or !nfort,ne 12
<B )hether the %ignificator /e in his proper &ight 13
<E )hether if an !nfort,ne /e %ignificator- the e*il shall /e a*oided 13
<9 )hether one of the !nfort,nes /e %ignificator 13
=F To consider the (scendant or 9oon 13
=1 )hether the %ignificator /e Cadent 13
=2 )hen the three !nferior 8lanets come from ,nder the %,n0s /eams 13
=3 )hether the %ignificator /e ,nder the %,n0s Beams 1<
=< )hether one of the %,perior 8lanets in 12G distant from the %,n 1<
== )hether the %ignificator /e 8eregrine 1<
=> )hether the %ignificator gi*e *irt,e to an+ of the other 8lanets 1<
=B )hether the %ignificator /e in the Eth from the (scendant 1<
=E )hether a %ignificator /e settled in the %ign .herein he is 1=
=9 )hether the %ignificator /e 1=G /ehind the c,sp of an (ngle 1=
>F )hether the %ignificator /e in a Fi1ed- 9o*ea/le- or Common %ign 1>
>1 )hether the &ord of the (scendant and 9oon /e .ith ;ragons0 1>
Head or Tail
>2 )hether the 9oon /e *o+d of co,rse 1>
>3 )hether she /e far from 6oining .ith the !nfort,nes 1>
>< )hether she /e in Cancer- Ta,r,s or 8isces 1>
>= )hether the &ord of the Bth /e afflicted 1B
>> )hen the !nfort,nes threaten ill 1B
>B )hether an+ eclipse /e near 1B
>E !n :,estions of sic2ness .hether the &ord of the Bth /e free 1B
>9 !n Ho,rnies .hether the %ignificators /e e:,al 1B
BF )hether the &ord of the "e. or F,ll 9oon pre*entional- /e in an+ 1B
of the (ngles of the thing en:,ired a/o,t
B1 )herea/o,t the %ignifcator happens in the Fig,re 1E
B2 )hether the :,estion /e of a 6o,rne+ 1E
B3 )hether it signif+ good or ill 1E
B< )hether a 8lanet /e %tationar+ to Retrogradation 1E
B= )hether the 9oon /e afflicted 1E
B> From .hat 8lanet the 9oon separates and to .hom she is 6oined 19
BB )hether the %ignificator or the 9oon /e in opposition to their o.n 19
BE To o/ser*e the %ign signif+ing the thing en:,ired a/o,t 19
B9 To o/ser*e .hether the %ignificator or the 9oon /e 6oined to 19
Fort,nes or !nfort,nes
EF !n .hat %ign the %ignificator of the thing en:,ired after is 19
E1 )hether the %ignificator /e in an (ngle- %,ccedent- or Cadent Ho,se 19
E2 )hether the %ignificator recei*e *irt,e from an+ 8lanet 2F
E3 )hether the Fort,nes and !nfort,nes /e e:,all+ strong 2F
E< )hether the Fort,nes /e strongest 2F
E= )hether the 8art of Fort,ne fall .ell or ill 2F
E> )hether an !nfort,ne /ehold the %ignificator 2F
EB To o/ser*e the "o*enar+ of the 9oon 2F
EE )hat 8lanet the 9oon separates from 2F
E9 To o/ser*e the ;,odenar+ of the 9oon 2F
9F )hether the &ords of the Ho,se .here the %,n and 9oon are- Ic.- 21
and oriental
91 )hether 9ars /e in an (ngle 21
92 )hether the %ignificator of death appl+ to the "ati*e0s %ignificator 21
93 Of .hat 2ind of thing the ?,estion is 21
9< )hether the %ignificator /e Cadent 21
9= )hether the 8lanets signif+ing the thing en:,ired- 6oined m,t,all+ 21
9> )hether the %ignificator and 9oon /e in (ngles 21
9B !n .hat climate /efore the :,estion is proposed 21
9E )hether the meaning of the :,estion /e signified /+ con6,nction or 22
99 )hat the iss,e of the ?,estion .ill /e 22
1FF To o/ser*e the Bene*olent Fi1ed %tars 23
1F1 )hich is the Cilling 8lanet or destro+er of &ife- etc. 23
1F2 Ho. to find .hat it signifies 2<
1F3 !n .hat Ho,re the 8art of Fort,ne is 2<
1F< )hether the significator /e in his Bth Ho,se 2<
1F= )hether the !nfort,ne ,nfort,nate /e in the Bth 2<
1F> )hether a Fort,ne fort,nate /e there 2=
1FB )hether 9ars /e in the 2nd or 1Fth 2=
1FE )hether an+ 8lanet /ehold t.o Ho,ses 2=
1F9 )hether the &ord of the =th- /e in the Bth- afflicted 2=
11F )hether %corpio ascend 2=
111 )hether ;ragon0s Tail /e in the Bth 2=
112 !f 'irgo ascend 2=
113 )hether an+ of the !nfort,nes /e in the 9th afflicted 2>
11< )hether a Fort,ne /e &ord of the Eth 2>
11= )hether the Eth or its &ord /e afflicted 2>
11> )hich of the Ho,ses are afflicted 2>
11B !n .hich Ho,se the ;ragon0s Tail is 2>
11E !n .hich Ho,se a Fort,ne fort,nate is 2>
119 !f the &ord of the 2nd /e in the Bth 2>
12F )hether an+ of the &ords of the 3rd <th- =th >th- 9th 1Fth- 11th or 12th /e 2>
in the Bth
121 )hether the 9oon /e in the Eth 2B
122 )hether the 8art of Fort,ne /e in the first 1F degrees of the <th ho,se 2B
123 )hether the %,n and 9oon /e in con6,nction 2B
12< To o/ser*e the %ignificator of s,/stance 2E
12= To note .hat sign ascends 2E
12> )hether 9erc,r+ /e %ignificator in a "ati*it+ 29
12B )hether the &ord of the (scendant at Birth /e an !nfort,ne 29
12E )hether the (scendant /e a %ign resem/ling man 29
129 )hether the 9oon /e in an opposition to %,n and .ith ne/,lo,s 29
13F )hether the 9oon /e .ith 9erc,r+ 3F
131 )hether in an 9an0s "ati*it+ the &,minaries /e in 9asc,line %igns 3F
132 )hether 9ars /e corporall+ 6oined to a Fi1ed %tar of his o.n nat,re 3F
133 )hether #emini or %agittari,s ascend 31
13< )hether 9ars and 'en,s /e in the >th 31
13= )hether the &ord of the (scendant and the 9oon- H,piter- or 'en,s 32
and the+ /e in the ascendant
13> )hether the %,n and 9oon are in their 1altations 32
13B )hether 9erc,r+ /e .ith %at,rn 32
13E )hether in a "ati*it+ the t.o !nfort,nes are in term of the <th ho,se 32
139 !n .hat Ho,se the ;ragon0s Tail is 32
1<F )hether the %ignificator /e .ea2 32
1<1 )hat gifts are /esto.ed /+ the Fi1ed %tars 33
1<2 )hat /+ the 8lanets 3=
1<3 To o/ser*e the 9ethod of6,dging 3>
1<< )hen the %ignificators sho. their intent o/sc,rel+ 3B
1<= )hether in a ;i,rnal "ati*it+ Cor &eonis /e in the (scendant 3E
1<> To o/ser*e .ho shall parta2e in the dominion .ith the %ignificators 3E
( T(B& OF TH (8HOR!%9% OF HRO9 C(R;("
D of aphorisms page D
1 #eneral (phorisms 23 39
2 (phorisms relating to "ati*ities 1FF <1
3 (phorisms relating to Re*ol,tions 2F <E
< (phorisms relating to ;iseases << =F
= (phorisms relating to lections 1> =<
> (phorisms relating to clipses and Comets 1< =>
B (phorisms to,ching )eather- 9eteors- Ic. 12 =E
E (phorisms relating to H,s/andr+ E =9
9 (phorisms relating to #eneral (ccidents E >F
( Ta/le of =F principal Fi1ed %tars >1
TH CO"%!;R(T!O"% OF #$!;O BO"(T$%
Boo2 One.
1. The 1st- is to o/ser*e .hat it is that mo*es a person to propose or as2 a :,estion of an (strologerA
.here .e m,st ta2e notice of three motions: the First- of the mind- .hen a man is stirred ,p in his
tho,ghts and /ath an intent to en:,ireA a %econd- of the s,perio,r and celestial /odiesA so that the+ at
that time imprint on the thing en:,ired after- .hat shall /ecome of itA the Third- of the free .ill .hich
disposes him to the *er+ act of en:,iringA for altho,gh the mind /e mo*ed to en:,ire- @tis not eno,gh
,nless the s,perio,r /odies s+mpathiJe there.ithA nor is s,ch motion of the stars eno,gh- ,nless /+ the
election of his .ill the person does act,all+ en:,ire.
2. The 2nd consideration is 3.hat .e hinted at /efore4 the method or manner e*er+one o,ght to o/ser*e
that en:,ires of an (strologerA .hich is- that .hen he intends to ta2e an artist0s 6,dgment of things
past- present- or to come- he sho,ld- first- .ith a de*o,t spirit- pra+ ,nto the &ord- from .hom proceeds
the s,ccess of e*er+ la.f,l enterprise- that he .o,ld grant him the 2no.ledge of those things of the
tr,th of .hich he .o,ld /e resol*edA and then let him appl+ himself to the astrologer .ith a serio,s
intent of /eing satisfied in some certain and partic,lar do,/t- and this not on trifling occasions- or light
s,dden emotions- m,ch less on matters /ase or ,nla.f,l- as man+ ignorant people ,sed to doA /,t in
matters of honest importance- and s,ch as ha*e possessed and dist,r/ed his mind for the space of a da+
and night or longerA ,nless in s,dden accidents .hich admit not of dela+. KKKK"ote /+ &ill+. 777777
Those that ta2e this so/er co,rse- shall find the tr,th in .hat the+ en:,ire afterA /,t .hosoe*er do
other.ise- decei*e /oth themsel*es and the artistA for a foolish ?,erent ma+ ca,se a .ise Respondent
to err- .hich /rings a scandal ,pon (rt amongst inconsidera/le people- .hereas the (strologer is not
/lamea/le- /,t the ignorant sill+ ?,erent.
3. The 3rd- is to consider ho. man+ .a+s 8lanets operate ,pon !nferio,s Bodies according to the di*ers
?,alities of their motions: there /eing %i1teen different .a+s of s,ch their operations and effects in all
things that are either .holl+ or in part perfected or destro+ed.
<. The <th - is to consider partic,larl+ these se*eral %i1teen .a+s- and .hat are the assisting ca,ses that
help for.ard things to perfection- and .hat there are that destro+ things after the+ are perfected. "o.
of these the first 314 is 8rofection- or an ad*ance of or in- things- .hich the philosophers call
@(lchecohol.0 2. ;etriment- .hich the+ call @(li/er.0 3. Con6,nction or Re*ersion- .hich the+ call
@(litifall.0 <. %eparation- .hich the+ call @(lnichirat.0 =. Translation of light- .hich the+ call
@(nnecad.0 >.
Collection- .hich the+ call @(lgemei.0 B. 8ro/ition- .hich the+ call @(lmana.0 E.
Reception- called @(lco/ol.0 9. Being *oid of co,rse- called @#astalco/al.0 1F. 8ermission- called
@#alealocir.0 11. The restoring or gi*ing of *irt,e or disposition- called @(lteat.0 12. The
of *irt,e- called ;alpha (lchoa.0 13. The or dri*er a.a+ of disposition- called
@;affared/it.0 1<. Fortit,de- @(lcoe*ah.0 1=. ;e/ilit+- @(dirof.0 The 1>th is the state of the 9oon called
@#na+mel-0 or the 9oon ill7affectedA .hich the ancients generall+ hold to /e of ill signification.
=. The =th- is to consider- ho. man+ .a+s the 9oon comes to /e so ill7affected- .hich are generall+
rec2oned to /e Ten- /,t in m+ opinion %e*en more ma+ /e added- .here/+ hindrances and damage
happen in all ?,estions- "ati*ities- lections- and actions .hatsoe*erA the First is- .here the 9oon is
com/,st- that is to sa+ ,nder the %,n0s Beams- .hich is co,nted from 1= degrees of the /od+ of the
%,n as she applies to him to 12 degrees distance from him as she is separating from himA and the
impediment is greater .hen she is going to the %,n than .hen she is going from himA /eca,se as she
goes off- .hen she is got fi*e degrees distant- she is said to /e escaped- tho,gh not .holl+ freed. (s
.hen a fe*er hath left a man- he is said to /e reco*ered- altho,gh he /e .ea2 and faint- /eca,se he is
sec,re no. that he shall o/tain his health again. The 2nd is .hen she is in the degrees of her
descensions- that is in the 3rd degree of the %corpio- or in an+ part of %corpio or Capricorn or in6oined
.ith an+ planet that is in her or its o.n descensions- as if she /e 6oined .ith the %,n- .ho is in %corpio
or Capricorn or in an+ part of %corpio or Capricorn or in6oined .ith an+ planet that is in her or its o.n
descensions- as if she /e 6oined .ith the %,n- .ho is in %corpio or Capricorn or in his proper
descension- *iJ.- in (:,ar+ or &i/ra- *iJ.- in its 19th degree or in an+ part of &i/raA or sho,ld /e 6oined
.ith the 9ars- and he /e in &i/ra or Ta,r,s- or in the 2Eth degree- or in an+ part of CancerA and so .ith
an+ other 8lanet or 8lanets respecti*el+. The 3rd is .hen she is posited in an+ of the com/,st degrees-
of .hich the .orst are: those 12 degrees .hich are /efore the degree .hich is directl+ opposite to the
degree in .hich the %,n is- .here*er she shall happen to /e- The <th is .hen she is in con6,nction-
opposition- or s:,are to either of the !nfort,nes- %at,rn or 9ars- .itho,t a perfect receptionA for .ith
one it hinders /,t little- /,t in all other places @tis a grand impediment- /oth in the said aspect and also
in corporal con6,nction sa*e onl+ .here the !nfort,ne shall ha*e t.o of his smaller dignities- as .ith
%at,rn in the < last degrees of (ries or #emini- in each of .hich he has a Term and a Triplicit+A or .ith
9ars in the last 1F degrees of 8isces- .here he has a Face and a Triplicit+A and so in an+ other sign or
place. The =th is .hen she is .ith the ;ragon0s Head or .ith the ;ragon0s Tail- that is- .ithin t.el*e
degrees of either of them- /eca,se that is the place .here she is eclipsed. The >th is .hen she is in
#emini- .hich is the t.elfth from her o.n Ho,se. The Bth is .hen she is in the end of the %igns- .hich
are all Terms of the !nfort,nes- e1cept the last > degrees of &eo- .hich /elong to H,piterA /,t in the first
eight she is .ea2ened /eca,se the+ are in the Terms of %at,rn. !f it /e o/6ected /+ the same reason she
m,st /e impedited li2e.ise in the first > degrees of Cancer- since the+ are terms of 9ars- ! no-
/eca,se Cancer is her o.n Ho,se and greatest Fortit,de. The Eth is .hen she is in the >th- Eth 9th or
12th Ho,ses 3not in reception .ith the (scendant4- or 6oined to an+ 8lanet that is in an+ of them or
posited in the Third Ho,se- /eca,se it is cadent from anglesA +et /eca,se the same is said to /e her 6o+
3or that she delights therein4- she is not afflicted there so m,ch as in other Cadent Ho,ses. The 9th is
.hen she is /et.een the degree of &i/ra and the =L degree of %corpio- .hich 3F degrees are called
Com/,st )a+. The 1Fth .hen she is *o+d of co,rse- that is- not 6oined to an+ planet /+ /od+ or aspect-
or in that condition .hen the+ call her Feral or ;esart- that is- in a place .here she has not an+ dignit+.
The 11th .hen she is slo. of co,rse- /eca,se then she ma+ /e compared to a 8lanet Retrograde. The
12th .hen she is in .ant of light- so
that no part or *er+ little of her is seen- .hich happens a/o,t the end of the l,nar month. The 13th
.hen she is /esieged /+ the t.o !nfort,nes impediting her. The 1<th if she /e in (Jimene degrees. The
1=th if in 8itted degrees. The 1>th if in %mo2+ ;egrees. The 1Bth and last is .hen she is posited in
those degrees .hich are called ;ar2. To 2no. and disting,ish all .hich +o, ha*e Ta/les commonl+ in
most Boo2s of (strologie.
>. The >th Consideration- !s to regard another manner .here/+ planets are di/ilitated or .ea2ened and
afflicted- not m,ch different from the former- .hich comes to pass Ten .a+s. The 1st .hen a planet is
Cadent from (ngles or from the (scendent- so that he does not /ehold the same. The 2nd .hen the
8lanet is Retrograde. The 3rd if the+ /e com/,st- that is- .ithin 1= degrees /efore or after the %,nA the 8lanets are more de/ilitated- /eing /ehind the %,n- and the less /efore him- .hen the+ are directA
/,t .hen retrograde the contrar+. <th )hen an+ of them is in Opposition- Corporal Con6,nction- or
%:,are of either or /oth the !nfort,nes .itho,t Reception. =th .hen an+ of them are /esieged /+ the
!nfort,nes- so as to separate from one and /e 6oined to another- .itho,t perfect reception of Ho,se-
1altation- or t.o of the smaller ;ignities- .hich are Term- Triplicit+ and Face. .hen a 8lanet is
6oined to another in his ;eclension or Fall- that is- in Opposition to its o.n Ho,se or 1altation. Bth
.hen it is 6oined to a 8lanet Cadent from the (scendent- or separates from a 8lanet that did decei*e
him- and is 6oined to another that doth not. Eth .hen a 8lanet is 8eregrine- that is- in a place .here he
/ath not an+ ;ignit+: or /eing one of the %,perio,rs is follo.ed /+ the %,n- or /eing of the !nferio,rs
.hen it follo.s the %,n. 9th .hen a 8lanet is .ith the Head or Tail of the ;ragon- .itho,t &atit,de.
1Fth .hen a planet .ea2ens itself- that it- .hen it is in the se*enth ho,se from its o.n- Freal- or not in
Reception. These are the !mpediments of the 8lanets- that ca,se Hindrances- dela+s- and mischiefs in
"ati*ities- ?,estions- lections- etc.: all .hich tho, o,ghtest to /e .ell ac:,ainted .ith. There are
some more that seem necessar+ to /e 2no.n- /,t to a*oid tedio,sness and conf,sion ! shall at present
omit them.
B. The Bth Consideration- is to /e.are of those cases .herein the (strologer is s,/6ect to err and mista2eA
of .hich the learned ha*e named fo,r: 1st )hen the ?,erent is so sill+ that he 2no.s not ho. to as2-
nor .hat he .o,ld ha*e. 2nd )hen the time for .hich the fig,re is erected is mista2en. 3rd )hen the
(rtist 2no.s not .hether the %,n /e gone off the line of the 9id7Hea*en- or still ,pon it: or /e /ehind
or /efore it. <th )hen the Fort,nes and !nfort,nes shall /e of e:,al strengthA at .hich time tho,
therefore o,ghtest not to recei*e an+ :,estion. B,t- in m+ opinion- there mat .ell /e added +et three
.a+s more- .herein the (strologer .ill s,/6ect to err: )hen the ?,erent comes onl+ to tr+ him- or p,t
a tric2 ,pon him- as man+ do- sa+ing- @&et ,s go to s,ch an (strologer- and as2 him s,ch a thing- and
see if he can tell ,s the tr,th or not.0 H,st as the He.s propo,nded :,estions to o,r &ord Hes,s Christ-
not so m,ch to /e resol*ed- as to tempt and ensnare Him. 2nd )herein the (rtist .ill /e lia/le to err- is
.hen the ?,erent does not as2 o,t of a serio,s or settled intention- as some do .hen the+ meet an
(strologer /+ chance or go to him on other /,siness: on a s,dden the+ thin2 of something- and so as2-
as it .ere /+7the7/+eA .herein @tis a tho,sand to one /,t mista2es happen. B,t tho, ma+est /e read+ to
sa+- @Ho. shall ! 2no. .hether the ?,erent come o,t of a solid intention- or onl+ to tr+ meM0 To .hich
3 that it seems a *er+ a/str,se and diffic,lt point- perfectl+ to find o,tA /,t this ! ha*e often
e1perienced and fo,nd tr,e- *iJ.- ! o/ser*ed the ho,r of the ?,estion- and if the (scendant then
happened *er+ near the end of one sign and /eginning of another- so that it seemed as /et.een /othA !
said the+ did not as2 serio,sl+- or that the+ came to tr+ meA and ! ha*e had man+ that ha*e there ,pon
confessed .hat ! said to /e tr,e- and /egan to thin2 that ! 2ne. more than /efore the+ /elie*ed. For in
s,ch cases ! ,sed to sa+- @8ra+- friend- do not tro,/le me ,nless +o, as2 serio,sl+- for ! s,spect that +o,
.o,ld p,t a tric2 ,pon me- /+ not proposing this ?,estion as +o, o,ght: ho.e*er- if +o, .ill gi*e me
tro,/le for +o,r pleas,re- /e pleased to gi*e me li2e.ise satisfaction for m+ pains0A and immediatel+- if
there .ere and deceit intended- a.a+ the+ .ent. (nother- *iJ.- a .a+ .here/+ an (strologer ma+ err- is
.hen the &ord of the (scendent and the &ord of the Ho,r are not the same- nor of the same Triplicit+-
or /e not of the same comple1ion .ith the (scendantA for then the ?,estion is not Radical- as ! ha*e
fre:,entl+ fo,nd /+ e1perience. (nd this ! ha*e recited- that tho, ma+0st 2no. for .hat persons tho,
sho,ldst ,nderta2e to gi*e 6,dgmentA for as one sa+s- NThe iss,e of the thing is according to the
solicit,de of the ?,erent- and as he comes in necessit+- as sad- tho,ghtf,l- and hoping- that tho, art
a/le and 2no.est ho. to satisf+ him the tr,th of the matterA and in s,ch cases tho, ma+0st sec,rel+
*ent,re ,pon the :,estion.L
E. The Eth Consideration is- to mind ho. man+ of the aforesaid manners or points necessar+ to /e ,sed
and heeded in gi*ing H,dgments tho, hast to considerA and the+ are Thirt+- that is to sa+- si1teen
impediments of the 9oon- ten of the other 8lanetsA as hath /een said- and /esides all those the 8lanets0
se*eral 6o+s- .hich are fo,r. Of .hich the 1st is the Ho,se .hich each 8lanet does delight in- as
9erc,r+ in the (scendant- the 9oon in the Third- 'en,s in the fifth- 9ars in the si1th- the %,n in the
ninth- H,piter in the ele*enth- %at,rn in the T.elfth. The 2nd is- .hen a 8lanet is in a sign he delights
in- as %at,rn in (:,ari,s- H,piter in %agittar+- 9ars in %corpio- %ol in &eo- 'en,s in Ta,r,s- 9erc,r+
in 'irgo- and the 9oon in Cancer. The 3rd is .hen ;i,rnal 8lanets- as %at,rn- H,piter- %oO- and
9erc,r+- are in ;i,rnal Ho,ses in the ast and Oriental of the %,n near the HoroscopeA and the
"oct,rnal 8lanets- as 9ars- 'en,s- &,na and 9erc,r+- are in "oct,rnal Ho,ses in the )est and
Occidental of the %,nA especiall+ near the c,sp of the se*enth. The fo,rth is .hen the three %,periors-
%at,rn- H,piter or 9ars- are in 9asc,line ?,artersA .hich are co,nted from the c,sp of the Tenth
Ho,se to the c,sp of the (scendant- and from the c,sp of the fo,rth ho,se to the c,sp of the se*enth
ho,seA and .hen the Feminines- *iJ.- 'en,s or the 9oon are in Feminine ?,arters- .hich are from the
c,sp of the (scendant to the c,sp of the fo,rth ho,se and from the c,sp of the se*enth to the c,sp of
the tenth. (s for 9erc,r+- he delights .hen .ith 9asc,line 8lanets in 9asc,line ?,arters- /,t .ith
Feminine 8lanets in Feminine.
9. The 9th Consideration is to ta2e notice of the se*eral .a+s- as .ell secret as manifest- good and e*il-
.here/+ things are helped or hindered to /e done or not done- and of these there are one and t.ent+ in
n,m/er. 1st a most strong secret helper. 2nd ( *er+ strong secret Helper. 3flt ( strong secret helper.
<th ( .ea2 secret Helper. =th ( .ea2 secret Helper. >th ( most .ea2 secret Helper. Bth ( most strong
manifest Helper. Eth ( *er+ strong manifest Helper. 9th ( strong manifest Helper. 1Fth ( .ea2
Helper. ( .ea2er manifest Helper. 12th ( most .ea2 manifest Helper. 13th ( most strong secret Hinderer.
!<th ( *er+ strong secret Hinderer. 1 =th ( strong secret Hinderer. 1>th ( .ea2 secret Hinderer. 1Bth (
.ea2er secret Hinderer. 1Eth ( most .ea2 secret Hinderer. 19th ( most strong manifest Hinderer. 2Fth (
*er+ strong manifest HindererA and 21st ( strong manifest Hinderer. (ll .hich .e shall treat partic,larl+-
the same /eing a secret of secrets. !n the 6,dicial part of (strolog+ .hich the ancients did not regard- nor
ha*e said an+thing plainl+ of it that ! find- sa*e onl+ that @Hal+0 seems to ha*e to,ched a little ,pon it in his
1position of the 23rd of 8tolem+0s Centilo:,i,mA nor do ! /elie*e the+ omitted those things o,t of
ignorance- /,t rather thro,gh dis,se or fear of /eing too tedio,s- or /,rdening the minds of their Readers or
(,ditorsA For the+ .ere .ont to 6,dge- according as the+ fo,nd the 8lanets disposed in Ho,ses and %igns-
their Fortit,des and ;e/ilities- together .ith the 8art of Fort,ne- and some fe. other things. B,t tho,
o,ghtest to consider in th+ 6,dgments- not onl+ .hat the+ did- /,t also all other circ,mstances that tho,
canstA for .hen tho, dost erect a fig,re- tho, sho,ld0st first fine the %ignificator of the thing en:,ired after-
or to /e ,nderta2en- and see if an+ of the fi1ed stars of his o.n "at,re /eing either of his Ho,ses- or in his
1altation- or in con6,nction .ith him to a min,teA for then s,ch star shall so far help the significator- that
the thing shall /e accomplished and effected- e*en /e+ond the ?,erent0s hopes- and this is a most strong
secret Helper: For the ?,erent ma+ .ell .onder ho. it comes to pass. "o.- if the same star sho,ld /e in
the same degree .ith the %ignificator from one min,te to 1=0 /efore him or =0 /ehind him- it .ill still help
him- /,t not so m,ch: and this .e call a *er+ strong secret HelperA /,t if it /e .ith him in the same degree-
/,t a/o*e 1> min,tes distance and .ithin =F0- it .ill some.hat help- +et this lessA and this .e call in the
8ositi*e degree onl+ a strong secret Helper. !f it /e in the same degree .ith the %ignificator- in a place
.here he has t.o of his smaller ;ignities- in the *er+ same min,te- or .ithin 1> min,tes- it .ill help him
+et less- and then @tis a .ea2 secret HelperA from 1>0 to =F0 still less- and then @tis a .ea2er secret HelperA
/,t if it /e .ith the %ignificator in a place .here he has no dignities at all it .ill still help- /,t as it .ere
insensi/l+A and this .e call a most .ea2 secret helper. The li2e .e ma+ sa+ on the contrar+ of those things
that pre6,dice- fr,strate- and hinder /,siness: For if a 8lanet .hich is %ignificator of an+thing- /eing in a
place .here he has not an+ ;ignities- shall /e 6oined .ith one of the Fi1ed %tars of a contrar+ nat,re- it .ill
.ea2en him and not s,ffer the thing to come to passA altho,gh other.ise /+ the Fig,re it seemed ne*er so
pro/a/leA so that- for .ant of heeding this- the (rtist often gets discredit- and raises a scandal on the (rt
itself amongst the ignorant: and this is a most strong secret HindererA .hereas if the same %tar /e remote
a/o*e 1> min,tes from the %ignificator- it .ill .ea2en him- /,t not altogether so m,chA .hence it ma+ /e
called onl+ a *er+ strong secret Hinderer. (nd so do.n.ards thro,gh all degrees in the same manner as .e
said of the Helpers or (ssistant ca,ses respecti*el+.
Of the several twenty-one Modes aforesaid, which are most strong Helpers, &c. and
which strongest obstrcts.
The se*eral 9odes /efore mentioned are th,s to /e 2no.n and disting,ished: ( most strong manifest
Helper or (d6,*ant ca,se- is .hen the 8lanet .hich is %ignificator of a thing- is in his o.n Ho,seA in an
(ngle on the *er+ min,te of the c,sp- direct- s.ift of co,rse- in reception- and free from all affliction and
impedimentA .hich most seldom happens.
( *er+ strong manifest Helper- is .hen the %ignificator is in his Ho,se or 1altation in an (ngle
.ithin a degree or t.o of the C,sp- free from impediment- and in Reception- .hich *er+ seldom happens.
( strong manifest Helper- is .hen the %ignificator is in an (ngle in his Ho,se or 1altation-
.ithin 3 degrees /efore the C,sp- or = degrees after it.
( .ea2 manifest Helper- is .here a 8lanet is in t.o of his lesser ;ignities in an (ngle .ithin =
degrees /efore or 1= degrees after itA or is in his Ho,se- or 1altation- in a s,ccedent Ho,se free from
( .ea2er open Helper- is .hen the %ignificator is in his o.n Ho,se or 1altation- or t.o of his
lesser ;ignities- /,t in a cadent Ho,se of the Fig,re- +et /eholding the (scendant. ( most .ea2 open
Helper is .hen the %ignificator is in some of his greater ;ignities- or t.o of his lesser- not /eholding the
(scendantA or in one of his lesser ;ignitiesA onl+ /eholding the same- or 6oined to a 8lanet that /eholds the
same- and has some ;ignities therein.
( most strong open Hinderer is .hen the %ignificator is in a place .here he hath no ;ignit+- no
delight- is not recei*edA /esieged /+ the T.o !nfort,nes- Cadent from an (ngle- and from the (scendant:
and so m,ch the .orse if 6oined .ith an+ of the Fi1ed %tars- of a mischie*o,s nat,re- Ic.
There ma+ /e other /oth ad6,*ant and o/str,cting ca,ses- /esides .hat .e ha*e mentioned- /oth open and
secret: proceeding from the con6,nctions of 8lanets and their (spects- too tedio,s here to disco,rse of. "or
shall ! here enlarge on all those /efore mentioned- /,t most ass,re thee that this ninth consideration-
caref,ll+ o/ser*ed- .ill /e of great ,se in raising a tr,e and .ar+ 6,dgmentA especiall+ if tho, hast al.a+s a
diligent e+e to the 9oonA for she of all the 8lanets has the greatest similit,de and correspondence .ith
inferior things- /oth in general and partic,lar: as .ell the species of the 2inds as the indi*id,als of the
speciesA .ith .indsA to pass /+ her dail+ effects .hich she ca,ses in all things here- and fre:,ent re*ol,tions
a/o,t the lements and lementar+ Bodies /+ reason of the nearness of her Or/ to the arth- and smaller
circle than an+ other 8lanetA so that she seems a 9ediatri1 /et.een %,perio,r and !nferio,s Bodies.
(nd as .e see that in the "e. 9oon she appears small and thin- and little- /,t after.ards her light
grad,all+ increases- till all that part of her /od+ to.ards ,s /ecomes replenished .ith l,stre: and then again
it deca+s /+ insensi/le degrees till she totall+ disappears: 6,st so do all /odies /oth of things Rational-
!rrational- and 'egetati*e: as men gro. ,ntil the+ are completed to their determinate stat,re- and then droop
and decline contin,all+ till their life is endedA and so of all other things. Hence tis necessar+ to ma2e the
9oon concerned in the %ignification of e*er+ ?,estion- "ati*it+- nterprise
and B,siness- and her good condition to sho. the good iss,e of the thing: and so on the contrar+. For her
'irt,e and is s,ch and so great- that if the &ord of the (scendant or other %ignificator of a /,siness
/e so .ea2 and afflicted that he cannot /ring it a/o,t and complete it as he o,ght: if she /e /,t strong it
shall- not.ithstanding- /e accomplished. For she is the %chool7mistress of all thingsA the Bringer7do.n of
all the 8lanet0s infl,ences- and a 2ind of an @intern,ncio0 /et.een them- carr+ing their *irt,es from one to
the other- /+ recei*ing the disposition of one planet and /earing it to another. (nd some ha*e tho,ght that
she does this at all times- of .hich opinion .as that T+rant C+lin,s de Romano- *iJ.- That .hen she
separates from one 8lanet- she ta2es the *irt,e and carries it to another- committing the same to the first that
she can meet .ith. (nd some ha*e imagined that NPaelL said the sameA /,t his meaning .as not a/sol,tel+
soA for lie /elie*ed that the 9oon did /ear .hat .as committed to herA /,t if it .ere not so gi*en or
committed to her she co,ld not carr+ an+thing to an+A to .hich ! assent: for .hen the 9oon is 6oined to an+
planet that recei*es her- then that planet commits its disposition to her- .ho carries it .ith her and /esto.s
it on that planet .hom she first meets .ith an+ of her dignities- and not to another: according to that
(phorism- 777N( 8lanet gi*es nothing in a place- .here he has promised nothing.L
1F. The 1Fth Consideration- !s .aril+ to o/ser*e .hat Fi1ed %tars ma+ either help or hinder the matter in
:,estionA for the+ ha*e oftentimes great and lead the (strologer sometimes into errorA and let
the (rtist /e s,re to consider the places of the Fi1ed %tars- as the+ are in the present age caref,ll+
11. The 11th Consideration- !s to ta2e notice of the 9ale*olent 8lanets- and .hat the+ signif+A for %at,rn
and 9ars are nat,rall+ /ad- %at,rn for e1cess of cold- and 9ars for e1cess of heatA not that either of
them is reall+ hot or cold- /,t *irt,all+ soA and these are their effects. (nd so the+ signifie e*il and
damage and hindrance- ,nless the+ recei*e the %ignificator or the 9oon /+ Ho,se- 1altation- or t.o
of their smaller dignitiesA or shall themsel*es /e %ignificatorsA for then the+ .ill /ridle their malice- and
not .ea2en or hinder him .hom the+ recei*e- .ith .hat aspect soe*er the+ /ehold himA /,t if the+ do
not recei*e- their malice is increasedA and so m,ch the more if the+ /e in opposition or %:,areA for in
%e1tile or Trine the mischief is less. 5et @Pael0 seems to sa+ that !nfort,nes la+ aside or restrain their
malice- .here the+ are in Trine or %e1tileA /,t his meaning .as onl+ that the+ .ere not then so *iolent-
and intended not that their malice .as .holl+ a/ated.
12. The 12th Consideration- !s to /ehold the Fort,nes- and see .hat the+ signif+A for H,piter and 'en,s are
Fort,nes /+ "at,re- and /eing temperate- are said to /e .itho,t an+ malice- /eca,se the+ do h,rt to
none- ,nless no. and then /+ accidentA .hich is /eside their intention and profita/l+- and al.a+s
endea*o,r to help /oth their o.n and others- .hether the+ recei*e them or notA /,t so m,ch the /etter
if the+ recei*e themA and their Trine or %e1tile is /etter and more ad*antageo,s than their %:,are- and
their s:,are than their Oppositions.
13. The 13th Consideration- is to regard the %,n and his %ignificators- for he is also called a fort,ne- and
so- .hate*er aspect he shall /e /eheld /+- ,nless it /e OppositionA /,t /+ Con6,nction he /ecomes an
!nfort,ne- /eca,se he then renders e*er+ star that is so
in Con6,nction .ith him- com/,st and ,nfort,nateA ,nless the same shall /e in the heart of the %,n- and
there e*er+ star is fortified.
1<. The l<th Consideration- is to mind 9erc,r+ and the 9oon- and .hat 8lanets the+ are 6oined .ithA
/eca,se the+ .ill ha*e the signification .ith those .ith .hom the+ are so 6oinedA /eing of a con*erti/le
1=. The 1 1=th Consideration- is to regard the se*eral .a+s in general .here/+ 8lanets ma2e impressions
on these inferior things- .hich are t.o- one good and the other /adA for the Fort,nes ha*e of
imprinting good nat,rall+- and the !nfort,nes as nat,rall+ do.n ill impressionsA .hence tho,
ma+est- .here*er tho, seest the Fort,nes- hope for goodA and .hen tho, /eholdest the 9ale*olents-
fear mischief- ,nless the same /e restrained as aforesaid.
1>. The 1>th Consideration is to ta2e notice .hether the 8lanet is %ignificator of an+thing- /e afflicted /+
either of the 9ale*olentsA .hich is .hen one of them cast his ra+s ,pon the ra+s of s,ch %ignificators-
according to the :,alit+ of their Or/sA and )hilst he so contin,es .ith his ra+s or light ,nder those of
the 9ale*olent- s,ch %ignificator is said to /e impedited- hindered or afflicted- till the 9ale*olent ha*e
passed himA and @Pael0 sa+s- N(fter the ill 8lanet has passed the 8lanet he did afflict- one .hole degree-
the 8lanet shall /e said to /e freed of him.L B,t rather ! thin2 that after the 9ale*olent is passed him
one min,te- he ma+ /e said to /e free and e1cepted for after.ards he can onl+ frighten him. Tr,e it is
he raises a greater fear .hen he is passed him onl+ one min,te- than .hen he is gone /+ a .hole
degreeA /,t +et e*en then it is s,ch a 2ind of fear as is not altogether .itho,t some glimmering of hope.
(s th,s- One intending to go into a Battle- in:,ires .hether he shall ret,rn from thence safe and so,nd
or notM (nd the (scendant is #emini 13 degrees- and 9erc,r+ in the Bth degree and =< min. of
(:,ar+- in the 9th 6oined .ith %at,rn- .ho is li2e.ise in B degrees =3 min,tes of (:,ar+- so that
9erc,r+ is no. separated from %at,rn- .ho .as &ord of the Ho,se of ;eath- one min,teA .hence it
appears that he sho,ld ha*e died in that engagement /+ reason of the Con6,nction- and .as in peril of
death and a 2ind of desperate fear that he sho,ld /e slain /+ his enemies and shall /e p,rs,ed /+ them
so that he shall /e p,rs,ed /+ them so that he shall seem not a/le to escape- and the+ shall often la+
hands on him- /,t at last he shall get a.a+ from them and ma2e his escapeA e*en /e+ond his o.n
hopesA and all /eca,se 9erc,r+ is separated from %at,rnA and @PaelL saith- NThat if a 9ale*olent planet
that .o,ld hinder an+ /,siness /e cadent from the (scendant so that he cannot /ehold it- he cannot
reall+ hinder the mattersA /,t onl+ p,ts the persons concerned into terrors and frights a/o,t it.L
1B. The 1Bth Consideration- is to *ie. .hether the 8lanet that is %ignificator- /e safe and prospero,s- that
is free from an+ affliction from the !nfort,nesA and one of the Fort,nes casts his /eams or light on the
/eams of s,ch %ignificatorA for then shall that 8lanet /e said to /e safe and g,arded till the Fort,ne is
passed /+ the space of one min,te- and signifies the perfection of the thing. B,t after he has passed him
one min,te- it .ill not /e perfected or accomplishedA for it onl+ raises hopesA as 3.e said4 the
male*olent in the li2e case co,ld do nothing- /,t create fear. 5et is s,ch a hope as the ?,erent .ill
/elie*e and fanc+ himself as it .ere certainA +et not .itho,t something of do,/tA as for e1ample- (
?,estion is proposed of some .eight+ and
diffic,lt /,siness- .hether it .ill /e done and /ro,ght to pass or notM (nd 1B degrees of %corpio
(scends- and 9ars is 12 degrees 13 min,tes of Ta,r,s- and 'en,s in 12 degrees and 1< min,tes of
Capricorn- so that 'en,s is 6oined to 9ars /+ a Trine- and recei*es him in her Ho,se- .ho li2e.ise
recei*es her in his 1altationA so that the ?,erent thin2s- and all others concerned *eril+ /elie*e- that it
.o,ld /e accomplished /+ that aspect of perfect friendshipA in .hich flattering hopes the+ contin,e till
'en,s hath passed the (spect of 9ars one .hole degreeA /,t at last the /,siness comes to 6,st nothing
at all- /eca,se 'en,s .as past 9ars one min,te at the time of the :,estion proposed. 5et ma+ a thing
possi/l+ in s,ch a case /e /ro,ght to pass- /,t not .itho,t e1traordinar+ la/o,r and tro,/le. (nd here
li2e.ise @Pael0 affirms- NThat if the Fort,ne /e cadent from the (scendant- so that it cannot /ehold the
same- it onl+ flatters .ith splendid hopes- /,t ne*er completes the /,siness.L
1E. The 1Eth Consideration- !s to ta2e notice .hen a planet is in the (ngles of the !nfort,nes- for ,nless
these recei*e him there- he shall /e said to /e in an ill condition- and in straits and tro,/lesA as a man
on .hom some ha*e made an assa,ltA .ho has man+ to com/at .ith and none to assist and ta2e his
partA or li2e one that stri*es against the stream- or falls into a deep pool- and 2no.s not ho. to s.imA
and +et /+ tr,sting o,t his hands and feet- ma+ o/tain the /an2 and escapeA tho,gh this seldom
happens. "o. a planet is said to /e in the (ngles of a 9ale*olent- .hen the 9ale*olent or !nfort,ne-
*iJ.- %at,rn or 9ars- is in one sign- and the other 8lanet in the fo,rth- se*enth or tenth from him: as if
9ars /e in (ries- and 9erc,r+ in Cancer- &i/ra- or Capricorn- he is said to /e in his (ngles:
,nderstand the li2e of their Corporal Con6,nction. B,t if there /e Reception- he does not afflictA for
reception a/ates all malice- as .e ha*e said
19. The 19th Consideration is- To /ehold the 9oon if she /e @*oid of co,rse-0 for then it signifies an
impediment to the thing in :,estion- it .ill not come to a good end- nor /e accomplishedA /,t the
?,erent shall /e forced to desist .ith shame and loss.
2F. The 2Fth Consideration is- To o/ser*e .hether the 9oon or %ignificator /e 6oined to an+ of the
8lanets- for thence +o, m,st deri*e +o,r 6,dgment of .hat is li2e to happen in /,siness. Ta2e notice
therefore .hether the planet to .hich the 9oon or %ignificator 6oins- recei*es themA for then there .ill
/e good la,da/le endA and the matter .ill /e accomplished .ith s,ccess- if the recei*er /e a Fort,ne.
B,t if there /e no reception- +et if the 9oon or %ignificator shall gi*e *irt,e to that planet- the thing
.ill still come to pass. B,t if it /e an !nfort,ne- tho,gh the+ do not gi*e him *irt,e- +et .itho,t a
reception it .ill not doA /,t .ith a reception- if he /e not afflicted- it signifies a good end of the matter-
tho,gh not .itho,t m,ch la/o,r and tedio,sness.
21. The 21st Consideration is- To see from .hat planet the 9oon separates: for that signifies .hat is past
of the /,siness: as from a Fort,ne the good- for an !nfort,ne the ill that hath /een.
22. The 22nd Consideration is- To note .hich if the planets the 9oon is no. 6oined to- for that signifies
.hat is no. presentA and from thence .e m,st 6,dge of the present state of the matter.
23. The 23rd Consideration is- To /ehold to .hom the 9oon is no. 6oining Qor /+ appl+ing aspectR- so as
her con6,nction is not +et completed: for that signifies .hat is to come: .herefore if tho, .o,ldst 6,dge
of a thing- .hich as +et is not- /,t @tis
hoped .ill hereafter /e /ro,ght to pass- @tis necessar+ then tho, sho,ldst see to .hom the 9oon .ill
ne1t 6oinA and according to her signification 6,dge .hether good or e*il.
2<. The 2<th Consideration is- To note .hether the planet .ho is significator- /e in his ;eclension- for
then it ca,ses a hindrance to e*er+thing there/+ signified- and tro,/le and grief a/o,t itA and if the
?,estion /e a/o,t a prison .herein the ?,erent fears he shall /e p,t- it signifies he shall /e cast into
the same together .ith disgrace and pre6,diceA and if the ?,estion concerns one alread+ in prison- it
signifies confinement and more affliction than he /elie*es.
2=. The 2=th Consideration is- )hether the 8lanet that is %ignificator /e Retrograde- or %tationar+ to
Retrogradation: for then it signifies mischief and damage- discord- contradiction- and going /ac2.ard
.ith damageA +et /eing stationar+- is not so /ad- as /eing Retrograde. For the last notes the mischief to
/e- as it .ere- present and in /eing. B,t /eing %tationar+ notes that @tis past and o*er.
2>. The 2>th Consideration is- )hether the %ignificator /e in his %econd %tation- that is to.ards ;irectionA
for that signifies also hinderance and e*il- .hich alread+ hath /een and is pastA +et some sa+ that this
%econd %tation is as good as direction: /,t this is onl+ a .a+ of spea2ing- as .hen one hath /een sic2
and /egins to gro. .ell- .e sa+ he is reco*ered and so,nd- .hich is not simpl+ tr,e- /,t
near itA for as the First %tation is not so /ad as Retrogradation- so the %econd %tation is not so good as
2B. The 2Bth Consideration is- )hether the !nfort,nes are the %ignificators of an+thingA for if the+ signif+
ill- the e*il .ill /e m,ch a,gmented- and if good it .ill /e m,ch diminished- a/ated- imperfect- and
.ith diffic,lt+A so that the part+ .ill scarce thin2 his /,siness done- ,nless /+ chance the+ /e in a *er+
good condition and e1cellentl+ disposed.
2E. The 2Eth Consideration is )hether the %ignificator /e slo. of Co,rse- for then it dela+s the effectA and
if it /e in the /eginning of an+thing- retards it- so that it .ill /e scarce e*er /e finished: /esides- things
proceed slo.l+- .here %ignificators are pointed in %agittar+- Capricorn- (:,ar+ or 8isces: or .ho are
the &ords of them- .hether the+ /e slo. of Co,rseA in (ries or %corpio the+ are not :,ite so dilator+.
!n &eo the+ hasten /,sinessA more in Ta,r,s or &i/raA /,t most of all in #emini or 'irgo.
29. The 29th Consideration is- )hether the 9oon /e 6oined to an+ planet /+ /od+ or aspect e1actl+ to a
min,teA for that signifies the present state of thingsA and from that min,te o/ser*e .hat planet she 6oins
ne1t- for he shall /e %ignificator of all that shall happen of that thingA as the planet she .as last /efore
.ith- .as of .hat has alread+ passed as aforesaid.
3F. The 3Fth Consideration is- To o/ser*e .hen a planet that is %ignificator- or the 9oon- shall ha*e past
the 29th degree of the %ign .herein it is- and to,ches the 3Fth - and especiall+ if it ha*e passed one
min,te of that degreeA for then it shall ha*e no strength in that %ign- /,t in the ne1tA so that if in the first
it signified an+ e*il- it shall h,rt the person or thing threatened no more than the fall of a ho,se shall
one that is 6,st got o,t of itA or /eing .ith one foot ,pon the threashold- has one /ehind him that thro.s
him o,tA and then the /,ilding falls. (nd if it signifies an+ good- it shall profit
no more than he that hath spread a nest for /irds- and 6,st to,ches the feathers of their tails- /,t ne*er
catches their /odiesA and therefore @Pael0 sa+s- NIf a planet or the Moon be in the 29th degree of any
Sign its !irt"e is yet in that Sign #herein he is$ be%a"se he has not yet #holly past the &'th degree.(
31. The 31st Consideration is- To loo2 .hen one planet applies to the Con6,nction of another- if he /e near
the end of the same %ign .herein he is himself- or that other to .hom he appliesA so that he .ill pass
o,t of that %ign /efore the Con6,nction is perfectedA and to see if he /e 6oined .ith him in the %ign to .hich he is changed- /eca,se then the ca,se is perfectedA if that planet confers
an+thing on him in that %ign .herein he is so 6oined to himA that is- if an+ Reception happen- ,nless the
said planet- or he to .hom he applies- /e first 6oined to anotherA for then the /,siness comes to nothing-
and .ill not /e perfected- tho,gh he /e 6oined again to the other interposed /efore the first con6,nction
is accomplished. "or m,st it /e forgotten that a Corporal Con6,nction for/ids an (spect and c,ts it off-
/,t an (spect cannot do so /+ a Con6,nction.
32. The 32nd Consideration is- !f an !nfort,ne /e the %ignificator- .hat his condition isA for if it /e good-
there .ill good come of the thingA if /ad- rather e*ilA as @%ar*iator0 sa+s in N8"T(;R(-L *An ill+
planet strong in his o#n ,ome or -.altation /ot 0oined #ith any other Infort"ne to impede or #ea1en
him is better than a 2ort"ne 3etrograde affli%ted.(
33. The 33rd Consideration is- To see .hether either of the !nfort,nes /e the %ignificator of an+thing- and
/e 6oined to another !nfort,ne impeding him- or has 6oined to him the &ord of the (scendant or the
9oon- /+ a s:,are or OppositionA for then this !nfort,ne .ill perfect the /,siness- /,t the /,siness .ill
not /e good- or rather it .ill /e destro+ed after it seems perfected. B,t if the !nfort,ne that !mpedes /e
the lighter of the t.o- so that he appl+ to a Con6,nction- .ith the %ignificator- it .ill hinder less than if
the %ignificator appl+ to the other.
3<. The 3<th Consideration is- To mind in ?,estions or "ati*ities- .hether the %ignificator of the /,siness
/e an !nfort,ne and &ord of the (scendant- and in the (scendantA direct- not *itiated- and in good
conditionA for then he .o,ld /oth affect the same and /ring it to a good concl,sionA na+- altho,gh he /e
not %ignificator nor &ord of the (scendant- /,t onl+ /e in the (scendant- and that the same /e his
1altationA he la+s aside all his malice- and is restrained from mischiefA /,t if he /e .ea2 and afflicted-
his malice and contrariet+ is increased so as to destro+ the /,siness .holl+.
3=. The 3=th Consideration is- To loo2 .hether an !nfort,ne /e in %igns li2e him- or of his o.n nat,re- for
that a/ates his ill effectsA li2e a cross fello. .hen he is pleased and has .hat he .ill- as %at,rn in
Capricorn- (:,ar+- or &i/ra- or in a cold %ign- especiall+ if he ha*e an+ dignities there: and so 9ars in
(ries- %corpio- Capricorn- or a hot %ign- Ic. B,t if %at,rn /e in a hot %ign- or 9ars in a cold %ign- o,t
of their dignities- it .ill /e /ad- and the /,siness /e no more completed- than oil .ill mi1 .ith .aterA
/,t if strong and .ell disposed- the+ .ill mi1 in good- li2e .ater and .ine- or mil2 .ith hone+.
3>. The 3>th Consideration is- To o/ser*e .hen the !nfort,nes are the o/str,ctors of a /,siness- .hether
the Fort,nes /ehold them .ith a Trine or %e1tile (spectA for then their ill7nat,re .ill /e alla+ed and
mitigatedA /,t m,ch more if these recei*e them.
3B. The 3Bth Consideration is- To loo2 is the Fort,nes are the %ignificatorsM )hether the !nfort,nes /ehold
them .ith Oppositions or %:,aresA for that .ill m,ch lessen their 2ind effects- and diminish the good
the+ other.ise promised.
3E. The 3Eth Consideration is- To consider if the Fort,nes are %ignificators- .hether the+ are Cadent from
(ngles- or from the (scendant- so as not to /ehold the same- and /e RetrogradeA for ,nder these
!mpediments the+ .ill /e almost as /ad as the !nfort,nes themsel*es- ,nless the+ /e in reception.
39. The 39th is- To consider if the %ignificator /e in ReceptionA for id it /e a Fort,ne- its signification .ill
there/+ /e m,ch /ettered- and its impediment and mischief m,ch lessened if it /e an !nfort,ne.
<F. The <Fth is- To consider if an !nfort,ne- .hether he /e %ignificator or not- /e 8eregrineA that is- not in
an+ of his ;ignities- for then his malice is increasesA /,t .hen in his ;ignit+ it some.hat a/ates itA that
is in his Ho,se- 1altation- or TermsA /,t in his Triplicit+ or Face *er+ &ittle- and in Ha+J least of all.
<1. The <1st is- !f an !nfort,ne- /eing %ignificator- /e in his o.n Ho,se or 1altation- or in his o.n Terms
or Triplicit+- or in (ngles or %,ccedent Ho,sesA for /+ all these means he is fortified- and shall /e
co,nted strong as a Fort,ne.
<2. The <2nd is- !f a Fort,ne /e %ignificator- or gi*e *irt,e or assistance to an+ of the 8lanets- and /e in a
ho,se .here he has none of the &ordl+ ;ignities- then his good signification .ill /e lessened and
a/atedA and so on the contrar+.
<3. The <3rd is- !f the Fort,nes and !nfort,nes /e together il7posited- that is- in some of the said
!mpediments- as Ho,ses .here the+ ha*e no ;ignities- Com/,st or the li2eA then .hate*er the+ signif+
@tis /,t .ea2l+A according to that (phorism of the 8hilosopher- *A 4lanet 3etrograde and 5omb"st
has no strength in Signifi%ation. 6he 2ort"nes #hen 5omb"st and "nder the S"n 7s beams signify
none or !ery little good$ and the Infort"nes in li1e %ase ha!e little or no !irt"e to signify ill.( Q(n
,nfort,nate sho,ld /e regarded as ha*ing *er+ e*il signification ,nder the circ,mstances.R
<<. The <<th is- To consider if the %ignificators- Fort,ne or !nfort,ne- /e in his o.n Ho,se- 1altation-
Triplicit+- Terms or Face 3/,t the latter /eing not of that *irt,e .ith the rest- @tis necessar+ it sho,ld /e
assisted .ith another ;ignit+- .hich is Ha+J or &ight4A for in s,ch case the !nfort,ne loses his stingA
and /eing rein0d in li2e a .ild horse from doing mischief- his malice is con*erted into good- and
tho,gh this seems strange- +et the ancients affirm and ! m+self ha*e often fo,nd it tr,e /+ e1perience.
<=. The <=th is- To consider if the !nfort,nes are in angles of the (scendant- that is- in s,ch signs
as are in %:,are or Opposition to the (scendant- .hen the+ afflict an+ 8lanet /+ %:,are or OppositionA
for then the+ assist so m,ch the .orse- and do more mischief- especiall+ if the+ /e in a stronger place
than s,ch afflicted 8lanetA /,t if the+ cast onl+ a Trine or a %e1tile- it is lessened and the !mpediment
<>. The <>th is- To see .hether the %ignificator /e a Fort,ne or !nfort,ne- the first nat,rall+
signifies good and prosperit+- the last nat,rall+ e*il /+ its malignit+A therefore consider the 8lanets0
places from the (scendant .here the+ areA for if a
8lanet /e in his &ight- or his Ha+J in an+ of his ;ignities- or in a good place from the (scendant- it
signifies good- and if it /e a good planet the /etter.
<B. The <Bth is- To consider .hether the %ignificator /e in his &ight or no- that is a ;i,rnal 8lanet in the
da+- a/o*e the earth- and in the night ,nder the earthA and a "oct,rnal 8lanet in the night a/o*e the
earth- and in the da+ ,nder itA for this renders s,ch a 8lanet more strong. B,t if a "oct,rnal 8lanet /e
%ignificator of an+thing in the da+ a/o*e the earth- or a ;i,rnal 8lanet in the night- the same is there/+
.ea2ened and ,nder a 2ind if impediment- that he can scarce accomplish .hat he signified.
<E. The <Eth is- To consider- .hen an !nfort,ne is %ignificator and his ill effects are mitigated- .hether
H,piter /ehold him- or is 6oined corporal+ to himM For that .ill .holl+ destro+ his malignit+ and t,rn
his nat,re into good- ho. /ad soe*er he /eA so that if %at,rn in that place of himself .o,ld not /esto.
some good or perform .hat he seems to promise- H,piter .ill ma2e him do it- pro*ided he /e not
afflicted himself- as in his fall- Com/,st or Retrograde 3+et e*en then he helps- /,t not so po.erf,ll+4.
On the other side 'en,s ta2es off the f,r+ of 9ars- /+ reason of that endearing intimac+ .hich is
/et.een them- ,nless the thing /e *er+ diffic,lt- as .ars and /loodshed- Ic. B,t she cannot so .ell
di*ert the mischief of %at,rn .itho,t the help of H,piter 3and then she can do it as .ell as at other times
that of 9ars4. The reason is- there is no s,ch s+mpath+ /et.een %at,rn and she- in an+ respectA for he is
slo.. she s.iftA he hea*+- she lightA de delights in melanchol+- she in mirth.
<9. The <9th is to consider- )hether one of the !nfort,nes /eing %ignificator- /e 6oined to another- for if he
signified a good himself- this .ill destro+ or fr,strate itA /,t if an+ e*il- it .ill a,gment and do,/le it- or
change it into some .orse mischief of another of another 2indA as .hen the pain near the na*el t,rns
into a dr+ ;rops+A /,t if 6oined to a Fort,ne .ith a Reception on either side- the e*il .ill /e con*erted
into goodA /,t .itho,t a Reception it .ill onl+ /e alla+ed and a/ated- according to the strength of s,ch
=F. The =Fth is- To o/ser*e the &ord of the (scendant and the 9oon- .hether the+ or either of them are
afflicted /+ either of the !nfort,nes- /+ Con6,nction- Opposition- or %:,are- the /,siness .ill /e
spoiled .itho,t the aspect of a Fort,ne- /,t if the Fort,ne- that is- H,piter- 'en,s- the %,n or 9oon
shall /ehold them- it slac2ens and dissol*es the rigo,rs of s,ch !nfort,nes- and the part+ signified shall
/e freed from the danger impending- altho,gh the aspect /e a %:,are- pro*ided it /e .ith Reception:
/,t if a Fort,ne .itho,t Reception- /+ a %:,are or Opposition- or an !nfort,ne .ith a Trine or %e1tile
.itho,t Reception- shall /ehold the said &ord of the (scendant- @tis possi/le the part+ ma+/e deli*ered
from the present dangerA /,t it .ill /e t,rned into another as great: so that it .ill not profit him.
=1. The =1st is- To see .hether the %ignificator /e cadent from an angle or from the (scendant- and in
none of his ;ignities- nor in his Ho+A for then he signifies nothing /,t do,/ts and mischief- and there
are no hopes of good or profit from a planet so disposed.
=2. The =2nd is- )hen the three !nferiors- 'en,s- 9erc,r+- and &,na- come from ,nder the ra+s
of the %,n- and appear in the e*ening after his setting- for /efore 3*iJ.- till the+ are got from him 12
degrees4 the+- or an+ other planet- are .ea2- so that a
Fort,ne can ad*antage little- and an !nfort,ne pre6,dice as m,ch. "o. if the Fort,ne come forth slo.
in motion- as .ith la/o,r- then .ill not the good e1pected /e o/tained .itho,t m,ch pains and tro,/leA
and if it /e an !nfort,ne- his signification .ill appear slo.l+. B,t in the %,periors- as %at,rn- H,piter-
and 9ars- these things happen .hen the+ come from ,nder the %,n /eams- that the+ rise in the morning
/efore the %,n- and shine /efore his rising.
=3. The =3rd Consideration is- )hether the significator /e ,nder the %,n /eams- for then he .ill /e of
small efficac+ in an+thing as aforesaidA +et the 9ale*olents .ill /e something more strong in e*il than
the Bene*olents in good.
"OT B5 &!&&5.777 */o# a planet is properly said to be "nder the S"n beams #hen they are only
12 degrees or less or abo!e or 16 min"tes distan%e bet#een it and the S"n$ for #hen there is only 16
min"tes distan%e it is said to be strong being in 5a8imi or the heart of the S"n$ b"t #hen there are
more than 12 degrees and less then 15 degrees it is said to be going from "nder the S"n 7s beams.(
=<. The =<th is- To consider .hether a s,perior planet /e remo*ed 12 degrees from the %,n- going to his
morning rising- or an !nferior is so m,ch- and direct- going to his e*ening rising- for then he is said to
/e fortifiedA /,t .hen he is got 1= degrees- so that he appears- he is more fortified in e*er+thing: li2e
one coming o,t of a /attle re6oicing ha*ing destro+ed and o,ted all his enemies. B,t .hen the %,n
follo.s the three %,periors- and there shall /e /et.een them and him less than 1= degrees- their
.ea2ness is said to /e increased- ,ntil there shall /e onl+ B degrees /et.een them and after.ards- ,ntil
the+ shall /e in the heart of the %,n- the+ are said to /e in e1treme de/ilit+A /,t the de/ilit+ of the
!nferiors is contrar+ to them- for it is said to /e increased .hen the+ follo. the %,n- and that there is
/et.een them and the %,n from 1= degrees to B degrees- and from B degrees till the+ are in the heart of
the %,n- the+ are said to /e in their greatest de/ilit+.
==. The ==th is- To consider .hether the significator /e 8eregrine- for then the person .hom he signifies-
either in a "ati*it+ or ?,estion- Ic.- .ill /e s,/tle- craft+- malicio,s- one that shall 2no. ho. to act
/oth good and e*il- /,t more inclina/le to the latter.
=>. The =>th is- To consider if the significator of an+thing shall commit his disposition or *irt,e to an+
other 8lanetM )hether it /e to one that is Oriental or OccidentalM For if he /e Oriental and one of the
!nferiors and direct- or if he /e Occidental and one of the %,periors- and that there /e not a/o*e 2F
min,tes /et.een him and the %,n- he .ill /e .ea2 sa+s @%arcinator-0 and not perform .hat he sho.s-
/,t hinders man+ thingsA ,nder that impediment li2e a sic2 man .hose disease has pre*ailed so far- that
he is forced to lie /+ it- and cannot help himselfA or a falling ho,se .hich none can preser*e from r,inA
and so m,ch f,rther as s,ch 8lanet shall /e from the %,n- so m,ch less shall he /e afflicted. (nd if it
/e Oriental- and one of the %,periors- or Occidental- and one of the !nferiors- and not Retrograde- he
shall /e strong and fit to perfect .hat he promisesA as one that hath /een ill- /,t is more perfectl+
reco*ered- or a /,ilding .hich fell and is repaired- and so of all other planets so disposed.
=B. The =Bth is- Ta consider .hether the significator /e in the ighth from the (scendantM
For if he /e there- and a Fort,ne- tho,gh he do not harm- he .ill do no goodA and if he /e an !nfort,ne
he .ill do greater mischief than in an+ other place of the Fig,reA and
if the ?,estion /e of going to )ar- ad*ise not the ?,erent to go there- altho,gh it /e a Fort,neA for
al.a+s some e*il is to /e s,spected- that is death- or at least capti*it+- for it is a place of dar2ness and
deathA /,t if it /e an !nfort,ne- 6,dge death- ,nless he separate then from the &ord of the ighthA for
then it ma+ /e onl+ a .o,nd- or /r,ise- or a fall- .herein he .as in danger of death- altho,gh he ma+
escapeA and if it /e a 6o,rne+- especiall+ a long one- he .ill /e ta2en prisoner- or in great dread of itA
,nderstand still if he separate from the &ord of the ighthA and also remem/er that an !nfort,ne so
disposed al.a+s does more mischief than a Fort,ne.
=E. The =Eth is to Consider- )hether the %ignificator /e fi1ed in that %ign .here he is fo,ndM "o. @Pael0
saith: *6hat a 4lanet is not said to be fi.ed in a Sign till he hath passed 5 degrees thereof.( B,t ! am
of the opinion that .hen he hath passed one .hole degree of a sign he is firml+ therein- /,t he said it
for more certaint+. %o li2e.ise he sa+s: *6hat a 4lanet is not said to be %adent from the As%endant
"nless he be remo!ed from then%e 5 degrees$ as for e.ample the As%endant in 9 degrees of Aries and
a 4lanet #as in the 5th degree thereof 74tolemy9 and many other sages affirm 6hat 4lanet to be in an
angle #ith #hom I agree$ yet some #o"ld ha!e it that a 4lanet sho"ld be said to be in an angle
#hen he is in the !ery degree of the As%endant or one degree before it or t#o after it$ b"t they meant
in 3e!ol"tions and that they might be so %ertain as not to be in the least de%ei!ed. :"t I ha!e
e.perien%ed that a 4lanet is in an Angle to the spa%e of 5 degrees beyond the %"sp$ for as on%e I
so"ght the 3e!ol"tion of a year I fo"nd Mars in the 5th degree beyond the %"sp of the angle of the
earth in 5apri%orn So"th Latit"de #hi%h signified the 1illing of the 3oman -mperor$ and a%;"ainted
him #ith it for his %o"rt at 7<rossietti9 and I at 72orlirii9$ and it #as fo"nd that 74and"lf"s de
2arsenella9 and 76heobald"s 2ran%is%"s9 and di!ers others of the se%retaries had %onspired to slay
him and none of his o#n Astrologers obser!ed it be%a"se they did not belie!e that Mars #as in an
Angle for he #as = degrees beyond the %"sp and 5> min"tes in their opinion$ ho#e!er after a 4lanet
shall be remo!ed from the %"sp or line of any angle f"ll 5 degrees or more he is to %o"nted 5adent
from that Angle.(
=9. The =9th is to Consider- )hether the significator /e /ehind the c,sp of an angle 1= degrees and no
moreA for he shall /e said to /e in an (ngle as .ell as he that is e1actl+ there- as @Pael0 affirmsA .hence
he said /efore that it .as not in an (ngle- nor had an+ strength there /e+ond the 1 =th degree after the
c,sp of the (ngle: For e1ample- the (scendant is < degrees of Ta,r,s- and the end thereof .as /ehind
the (ngle- .hate*er planet is posited from the <th to the 19th degree thereof is in the angle- /,t .hat is
/e+ond that is notA /,t 8tolem+ seems to imitate- tho,gh he sa+s not e1pressl+- *that e!ery planet #ho
shall be 5 degrees before or 25 degrees after the %"sp is in the Angle.( "o. @Pael0 .o,ld clear the
do,/t- lest that great distance of the planet from the (ngle sho,ld hinder the /,siness.
"OT B5 &!&&5.SThe same 8tolem+: 3from .hom ! cannot differ4 seems to assert- That no part of
an+ Ho,se remains *oid of *irt,esA and m+self am of the opinion- ! thin2 not idl+- that e*er+ planet that
is in an+ Ho,se shall /e said to /e in that Ho,se .here he is fo,nd- from the /eginning of the Ho,se-
e*en to the end thereofA and therefore ! sa+ in the Ho,se- not in the %ign- /eca,se sometimes the same
comprehends more than one %ign and sometimes lessA for it seems ridic,lo,s that an+ part of an+
Ho,se sho,ld contin,e idle- and /e left *oid of *irt,e.
>F. The >Fth is to Consider- )hether the significator /e in a %ign fi1ed- common- or mo*ea/leA /eca,se in
a fi1ed %ign he signifies sta/ilit+ and co,ntenance of the thing /eg,n- or to /e ,nderta2en- or en:,ired
of- !n a common %ign- a change .ith a ret,rn or repeating of it- that the same .ill once /e /ro2en off-
and after.ards /eg,n again- or something added- or other alteration happenA for .hich reason in things
that re:,ire alteration- as /,+ing- selling- or the li2e- .e sho,ld p,t the %ignificator and 9oon- or one
of them- into a common sign- /,t in a mo*ea/le %ign it signifies a s,dden change- a :,ic2 despatch or
end .hether good or e*il. (nd therefore in matters .here .e desire a s,dden concl,sion- .e o,ght to
p,t the %ignificator in mo*ea/le %ignsA /,t things that .e desire sho,ld /e fi1ed and end,re- .e o,ght
to place them in fi1ed %igns- there .e .o,ld ha*e a mean- let them /e in common %igns- ,nderstand
the same al.a+s of the nat,re of the 9oon- if at an+ tine that canst o/ser*e it.
>1. The >1st is to Behold- )hether the &ord of the (scendant or 9oon- /e .ith the ;ragon0s Head or
TailA for that is an impediment in all affairs- and the hindrance or mischief .ilt proceed from a ca,se
simplified /+ that Ho,se the ;ragon0s Head or Tail h,rts- ,nless it /e corporal for the+ ha*e no (spect
or Opposition. (nd it is .orse .hen the %ignificator or 9oon goes to.ards them- than .hen the+ go
from themA for in the first case is signified the mischief in its f,ll height- li2e a man in a ship that is split
in the sea- .hen there is no hope. B,t in the last- @tis li2e a ship that is onl+ in danger- /,t has hopes
and pro/a/ilities of escaping. (nd note that .hen the significator or 9oon goes to the ;ragon0s Head-
its malice is a,gmented- for its nat,re is to increase- and .hen the+ go to the Tail- the mischief is not
a/sol,tel+ at the .orst- as @tis .hen the+ go from it- that is- .ithin one degreeA for from one degree
for.ards @tis not so great as in that degree- altho,gh m,chA and from 1 degree to 3 degrees less- and
from < degrees to = degrees +et less- and from = degrees to B degrees *er+ smallA from B degrees to 9
degrees smaller- and from thence to 12 degrees little or nothing at all.
>2. The >2nd is to Consider- )hether the 9oon /e *oid of co,rseM For that signifies that the thing
en:,ired after shall scarce e*er come to a good end- and not .itho,t m,ch la/o,r- sorro.- and tro,/le-
,nless the &ord of the (scendant or significator of the thing- shall /e in *er+ good condition- and then
it ma+ /e hindered- /,t not .holl+ fr,stratedA +et @tis a good time then for drin2ing- /athing- feasting-
Ic.- and to ,se ointments for ta2ing a.a+ of hair- especiall+ if she /e in %corpio.
>3. The >3rd is to Consider- )hether the 9oon /e far from the Con6,nction of the !nfort,nes- so as not to
cast her /eams on theirs- for then the e*ent .ill /e good- /,t rather if she to,ch .ith her /eams those of
the Fort,nes. (nd +et /etter- if /esides this the &ord of the (scendant- or of the /,siness- /e in good
conditionA for if the+ /e not .ell disposed- it ma+ impair the good promised- /,t not .holl+ pre*ent it.
><. the ><th is to Consider- )hether the 9oon /e in Cancer- Ta,r,s- %agittari,s- or 8iscesA for it signifies
good in the /,siness- altho,gh she /e 6oined to the !nfort,nes and not to the Fort,nesA nor does she-
/eing *oid of co,rse- pre6,dice so m,ch in those places as pro*ided she /e not Com/,st- for
then the+ .ill ad*antage her little or nothing.
>=. The >=th is to Consider- )hether the &ord of the %e*enth is afflicted or notM For that .ill /e an
impediment to the /,siness. (nd +o, o,ght to defer 6,dgment if +o, can- and .aril+ search al.a+s
.hence s,ch impediment shall arise- as .ell /+ the Con6,nction of the &ord of the %e*enth .ith the
8lanets- as /+ their separation- and also of the 9oonA so ma+0st tho, find .hence it .ill proceed- and
after.ards gi*e 6,dgment .ith more safet+.
>>. The >>th is to Consider- )hen the !nfort,nes threaten mischief- .hether the place on .hich their
threats fall- /e the ;ignit+ of an+ of the Fort,nesM (nd .hether s,ch Fort,ne /ehold the same place /+
Trine or %e1tileM For then it .ill ta2e a.a+ the mischief and ann,l it .holl+. !f /+ a s:,are- it .ill onl+
lessen itA if /+ an Opposition- ta2e a.a+ some part of itA /,t if it cast no aspect at all- the mischief .ill
happenA /,t it .ill proceed from honest- 6,st- persons- and it .ill /e the ?,erent s,ffers rightf,ll+-
/eing cast in a 6,st ca,se /efore a H,dge- or the li2e. B,t if the aforesaid place /e the ;ignit+ of an
!nfort,ne- the pre6,dice .ill come from ,n6,st men- false .itnesses- a corr,pt H,dge- or some sentence
,n6,stl+ gi*en thro,gh a mista2e- Ic.
>B. The >Bth is to Consider- )hether there /+ an+ clipse near- .hich is less than 12 degrees from the
%ignificatorM For the same .ill /ring damage and mischief to the ?,erent or /,siness- ,nless there /e a
Fort,ne .hich hath ;ignities in the same place- for then the same is a/atedA /,t if there /e no s,ch-
tho, o,ghtest to loo2 .hat 8lanet /eholds the said place of the clipse and ho.. For if the Fort,nes
/ehold it- the+ do /,t a,gment the e*ilA and if the+ are !nfort,nes- the+ lessen and a/ate it- .hich seems
a 2ind of riddle or .onder in (rt.
>E. The >Eth is to Consider- !n :,estions relating to sic2 people- or ;ec,m/it,res- )hether the &ord of the
%e*enth- and the %e*enth Ho,se itself- /e free from !mpedimentsM For if the+ /e- the sic2 ma+ safel+
tr,st himself to the care of the 8h+sicians- for medicines .ill do *er+ .ell. B,t if the %e*enth Ho,se
and its &ord shall /e (fflicted- 8tolem+ saith *6he 4hysi%ian m"st be %hanged for neither his physi%
nor %are #ill do any good(A for the se*enth signifies the medicine as @Pael0 saithA or at least the disease
gro.s chronical and lasting. The li2e is to /e e1pected if the same positions happen at the /eginning of
an+ c,re.
>9. The >9th is to Consider- )hether the significators of the (scendant- and of the Ho,se signif+ing the
thing en:,ired- /e of e:,al strength and de/ilit+M For then tho, canst not safel+ gi*e 6,dgment: /,t in
s,ch case tho, m,st mind the &ord of the Con6,nction or 8re*ention 3as the thing is either
con6,nctional or pre*entional4 .hich .as last /efore- and /+ that 6,dge- /,t if the &ord of the
Con6,nction or 8re*ention- and of the things- /e still e:,al- tho, m,st then t,rn to the 9oon- and see to
.hom she first applies- and thence ded,ce 6,dgment. !f she 6oin not to an+ in or from the %ign in .hich
she is- ta2e that .ith .hom she 6oins first in the ne1t %ign- and this is *er+ considera/l+ ,sef,l.
BF. The BFth Consideration is- To mind another secretA not .ell searched into /+ (strologers- /,t often
times doing them m,ch pre6,diceA that is- see in all ?,estions- etc.- .hether the &ord of the "e. or
F,ll 9oon- pre*entional last /efore- /e in an+ of the (ngles of the thing en:,ired afterA if it /e- it
denotes that the /,siness .ill /e accomplished- ,nless it /e the ?,erent0s o.n fa,lt 3or that #od
o*err,le against it4-
tho,gh perhaps /+ other significations it seemed not li2el+. B,t if it shall not happen so /,t onl+ the
same is in the (scendantA and the other significators that is- The &ord of the (scendant of the thing
en:,ired of and the 9oon- or an+ of them assist- the thing .ell /e done .ith ease. !f it /e in Cadent
Ho,ses- it .ill scarce e*er /e- tho,gh other significators seem ne*er so fa*o,ra/leA and if t.o at least
of them /e not so- ta2e it for certain it .ill ne*er /e done.
B1. The Blst is to Consider- )hether the %ignificators falls /et.een the (scendant and the T.elfth- for that
signifies contin,ance or length of time- .hen a thing .ill /e doneA or if done alread+- ho. long it .ill
contin,e in da+s or ho,rs. !f /et.een the t.elfth and the tenth- it notes half7.ee2sA /et.een the tenth
and se*enth- months or .ee2sA /et.een the se*enth and fo,rth- +earsA and /et.een the Fo,rth and the
(scendant- half +ears.
B2. The B2nd is to O/ser*e- That if the :,estion /e of a 6o,rne+- and the 9oon afflicted- it is not safe to
,nderta2e itA /,t if it cannot /e p,t off- ma2e the 8lanet that afflicts her- &ord of the (scendant at the
time of the ?,erent0s setting forth.
B3. The B3rd is to 9ind- )hether the ?,estions signif+ good or e*ilM !f good- .hether the Fort,nes /ehold
the %ignificator of the ?,estion- or the 9oonM For then the good Fort,ne thereof .ill /e increased: /,t
if the !nfort,nes cast their /eams- as m,ch or more diminished. B,t if it originall+ signif+ e*il- and the
!nfort,nes /ehold the %ignificator or 9oon- as aforesaid- the e*il threatened .ill /e increased and
/ecomes m,ch .orse.
B<. The B<th is to Consider- )hether the %ignificator /e in his first station- going to /e RetrogradeM For
that signifies crossness and diso/edience- and that the matter- tho,gh ne*er so pro/a/le- .ill not /e
accomplished. !f an+ .or2 or /,ilding /e then /eg,n- it .ill not /e finished. (nd if s,ch %ignificator-
so asserted- /e then ,nder the earth- s,ch /,ilding shall not /e raised to an+ p,rpose in thirt+ +ears- and
then not finishedA and if it /e raised a little then- it .ill /e a raising thirt+ +ears more. (nd if not then
completed- it .ill not /e completed till ninet+ +ears after its firstA and if not then- it .ill ne*er /e
finished- ,nless the propert+ /e altered- and come into the possession of strangers from its former
o.ners. B,t if the %ignificator /e in his second station- going to /e direct- it notes that the affair .ill /e
done- /,t slo.l+- intricatel+- and .ith pains and tro,/le. (nd if an edifice /e then /eg,n- it .ill /e
finishedA not so soon as .as first /elie*ed- pro*ided the %ignificator /e not ,nder the earthA for then he
that /egins it shall ne*er ma2e an end of it- nor raise it *er+ high a/o*e the earth.
"OT B5 &!&&5:77 *And note A 4lanet in his se%ond station signifies an aptness and the rene#ing
and strength of e!erything$ b"t in his first station dissol"tion and destr"%tion. 3emember and
"nderstand these thing #ell for they #ill often %ome in pra%ti%e.(
B=. The B=th is to Consider- )hether the 9oon /e afflicted /+ an+ 8lanetM For then- .hate*er the :,estion
/e- the same .ill s,ffer impediment. B,t if the 9oon /e in a good place from the (scendant- so as to
/ehold it .ith a Trine or %e1tile- or if the 8lanet that afflicts her do /ehold the same. ither of these
(spects .ill mitigate the mischief intended- and it ma+ /e- .holl+ ta2e it a.a+- as the said afflicting
8lanet is disposedA so that he /e not Cadent from angles- nor from the (scendant- nor in his fallA that is
.ith the se*enth from is o.n Ho,se. @Pael0 seems to sa+ *6hat is an
Infort"ne affli%ting be %adent from the As%endant or 3etrograde it %a"seth fear in the ?"erent$ b"t I
al#ays fear the affli%tion of the Moon abo!e all other Impediments and s%ar%e 3emember that I e!er
sa# a good end of anything #here she #as affli%ted@
and in 0o"rneys if to #ar #as apprehensi!e of the ?"erent 7s %are and person$ if for traffi% of straits
;"arrels sadness in his tra!els and loss of money )%.
B>. The B>th is to Consider- From .hat 8lanet the 9oon separates- and .hich she is 6oined toA he .hom
she separates from signifies .hat hath /een- the other .hat is to come- as .e ha*e said. (nd therefore-
if she separates from an !nfort,ne- and applies to a Fort,ne- the .orst is pastA and .hat hitherto has
/een had- .ill end happil+ to the ?,erent0s content. B,t if she separates from a Fort,ne- and goes to an
!nfort,ne- ,nderstand the contrar+- the thing .as good in the /eginning- /,t pro*es na,ght in the end. !f
from a Fort,ne to a Fort,ne- is .as and is good- and .ill ha*e a la,da/le end. !f from an !nfort,ne to an
!nfort,ne- it .ill /e an ,gl+ concl,sion. QThis Consideration is in the doctrine of @Translation.0
Translation of the light and nat,re of a planet .hen a planet separates from one that is than
itself- and o*erta2es another either /+ con6,nction or aspect. !n horar+ astrolog+ it is a good omen if the
aspect /e goodA /,t if /+ an e*il aspect- it is said to denote e*il or diffic,lt+ .hen the e*ent comes to
pass. Th,s- if a :,estion of marriage a light planet translates the light of the lord of the Bth Ho,se to the
&ord of the (scendant- it is a good omen- if it /e /+ good aspect- and denotes that a person ans.ering
the description of s,ch translating planet .ill /ring the parties together- and the+ .ill /e e*ent,all+
happ+. !f it /e /+ e*il aspect- it .ill /e done either from ill moti*es or .ill /e attended .ith m,ch
tro,/le and disappointment.R
BB. The BBth is to Consider- )hether the &ord of the (scendant or 9oon /e in
Opposition- that is- .hether the 9oon /e in Capricorn- 9erc,r+ in %agittari,s or
8isces- or 'en,s in %corpio or (ries- the %,n in (:,ari,s- 9ars in Ta,r,s or &i/ra-
H,piter in #emini or 'irgo- %at,rn in Cancer or &eoA for then s,ch &ords of the
?,estion a/hor the /,sinessA nor does he lo*e it sho,ld /e accomplished- /,t is
rather against it.
BE. The BEth is to Consider- The Ho,se that signifies the thing .hereof the ?,estion is as2ed. For the First
signifies the 8erson- the second- s,/stance- the third- /rethren- etc.- as .e ha*e /efore ta,ght- and as it
shall appear- so 6,dgeA ha*ing d,l+ pondered all circ,mstances.
B9. The B9th is to Consider- )hether the %ignificator- or 9oon- /e 6oined to good or ill planets- /+
Con6,nction or /+ (spect- .hich is diligentl+ to /e heeded and disting,ishedA for a corporal
con6,nction .ith the %,n is the greatest misfort,ne can /efall a 8lanet.
EF. The EFth is to Consider- Ho. the %ignificator is posited in respect to his o.n Ho,se- .hether in the
second- third- or fo,rth- Ic.- sign- from it- according to the %ignification of that sign shalt tho, 6,dge-
as tho, .o,ldest 6,dge of an+ 8lanet in s,ch an Ho,se from the (scendant.
E1. The E 1st is to Consider- )hether the %ignificator /e in an (ngle or in a %,cceedent or Cadent Ho,seM
For ho. m,ch an+ 8lanet is near to the c,sp of an+ (ngle so m,ch is he the stronger: ho. m,ch farther
so m,ch the .ea2erA and /+ ho. m,ch sooner he
shall /e nearer the c,sp of a Cadent Ho,se- so m,ch shall he /e the .ea2erA ho. m,ch the farther- so
m,ch the less .ea2.
E2. The E2nd is to Consider- )hether the %ignificator recei*e disposition or *irt,e from an+ 8lanet-
Fort,ne or !nfort,ne. !f from a Fort,ne it signifies goodA and the /etter if s,ch Fort,ne /e in a good
condition. !f from an !nfort,ne- to the contrar+A and so m,ch the .orse /+ ho. m,ch the more .ea2
and afflicted he is.
E3. The E3rd is to Consider- )hether the Fort,nes and !nfort,nes are e:,all+ strong in the ?,estion: for
that signifies no positi*e 6,dgment- either good or illA /,t a 2ind of indifferenc+- and that the /,siness
.ill /ring neither gain or loss.
E<. The E<th is to Consider- )hether the Fort,nes or !nfort,nes are strongestA for if /oth /e strong- and the
Fort,nes pre*ail in strength- it signifies a 2ind of mediocrit+ of goodA if the !nfort,nes in s,ch a case
are strongest- a mediocrit+ of e*il not in e1cess on either side.
E=. The E=th is to Consider- )hether the 8art of Fort,ne fall in a good or /ad place of the Fig,reA that is in
an (ngles- or in a %,cceedent or in a Cadent Ho,seA and ho. the same is aspected- and /+ .hom- a
Fort,ne or an !nfort,neM (nd .hether it /e in reception of that 8lanet /+ .hom it is aspectedM For
:,estions ma+ sometimes seem good /,t the 8art of Fort,ne happening in an ,nto.ard 8lace- .ea2ens
it m,ch and renders it less profita/le so as to decei*e the ?,erent0s hopes. (nd on the contrar+ a
:,estion ma+ seem ill- +et the 8art of Fort,ne happening l,c2il+- 6oined .ith a good 8lanet that
recei*es it- Ic.- lessens the e*il- and not so m,ch happens to the ?,erent as the Fig,re other.ise seems
to threaten.
E>. The E>th is to Consider- )hether either of the !nfort,nes /ehold the %ignificator /oth Retrograde-
Cadent- 8eregrine- and in signs contrar+ to their respecti*e nat,resM For then the+ /ring s,ch an
a/sol,te mischief as cannot /e a*oided- nor a*erted /+ an+thing /,t #od alone. (nd if an+ shall /e
/orn ,nder s,ch positions- he .ill al.a+s /e a /eggar- let him do .hat he canA if an+ Ho,se /e /,ilt
then- no man shall e*er li*e happil+- or get mone+ in itA /,t /+ losses and crosses his estates and goods
shall mo,lder a.a+- and come to nothingA and his most pro/a/le designs strangel+ fr,strated and
destro+ed- ,nless the ;i*ine #oodness in merc+ interpose.
EB. The EBth is to Consider- "o*enari,m &,nae- .hich is a thing m,ch to /e heeded- for it often hinders
the (strologer from disco*ering the tr,th- and leads him into error- not the ca,se that ma2es
him decei*e.
EE. The EEth is to Consider- The 8lanet from .hom not onl+ the 9oon separates- ho. he is disposed- Ic.-
/,t the ne1t to .hom she is 6oined- so that there /e not a/o*e =1 min,tes distance /et.een them- the
first signif+ing .hat is past- the second .hat is no. present- as .e ha*e alread+ said- and also loo2 to
.hom she .ill ne1t /e 6oined after separation from him .ith .hom she is at presentA for he .ill signif+
3according as he is disposed4 the iss,e- or .hat is to come.
E9. The E9th is to Consider- The ;,odenariam &,nae- a thing that is o/ser*a/le in man+ cases- e*en more
than di*ers things that .e ha*e saidA for there is greatest danger of mista2es in a/str,se considerations-
and s,ch as (strologers rather sloth than ignorance- do not regardA .here/+ the+ often fall into disgrace
and contempt of the ra//le- rather than ta2e a little pains.
9F. The 9Fth is to Consider- )hether the &ord of the Ho,se in .hich the %,n is- and of that .herein the
9oon is- and also the &ord of the (scendant /e all oriental and in (ngles 3tho,gh that rarel+ happens4-
and m,t,all+ /ehold each other from good places .ith friendl+ (spectA for these positions shall signif+
the greatest good- and most s,perlati*e f,t,re imagina/le. !f the+ shall not /e all so disposed- the
remaining part shall signif+ prosperit+ and felicit+ proportionall+ as far as the+ are a/le- tho,gh not in
so *ast a meas,re.
91. The 91st Consideration is- To o/ser*e in ?,estions or "ati*ities- .hether 9ars /e in an+ of the (ngles
of the Fig,re- especiall+ in Fi1ed %ignsA or .hen %corpio (scends- for then he destro+s all the good
signified /+ that :,estion- or at least m,ch impedes and diminishes itA $nless H,piter /ehold him .ith a
Trine or %e1tileA for then his malice is mitigatedA /,t +et as H,piter is either strong or .ea2.
92. The 92nd is to O/ser*e in "ati*ities and ?,estions especiall+ of death- .hether the &ord of the Ho,se
of ;eath- or %ignificator of ;eath- &ord of the Ho,se in .hich the &ord of the ighth is posited-
applies to the %ignificator of the "ati*e or ?,erent- or he to themA /eca,se a 8lanet so affected
/ecomes the destro+er of &ife- and 2ills as .ell if it /e a Fort,ne as an !nfort,ne- and that .hether there
/e a Reception or not.
93. The 93rd is to Consider- !f the ?,estion concerns a thing that one .o,ld desire of another- or that one
.o,ld get o,t of a secret hidden place- .hether the %ignificator of the ?,erent- or thing in:,ired after-
/ehold %at,rn or is corporall+ 6oined to himA or .hether %at,rn /e in the ho,se of the thing in:,ired
afterM For then the /,siness .ill hardl+ /e done- or not .itho,t m,ch la/o,r and tro,/le- and more
tedio,sness than the ?,erent can imagine.
9<. The 9<th is to Consider- !n ?,estions- Ic. .hether the %ignificator of the thing in:,ired a/o,t /e
Cadent from the (scendant- or other (ngles- or from the ho,se that signifies the thing or /,siness
so,ght after- or its &ordM Or .hether he /e Retrograde- or in a /ad condition .ith the %,n- or .hether
there /e in the said ho,se- signif+ing the thing in:,ired after- a 8lanet Cadent- or Retrograde- or in s,ch
ill condition .ith the %,n- or in an ill place from him- or ill aspected /+ himA for an+ of these things
signif+ a hindrance to the thing- altho,gh other.ise the ?,estion seems good and pro/a/le.
9=. The 9=th is )hether the 8lanets signif+ing the thing so,ght- 6oin m,t,all+ .ith each otherA for that
signifies it .ill /e doneA +et- /e not too confident to 6,dge so- till tho, hast .ell .eighed the nat,re of
the sign .herein the+ are 6oined- .hether it /e of their o.n nat,reA for then it .ill /e eas+- other.ise
diffic,lt+A or scarce at all.
9>. The 9>th is to Consider in ?,estions .hich seem to sho.- that .hat is en:,ired after shall /e
perfected- .hether the %ignificator of the thing- and the 9oon are in (nglesA for if the+ /oth /e a/o*e
2= degrees from (ngles- it .ill not /e accomplishedA /,t if one shall and the other shall not /e so far
off- then it ma+ /e done /,t .ith diffic,lt+- ,nless it /e a 6o,rne+A .hich .ill speed .ell eno,gh if the
significator /e remote from (ngles.
9B. The 9Bth is to Consider- in .hat climate tho, recei*est the ?,estionA for 6,dgment m,st /e *aried as
the ascensions of co,ntries and climates differ- there /eing not the order in the ascensions or ele*ations
of signs- in one climate as in another- nor the same (scendant in one region as in another.
Q"OT B5 &!&&5.S 7:e#are therefore of a mista1e here for it #ill be !ery "nhandsome and
blame#orthy$ for #hate!er part tho" tra!ellest to#ards from one region to another #hether from the
-ast to the West from the /orth to the So"th or %ontrarily yo"r As%endant #ill be %hanged from one
degree from -ast to West in Longit"de and e %ontra and from the /orth to So"th and the %ontrary.
:"t some 0o%"nd fools or mon1s in their %"ps may arise and say If yo"r 0"dgments are %hanged
a%%ording to the sit"ation of /ations they are false. :"t there is no tal1ing to s"%h br"tes they neither
"nderstand nor belie!e nor is anything probable to them@ Aet there are some !ery learned men
amongst them s"%h as 75ontrad"s :ri.iensis 7a prea%hing 2riar #ho e.%ellently "nderstands Art and
pra%tiseth it honestly. Want of heeding #hat I ha!e said hath made Astrologers to err and I do"bt
doth so still for right 0"dgments %annot be gi!en b"t by the As%endant and other ,o"ses and
therefore if these !ary those m"st do so too. 6herefore yo" sho"ld ha!e 6ables of -le!ation for e!ery
5limate and 3egion$ yet 7tis more diffi%"lt to find o"t the differen%e of one %limate from another than
of one 3egion or %o"ntry from another a%%ording to the Longit"de$ for if tho" hast tables of the
ele!ation of the signs in any region from -ast to West tho" mayst by g"ess find the ele!ation in
another #hi%h #ay tho" pleasesB either to#ards the -ast or West a%%ording to the same %limate by
ta1ing the differen%e b"t in di!ers %limate tho" %anst not so easily %on0e%t"re.(
9E. The 9Eth is to O/ser*e- )hether if .hat appears /+ the sign li2el+ to /e effected- /e signified /+ the
planets /+ corporal con6,nction- or aspect or translation of &ightM !f either of the t.o- first the thing
.ill /e effected /+ the ?,erent- and the part+ en:,ired of- .itho,t an+ third person intermeddlingA /,t
if /+ the last it shall /e done /+ am/assadors- friends- or some person interposing himselfA and it shall
/e /ro,ght to pass /+ a person or thing signified /+ that Ho,se .hose &ords translate the lights as
aforesaid. Th,s if it /e the &ord of the second- it .ill /e done /+ e1penses- or a piece of mone+A and if
/+ the third- /+ some /rother or the li2eA if /+ the fo,rth- /+ the Father- Ic.- according to the respecti*e
signification of each Ho,se.
99. The 99th is to Consider .ell !n ?,estions- "ati*ities- Ic.- .hat .ill certainl+ come of themA for
sometimes /+ the Fig,re- a thing seems li2el+ to /e a/sol,tel+ doneA /,t is not .holl+- /,t in partA
sometimes it is .holl+ perfected- and sometimes neither .holl+ nor in part: ,pon .hich acco,nt
astrologers are often /lamed- and scarce 2no. ho. to e1c,se themsel*es- not ho. this comes
to pass- /eing a diffic,lt point- and of a most s,/tle dis:,isitionA so that the ancients .o,ld not meddle
.ith it sa*e onl+ the most hono,red @(l/,maJar0 said something more than the rest- .hose 6,dgments !
ha*e fo,nd more efficacio,s and correct than others- tho,gh @8tolem+0- the great e1plainer of this
science- m,st /e ac2no.ledged more c,rio,s than the rest. "o. that .hich ! sa+ is the consideration of
certain Fi1ed %tars:
Q"OT B5 CO&5S/ote that these fi.ed stars are no# remo!ed many degrees for#ard in the
-%lipti% than they #ere in the time of :onat"s$ in respe%t of Longit"de #hi%h o"ght to be %aref"lly
%onsidered by the ind"strio"s Astrologer #hi%h I shall name #hereof some are of the nat"re of the
2ort"nes and perfe%t those things #ith them not li1ely to be 2ort"nes and perfe%ted by the
signifi%ations of the 4lanets$ others are of the nat"re of the Infort"nes #hi%h s"ffer not things to be
perfe%ted a%%ording to the 4lanets9 signifi%ations@ of #hi%h latter there are some in e!ery sign
as in :onat"s9s time there #ere t#o in the ,ead of Aries that is one in 1&C=59 the other in 1=C=59 and
are so"thern and of the nat"re of Sat"rn and Mars. In 6a"r"s are si. stars the first in 9C559$ the
4leiades #hi%h yet are %alled and %o"nted b"t as one and are of the nat"re of Mars@ and the Moon$
another in 1&C'29 another in D='=5 %alled the Ee!il another in 15C %alled the Ee!il 7s )dad another
in the belly of 6a"r"s 19C159 %alled Aldebaran #hi%h are all of the nat"re of Mars and Mer%"ry. In
<emini there is one in >C %alled the *Sho"lder of the Eog *of the nat"re of Mars and Sat"rn$
another in 1'C159 of the nat"re of Mars %alled the *Warrior($ another in 17C159$ another in 1>C529
%alled *the Wit%h * of the nat"re of Q and U In 5an%er there is one in 2C'&9 %alled the 5amel of
the nat"re of W and R$ another in 7C559$ another in 1&C %alled the Western 5amel of the nat"re of Q
and R$ another in the same degree %alled the *2oot of the Eog *of the nat"re of W and another in
17C559 of the same nat"re. In Leo there is one in 15C55 F of the nat"re of W. In Girgo t#o one in 7C119
of the nat"re of U and the other in 15C of the nat"re of W. In Libra one in 26C of the nat"re of W. In
S%orpio three one in 1C'19$ another in >C'79 another in 9C all of the nat"re of U. In Sagittari"s t#o
small ones one in 19C529 the other in 21C'29 of the nat"re of W. In 5apri%orn t#o one in 27C'29 the
other in 29C'59 both of the nat"re of W. In A;"ari"s one in 9C'=9of the nat"re of U and W. In 4is%es
one in =C'79 of the nat"re of U and S.
All these stars are h"rtf"l and male!olent hindering and destroying things after they seem probable to
be a%%omplished and therefore to be a!oided as m"%h as possible. ,ere 7t#ill not be s"perfl"o"s b"t
!ery %on!enient to insert a table of the fi.ed stars that ha!e small latit"de is they are no# pla%ed or
re%tify them for some s"%%eeding years.H
1FF. The 1FFth Consideration is- To o/ser*e the Fi1ed %tars assisting and promoting the accomplishment of
things- .hich are th,s sit,ated. !n (ries there are t.o- one in =GF>0- of the nat,re of V and T- another in
2>GFl0 of the nat,re of V. !n Ta,r,s three- one in the lGF30- another in EGFB0- and the last in 9GFl0- all of
the nat,re of T. !n #emini are t.o stars one in 19GF20- the other in 21GFE0- /oth of the nat,re of V and
of the second magnit,de. !n Cancer li2e.ise t.o- one in 2GF20- the other in 29GF=0- /oth of the nat,re
of V. !n &eo one in 9GF<0- of the nat,re of V and T. !n 'irgo one in <GFB0- of the nat,re of V and R. !n
&i/ra t.o- /oth of the nat,re of V and T- one in 13G<=0- the other in 1<G<=0. !n %corpio fo,r- one in 9G
==0- another in 13GF10- a third in 1<G<=0- the last in 19G1=0- all of the nat,re of V. !n %agittari,s t.o-
one in 1FG1=0- the other in BG==0- /oth of the nat,re of V. !n Capricorn three- one in 2GF30- another in
BG==0- /oth of the nat,re of V. !n 8isces t.o- one in BG110 of the nat,re of T- the other in 1<G=90 of the
nat,re of V. )herefore al.a+s .hen tho, findest the signification in a corporal con6,nction .ith an+ of
these- tho, ma+st prono,nce happiness and a good end.
1F1. The 1F1st Consideration is- To mar2 in "ati*ities or ?,estions- .hich 8lanet is the c,tter7off of life or
+ears- or hinderer of a thing from /eing doneA for he it is .ho destro+s the life of the "ati*e- Ic.- .ho
is strongest in testimonies of dignities or 5et 9essa/ala concealed this- and disco*ered the
secret onl+ to a certain scholar of his- .ho o,t of pride appropriating the same to himself. "o. after
hast fo,nd .ho is this destro+er- Ic.- then see to .hom the &ord of the (scendant or the 9oon is
6oined 3.ho participates in signification of e*er+thing- as .e ha*e said /efore4- or the &ord of the thing
en:,ired after- and the &ord of the ho,se of the 9oon- or one or more of themA for if it /e 6oined to a
planet Retrograde or Com/,st- or cadent from the (scendant- or an+ other (ngles- or to an+ of the
!nfort,nes .ho doth not recei*e himA or is afflicted /+ an !nfort,ne- .hich c,ts off the light of the
significator: the thing is destro+ed- and so the +ears of the "ati*e are diminished and he li*es not long.
F,rther- !f the &ord of the (scendant- or the 9oon- or the &ord of the thing en:,ired after- /e 6oined to
a 8lanet .ho is free from the con6,nction of the !nfort,nes- and so safe as to himself /,t is 6oined to
another 8lanet afflicted- some of the aforesaid .a+s- the matter shall /e /ro,ght to no,ght- e*en after it
seems accomplished- and the "ati*eL life shall /e s,ddenl+ c,t off- .hen there is all the pro/a/ilit+
that ma+ /e of the contrar+: and this .ill also happen tho,gh there /e no con6,nction .ith the 2illing
8lanet- if onl+ the significator or 9oon /e afflicted in manner aforesaid.
1F2. The 1F2nd Consideration is- of things signified- ho. the+ shall /e fo,nd or 2no.n- and from .hat
significator the+ are to /e ta2enM )hich m,st /e from the significators of the :,erent- and of the thing
?,estioned or en:,ired after: .hich t.o significators- if the+ shall /e 6oined together .ith the 9oon it
signifies .holl+ and a/sol,tel+ the effect of the thingA if not 6oined- then the contrar+. (nd from the
con6,nction of the significators .e o,ght to 2no. .h+- or /+ .hat the :,estion is made. (nd /+ the
&ord of the Ho,se in .hich s,ch con6,nction happens- .e 2no. of .hat the :,estion .ill /e- or the
end thereofT for if that /e a Fort,ne it .ill /e good- according to the conditions and signification of
s,ch Fort,ne- and the Ho,se .herein he is- and signification of the place in .hich the &ord is posited
of that Ho,se .herein itself is. B,t if it /e an !nfort,ne- it .ill /e /ad- according to the signification of
the !nfort,nes- and s,ch other positions as aforesaid. !f the &ord of the Ho,se or 1altation- or of an+
t.o smaller ;ignities- casts an aspect- or there /e a translation of light- +o, ma+ 2no. /+ that the
:,estion shall /e /ro,ght to pass: /,t if there /e none of these it cannot /e precisel+ 2no.n- /,t it .ill
/e /+ or from a ca,se not +et disco*ered: and /+ the aspects of the fort,nes or !nfort,nes ma+ /e
2no.n .hat .ill /e the effects.
1F3. The 1F3rd Consideration is- To mind in "ati*ities and general ?,estions in .hat Ho,se the 8art of
Fort,ne happensA for from the things signified /+ that Ho,se .ill the Fort,ne or gain of the "ati*e or
?,erent arise- if the same /e .ell disposed- other.ise the same .ill /e ca,se of his misfort,ne and
1F<. The lF<th Consideration- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities and general ?,estions .hether the significator of
the "ati*e or ?,erent /e posited in the %e*enth from his o.n Ho,se- or the Opposition to the &ord of
the (scendant: for /e .ill not in s,ch case signif+ gain from the things signified /+ that Ho,se- /,t
rather e1pense and loss.
1F=. The lF=th Consideration is- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities or general ?,estions- .hether that an !nfort,ne-
,nfort,nate /e in the %e*enthM for that signifies that the "ati*e or ?,erent shall not li*e in peace or an+
delight .ith his .i*es- s.eethearts- or companions- /,t .ill perpet,all+ ha*e / and :,arrels .ith
them: it seldom happens other.ise from s,ch a position.
1F>. The lF>th Consideration is- To consider in "ati*ities and general ?,estions- it a Fort,ne fort,nate- and
in no .a+ afflicted /e in the %e*enthM for then the "ati*e or ?,erent shall /e happ+ in good .i*es and
associates- +et shall ha*e man+ ri*als and persons that hate him- /,t rather o,t of en*+ than ca,se- so
that he shall seldom /ring his enterprises and designs to pass- .itho,t m,ch la/o,r and tro,/le.
1FB. The 1FBth is- To consider in "ati*ities and general :,estions- .hether 9ars /e in the %econd or in the
Tenth- and .ell disposedA for it denotes that the "ati*e or ?,erent shall gain a Fort,ne or state /+
those persons that deal or .or2 in !ron and Fire- as %miths- F,rnacemen- #lassmen- etc.: or in
'ict,alling or 2eeping !nns- Ta*erns- etc.: /,t if 9ars /e .ea2 or afflicted- loss and damage from all
1FE. The 1FEth !s To Consider- !f neither of the 8lanets /eholds t.o Ho,sesM For his *irt,e and fortit,de
shall /e in that .herein he hath most dignities- and .hich is most proper for him- and the thing he
1F9. The 1F9th !s- To consider .hether the &ord of the Fifth /e in the %e*enth afflictedM For then the
"ati*e .ill ne*er /e happ+ at Feasts or Ban:,etsA either /e a*erse from or slighted at s,ch meetings- or
some affront p,t ,pon himA ne*er /e happ+ at Feasts or Ban:,etsA either /e a*erse from or slighted at
s,ch meetings- or some affront p,t ,pon himA nor .ill he e*er go neat in his clothes- nor get an+ credit
/+ them.
11F. The 11Fth is- To consider in "ati*ities- .hether %corpio ascendsM For s,ch a "ati*e is ne*er li2e to
get an+ great preferment in the Roman Ch,rch: /eca,se Cancer 3the 1altations of Cler2s 3priests-
parsons- Ic.- Ic4- .ill then /e in the "inth Ho,se- .hich signifies the Ch,rch- and H,piter is an enem+
to 9ars- .ho is &ord of the (scendant.
111. The 111th is- to consider in "ati*ities and ?,estions especiall+ of &a.s,its and contro*ersies-
.hether the ;ragon0s Tail /e in the %e*enthM For that signifies damage or o*erthro. to the "ati*e0s
enemies and prosperit+ to the "ati*e or ?,erent- /eca,se the ;ragon0s Head .ill then /e in the
(scendant. !f it /e in the Eth it denotes the deca+ and loss of their estate or s,/stances- and increase of
the "ati*e0s. !n the third- pre6,dice to the "ati*e0s /rethern. !n the fo,rth- to the 8arents. !n the fifth- to
his children. !n the si1th- to his ser*ants. !n the ninth- to his 6o,rne+s. !n the tenth to his preferment. !n
the ele*enth- to his Friends. !n the t.elfth- to his cattle of the greatest sort- Ic. and so to all other
things signified /+ each Ho,se respecti*el+: so do %at,rn and 9ars also- /,t not so m,ch. &i2e.ise @tis
o/ser*a/le that other ill positions ma+ ma2e *oid the said significations- /,t not so m,ch as %at,rn and
9ars- ,nless the+ themsel*es are significators of the mischief- and then m,ch of their malice is a/ated.
112. The 112th is strictl+ to e1amine and regard in e*er+ "ati*it+ or ?,estion- the (scendantA for
.hosoe*er shall ha*e @'irgo0 ascend and 9erc,r+ in good condition- or at least not afflictedA if he
st,d+ and practice 8h+sic he shall ha*e s,ccess and do great c,res- /,t shall /e ,nhapp+ in his salar+ or
profit there/+A not /eing a/le to get his fees of most of his 8atientsA and /esides- shall /e ,nhapp+ in
&a.s,its. B,t if he follo. the la.- he shall /e ,nfort,nate in all his /,siness- and slightedA his .ords-
tho,gh ne*er so pr,dent- not regarded- no not /+ them for .hose ad*antage he spea2s- /,t a fool0s
disco,rse preferred- and .hate*er he meddles in shall t,rn o,t ,nto.ard- and people /e his enemies
.itho,t ca,se- and asperse and scandaliJe him- /,t the+ 2no. not .h+. B,t far other.ise .ill it /e if
%agittari,s- Ta,r,s- or 8isces
ascend and H,piter- 'en,s and 9erc,r+- shall /e in the (scendant- or if H,piter and 'en,s shall happen
to /e in @Pamini,m- or the heart of the %,n- .hate*er the (scendant /e the nati*e shall /e admired as a
8rophet- and all his .ords recei*ed as Oracles- or the distates of destin+.
113. The 113th !s To Consider- )hether either of the !nfort,nes /e in the !Uth Ho,se- and .ith o,t
;ignit+M for then the "ati*e or ?,erent shall /e often /lamed and acc,sed- and that .itho,t ca,se- as
m,ch as for one- B,t if a Fort,ne /e there .ell affected 3especiall+ ha*ing ;ignit+ there4 he shall on
the other side /e praised- appla,ded- and hono,red- .hether there /e ca,se or reason for it or no.
11<. The 11<th !s To Consider- )hether the &ord of the ighth /e a Fort,ne- and in the %econdM for then
the "ati*e or ?,erent shall gain considera/l+ /+ the goods of people deceased- of his enemies- and /+
his .i*es- especiall+ if s,ch planet shall /e free from !mpediment or ha*e ;ignities there. B,t if an
!nfort,ne /e there- it signifies loss and deca+ of the "ati*e0s estate- ,nless he ha*e dignities there and
/e other.ise .ell affected- and in good condition- for then it .ill /e little or no pre6,diceA /,t .itho,t
dignities- and in an ill state- it .holl+ and totall+ destro+s and r,ins all hopes of estate.
11=. The 11=th !s To Consider- )hether the ighth Ho,se- or it &ord /e afflictedM For then shall the
?,erent or "ati*e /e damnified- and lose an estate /+ the death of a .ife- .hich she en6o+ed for life or
the li2e.
11>. The 11>th !s- To Consider .hich of the Ho,ses- or their &ords are afflicted- or ,nder impedimentM For
that signifies that h,rt and damage .ill accr,e to the "ati*e- /+ reason of the things signified /+ that
Ho,seA and soon the contrar+- if the+ are Fort,nes- good and ad*antage from tile same things.
11B. The 11Bth !s To Consider- !f the ;ragon0s Tail /e in the Fo,rthA for that signifies- that .hate*er the
"ati*e or ?,erent shall get shall /e s:,andered a.a+- and come to nothingA and .here*er it is- it
signifies damage to the "ati*e in and from that Ho,se represented.
11E. The 11Eth !s- To consider in .hat Ho,se a Fort,ne shall /e fort,nate and strong- .ell disposed- and
not afflictedA for in and /+ these persons or things /+ that Ho,se signified- shall the "ati*e or ?,erent
gain profit- and ma2e his fort,neA and so on the contrar+ of a Ho,se that is afflicted.
119. The 119th !s To Consider- !f the &ord of the second /e in the se*enth- and the %e*enth /e in (ries-
%corpio- Capricorn or (:,ari,sA for then the "ati*e0s enemies shall easil+ ta2e a.a+ his goods and
rightA and if he associate himself .ith persons-. the+ shall ro/ him: and his .ife or mistress shall cheat
him- and steal .hate*er she can from him: ,nless the &ord of the (scendant /e in Trine or %e1tile to
the &ord of the %e*enth- or in other aspects .ith reception.
12F. The 12Fth Consideration is- To o/ser*e .hether the &ords of an+ of these ight Ho,ses- *iJ.- the 3rd-
<th- =th- >th- 9th- 11th- or 12th- /e in the Bth M for .hichsoe*er of them is there- the person /+ him
signified .ill pro*e the "ati*e0s enem+- ,nless a perfect reception- .ith some good aspect as Trine or
%e1tile inter*ene. 5et a %:,are or Opposition .ith Reception .ill a/ate the enmit+- /,t not .holl+
pre*ent it. Th,s if it /e the &ord of the 3rd- his Brethern .ill pro*e his enemiesA if the <th- his 8arentsA
if of the =th- his Children- Ic.- nor shall he gain of or /+ them so m,ch as he
shall lose another timeA or if an+ of them sometimes appear 2indl+- it .ill /e /,t from the teeth
o,t.ard- and for their o.n ends- Ic.
121.The 121st is - )hether the 9oon /e in the Eth and the &ord of the (scendant in the (scendantA 2nd- or
12th- RetrogradeM For then the "ati*e or ?,erent .ill not /e fort,nate- nor ha*e an+ l,c2 at pla+ing at
dice or an+ other gaming.
122. The 122nd is- )hether the 8art of Fort,ne /e in the first 1F degrees of the <th Ho,se- .ith the
;ragon0s Head- the 9oon- 'en,s and H,piter- and the+ directM 7 for that signifies that the "ati*e shall
/e l,c2+ in disco*ering and finding o,t hidden treas,re. !f it /e in the second 1F degrees- or /,t .ith
t.o of the said 8lanets- he shall find some- /,t not in so great :,antit+. !n the last 17 degrees- and .ith
/,t one less- and +et a considera/le parcelA and if onl+ the 8art of Fort,ne /e there not afflicted- then a
small :,antit+. !f the %,n /ehold it .ith a Trine or %e1tile- it .ill /e #old ,ncoinedA if the 9oon-
%il*erA if H,piter- a mi1t,re of #old and %il*er- Ic. !f 'en,s- precio,s stones- &oc2ets- and for the
most part )omen0s Ornaments. B,t if the+ /e Retrograde- he shall disco*er the treas,re- /,t not for
himself- another shall get the profit. !f the &ord of the Eth /ehold the &ord of the (scendant .ith a
s:,are or Opposition- the finder shall die /+ reason of itA /,t if it /e .ith a Trine or %e1tile- he shall
onl+ catch some small disease or sic2ness. !f the ;ragon0s Tail /e there instead of the !7lead- he shall
find it- /,t it shall /e ta2en from himA he shall find it- /,t it shall /e ta2en from himA or /eing ignorant
.hat it is- he shall gi*e it a.a+ almost for nothingA and if the 9oon /e then separated from the &ord of
the (scendant and 6oined to an !nfort,ne that afflicts her- he to .hom @tis so gi*en shall ha*e little
profit /+ it. !f 9ars or the &ord of the ighth /ehold the &ord of the (scendant- the+ that ta2e it from
him shall 2ill him. B,t if 9ars and %at,rn shall /e in the place of H,piter and 'en,s- the /,siness .ill
/e onl+ /rass or copper or lead- and if the &ord of the (scendant /e .ith them- the disco*erer is
.earied .ith it- .hate*er it /e- .hether *ile or precio,s.
123. The 123rd Consideration !s- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities or ?,estionsM )hether the %,n and 9oon are in
Con6,nction in one and the same min,te- /oth according to &ongit,de and &atit,de- and an+ of the
Fort,nes in the (scendant that is .ithin 1=0 a/o*e the c,sp thereof- or 2<0 /elo. itA for that signifies
that the "ati*e shall /e happ+ in getting a great estate and heaping ,p of mone+A /,t if the+ /e onl+ in
e1act Con6,nction to &ongit,de- and not according to &atit,de- and their distance one from the other /e
.ithin 1=0 he .ill still /e fort,nate in ac:,iring s,/stanceA /,t so m,ch the less- /+ ho. m,ch the
f,rther s,ch distance is and so proportionatel+. !f the+ happen to /e a/o*e 1=0 distance- the same tho,
ma+st concl,de if the 9oon shall /e in the *er+ min,te of opposition to the %,n- and a Fort,ne /e in
the se*enth- .hich signifies the estate of the ?,erent or "ati*e in respect of his .i*es- companions- or
enemies. (nd if at that time of /irth Ta,r,s ascend- and the 9oon /e there- or the *er+ min,te
ascending- or &eo ascending- and the %,n in the min,te ascending- and not afflicted /+ either of the
!nfort,nes- it signifies that the "ati*e shall get m,ch mone+- and come to great preferment and hono,rA
/,t either of the !nfort,nes /e in the said places instead of the Fort,ne- it denotes loss and destr,ction
of estate to the "ati*e or ?,erent /+ or on the occasions aforesaid.
12<. The 12<th Consideration !s- To regard in "ati*ities and ?,estions- the %ignificators of the ?,erent0s
and "ati*e0s estate and also of his preferment- calling or professionA .hich tho, ma+est ta2e to /e the
&ord of the Tenth- or of the (scendant- if the other shall not /e fit to signif+ the sameA for if the &ord
or (lm,ten of the lFth /e .ith the &ight of Time or erect and tall from it- and distant >F degrees or
,p.ards e*en to 9F degrees A if it /e one of the %,periors- or 3F degrees if it /e on of the !nferiors- and
in the (ngle of the Tenth- or in the (scendant .ithin 3F min,tes a/o*e the c,sp- or a degree and a half
/elo. it- and not afflicted: it signifies that the "ati*e shall attain to the ;ignit+ and profession of his
(ncestors- and not e1ceed it- +et shall /e more s2illf,l- e1cellent- and perfect therein than an+ of themA
/,t if there /e in either of the said (ngles an+ of tile aforesaid helping and fort,nate Fi1ed %tars .ith
the 8lanet of Fort,ne or an+ of the 8lanets- he .ill far s,rpass his forefathers in dignit+. (nd if s,ch
Fi1ed %tars shall /e of the first 9agnit,de and sole %ignificators- the "ati*e or ?,erent shall /e raised
to cast hono,rs and riches- almost inestima/le: .hich if /eheld /+ the &ord of the (scendant- then his
fame and hono,r lies in his o.n 8ersonA if /+ the &ord of the 2nd- in his richesA if /+ the &ord of the
1Fth in his offices- command- or empireA and this tho,gh in ne*er so poor and *ile peopleA the meaner
their condition .as- to so m,ch the greater height shall the+ arri*e. B,t this shall not end,re long- for
the+ seldom go /e+ond 2B or 3F +ears. (nd loo2- ho. m,ch the more s,/lime .as their fort,ne- /+ so
m,ch the more grie*o,s- misera/le- and calamito,s shall /e their fallA for the+ shall die an igno/le
filth+ death- or if the+ escape it- the same shall happen to their ne1t s,ccessor.
12=. The l2=th Consideration is- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities or ?,estions .hat sign ascends: if it /e the sign of
a 8lanet that hath t.o Ho,ses- the e1ercise of tro,/les of the "ati*e or ?,erent shall /e chiefl+ in those
things signified /+ the other Ho,se of the said 8lanet- .hich shall lightl+ happen to him and for the
most part thro,gh his o.n means. (s if the (scendant /e in (ries- he shall /e e1c,sed in those things
as shall /e in the ca,se of his o.n death or fall /eca,se %corpio the other Ho,se of 9ars .ill /e then
in the ighth Ho,se: /,t if 9ars /e .ell disposed and the 8art of Fort,ne happen in the ighth he shall
/e *er+ fort,nate in all things signified /+ that Ho,se. !f Ta,r,s ascend he shall /e e1ercised in those
things as shall ca,se his o.n .ea2ness- /eca,se &i/ra .hich is the other Ho,se of 'en,s .ill /e then
the %i1th Ho,se. B,t if 'en,s /e .ell disposed- and 8art of Fort,ne in the %i1th- he shall /e most l,c2+
in things appertaining to the %i1th Ho,se. !f the (scendant /e in #emini he shall /e e1ercised in s,ch
things as shall occasion his /eing ta2enA /eca,se 'irgo- 9erc,r+0s other Ho,se- .ill /e on the fo,rthA
/,t if 9erc,r+ /e .ell disposed and 8art of Fort,ne in the fo,rth- he .ill /e prospero,s in things
/elonging to the Fo,rth Ho,se. !f 'irgo ascends- he .ill /e e1ercised in things that .ill gain him
hono,r and /eca,se #emini- 9erc,r+0s other Ho,se- is in the tenth. !f 9erc,r+ /e then in
Con6,nction .ith the 8art of Fort,ne and in the (scendant- he shall ac:,ire as it .ere a Cing0s
re*en,e. B,t if 9erc,r+ /e in the tenth .ith the 8art of mpire- fort,nate and strong- he shall
,ndo,/tedl+ o/tain a Cingdom or s,preme commandA and if this 8art of Fort,ne and the 9oon /e also
in the Tenth- he .ill /e a might+ 8rince infalli/l+. !f &i/ra ascend- he shall /e e1ercised in things that
shall hasten his o.n death- /eca,se Ta,r,s the other Ho,se of 'en,s .ill /e then in the ighth. B,t if
'en,s /e .ell disposed and the 8art of Fort,ne in the ighth he .ill /e l,c2+ in things represented /+
the ighth Ho,se: and so of an+ other sign. %corpio ascending the "ati*e or ?,erent shall /ring
diseases on himself /eca,se (ries is the si1th. %agittari,s ascending- he shall fool himself into capti*it+
/eca,se 8isces is on the Fo,rth. Capricorn ascending- he shall gain m,ch /+ his ind,str+- for (:,ari,s
is then on the %econd Ho,se. B,t if %at,rn /e ill disposed he shall s:,ander a.a+ and .aste his o.n
s,/stance idl+. !f (:,ari,s ascend he shall proc,re himself man+ secret enemies. Beca,se Capricorn
.ill /e than in the T.elfth Ho,se. !f 8isces ascend- he shall raise himself to hono,r- etc.
12>. The 12>th consideration is- To ta2e notice in "ati*ities and ?,estions- .hether 9erc,r+ /e significator
.holl+ or in part- fort,nate and strong and in Capricorn or (:,ari,sM For then the "ati*e shall /e of
profo,nd and piercing .it- and great ,nderstandingA one that shall di*e into the /ottom of things- and
see from the /eginning .hat the iss,e .ill /eA and so m,ch the more if %at,rn fort,nate shall /ehold
9erc,r+ .ith a good aspect- especiall+ if 9erc,r+ /e in (:,ari,s- .hich is the delight of %at,rnA and
still more if a Fort,ne shall /e .ith 9erc,r+- and he .ith one of the propitio,s Fi1ed %tars. B,t if
9erc,r+ /e in (ries or %corpio- the "ati*e .ill /e /old- 8erfidio,s- inconstant- arrogant- and +et :,ic2
of apprehensionA rather nim/le to repeat or find o,t things said /+ others than in*ent them himself.
12B. The 12Bth Consideration is- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities- if the &ord of the (scendant /e %at,rn or 9ars-
and sole &ord of the "ati*it+- .itho,t an+ Fort,ne parta2ing in the dominion- the taste or smelling of
the nati*e or his comple1ion shall not /e li2e those of other men- for if it /e %at,rn he shall delight in
so,r or insipid things- as @Halion Otolem+0 a*ersA if it /e 9ars- in sharp and /itter- flesh half stin2ing-
.ine dead- and pallid aloes- sn,ffs of candles- d,ng- etc.- as also .ith filth+- dirt+- ,nhandsome
.omenA more than in othersA or if it /e a .oman- in the homeliest men- Ic.
12E. The l2Eth Consideration is- !n "ati*ities- .hether the (scendant /e a h,man sign or the &ord of it in a
h,man signM For that signifies the nati*e an honest- socia/le- and neigh/o,rl+ man- more especiall+ if
/oth happen together. B,t if the (scendant carr+ the similit,de of some creat,res .hich men ,se to
la/o,r .ith- as (ries- Ta,r,s- the last part of %agittari,s and Capricorn- the "ati*e is *er+ s,/missi*e
and h,m/le to men- +et *er+ socia/le. B,t if it /e a sign half7feral- as Cancer and 8isces- he .ill /e +et
less socia/leA /,t if it /e feral- f,rio,s or sal*ane sign- as &eo and %corpio- he .ill /e of a /r,tish
temper- delighting in the .oods- h,nting and li*ing ,pon spoils and rapineA caring not to associate
himself .ith men- so that he seldome remains long .ith his o.n 8arents or nearest Relations.
129. The 129th Consideration is- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities- .hether the 9oon /e in Opposition to the %,n-
.ith an+ of the stars called Nclo,d+L .hich are @(lthaJaic0- and the NHead of #emini-0 or in a place
called @The 8lace of Falling into the )ater-0 .hich (:,ari,s spo,ts forth- or the drops of the &ion- said
to /e near his heart- and others .hich /+ reason of their mi1t,re .ith each other do not shine distinctl+
3ne/,lo,s stars4. For .hen the 9oon shell not /e a/o*e 1F min,tes0 distance from them- according to
&ongit,de and &atit,de- it seems ,na*oida/le that the nati*e shall ha*e diseases in his e+esA not to /e
remedied /+ an+ h,man help or medicine. !f the 9oon /e then Occidental in an (ngle and 9ars and
%at,rn li2e.ise Occidental- not
far distant from her- or opposing the %,n in an+ of the (ngles: it signifies that the nati*e shall /e /lind of
/oth e+es at his deathA nor does there appear an+ .a+ .here/+ it ma+ /e pre*entedA /,t if it /e not of
l,minaries- /,t onl+ one- he shall lose /,t one e+e- and if it /e %ol and a man the right e+e- if a .oman
the left e+e: /,t if it /e the 9oon and a man- the left e+eA /,t if a .oman- the right e+e.
13F. The 13Fth Consideration- is- To regard in "ati*ities .hether the 9oon /e 6oined .ith 9erc,r+ /+
Bod+ or (spect- or there /e a translation of light /+ an+ planet /et.een themM !f there /e nothing of
this and the sign ascending /e neither of the nat,re of 9erc,r+ or the 9oonA and %at,rn in a di,rnal
nati*it+ and 9ars in a noct,rnal- and one /e in an (ngle- the nati*e .ill /e mad- distracted- tro,/led
.ith fits- a fool or at least e1ceedingl+ forgetf,l- ,nless a Fort,ne *er+ strong shall at the same time
/ehold the (scendant- 9erc,r+- or the 9oonA and so m,ch the .orse if the (ngle .herein s,ch
!nfort,ne is- happen to /e Cancer- .hich is the e1altation of H,piter- or 'irgo the e1altation of
9erc,r+- or 8isces the e1altation of 'en,s. The reason is /eca,se the 9oon in "ati*ities is the general
%ignificatri1 of the nati*e0s 8ersonA and the 8lanet .ith .hom she is 6oined of his fac,lties and po.ersA
and therefore if she /e corporall+ 6oined or appl+ing to s,ch 8lanet- the nati*e .ill pro*e of good
,nderstanding- and *er+ .ell retain his senses and intellect,als. (nd if 9erc,r+ /e in Capricorn or
(:,ari,s- not afflicted- /,t in good condition- the nati*e .ill /e of an e1ceeding .it- and a great
8hilosopher- and if H,piter and 'en,s /e in 3Pamini %olis4 he .ill pro*e a Hermit or 2ind of 8rophet-
.hose .ords shall /e recei*ed as Oracles /e+ond those of other men.
131. The 131st Consideration is- To ta2e notice of the "ati*it+ of a man- .hether the %,n and 9oon /e /oth
in 9asc,line %igns- or /oth in one 9asc,line ?,arter or one 9asc,line %ignA for if so- it signifies that
the nati*e0s acts and temper shall /e nat,rall+ s,ch as /elong to men. B,t in a .oman0s "ati*it+- the
&,minaries so disposed- ma2e a 2ind of 'irago- one that shall despise men- and o/tr,de herself into
their affairsA and s,ch a one- if she marr+- .ill /e s,re to .ear the /reeches. !f 'en,s and 9ars shall /e
/oth in 9asc,line signs- the nati*e .ill /e moderatel+ affected to.ards the delights of 'en,s- and ,se
them according to nat,re and la.A /,t if the+ happen to /e Oriental- he .ill /e more fallacio,s and
immoderate- inclina/le to incest- sodom+- etc. B,t if the+ /e Occidental and in Feminine %igns- his
spirits .ill /e nast+ and /r,tishA and so m,ch the more- if %at,rn cast an+ (spect to them. B,t if it /e a
)oman- and 9ars and 'en,s Oriental and in 9asc,line %igns- she .ill e/hor men0s em/racds- and
ta2e no delight therein- /,t rather please herself .ith some little .antonness .ith persons of her o.n
se1. B,t if 9ars and 'en,s /e in Feminine %igns and Occidental- she .ill lo*e and ta2e delight in
men0s 2indness. (nd 8tolem+ in his Centilo:,i,m affirms- That if 'en,s /e 6oined .ith %at,rn in a
"ati*it+- and ha*e ;ignities in the %e*enth- the "ati*e shall /e some.hat fa,lt+ and ,nto.ard in his
*enereal caresses.
132. The 132nd is to mar2 in "ati*ities- )hether 9ars /e corporall+ 6oined .ith a certain Fier+ star of his
o.n nat,re in Ta,r,s- called @(lgol0- so that the+ are not a/o*e 1> min,tes as,nder- 9ars appl+ing
there,nto and the &ord of the Ho,se .herein the &,minar+- for the time r,ling is pointed- .hich is
called the &ord @(na,/ae0A or of its 1altation- and t.o others of its ;ignities- and shall /e in
Opposition or %:,are of
9ars- and neither of the Fort,nes shall /ehold the (scendant- nor /e QpointedR in the Eth Ho,seA it
,ndo,/tedl+ signifies the nati*e shall /e /eheaded. (nd if 9ars shall not /e distant from it in &atit,de
a/o*e > min,tes- it .ill infalli/l+ happen soA not to /e a*oided /,t /+ #od alone. (nd tho,gh a
Fort,ne- Retrograde- or Com/,st sho,ld /ehold the (scendant- +et it .ill scare preser*e him from
/eheading: onl+ in s,ch cases it ma+ happen not to /e occasioned /+ his o.n fa,lt: for a Fort,ne in
s,ch a case not impedited- ma+ sa*e him from s,ch an ill death- and permit him to die in his /ed- /,t
then it .ill /e of some capital disease- proceeding from a hot ho,se- and this /efore he comes to /e
fift+ +ears of age. B,t if 9ars shall not /e th,s affected- +et if an !nfort,nate /e in the Eth- the "ati*e
shall come to an ,ntimel+ or ignominio,s endA /,t if a Fort,ne /e there in good state- he shall e1pire
nat,rall+A /,t if s,ch a Fort,ne /e afflicted- he shall die of some mischance coming ,pon him.
I/ote by LillyH 4tolemy in his 75entilo;"i"m9 tells "s 76hat if the Light of the 6ime shall happen to be
in the Mid+hea!en JI say in the %onditions aforesaidK s"%h nati!e shall be hangedB If either of the
Infort"nes be in <emini and the other in 4is%es his hands or feet shall be %"t off a%%ording to the
signifi%ation of the sign #herein the 4lanet is posited #hi%h is most male!olent. If Mars be in
%on0"n%tion #ith the Lord of the As%endant in Leo and hath no Eignities in the As%endant nor neither
of the 2ort"nes in the >th the nati!e shall be b"rnt to death$ and Ff Mars be then 3etrograde
5omb"st or in his 2all it #ill be for some %rime other#ise by mis%han%e or "n0"stly. 4tolemy saith
that If Sat"rn in a /ati!ity be in the mid+hea!en and the 4lanets to #hi%h he is *Aana"ba( Ja
EispositorK be in opposition to him and a dry sign on the %"sp of the 2o"rth the nati!e shall be
1no%1ed on the head or die by some r"ins falling on him$ b"t if a moist sign be there he shall be
dro#ned$ b"t if it be an h"man sign he #ill be strangled. If Mars or Sat"rn be in the As%endant at
birth and 4eregrine the nati!e shall ha!e a s%ar or mar1 on his head or fa%e$ if the Infort"ne be
affli%ted 5omb"st or 3etrograde the same #ill be !ery deformed and m"%h disfig"re him other#ise
133. The 133rd consideration is To mar2 in "ati*ities- .hether #emini or %agittari,s ascend- and .hether
its &ord /e .ell disposed- that is- fort,nate and strong- and li2e.ise the 9oonA for that signifies that if
the nati*e li*e- he .ill get great riches. !f 'irgo or 8isces ascend and its &ord or the 9oon /e .ell
affected- he shall get mone+ and la+ the same o,t .ell- and li*e splendidl+- /eing /elo*ed for his
generosit+ and /o,nt+. B,t in the other case .here the (scendant is #emini or %agittari,s- he .ill not
/e so li/eral- /,t *er+ fr,gal and sparingA /esides- he .ho hath #emini or 'irgo for his (scendant ma+
lose his estate and come to .antA /,t he that hath %agittari,s or 8isces shall ne*er lose his means- nor
fall into po*ert+. !f (ries- %corpio- Capricorn- or (:,ari,s ascend- the nati*e .ill /e misera/l+
co*eto,s. !f H,piter /ehold the (scendant- he ma+ some.hat mitigate the sordid h,mo,r- /,t .ill not
.holl+ pre*ent or ta2e it a.a+.
13<. The 13<th is- To mind in "ati*ities- .hether 9ars or 'en,s /e in the %i1th- and li2e.ise .ell
disposedM for that signifies that the nati*e shall /e not reall+ fit for 8h+sic- and gro. a perfect doctor in
e*er+ part of the (rt. !f 9erc,r+ /e in con6,nction .ith 'en,s and she Retrograde- he .ill ma2e
nat,rall+ a good singerA /,t
if 9erc,r+ /e in the T.elfth not afflicted- he .ill /e st,dio,s and famo,s in most sciences- especiall+
13=. The 13=th consideration is- To consider in "ati*ities- .hether the &ord of the (scendant and the
9oon- and H,piter- and 'en,s- are either all in the (scendant- or .hether H,piter and 'en,s /ehold the
&ord of the (scendant- and the 9oon in the (scendant /+ a trifle or %e1tile- and free from afflictionM
for then the nati*e .ill pro*e *er+ strong and co,rageo,sA and none .ill dare to diso/e+ his commands.
13>. The 13>th consideration is- To note in the "ati*ities of Cings and rich men- and s,ch grandees as are
fit to /ear r,le- .hether /oth &,minaries are in the ;egrees of their 1altations- or in their o.n
Ho,ses- in the dame degree one .ith the other- and free from afflictionM for this signifies that the nati*e
shall o/tain great hono,rsA for he shall /e made mperor- or something li2e itA so that he shall /e as it
.ereT monarch of the .orld- .hich shall contin,e to the fo,rth generation of his posterit+. B,t if all
the 8lanets /elo. H,piter shall /e disposed of /+ him and he shall recei*e *irt,e from e*er+ one of
them- not.ithstanding the condition aforesaid- and afternoon commit /oth them- and himself to %at,rn-
and /oth /e Oriental from the %,n and in (ngles- the nati*e .ill /e a person of great reno.n and altho,gh perhaps not .ith the title of 2ingA /,t his fame shall end,re for a long time- that is to
sa+ - all his lifetimeA and after his death from three re*ol,tions of %at,rn- or H,piter.
13B. The 13Bth is- To see .hether 9erc,r+ /e in con6,nction .ith %at,rn in the (scendantM For that
signifies that the nati*es is a foolish tal2ati*e fello.- that .o,ld /e co,nted .iseA he shall spea2 ill of
/oth men and .omenA the greatest .it he hath is to in*ent liesA nor doth he e*er open his mo,th- /,t
something of ,ntr,th appears intermi1ed .ith his disco,rse: so nat,ral it .ill /e for him to tell lies-
%at,rn gi*e him a fo,l tong,e- and 9erc,r+ a sharpness of malice to emplo+ it.
13E. The 13Eth is to see in "ati*ities- )hether the t.o !nfort,nes are in the Fo,rth Ho,se- or .hether the
(ngles are possessed .ith mo*ea/le signs- and 9ars and %at,rn in themM For then the nati*e .ill /e
poor- .retched- and ,nfort,nate- a/o*e all others- all his lifetime- ,nless H,piter- of the &ord of the
Triplicit+ ascending pre*ent.
139. The 139th is- To /e caref,l- /oth in "ati*ities and ?,estions- .here the ;ragon0s Tail isM For that
signifies the .asting and destr,ction of the thing signified /+ that Ho,se- especiall+ if it relates to gain-
for in the 1st it signifies e1penses- and loss of gain to the ?,erent- from or /+ reason of his person: in
the 2nd- constr,ction- loss /+ means of Brethern- %isters- "eigh/o,rs- Ic.: the 11th- damage that one
shall s,stain /+ one0s #randfather- Father7in7la.- and s,ch things relating to !nheritancesA and that the
"ati*e shall change Ho,ses often- and get little /+ itA in the =th- damage from or /+ reason of children-
in the >th- loss /+ ser*ants or small cattleA in the Bth- loss /+ .omen- Companions- or open enemies: in
the 9th- loss /+ Religio,s men- and on the acco,nt of religionA in the 1Fth- /+ or in his preferments-
hono,rs- Ic.: in the 11th- loss /+ his friends- or for their sa2es: and in the 12th- damage s,stained /+
great Cattle- or /+ means of hidden enemies.
1<F. The 1<Fth consideration is- To see .hether the %ignificator of the thing in :,estion- or the 9oon /e so
.ea2 that it cannot /ring the matter to perfectionM (nd if the+ /e- ta2e the %ignificator of the ?,erent
and thing in:,ired after- and s,/tract the lesser from the greater- and add to the remainder the degrees
of the sign (scending- and
pro6ect .hat the+ amo,nt ,nto from the (scendant- and o/ser*e .here it happensA for the &ord of that
sign signifies .hat .as en:,ired of and according to his conditions shalt tho, gi*e 6,dgment- as tho,
findest him fort,nate and strong- or ,nfort,nate and .ea2. For if the /,siness concern a man0s estate-
and he /e placed in the %econd- as he isA so shall the ?,erent0s estate pro*eA if in the Third- the
Brethren- "eigh/o,rs- etc.- etc.- .ill /e disposed accordingl+A in the Fo,rth- those of greatest
RelationsA in the Fifth- the ChildrenA in the %i1th- %er*antsA in the %e*enth- )i*esA in the Eth )i*es0
portionsA in the 9th - &ong 6o,rne+sA in the 1Fth - his prefermentsA in the 11th his FriendsA in the 12th -
his secret nemies.
1<1. The 1<1st is to consider in "ati*ities- The gifts and properties /esto.ed on men /+ the fi1ed %tars- and
ho. long the+ contin,e- together .ith the reason .h+ the+ pro*e- not lasting as those .hich proceed
from the 8lanets- since it seems a little pro/a/le that the+ sho,ld contin,e longer that thoseA of .hich !
do not remem/er to ha*e met .ith an+thing in the (ncients- sa*e onl+ that @8tolem+0 in his
Centilo:,im sa+s- The fi1ed %tars sometimes confer e1ceeding great /enefitsA /,t oftentimes the+ end
.ill. (nd @(lmensa0 in his Treatise to the #reat Cing of the %aracens- sa+s that the Fi1ed %tars /esto.
nota/le gifts- and raise from po*ert+ to happiness and high degree more than an+ of the se*en planets:
"o. the reason that the gifts of the Fi1ed %tars to men- a/ide .ith them than those gi*en /+ the 8lanets
is- /eca,se the fi1ed stars /eing the (gents- and the men the 8atientsA the s,/6ect on .hich the+ are to
operate are not agreea/le to them- nor are /orn to /e a/le to recei*e their impressionA for it is re:,isite
that there sho,ld /e sonic conformit+ and li2eness- or agreea/leness /et.een the (gent and the 8atient.
B,t the fi1ed stars are most slo. in motionA and conse:,entl+ in m,tation- .hence it comes to pass that
their impressions re:,ire s,/6ects and patients of the same nat,reA that is to sa+- s,ch as are the most
lasting- and carr+ a conformit+ .ith them to prefect or accomplish their effects: For the Re*ol,tions of
the fi1ed %tars is finished- /,t in si1 and thirt+ tho,sand +ears- /,t the N'i*enthipolisL or life of man-
generall+ e1ceeds not three re*ol,tions of %at,rn: that is to sa+- the space of ninet+ +earsA *er+ fe.
e1ceed that age- tho,ght possi/l+ some ma+ /+ the addition of the +ears of some 8lanets to the +ears of
the N(lcocodenL in their "ati*ities- .hich /ears no conformit+ or proportion .ith 3>-FFF +ears to
complete the effects of their infl,ences. (nd therefore as an agle cannot e1ercise the complement of
her flight or on a Fl+- nor a %tone coming forth 3a %,ndra tra/athi4 do an+ great e1ec,tion 3in
9,scio*em4 no more can the Fi1ed %tars complete the effects of their impressionsA and therefore their
gifts of the good promised /+ them contin,e no longer .ith men- /eca,se men are of so small a
d,ration- and s,/6ect to a s.ift m,ta/ilit+ in respect of their 9otion. (nd ,pon this is that (phorism
gro,nded- that (d*ises to ma2e ,se of fi1es %tars in the fo,ndation of Cities- /,t of 8lanets in the
erection of Ho,sesA /eca,se Cities are generall+ of the longest contin,ance amongst corr,pti/le things-
and far more d,ra/le than partic,lar Ho,ses: for these in respect of their indi*id,als do not end,re
al.a+s- .hereas Cities remain /+ a s,ccessi*e /,ilding and re/,ilding of Ho,sesA and therefore tho,gh
Castles are *er+ lasting- +et are the+ not e:,al in this respect to CitiesA so that altho,gh .e ma+ ,se the
s,perior planets in elections for /,ilding Castles- it is /etter to ta2e Fi1ed %tarsA +et still /eca,se Cities
are of longer contin,ance than Castles-
the+ are more appropriated to the fi1ed %tars- .hose %,/6ects the+ are. For the impression .hich a
solid thing ma2es in a more solid thing- contin,es m,ch longer than that .hich it ma2es on a less solid
thingA and far less in a thing not solid- than a thing some.hat solidA and +et less in a *er+ slipper+
transient thing- than in a thing less l,/rico,s or changea/le. Hence the impressions .hich the fi1ed
%tars ma2e on Cities are more correlati*e to them in length of time- and accordingl+ those of Castles
more d,ra/le than those of Ho,ses- for the same reason proportionall+. B,t /odies of men are more
remote from those fi1ed stars than Ho,ses themsel*es- and so more corr,pti/leA and for that aca,se
their %ignifications appl+ less to them- or if the+ happen- a/ide /,t littleA the %ignifications of the fi1ed
%tars /eing so great and no/le- so high and free from corr,ption and m,ta/ilit+- that the+ cannot easil+
ta2e ,pon them a *aria/le commi1t,re .ith things :,ic2l+ corr,pti/le and s,ddenl+ changea/le- ,nless
it /e as oil on .aterA for tho,gh it ma+ enter into it- +et s,ch impression .ill not long contin,eA for the
fi1ed &ights operate .ith so m,ch no/leness- that /+ reason of their long distance from those *ile
corr,pti/le changea/le /odies- and neigh/o,rhood to the %,preme &ight- their effects cannot remain in
or .ith them- .hen the+ are lightl+ or s,ddenl+ changed and corr,ptedA especiall+ in /ase people and
mean spiritsA for the+ seldom trascend his person to .hom the+ happen- and oftentimes lea*e him
.hilst he li*es- and that to his damage- so great that #ood alone can pre*entA as ! affirm for the most
partA tho,gh @tis possi/le the+ ma+ sometimes terminate in good and contin,e long: (s it hath
sometimes happened that some ha*e li*ed to the greatest +ears of the (lcocoaen- of .hom ! ne*er sa+
/,t one in m+ time- .ho .as named Richard- .ho affirmed himself to ha*e /een a Co,rtier ,nder
Charles the #reat- Cing of France- and that he had li*ed =FF +ears. (t .hat time there .as a report of
one that had contin,ed ali*e e*er since o,r %a*io,r0s da+s called @Hohan B,ttade,s0 /eca,se he had
impolissed the &ord as he .as led to /e cr,cified- )ho said to him- NTho, shalt e1pect- or .ait for me-
till ! come.L The aforesaid Richard ! sa. at Ra*enna in the +ear 1223- and the said Hohn is said to ha*e
passed thro,gh Florili*i,m- in his 6o,rne+ to %t. Hames0s at Compostella- in the +ear 12>B. "or co,ld
the %ignifications of the fi1ed %tars /e appliedA or adhere to men nor sensi/l+ remain in them- ,nless
there .ere some 9edi,m /+ .hich the+ might (ct ,pon them .hich are the 8lanets- .hich are
secondar+ (gents- as the first are principalA for .hene*er there are di*ers actions in order- attri/,ted to
se*eral (gents- the principal act o,ght to /e referred to the principal (gent- .hich in respect of the
effects on corr,pti/le things- .as the primar+ Ca,se. (nd the 8lanets are %econdar+: for that corr,ption
.hich those inferiors s,ffer- happens /+ reason of their too great distance from the incorr,pti/le
s,periorsA +et their effects sometime contin,e long in #randees- and persons *er+ rich- .ho are apt for
mpire- magnanimo,s- and of /ra*e and e1cellent spiritsA s,ch as in m+ time .as the mperor
Frederic2 the %econdA .ho .hen he .as indigent and in great necessit+- .as arri*ed to the !mperial
;ignit+- and /ro,ght ,nder his o/edience all (p,lia- the Cingdom of %icil+- Her,salem- Croco*ia- !tal+
and the .hole mpire 3e1cept &om/ard4 s,/d,ing all nemies- Traitors and Re/els- and remained in
that !ll,stratio,s flo,rishing conditionA +et at last died misera/l+- /eing poisoned /+ his domestics- and
all his famil+ e1tirpated so that scarce an+ of them remained. %,ch an other .as cilin,s de Romano-
.ho .hen he .as /,t mean-
.as far e1alted a/o*e all other !talians- for he r,led and- as it .ere- t+ranniJed o*er the 9ar:,isate of
Tre*es e*en to (lmaine and Trent- and .ithin fo,r or fi*e miles of 'enice- and his T+rann+ contin,ed
t.ent+7si1 +earsA /,t at last all these glories .ere o*ercast .ith calamit+- for .hen it seemed
impossi/le to s,ppress him- he fell into the hands of his enemies at a /attle in the Co,ntr+ of
9ediolanensi ap,d Cassian,m- and died .retched- and all his posterit+ .as destro+ed- not one of them
remaining. !n the same manner there .as in the Cingdom of (p,lias of /ase descent- called 8eter de
'inea: .ho .hen he .as a scholar at Bononia .as forces to /eg for his li*ing- and had not /read to
eat- +et .as made a notar+- and after that 8rotonotar+ of the Co,rt of the mperor Frederic2 the
%econdA he /ecame a H,dge and clim/ed to s,ch grande,r- that he .as happ+ that co,ld o/tain the least
of his fa*o,r- for .hate*er he did the mperor .o,ld confirmA /,t himself .o,ld often set aside .hat
had /een esta/lished /+ the mperor- .ho made him &ord of (p,linA .here/+ he gre. so rich- that he
had 1F-FFF po,nds of #old /esides other Treas,res almost inestima/leA +et in the end he fell- and .as
red,ced to s,ch miser+- that the mperor ordered his e+es to /e p,t o,tA enraged at .hich o,t of mere
indignation he str,c2 o,t his o.n against a .all- as it .as then commonl+ reported. (nother .as at
8+sa called %merol,s one of the drefs of the *,lgar- .ho came to /e- as it is said- &ord of that
8ro*ince: nor d,rst an+ of the no/ilit+ for a .hile contend .ith himA +et at last he came to nothing.
(fter .hom one Oddo #,ald,Ji,s- a mean fello.- tapered ,p so high that he did as it .ere- s.a+ the
.hole cit+ and none .o,ld contradict him- till #al+*er- a H,dge- ca,sed him to /e chopped all to
pieces. The same happened at Flor+l+ci,rn. One called %imon 9,stag,ere the son of o/sc,re 8arents-
.ho mo,nted so high that all the people adored him: nor d,rst an+ oppose him- sa*e onl+ m+self- .ho
2ne. him thoro,ghl+: and .hat mischief he co,ld- he did at his pleas,re for three +ears0 space: /,t at
last do.n he came /eing /anished from the Cit+ .hich happened for the odio,sness of his person and
co.ardice. (nother /eing a Friar of the 8reaching Order- /+ name Hohn- /+ "ation 'icentin,s- .as
admired as a %aint /+ all the !talians that ac2no.ledged the Roman Ch,rchA /,t ! e*er tho,ght him an
H+pocriteA he gre. so high that he .as reported to ha*e raised 1E from the ;ead 3tho,gh ne*er one of
them co,ld /e seem4- and to c,re all diseases- fright ;e*ils- etc.- +et co,ld ! not percei*e an+/od+
freed /+ him- tho,gh ! made m,ch en:,ir+ into his miraclesA ho.e*er- the .hole .orld seemed to r,n
after him- and he tho,ght himself happ+ that co,ld get a thread of his Cap. )hich the+ esteemed e:,al
.ith the relics of the %aintsA and in his preaching he .o,ld p,/licl+ /oast- that he had Con*erse .ith
Hes,s Christ- the 'irgin 9ar+- and (ngels .hen he list. B+ .hich tric2s- the Friars of his order at
%ononia got more than 2F-FFF mar2s. (nd his .as so great that /+ his o.n .ill he released a
%oldier as he .as going to 1ec,tion for 9,rderA "or d,rst the 9agistrates den+ him- not spea2 ill of
him /,t m+self- .ho 2ne. all his .headles and coJenages: for .hich the ra//le- merel+ o,t of fear of
him- reported me an Heretic. !n .hich esteem and pomp he contin,ed a/o*e a hear- /,t at last .ent o,t
li2e the sn,ff of a candle- .ith a stin2- his de*ices and h+pocrisie /eing disco*ered- so that he /ecame
as generall+: and e*er+/od+ .as ashamed to /e seen in his compan+.
1<2. l<2nd Consideration is- To o/ser*e in "ati*ities and general :,estions- the gifts and good ad*antages
/esto.ed on men /+ the 8lanets: /eca,se those are applied more
easil+ to them- and contin,e longer e1tended to their s,ccessors- according as the+ are .ell disposed in
the Radicas of their "ati*itiesA /,t the+ are seldom e1ceeding great- ,nless .hen applied /+ fort,nate
fi1ed %tarsA /eca,se /eing of a more s.ift m,ta/ilit+ the+ ha*e ca closer affinit+ .ith them- especiall+
if proceeding from the inferior 8lanetsA for their conformit+ .ith men- their correlati*e s,/6ects. Those
of the %,periors last not so long .ith men /,t in /,ilding of ho,ses the+ are m,ch /etter than the other.
/L6- :A LILLA.+++++ Lf the <ood gi!en by Sat"rn and Lther 4lanets et%. +++Sat"rn Lriental and
#ell disposed that is strong and in 3e%eption gi!es great fort"ne in b"ilding planting trees re;"iring
a long gro#th in man"ring gro"nd ere%ting #ater#or1s and the li1e. D"piter gi!es good l"%1 in
S%ien%es s"%h as the La#$ and Eignities being made a :ishop a D"dge or the li1e. Mars in leading
forth of Armies et%. Sol in Lay 4referments as Mingdoms <o!ernments et%. :"t the Lo#er 4lanets
besto# their gifts inherent to men and more d"rable@ as Gen"s in the attempts of #omen their
ornaments %o"rting them et%. Mer%"ry in trading #riting et%. 6he Moon in na!igation planting
!ines "sing drin1s selling #ine et%. All these I say are e.%ellently #ell besto#ed by the 4lanets
ad!antageo"sly posited and end"re longer that is to say 6he prosperities gi!en by the Moon may
%ontin"e to the 7th year or generation be%a"se she is the 7th planet re%1oning do#n#ards@ and if
they pass the 7th age or generation they %annot e.%eed the >th as s"ppose from the =2nd year to the
=5th year in%l"ding those of Mer%"ry may end"re to the 6th age being the 6th from Sat"rn b"t #ill
s%are hold o"t of the 7th. 6hose of Gen"s to the 5th age she being the 5th 4lanet from Sat"rn@ b"t
#ill not e.%eed the 6th. 6hose of the S"n to the =th age. 6hose of Mars to the &rd age. 6hose of
D"piter to the 2nd age. 6hose of Sat"rn only for one age and %annot trans%end$ nay seldom rea%h the
. And tho"gh I say they may %ontin"e so long yet do I not say they shall not be finished before for
as Aristotle says 6here are terms that %annot be passed o!er@ yet he does not say b"t that they may be
pre!ented and %ome short off so in these %ases$ and f"rther #hen I say that they %annot %ontin"e
longer I mean #itho"t !anishing #holly or so depressed that it #ill be no more li1e #hat #as before
than green or r"sset to a perfe%t #hite "nless by %han%e something from another %a"se happens ane#$
#hi%h seldom %hanges nor %an tr"ly be said to be the same. :"t ;"ite another thing from the first.
,en%e %omes perhaps the %ommon obser!ation$ that goods or possessions ill got ne!er abide to the
5th or &rd age@ many that "se that pro!erb not 1no#ing #hen%e it %omes to pass b"t only be%a"se they
ha!e heard others say so or seen it often happen th"s. :"t from #hat #e ha!e here laid do#n some
reason may be gi!en$ for ill gotten goods %o"nt s"%h as are got by #ay of "s"ry lies de%eit theft
repine and the li1e.
1<3. The 1<3rd Consideration- !s to ,nderstand the tr,e method of 6,dging- and /+ .hat .a+s tho, ma+est
come to some res,lt- that tho, ma+st e1amine and rightf,ll+ disc,ss the same- and disco*er the tr,th of
.hat the stars shall sho. theeM (nd herein there are 1< points to /e considered and heeded:
1. )hether the ?,erent proposes the :,estion reall+ and intenti*el+ or notM
For if the &ord of the (scendant and the &ord of the ho,r /e in the same or the
%igns .herein those %ignificators are placed /e of the same Triplicit+ or
complection the ?,estion is serio,sA /,t other.ise- if the (scendant shall /e the end of an+ %ign- the
?,estion is not Radical.
2. Behold the (scendant and his &ord- the 9oon and the 8lanet from .hich she separates and assign
them for %ignificators of the ?,erentA the %e*enth and the 8lanet .ith .hich the 9oon is 6oined-
shall represent the person en:,ired afterA /,t if it /e necessar+- descend to the persons- as the
things are signified /+ the Ho,se- from the first to the t.elfth.
3. Consider the nat,re of the thing en:,ired a/o,t- the Ho,se and %ign .here/+ it is signified.
<. The (spects of the 8lanets /oth good and male*olent to the %ignificators of the things so,ght after.
=. !n .hat place from its o.n Ho,se each of the %ignificators are: *iJ.- )hether in his o.n or the
second- third- or fo,rth- etc.- or in the Com/,st .a+ or the li2e places.
>. )hether the+ are fo,nd in (ngles Cadent or %,cceedent Ho,ses.
B. ;iligentl+ see .here the ?,erent0s (ssistants m,st come- *iJ.- .hether from a Father- a %on- a
Cing a Cinsman- or a Friend- etc.
E. B+ the mirth of the ?,erent- as if the &ord of the (scendant shall /e in the fifth- or
6oined .ith its &ordA free from /eing afflicted /+ the !nfort,nes. Or /+ his sadnessA as if his
%ignificator happen in the >th Bth Eth- or 12L A ,nless the :,estion /e of things signified /+ those
Ho,sesA and as tho, findest so 6,dge.
9. B+ the Fort,nes and !nfort,nes- according as tho, findest them in places signified- the things a/o,t
.hich the ?,erent is mo*edA and if the /ene*olents are more- @tis good- if other.ise the contrar+A
if the testimonies are e:,al- then indifferent.
1F. )hether the &ord of the (scendant /e in the Ho,se of the thing en:,ired after- or .ith its &ord.
11. !n .hat Ho,se the &ord of the first is 6oined .ith the %ignificator of the things loo2ed afterA for /+
the %ignificator of the Ho,se- or his occasion- tho, ma+st 6,dge the matter .ill /e /ro,ght a/o,t.
12. !f the %ignificators are not 6oined there- .hether there /e a/+ Translation of &ight /et.een them /+
an+ 8lanet- or recei*es their description- tho, shalt 6,dge the same thing.
13. B+ the nat,res of the %ignificators themsel*es- agreeing in their nat,res and significations .ith
each other.
1<. (ccording to the recei*er of the %ignificator0s *irt,e or disposition shall /e a Fort,ne or !nfort,ne
strong or .ea2- and does /ehold the %ignificator- or the 9oon- or an+ .ith (spect of lo*e or
enmit+- so shalt tho, prono,nce 6,dgment.
1<<. The 1<<th Consideration is- To o/ser*e in ?,estions- "ati*ities- or lections- .hen the %ignificators
shall not clearl+ sho. thee .hat tho, .o,ldst 2no. /,t the signifcation remains d,/io,s- so that the
mind is in s,spense- ta2e the place of the &ord of the (scendant- and the place of the &ords of the
Flo,se of the 9oon- and see the distance of degrees /et.een them- /eginning from (ries- of .hich
ma2e signs-
and add the degree of the sign ascending: and pro6ect from the (scendant as .ell /+ da+ as night- and
.here the n,m/er falls- the &ord of that Ho,se shall /e %ignificator and from him ta2e the
%ignification of the /,siness en:,ired- for according to his disposition tho, ma+est 6,dge.
1<=. The 1<=th Consideration is- That tho, see in ;i,rnal "ati*ites- .hether Cor &eonis /e in the
(scendant- that is to sa+ in the Oriental &ine or a/o*e it one degree or /elo. it three degreesA or
.hether it /e in the tenth in li2e degrees- .itho,t the Con6,nction or (spect of an+ of the Fort,nesA for
this alone signifies that the "ati*e shall /e a person of great note and too m,ch e1alted- and
attain too high preferment and hono,rs- altho,gh descended from the meanest parents. (nd if an+ of
the Fort,nes /ehold that place also- his glor+ shall /e the more increased: /,t if the "ati*it+ /e
noct,rnal- his fort,ne .ill /e some.hat meaner- /,t not m,chA /,t if the !nfort,nes cast their aspects
there it .ill still /e more meanA /,t if the Fort,nes /ehold it also the+ .ill a,gment the good promised
a fo,rth part- and mitigate the e*il as m,chA +et still .hat e*er of all this happens- it signifies that the
"ati*e shall die an ,nhapp+ deathA or at least that all his hono,rs- greatness- and shalt at last
s,ffer an eclipse- and set in a clo,d.
1<>. The l<>th consideration is- That tho, ta2e the place of the &ord of the (scendant- and the place of the
&ord of the 12th - and s,/tracting the lesser from the greater add to the remainder the degrees of the
sign ascending and pro6ect from the (scendantA and .here the n,m/er falls the &ord of the sign shall
/e partner .ith the &ord of the ?,estion- and shall /e called the 8rincipal 8artner. (gain- ta2e the
place of the &ord of the said sign- and place of the &ord of the 8art of Fort,ne- and s,/tracting the
lesser from the greater add the degrees of that sign shall /e another 8artner- and /e called the
%econdar+ 8artnerA .hich if it happen to /e the same 8lanet- regard onl+ thatA /,t if different- then ta2e
/oth and s,/tract the lesser from the greater and add the degrees of the sign ascending- and the planet
on .hose Ho,se the n,m/er falls shall /e the third 8artnerA and .hich of those three is the strongest
shall /e the chiefest sharer in the significations of the thing en:,ired after. !f all the remainders- or t.o
of them- shall happen on the Ho,se of one 8lanetA that shall /e preferred. !f the ?,estion seem good-
and those 8artners are ill disposed- the+ .ill diminish of the good signified /+ the ?,estion- and so on
the contrar+A /,t if the ?,estion seem e*il- and the+ are .ell disposed- the+ .ill alla+ and mitigate the
e*il signified /+ the ?,estion- and so li2e.ise on the contrar+.
"; OF TH CO"%!;R(T!O"% OF #$!;O BO"(T$%.
CHO!C (8HOR!%9%
from the
%'" %#9"T% OF C(R;("
#"R(& (8HOR!%9%
1. &ife is short- (rt long- 1perience nor easil+ o/tained- H,dgment diffic,lt- and therefore it is necessar+-
that a %t,dent not onl+ e1ercise himself in considering se*eral Fig,res- /,t also that he diligentl+ read
the .ritings of others .ho ha*e treated rationall+ of this %cience- and ma2e it his /,siness to find o,t
the tr,e nat,ral ca,ses of things /+ e1periments- to 2no. the certain places and processions of the
8lanets and Fi1ed %tars- Constellations- etc.- /,t a/o*e all to /e a passionate lo*er of tr,th.
2. The 8rinciples of (rt are three: Reason- %ense- and 1perience- /,t the 8rinciples of Operations fo,r-
*iJ.: The 8lanets- The 8arts of Hea*en- The Fi1ed %tars- and the %ite or 8osition of all those in respect
of one another.
3. There are some things perfectl+ 2no.n- as the Circle of (scensionA some in a competent meas,re- as
the Re*ol,tion of the %,nA some ma+ /e 2no.n altho,gh the+ +et are not- as the Re*ol,tion of the
%,periorsA some things fall ,nder 2no.ledge- +et cannot /e e1actl+ 2no.n- as the precise !ngress of the
%,n into the :,inoctial pointA some are neither 2no.n- nor can /e 2no.n- as the complete
commi1t,res and distinct *irt,es of the %tars.
<. !t is m,ch .orse for an (rtist to concei*e he 2no.s those things .hich he is ignorant of- than to /e
ignorant of those thing .hich he o,ght to 2no..
=. 9ean learning .ith an e1cellent 6,dgement- a*ails more than a mean 6,dgement .ith the greatest
learning- +et is 6,dgement .ith the greatest learning- +et is 6,dgement *er+ m,ch assisted and perfected
/+ learningA /,t e*er+thing prospers /etter- and is far more easil+ perfected that has nat,re for its g,ide
and fa*o,ra/le stars- than that .hich is attempted /+ h,man ind,str+ tho,gh ne*er so diligent.
>. He that has too great a conceit of himself .ill /e apt to fall into man+ errors in his 6,dgementA +et on
the other side- he that is too diffident- is not fit for this %cience.
B. He that .o,ld tr,l+ promote (rt m,st insist as m,ch on the conf,tation of false opinions deli*ered /+
others- as in the declaration or tr,th.
E. (n (strologer is so far onl+ tr,e and honest- as he depends in his con6ect,res on principles of nat,ral
philosoph+- and since those (rts .hich are inherent in their proper s,/6ects- cannot promise an+
certaint+ concerning matters to come- the (strologer o,ght ne*er to prono,nce an+thing a/sol,tel+ or
peremptoril+ of f,t,re contingencies.
9. Tr,ths of themsel*es are to /e desired- for %cience itself is a certain good- no. the e1pectation of
f,t,re good *er+ m,ch delight ,s- and on the contrar+- .hen f,t,re e*ils are foreseen- .e ma+ either
a*oid them- mitigate them- or at least /ear them more contentedl+.
1F. Hea*en is the instr,ment of the most High #od- .here/+ he acts ,pon- and go*erns inferior things.
11. He that asserts things that can ne*er /e pro*ed /+ e1perience is decei*ed and am/itio,s- /,t th,s it
al.a+s happens- those that are most ignorant of (rt delights to /oast of doing things different or
12. !t is all one as to promoting of (rt- etc.- and the 2no.ledge thereof- either from nati*ities 2no.n- to
predict .hat shall happen- or after accidents ha*e happened- to disco*er the "ati*ities /efore ,n2no.n
.hich are there/+ rectified- /,t as to *,lgar opinion- the first .a+ far e1ceeds the last.
13. He that goes a/o,t to destro+ (rt- is far .orse than he that is ,ns2illed in it- for his mind is f,ll of
malice and idleness as .ell as ignorance.
1<. 9en ma+ /e said almost to /e compelled /+ the %tars- e*en in *ol,ntar+ actions- /+ means of their
corr,pt affections and ignorance.
1=. (l.a+s deli*er 6,dgements from the %tars in general terms- or if tho, dost other.ise let it /e .hen tho,
hast *er+ e*ident testimonies and in great and .eight+ matters.
1>. )e o,ght not to ,se arg,ments or tedio,s disco,rses in gi*ing 6,dgement- m,ch less flatteries- /,t onl+
to prono,nce .hat is 2no.n /+ e1perience and firm reason.
1B. ( main reason .h+ e*ents are so rarel+ foretold /+ (strologers- is /eca,se the (rt is +et /,t
imperfectl+ disco*ered- for hitherto those that ha*e /een most e1cellent in it- /eing commonl+ old
persons- ha*e despaired to li*e to see the fort,nes of children ne.l+7/orn- and the "ati*ities of persons
gro.n ,p- /eing ,ncertain- the+ scarce tho,ght them .orth so m,ch la/o,r.
1E. )hen tr,e genit,res e1actl+ ta2en in accidents pro*e false or a/s,rd- and not agreea/le to the things
signifies- the+ are to /e acco,nted monstro,s- and are to /e a*oided as anatomists do monstro,s /odies
in their dissectionsA for the+ o*erthro. (rt.
19. #enerals are to /e gathered from %ing,lars- and %ing,lars from #enerals- and an (rtist o,ght al.a+s to
learn to disting,ish /et.een that .hich is /+ itself- and that .hich is onl+ /+ accident.
2F. The strength and efficac+ of Fi1ed %tars is to /e considered from their magnit,de- their splendo,rs-
their nat,res or properties- their nearness to the cliptic- their place in the )orld- their m,ltit,de- their
first oriental appearance- the p,rit+ of their place- the similit,de or agreement of the /od+ or ra+s of a
8lanet .ith them and their circle of position.
21. The &ight of the Time is the %,n in the da+- and morning t.ilightA and the 9oon in the night .hen she
is a/o*e the arth- and in her morning risingA so that sometimes their ma+ /e t.o &ights of Time-
sometimes it so happens that there is none.
22. )hen a 8lanet is .ithin fi*e degrees of the c,sp of an+ ho,se- it shall /e acco,nted to ha*e *irt,e in
that ho,se tho,gh act,all+ posited /ehind the c,sp in another ho,se.
23. "ot onl+ Trines and %e1tiles ma+ /e co,nted friendl+ aspects- /,t e*en %:,ares and Oppositions too- if
there happen a Reception.
(8HOR!%9% R&(T!"# TO "(T!'!T!%
1. ( Child is then said to /e /orn .hen first it /reathes in air at its mo,th- .hen o,tside its mother0s .om/.
2. Those that ha*e the &,minaries ,nfort,nate in (ngles .ill /e apt to commit s,icide.
3. Those that ha*e %at,rn in Opposition to H,piter- .ill ne*er en6o+ peace- and those that ha*e the
;ragon0s Tail .ith H,piter- .ill seldom /e rich.
<. Those that ha*e %at,rn and 9ars in the same part of the Podiac .ill /e lia/le- in the co,rse of their li*es-
to ma+ misfort,nesA and if the+ shall /oth /e in Ta,r,s- and posited in the fo,rth ho,se- .hen the
(scendant- /+ direction comes to their ra+s- the "ati*es .ill ha*e some se*ere falls- or /e in danger /+
reason of some r,ino,s /,ilding falling on them.
=. Fi1ed %igns gi*e learningA .ith the e1ception of %corpioA Common %igns- manners and con*ersation-
.ith the e1ception of 'irgo- and 9o*ea/le %igns- riches- .ith the e1ception of CapricornA .hence it
appears that those are /ad "ati*ities that ha*e all the 8lanets in 'irgo- %corpio or Capricorn.
>. !f the (scendant /e one of those %igns called @9,te0- and 9erc,r+ in one that is not h,mane- .ith an+
fi1ed %tar of the nat,re of %at,rn- the "ati*e .ill ne*er spea2 .ell- /,t /ring forth his .ords .ith
B. He that hath the 9oon in Ta,r,s in the second separating from the %:,are or Opposition of H,piter- and
appl+ing to the Trine of the %,n shall o/tain *er+ considera/le riches.
E. )hen the (/scissor- c,tter off of life- or 2illing 8lanet- is on the cliptic- and an !nfort,ne in an (ngle-
the "ati*e .ill die a *iolent death.
9. )hen an !nfort,ne is posited on the c,sp of the Bth ho,se- the "ati*e .ill /e lia/le to great calamities-
and if an !nfort,ne /e in aspect .ith the %,n or 9oon afflicted in the same place- the "ati*e- tho,gh a
8rince- shall s,ffer a .orld of tro,/les.
1F. (ries ascending- signifies the "ati*es to /e handsome- and of a gra*e composed temper- /,t %corpio
on the horoscope- notes them to /e great liars.
11. )hen the 9oon is in %corpio in %:,are of %at,rn in &eo- or in Opposition to him .hen he is partiall+
in Ta,r,s the "ati*e rarel+ has either .ife or children. !f %at,rn /e in (:,ari,s- he .ill /e a mere
12. !f the ;ragon0s Tail /e .ith %at,rn in s:,are of the 9oon- and she Cadent- the "ati*e .ill /e
cons,mpti*e- especiall+ if from an (ngleA /,t if /esides it /e in %:,are to the &ord of the (scendant-
he .ill /e sic2l+ and infirm all the da+s of his life- and if s,ch (spect happen in or from the >th ho,se-
so m,ch the .orse.
13. )hen H,piter is in the >th ho,se- Retrograde- and the &ord of the 2nd 8eregrine- and no /ene*olent
Fi1ed %tar to help- the "ati*e .ill /e *er+ poor and necessito,s.
1<. He tha=t has 9ars in his (scendant shall /e e1posed to man+ dangers- and commonl+
recei*es- at some time- a great scar or c,t- on his face.
1=. 9erc,r+ mi1ing his /eams .ith 9ars- is a great arg,ment of a *iolent death.
1>. !f H,piter and the 9oon in an+ nati*it+ shall /e *er+ .ea2 and afflicted tho,gh other positions seem
ne*er so promising- +et the "ati*e shall /e e1ceedingl+ ,nhapp+.
1B. )hen 'en,s is .ith %at,rn and /eholds the &ord of the (scendant- the "ati*e is inclined to %odom+-
or at least shall lo*e old hard fa*o,red .omen- or poor dirt+ .inches.
1E. )hen 'en,s and H,piter shall /e in the %e*enth- the 9oon /eholding them in her o.n dignities- and
the ;ragon0s Head 6oined .ith them or .ith 9erc,r+- the "ati*e shall get a great state /+ means of
his .i*es.
19. The 9oon f,ll of &ight in Con6,nction .ith 9ars- ma2es the "ati*e to /e co,nted a foolA /,t if she /e
*oid of &ight and .ith %at,rn- he is so indeed.
2F. 'en,s in the heart of the %,n gi*es *ast hono,rs and dignities- the same ma+ /e hoped for- if a 8lanet
.ith the Fi1ed %tar called N3@or &eonisL- /ehold the 9oon.
21. The 9oon in the %e*enth ho,se renders "ati*es s,/6ect to the Falling7sic2ness- and sometimes .hen
she is in the (scendant- /,t generall+ she ma2es them fools if she /e afflicted.
22. Bastard and s,ppositio,s children ha*e fre:,entl+ the (scendant in aspect .ith the
9oon and not .ith the significator of the FatherA and for the most part attended .ith
indications of some great misfort,nes- and either there is no agreement /et.een the
&ord of the fo,rth- the &ord of the second- and the 9oon- or else 'en,s is 6oined .ith
9ars or 9erc,r+.
23. )hen H,piter shall /e in the tenth in Trine of 9ars- and strongA and the %,n .ith the ;ragon0s Head-
and the 9oon .ith Cor &eonisA s,ch "ati*e- tho,gh the son of the meanest peasant- shall /e
.onderf,ll+ e1alted.
2<. )hen an+ 8lanet shall /e partl+ on the c,sp of the se*enth in his o.n ho,se- the "ati*e0s death .ill /e
of the nat,re of that 8lanet and 8lace.
2=. The !nfort,nes in (ngles denote a p,/lic death- or a s,dden oneA the %,n there- afflicted- it shall /e /+
some .eapon- or /,rningA the 9oon- /+ hanging- or dro.ning- according to circ,mstances.
2>. %oO and 9ars peregrine or the ;ragon0s Tail in the 2TL- signifies the "ati*e shall s:,ander a.a+ his
s,/stance or estate foolishl+.
2B. )hen the 9oon in Opposition to the %,n is 6oined .ith ne/,lo,s stars- the "ati*e .ill ha*e some
defect in his sightA if the 9oon in the Bth /e afflicted /+ /oth the !nfort,nes- and if their ra+s are *er+
strong he .ill /e /lind.
2E. The compo,nd ra+s of Ho*e- 'en,s- 9erc,r+- and the 9oon- gi*e the greatest grace and s.eetness of
speech- and therefore .hen H,piter shall /e in 'irgo- and the 9oon in 8isces- it is an opport,ne time
for the /irth of a 8oet. 8oets are al.a+s /orn- not made.
29. That person .ill scarce ma2e a prospero,s end- or perse*ere long in an+ eminent degree- .ho had not
some of his (ncestors0 #enit,res to s+mpathise .ith- and assist his o.n.
3F. The =th sign from the (scendant signifies the "ati*e0s children- /eca,se it is of the same nat,re as the
%ign on the (scendant- and if t.o signs shall /e in the (scendant- the children .ill /e of h,mo,rs and
manners e1ceedingl+ different- the one from the otherA for the same reason the 9th ho,se- signifies
31. The 9oon .ith the ;ragon0s Tail in a "ati*it+ gi*es s,spicion of the mother0s honest+- and hints that
the child is none of the rep,ted father0s /egettingA ho.e*er it .ill pro*e ill7mannered- and for the most
part ,nfort,nate.
32. )hoe*er has H,piter in aspect .ith the %,n- .ill /e pro,d and ha,ght+- and +et shall ha*e little ca,se
for it- ,nless the+ happen to /e in reception.
33. The "ati*ities of .omen in matters appertaining to life- are li2e those of men- /,t as to fort,ne- .holl+
,nli2e- and to,ching manners- after a middle 2ind- neither .holl+ agreea/le- nor .holl+ contrar+.
3<. ( .oman that has 9ars .ith the 9oon is rightA !0ll .arrant her.
3=. !n complete "ati*ities the 9oon ret,rns to the sign ascending at conception- or its opposite- or to the
/od+ or aspect of some 8lanet .ith .hom she .as at the conception- or to her o.n sign- and generall+
the (scendant at /irth is the 9oon0s place at conception- or its opposite- or the place of the &ord of the
"e. 9oon foregoing the conception- +et there are so/er genit,res too- .hen the %,n comes to the
place of the (scendant or its &ord- etc.
3>. )hen 9ars or the 9oon shall /e .ith the ;ragon0s Head or Tail in the t.elfth- and %ol and H,piter in
the fo,rth ho,se- the "ati*e .ill /e h,nch7/ac2ed.
3B. )hen 9ars is &ord of a )oman0s (scendant- and 'en,s posited in it- or 'en,s is &ad+ of it- and 9ars
in it- or 9ars &ord of the (scendant in the 9id7hea*enA it is more than pro/a/le she .ill C,c2old her
3E. The &ord of the (scendant in the Com/,st )a+- sho.s that the "ati*e .ill /e m,ch entangled and
pestered .ith /,siness.
39. !f !nfort,nes /e in the tenth ho,se peregrine- and not friendl+ to the (scendant- the "ati*e .ill /e
al.a+s f,ll of s,spicions and 6ealo,sies.
<F. (ll 8lanets a/o*e the arth- ma2e a man ill,strio,s and generall+ 2no.n far and near- and /eing all
s.ift in motion- render him de1tro,s and nim/le in the dispatch of affairs.
<1. Those that ha*e the 9oon- &ad+ of the (scendant ,nder the arth- .ith the @Tail of the &ion0 and the
@'irgin0s Head0 the %,n in the si1th- and %at,rn or 9ars in their o.n dignities in the (ngles of the Bth-
.ill al.a+s /e *er+ infirm and .ea2.
<2. 9erc,r+ in 8isces la+s an impediment on the tong,e- ma2ing a man a/s,rd in his speech and ,ttering
,na.ares .hat he does not concei*e in his mindA so if that sign ascend.
<3. )hoe*er is /orn on the da+ of the 'ernal :,ino1 at noon- shall /+ that testimon+ alone- /ecome great
in the .orld.
<<. )omen that ha*e their (scendant- 9oon- 9ars- 'en,s- and 9erc,r+ in do,/le7/odied signs- ha*e
generall+ *er+ e*il :,alities.
<=. H,piter *er+ potent in a genit,re al.a+s promises some e1traordinar+ happiness- and if he /e in the
9id7hea*en near the c,sp in Capricorn he gi*es a great deal of good fort,ne /+ means of *iolence and ,nder pretence of 6,stice- /,t the same .ill ha*e an ,nfort,nate iss,e.
<>. Famo,s are those persons in .hose "ati*ities the 9oon recei*es the light of man+ 8lTnets- or is 6oined
to some po.erf,l Ro+al Fi1ed %tar.
<B. )hen %oO and H,piter r,le in the 9th- and o*er the places of 9erc,r+- the 9oon- and (scendant- and
do /ehold each other- s,ch a "ati*e0s .ords .ill /e regarded as oracles.
<E. H,piter and the %,n in the 2nd ho,se- gi*e a gallant- no/le- free spiritA /,t %at,rn and 9ars- or %at,rn
.ith 9erc,r+ in the Bth- render men sordidl+ co*eto,s.
<9. )hen the &ord of the fig,re of a "ati*it+ shall /e Retrograde- and /oth .a+s CadentA the "ati*e .ill
/e a .ea2- poor7spirited- de6ected fello.- /ringing nothing to perfection.
=F. (n (rtist ma+ more easil+ and certainl+ 6,dge of a man0s nati*it+- than of the .eather- /eca,se he
2no.s the time of /irth- /,t not that of the gathering together of *apo,rs.
=1. %oO in &eo alone raises a man- at least scarce e*er s,ffers him to .ant or /eg- and if the same sign
ascends- it /,o+s ,p his spirit .ith hopes- and ma2es him master of more than ordinar+ reason.
=2. !f Cancer ascend- and the 9oon /e in 9o*ea/le or Common signs- especiall+ remote from an (ngle-
the "ati*e is cred,lo,s- light- and inconstant.
=3. 'en,s in the ho,se or e1altation of 9ars is al.a+s a filth+ l,st.
=<. The 9oon is (:,ari,s or 8isces ma2es the "ati*e to /e disli2ed /+ 8rinces- #randees and the ,pper
==. )hen the &ord of the 9id7hea*en separates /+ Retrogradation from the &ord of the (scendant- the
8rince- Cing- or R,ler- shall /e a*erse to the "ati*e- /,t if on the other side the &ord of the (scendant
/eing Retrograde forsa2es the &ord of the tenth- then the "ati*e shall hate his 8rince- Cing or
#o*ernorsA the li2e is to /e ,nderstood of other ho,ses according to their respecti*e significations.
=>. ( "ati*e of a Cit+ ha*ing the same sign and degree ascending .ith that Cit+- shall in that place- /+ that
alone gro. great and eminent.
=B. )hen the &ord of the second applies to the &ord of the (scendantA especiall+ if the &ord of the
(scendant /e H,piterA the "ati*e shall- all his life time- /e happ+ in ac:,iring riches e*en to
=E. )hen the &ord of the (scendant /eholds the %,n .ith a friendl+ aspect of is Oriental ne1t to the %,n-
or 6oined .ith the &ord of the tenth- the "ati*e .ill /e m,ch /elo*ed /+ Cings and great peopleA for
the ca,se of .hich fa*o,r consider the nat,re of the said &ord of the (scendant and his place.
=9. )hen se*eral children ha*e the same accidents and fort,ne- if it /e in their childhood- it ma+ /e sho.n
/+ the genit,res of their parentsA or if in their old age- .e ma+ concl,de the "ati*ities of their 8arents
.ere so po.erf,l that the+ assimilate their "ati*ities /et.een themsel*es and s,it them to the
disposition of Children in the 8aternal Fig,re.
>F. 9ars in mo*ea/le %igns ma2es people hast+ and choleric- /,t more than in Cancer- nor less
than in 'irgo- /,t in the former he generall+ ma2es the tong,e more foolish and impertinent.
>1. %at,rn in the 12th threatens the go,tA in the >th some lasting disease or tedio,s imprisonments.
>2. !f the 9oon /e /et.een 9ars and %ol or .ith them- the "ati*e .ill almost e1change his cradle for a
gra*e- /eing *er+ short7li*ed.
>3. !f the 9oon separates from an !nfort,ne- the "ati*e .ill s,ffer man+ diseases in n,rsing- and
afflictions after.ards.
><. )hoe*er has 'en,s not .ell positedA .ithin the ra+s of 9ars- ,nfort,nate- .ill ass,redl+ s,ffer a
.orld of mischief and tro,/les /+ means of lo*e.
>=. )ater+ %ignsA /,t especiall+- and a/o*e all others- %corpio- ma2e traitorsA and therefore if the 9oon
&ad+ of the (scendant /e in that *ipero,s signA the nati*e .ill /etra+- or pro*e a traitor to his masterA
and if the same position happen in the radi1 of a cit+- its inha/itants .ill /e re/ellio,s against their
8rinces or #o*erno,rs.
>>. 9ars is seldome 6oined .ith 9erc,r+ for good- for he ma2es people na,ght+ and imp,dent- +et
ind,strio,s in (rt- .hence it comes to pass that the /est (rtists are too often the .orst men.
>B. 9ars ,nfort,nate in the 9th- signifies liars and atheists.
>E. He that has 9erc,r+ .ell posited /,t the 9oon afflicted shall ,nderstand .ell- /,t deli/erate ill- and
therefore s,ch- tho,gh the+ ma+ ad*ise others e1cellentl+- +et shall manage their o.n affairs foolishl+.
>9. )hen 'en,s shall /e too po.erf,l in a genit,re- and in places 3terms4 of the !nfort,nes-
incon*eniences are to /e feared from ,nla.f,l lo*es.
BF. )hen the 9oon and 9erc,r+- and the &ord of the (scendant shall /e all in do,/le7/odied %igns- the
"ati*e .ill /e nat,rall+ addicted to old opinions and c,rio,s religio,s notions.
B1. )hen %at,rn and 9ars /ehold each other- and the &,minaries /e posted in the si1th- eighth- or t.elfth
ho,ses- the "ati*e shall la/o,r ,nder some inc,ra/le disease and load a life .holl+ misera/le.
B2. )hen the 9oon is in the 9id7hea*en in Capricorn- and %at,rn- or 9ars in the fo,rth- the "ati*e .ill
/e infamo,s- and so m,ch the .orse if 9ars /e in Ta,r,s- and the 9oon in %corpio- for then man+
tro,/les .ill attend him d,ring his .hole life.
B3. )hen 'en,s is .ith %at,rn and 9ars- and in opposition to the place of the 9oon- the "ati*e shall /e
/,t a fool- +et thin2 himself a 8hilosopher.
B<. For the profession or (rt of the "ati*e .e m,st consider the 8lanet .hich /eing Oriental first ma2es its
egress from ,nder the %,n /eams- and if .ith this there /e another in the 9id7hea*en that /eholds the
9oon- ta2e him for an (ssistant- /,t if there /e no s,ch 8lanet coming from ,nder the %,n /eams ta2e
him that is in the 9id7hea*en- and if there /e none therein posited then the &ord of it- and the places of
9ars- 'en,s- and 9erc,r+- /,t .hen these happen to /e man+- the "ati*e .ill practise se*eral (rtsA
no. the (rt a "ati*e practises is m,ch affected /+ the series of re*ol,tions- .hich if the+ agree .ith
his "ati*it+- he .ill /e delighted .ith itA other.ise he .ill do it against his .ill.
B=. ( prime ca,se of men leading single li*es is the com/,stion of the 9oon in their "ati*ities .ith
%at,rn- or eminentl+ afflicted /+ him- so in .omen if a 8lanet /e com/,st or the %,n in Ta,r,s greatl+
B>. 9ars and 9erc,r+ e*ill+ disposed- and in con6,nction .ith the 9oon- signifies Thie*es and Ro//ers-
/,t if %at,rn /ehold them- or /e in the se*enth- the+ .ill s,ffer according to their deserts- and therefore
.hene*er +o, see indications of grie*o,s crimes- consider .hether the !nfort,nes are strong or not- and
oppress the %,n- 9oon or &ord of the (scendantA or if the &ord of (scendant /e com/,st- or an enem+
to the 9oon- for then ,ndo,/tedl+ the "ati*e .ill s,ffer for his *illain+.
BB. )hen the 9oon- is 6oined to %at,rn in an (ngle- the "ati*e tho,gh a #randee .ill /e red,ced to
BE. &et him that has 9ars in the 2nd ho,se /e.are of concerning himself in merchandise.
B9. He that hath a "ati*it+ ,nfort,nate for riches and hono,r- and +et the 9oon in con6,nction .ith an
eminent propitio,s fi1ed star- shall ,ne1pectedl+ /ecome potent- and again fall to miser+- /,t to 6,dge
of the greatness of the e*ent consider the state of the 9oon.
EF. )hen 'en,s is in the 11th- 9erc,r+ in the 12th- the %,n in the horoscope- H,piter in the 2nd- %at,rn in
the >th- and the 9oon in the 9th- so man+ and great accidents .ill happen to the "ati*e that his life
ma+ 6,stl+ /e esteemed prodigio,s.
E1. %at,rn- 9ars and the ;ragon0s Head in the <th- /eto2en s,dden ;eath.
E2. )hen the 9oon in a noct,rnal #enit,re passes /+ her /eams from 9ars to %at,rn- man+
incon*eniences .ill happen to the "ati*e- chiefl+ occassioned /+ .omen.
E3. Those persons are li2e to pro*e *er+ learned in .hose nati*ities- %at,rn- 'en,s- H,piter- and the 9oon-
do e1actl+ /ehold 9erc,r+- pro*ided that neither %at,rn nor the 9oon /e posited in the (scendant-
and that there /e no 8lanet in an (ngle- for an+ 8lanet strong in an (ngle is an impediment to .isdom.
E<. )hen the %,n is peregrine in NCorde CoeliL shall /e in s:,are of the 9oon in the BtTl- the "ati*e .ill
come to /e the chief of his famil+ or faction- /,t shall die s,ddenl+.
E=. !n all "ati*ities e1amine e1actl+ all the 9oon0s condition in relation to the three .a+s .here/+ she is
e1alted for @tis *er+ necessar+.
E>. )hen !nfort,nes are in (ngles- and Fort,nes in %,cceedent ho,ses- or the 9oon com/,st- and the
&ord of her place strong and happ+- or H,piter Cadent- and his disposition .ell dignified:77the "ati*e
from a sad mean condition and great miser+ shall rise to a considera/le grande,r and felicit+- and so on
the contrar+.
EB. )hen the 9oon- 'en,s and 9ars are altogether in con6,nction- @tis time to /ring "eros and s,ch
c,rsed monsters of man2ind into the .orld: the "ati*es manners are prodigio,sl+ .ic2ed.
EE. H,piter ele*ated and a little infort,nated- destro+s the "ati*e0s children- /,t preser*es his estate:A if he
/e descending and lo. and not ,nfort,nate- he gi*es children /,t not an estate.
E9. )hen %at,rn does not threaten a *iolent death- +et if he /e in- or lord of the %e*enth or ighth Ho,ses-
he signifies the "ati*e shall die for grief of mind.
9F. !nfort,nes peregrine in the %e*enth Ho,se- ha*ing dominion in the (scendant- denote the deaths of the
"ati*e0s .i*es or enemies.
91. !t is ne1t to impossi/le that the+ that ha*e ne*er a planet a/o*e the earth- nor in the (scendant of their
nati*ities- sho,ld either li*e long or accomplish an+ great matters in the .orld.
92. The n,m/er of a "ati*e0s .i*es onl+ one at once is la.f,l4 is to /e fo,nd o,t not onl+ from the
conco,rse of the 8lanets or Common signs- /,t .ith .hat +o, m,st consider that fit applications of the
9oon to 8lanets at ripe +ears- and testimonies of the ;eath of )i*es do also conc,r.
93. )hen 9ars and 9erc,r+ afflict the &ord of the %e*enth- /eing ele*ated a/o*e him- the "ati*e .ill 2ill
his .ife or his enem+- e*en tho,gh it /e .ith poison- especiall+ if either of then ha*e in the
9<. !f ma .oman0s nati*it+ 9ars shall /e ,nder the %,n7/eames- she .ill /e apt to pla+ the Harlot .ith her
%er*ants and mean fello.sA /,t if 'en,s /e tr,e- then she .ill trade discreetl+ .ith "o/les and gallants
of :,alit+.
9=. !nfort,nes afflicting the place of children- if the+ /e /,t a little .ea2- the "ati*e ma+ ha*e childrenA if
m,ch de/ilited- the children he has .ill dieA if the+ /e *er+ .ea2- he .ill /e .holl+ /arren.
9>. )hen the &ord of the #enit,re is an !nfort,ne and does not /ehold the place of children- or /eing a
Fort,ne /eholds them .ith an (spect of hatred- the "ati*e .ill ne*er lo*e his Children as he o,ght to
9B. )hen 9erc,r+ is ,nder the earth he has a greater efficac+ in relation to gi*ing (rts and %ciences- /,t
in respect of elo:,ence he is /est .hen he is a/o*e the earth.
9E. )hen 9ars is e1actl+ on the c,sp of the 9id7hea*en- and has no domination in the (scendant- if the
"ati*e li*e to an+ considera/le age- @tis m,ch to /e feared that he .ill /e 2illed.
99. )hen it happens that the %ignificators of persons of :,alit+ .ell posited in their o.n genit,res- are
s,ch as .ere ,nfort,nate in the "ati*ities of their 8arents- it signifies that the+ shall spin o,t a
la/orio,s life as to riches and hono,r to a considera/le age- and then /+ s,ccessi*e increases- shall
attain to great states and minence- .hen @tis e*ident that the li*es of no persons ma+ /e more ,nli2e
to each other- than theirs .ho .ere /orn at the same time.
1FF."ati*ities .hich can ne*er /e good- are s,ch as ha*e /oth the !nfort,nes in the same place 6oined to
one of the &,minaries- or .hen the !nfort,nes single are singl+ 6oined to the &,minaries- or .hen the
9oon is ,nder the %,n/eams .ith %at,rn or 9ars- or .here all the 8lanets are in the 3T- >thi- E311 or
12th ho,ses: or .hen the !nfort,nes are in (ngles- and the &,minaries and Fort,nes cadent- or .hen
the &,minaries onl+ are cadent and all the other 8lanets Retrograde- or .hen /oth the &,minaries- and
/oth the Fort,nes are afflicted- or .hen onl+ 9ars is a/o*e the earth the other 8lanets not /eing
m,t,all+ 6oined nor in (ngles.
(8HOR!%9% CO"CR"!"# R'O&$T!O"%
1. Re*ol,tions ma+ /e said to /e accomplished fi*e .a+s- first- /+ the ret,rn of the %,n to the same point-
.hich is most *alid. %econdl+- the ret,rn of the centre of a planet to the same place of the cliptic- of .hich
2ind that of the 9oon first- and then those of %at,rn and H,piter are chief. Thirdl+- the ret,rn of the centre
of some smaller Circle to the same place. Fo,rthl+- the ret,rn of a 8lanet to his place in a smaller circle.
Fifthl+- the ret,rn of a 8lanet .here.ith he .as in the /eginning 6oined as it is the place of another 8lanet.
2. )hen the ;ragon0s Tail in a "ati*it+ ,nfort,natel+ /eholds the &ord of the (scendant and in a Re*ol,tion
the 9oon shall /e 6oined there.ith- and the &ord of the Ho,se of ;eath /eing then in the place of an
!nfort,ne in the Radi1- shall li2e.ise /ehold it- the 8art+ that +ear .ill die.
3. )hen the !nfort,nes are strong in the Radi1- and the 9oon applies to a po.erf,l Fi1ed %tar of the "at,re of
9ars in a Re*ol,tion- the 8art+ .ill /e apt to commit mansla,ghter that +ear- or /e in danger a/o,t it.
<. Re*ol,tions ma+ prod,ce effects happening in the +ears either /eca,se one +ear is preparati*e to
another- or /eca,se the "ati*it+ decrees .hat the Re*ol,tion perfects- or /+ reason of the greatness of the
e*ent as death- or of the ca,ses- as .hen the %,n is e1actl+ in opposition of H,piter.
=. )hen the (scendant of a Re*ol,tion is the same .ith that of the 8erson0s "ati*it+- something promised in
the genit,re happens- /,t m,ch more certainl+ is the 9oon shall /e also in her place of the genit,re- or the
&ord of the (scendant in a place partiall+ /ehold the same ho,se of the Radi1.
>. !f in a Re*ol,tion the &ord of the #enit,re Retrograde 3if he /e one of the !nferiors4- /egins to /e ,nder the
%,n7/eams- or 3if he /e one of the %,periors4 if he /e afflicted /+ an !nfort,ne- +o, ma+ e1pect some
danger of +o,r life that +ear.
B. )hen H,piter in a Re*ol,tion /eholds the 9oon or 'en,s- or /e in an (ngle in either of their places in the
Radi1- it inclines the 8art+- if of fit age that +ear- to marr+.
E. )hen in a 8erson0s Re*ol,tion .hose onl+ significator of life .as de/ilitated in the Radi1- the Fort,nes
shall /e com/,st in an+ ho,se /,t the (scendant- and the !nfort,nes /eing a/o*e the arth- shall /ehold the
%,n- (scendant and 9oon- or the 9oon /e ,nder the arth- s,ch person .itho,t an+ ill direction ma+ die
that +ear.
9. !f a #enit,re /e .ea2 as to &ife- and three 8lanets /e 6oined in a Re*ol,tion- there is imminent danger of
some eminent disease- especiall+ if the+ happen in the >th ho,se.
1F. )hen at ripe (ge a Re*ol,tion shall ha*e 'en,s in %e1tile of 9erc,r+- .ho .as 6oined to her in the
#enesis in the same place- the "ati*e .ill /e strangel+ ha,nted .ith .anton tho,ghts and *enereal
imaginations- and if the+ shall /e in con6,nction in the same place .here /efore the+ .ere %e1tile- he shall
that +ear en6o+ some mistress that he is m,ch enamo,red of.
11. )hen in the ho,r of a Re*ol,tion the %,perior 8lanets or others shall /e 6oined in the place of a Radical
%ignificator- e1cept from thence some nota/le matter to happen of that 2ind .hich is there/+ nat,rall+
12. )hen the 9oon is 6oined .ith %at,rn in a Re*ol,tion- and he casts a %:,are to the (scendant- s,ch person
shall that +ear s,ffer in his /od+ /+ reason of a disease of his mind.
13. The additions that are made /+ the procession of the %,n in an ann,al Re*ol,tion- transfer the significations
for near ,pon so man+ da+s after the Re*ol,tion- as there are +ears past.
1<. )hen the 9oon agreeing .ith %at,rn in the Radi1- or /eing .ith an+ other 8lanet in his dignities- if she
happen in a Re*ol,tion 3after the age of fort+ +ears4 to /e corporall+ 6oined .ith %at,rn in the same latit,de-
or /eing f,ll of light shall /e in opposition to him and in contrar+ latit,de from the si1th ho,se to the eighth-
the "ati*e .ill ,ndo,/tedl+ fall into some strange disease and die thereof.
1=. )hen the ho,ses of the (scendant or 9oon in the Radi1 shall /e in %:,are or Opposition to the !nfort,nes
in a Re*ol,tion- the "ati*e .ill s,ffer m,ch tro,/le- /,t if the 9oon /e in Con6,nction .ith them- then he
shall do m,ch mischief to other people- /,t if /esides this the !nfort,nes are &ords of inimical places- He
shall /oth do damage to others and s,ffer m,ch himself.
1>. The 8artic,lar times of accidents happening are to /e fo,nd o,t from ann,al and monthl+ re*ol,tions and
1B. Fatal .ill that +ear /e to the "ati*e0s health- .hen in the Re*ol,tion man+ of the H+legicals come to /ad
places of the Fig,re- or to the (spects of the !nfort,nes.
1E. !f an+ 8lanet /e afflicted in an ann,al re*ol,tion- the effects .ill appear .hen he shall appl+ /e /od+-
%:,are or Opposition to the 8lanet that is &ord of the sign .herein he is.
19. ;iseases are for the most part of nat,re of the &ord of the si1th ho,se- or the 8lanet therein posited as .ell
in Re*ol,tions as "ati*ities.
2F. The Re*ol,tion of a +ear is one thing in time- .hich is the ret,rn of the %,n to the same point from the
:,inoctial: 77another thing in the )orld- .hich is its ret,rn to the same Fi1ed %tar- and +et another thing in
"ati*ities- .hich is its ret,rn to its former placeA /,t .ith the addition of so m,ch of the cliptic as he
passes thro,gh in one nat,ral da+.
(8HOR!%9% R&(T!"# TO ;C$9B!T$R%-
;!%(%%- 8H5%!C- Ic.
1. !n sic2ness- the (scendant shall signif+ the 8atient- the Bth ho,se the disease- the &,minaries the
8atient0s strength- the !nfort,nes the strength of the disease- /,t the Eth ho,se has al.a+s a share in the
2. )hen the 9oon applies to 8lanets of a nat,re contrar+ to that of the distemper- especiall+ if the+ /e
Fort,nes- the disease .ill /e changed for the /etter.
3. )hen the 9oon in the /eginning of a sic2ness 3.hich is called the ;ec,m/it,re of the 8atient4 shall /e
either ,nder the %,n /eams or .ith the ;ragon0s Tail- %at,rn or 9ars- it threatens e1traordinar+
danger- and if the part+ /e old- e*en her con6,nction .ith H,piter- 9erc,r+- or 'en,s- is not .itho,t
perilA the same /,t nothing so grie*o,s ma+ /e feared .hen she is in %:,are or Opposition to an+ of
them- /,t if /esides all this she shall happen to ha*e /een in their places in the 8atient0s genit,re- he
.ill certainl+ die.
<. 9ars- H,piter and 'en,s r,le the /loodA 9ars and %ol- cholerA the 9oon and 'en,s- phlegmA %at,rn
and 9erc,r+- melanchol+A and 9ars and 9erc,r+ .ith the %,n- /lac2 choler.
=. %at,rn ca,ses long diseasesA 'en,s indifferentA 9erc,r+ *ario,s onesA the 9oon s,ch as ret,rn after a
certain time- as 'ertigoes- Falling7sic2ness- Ic. H,piter and %ol gi*e short diseases- /,t 9ars the most
ac,te of all.
>. )hen +o, find the Fig,re at the /eginning of a grie*o,s distemper to appear m,ch more mild and
fa*o,ra/le than the distemper- +o, ma+ concl,de the disease contracts it malignit+ from the "ati*it+-
the principal places fall ,pon some disastro,s config,rations.
B. !t is necessar+ to consider the &,nations preceding the disease and thence li2e.ise to ta2e indications
of the 8atient0s condition.
E. !f +o, find a 8erson after the age of =F +ears la/o,r ,nder strong and fre:,ent diseases- +o, ma+
concl,de the significator of life in his Radi1 to /e sorel+ afflicted /+ the /od+ or aspects of one of the
9. )hen the 9oon is in a fi1ed sign ph+sic .or2s the less- and if in (ries- Ta,r,s- or Capricorn it .ill /e
apt to pro*e na,seo,s and *er+ distastef,l to the 8atient.
1F. !n 8,rging- @tis /est that /oth the 9oon and &ord of the (scendant descend and /e
,nder the arthA77in *omiting that the+ ascend.
11. !n 8,rging- 'omiting- Bleeding- ma2ing ,se of iss,es- etc.- o,ght to /e done .hile the 9oon is in
moist signs- the chief of .hich is 8isces- the ne1t Cancer.
12. The significator of life in the Radi1 /eing strong in nat,ral diseases helps *er+ m,ch-
/,t in cas,alties- little or nothing.
13. )hen the 9oon is .ith 'en,s- Choler is /etter and more safel+ e1pelledA and .hen she is .ith H,piter-
1<. *er+ immoderate 8osition of the Hea*ens to 8ersons .ea2 and aged- /rings deathA to others *iolent
accidents and grie*o,s calamities.
1=. !f a disease /egin .hen the 9oon is in Opposition to the %,n- @tis /+ reason of s,perfl,it+ of h,mo,rsA
if she s,ffer an eclipse- the same time @tis for .ea2ness of the %pirits and 'ital
1>. The !nfort,nes /eing Oriental- ca,ses ;iseasesA Occidental- defect.
1B. 'en,s .ith %at,rn in the se*enth and 9ars ele*ated a/o*e them /oth- ca,ses /arrenness in men- and
(/ortions in )omen.
1E. %agittar+ and #emini signif+ ;iseases that come .ith falling- as s.ooning- Falling7sic2ness-
%,ffocations of the .om/- etc.
19. )hen at the /eginning of a disease the &,minaries are /oth .ith the !nfort,nes- or in Opposition to
them- the sic2 .ill *er+ hardl+ escape.
2F. From the 9oon0s applications to the Fort,nes or good aspect of the %,n- the same /eing neither
contrar+ to the disease- nor afflicted- nor in the of the !nfort,nesA77 health ma+ /e e1pected- /,t
/+ her going to the !nfort,nes of li2e nat,re .ith the disease- or ill /eams of the %,n- death is to /e
21. Cold and dr+ diseases- s,ch as are nat,rall+ long- are increased /+ %at,rnA /,t those that are short- hot
and dr+- from 9ars.
22. ( con6,nction of the &,minaries in (ries- ca,ses alteration and death- if 'en,s and 9erc,r+ /e there
retrogradeA the li2e if it happen in %corpio or 'irgo or in an+ h,mane signA so li2e.ise if s,ch
Con6,nction fall in the >th- Bth or Eth ho,se of the fig,re of the ;ec,m/it,re .ithin the (spect of an
!nfort,ne- the 8atient .ill /e in great danger.
23. 9ars in the (scendant in a ;ec,m/it,re- ma2es the disease- s.ift- *iolent- afflicting the ,pper parts
and dist,r/ing the 9indA and if /esides this- the dispositors of the &,minaries and (scendant happen to
/e afflicted- death .ill follo.A the li2e if /oth the &,minaries /e Cadent from (ngles- and not assisted
/+ the Fort,nesA /,t if in s,ch a position- the Fort,nes strong shall ha*e dominion in t.o places- the
disease .ill /e changed from (c,te to Chronic- and the 8atient .ill escape /e+ond hope.
2<. From the first ho,r of the da+ 3or one in the morning incl,si*e4 till si1- /lood predominates- .hence
morning sleeps /ecome so s.eet and pleasantA from thence to noon- CholerA afternoon- 8hlegm- and
from the /eginning of the night till mid7night- 9elanchol+.
2=. %at,rn in Fier+ %igns .hen the %,n is .ea2 ca,ses hectic fe*ersA H,piter sang,inar+ ones- and if 9ars
/ehold him 8,trid onesA 9ars in s,ch signs gi*es /,rning fe*ers of all sortsA 'en,s ephemeral fe*ers-
and if the ra+s of 9ars /e mi1ed- p,trid ones from phlegmA 9erc,r+ mi1ed ones- /,t if the 9oon /e
6oined .ith him she ma2es pit,ito,s fe*ers from the corr,ption of the h,mo,rsA %at,rn mi1ing
signification .ith 9ars- ca,ses 9elanchol+ fe*ers- and if 9ars /e ,nder the %,n in the si1th or t.elfth
ho,se in Fier+ %igns- or /eing so posited shall cast his /eams on the %ignificator of life- or the &ord of
the (scendant of the Re*ol,tion- or if the &ord of the (scendant or %ignificator of life appl+ to his
aspect /+ direction- it occasions /,rning pernicio,s fe*ers and li2e to *enomo,s onesA /,t if to these-
%at,rn or the ;ragon0s Head or Tail- or 'en,s Com/,st /e added- or if these 8lanets shall /e posited
in %corpio or &eo- the fe*er .ill /e altogether pestilential.
2>. 9ischie*o,s fe*ers are ca,sed .hen the %,n is afflicted in &eo- /,t if other.ise he /e fortified the+
seldom happen- /eca,se the matter then corr,pts and is carried off- ,nless /+ chance.
2B. )ater+ signs threaten 8,trid fe*ers of *er+ /ad contin,ance if 9ars 3especiall+ com/,st4 ha*e an+ r,le
in them- /,t earthl+ signs are altogether free from p,trid fe*ers.
2E. !t .ill /e a fatal time to s,ffer amp,tation or lose a mem/er .hen the 9oon is in an o/li:,e sign ,nder
the %,n /eams and opposed to 9ars.
29. ( tedio,s tra*ail and deli*er+ in child7/irth is to /e e1pected- .hen the 9oon is aspected /+ the
!nfort,nes- and in an o/li:,e sign- and 8lanet retrograde or slo. of motion in the (scendant.
3F. 'en,s is cold in the second degree- and moist in the thirdA the 9oon cold in the third- and moist in the
fo,rthA H,piter hot in the second- and moist in the firstA the %,n hot in the third- and dr+ in the secondA
9ars dr+ in the third- and hot in the fo,rthA and %at,rn /oth cold and dr+ in the fo,rth.
31. The special %ignificator of a disease is that ,nfort,nate 8lanet from .hom the %ignificator separates /+
a /ad aspectA and the &ord of the (scendant sho.s the ca,se of the grief if he /e fo,nd
32. !f the &ord of the (scendant /e an !nfort,ne the sic2 .ill /e ,nr,l+- /,t if he /e a Fort,ne he .ill
readil+ ta2e .hat is prescri/ed.
33. The =th ho,se and its &ord- sho. the medicines- and nat,re .hether good or e*il- proper or improper.
3<. (s the Re*ol,tion of a +ear as to its ill significations- happens according to the directions from the
genit,re- so that the dec,m/it,re as to its .orse significations is reg,lated /+ the re*ol,tion according
to &,nar directions.
3=. %e*eral 8lanets /eing %ignificators sho. that the distemper is complicated of se*eral diseases.
3>. The %ignification of the disease in do,/le7/odied signs signifies a relapse- or that it .ill change into
some other distemper.
3B. The disease is desperate- .hen the %ignificator of the sic2 either in his "ati*it+ or dec,m/it,re- has
dominion in the <th ho,se.
3E. That sign in .hich the %ignificator of the disease is posited- and that to .hich he casts an+ aspect-
sho. the mem/ers or parts of the /od+ principall+ afflicted.
39. )hen 9erc,r+ is ,nfort,nate he pre6,dices the phantas+ and in.ard fac,lties- and thence threatens
madness- Ic.- /,t so m,ch the .orse if 9ars /e the 8lanet that afflicts him- for then if he /e in an
arth+ %ign it threatens the 8atient .ill ma2e a.a+ .ith himself.
<F. !t is a *er+ /ad sign .hen the %ignificator of the sic2ness is in the >th- or the &ord of the >th in the Eth-
or the &ord of the Eth- in the >th ho,se.
<1. 9erc,r+ significator of a disease in aspect .ith %at,rn- or %at,rn significator in
aspect of 9erc,r+- gi*es s,spicion of .itchcraft and enchantment.
<2. ( chronical disease 3that is a disease .hich ,s,all+ contin,es a/o*e a month4 is r,led /+ the motion of
the %,nA ac,te diseases 3.hich are more sharp and *iolent /,t less lasting4 /+ the motion of the 9oon-
according to .hose s.ifter or motion the critical times are either hastened or retarded- the same
/eing .hen the 9oon comes to
a sign contrar+ in /oth :,alities to that in .hich she .as in the /eginning of the disease.
<3. For c,ring a mem/er- the 9oon and &ord of the (scendant sho,ld /e free from !mpediment- the sign
that go*erns the 8art ascending and the 9oon posited in it- and .hen +o, thin2 to do an+ good to +o,r
e+es- let the 9oon /e fort,nate- increasing in light and /+ no means in a sign of the arth+ Triplicit+.
<<. *en the Fort,nes in diseases ma+ /ecome !nfort,nes- *iJ.- .hen the disease itself is of their nat,re- or
of the nat,re of things /+ them signified- and in s,ch case the !nfort,nes ma+ /e said to /e fort,nes- for
contraries are c,red /+ contraries.
(8HOR!%9% CO"CR"!"# &CT!O"%
1. (n lection signifies nothing or *er+ little ,nless it correspond .ith the "ati*it+- and time .herein +o,
2. !f +o, .o,ld ha*e an+thing 2ept secret let the 9oon /e ,nder the %,n /eames .hen +o, do it.
3. 9a2e no ne. clothes- nor first p,t them on .hen the 9oon is in %corpio- especiall+ if she /e f,ll of light
and /eheld of 9ars- for the+ .ill /e apt to /e torn and :,ic2l+ .orn o,t.
<. )hen in an lection +o, cannot fit the 9oon to t.o 8lanets that +o, ha*e occasion for- at once- 6oin her to
some fi1ed %tar that is of the nat,re of them /oth.
=. )hen +o, .o,ld s,ddenl+ finish a thing- place the 9oon and %ignificator in mo*ea/le signs- /,t if +o,
.o,ld ha*e +o,r .or2 last long- let them /e in fi1ed ones- and for this reason it /ecomes so diffic,lt for a
man to attain to do /oth.
>. The /est election a man can ma2e is to the place of his ha/itation: for if the (scendant of the Cit+ he d.ells
in /e the place of his (scendant- he .ill ha*e his health .ellA if the 9id7hea*en- he .ill come to
prefermentA if it /e the place of the %,n in the "ati*it+- he .ill ,ndo,/tedl+ o/tain hono,r and dignitiesA if
of H,piter he .ill gro. richA if of the 9oon he .ill /e *er+ happ+ in most respects there.
B. *er+ man0s genit,re in some things agrees .ith- and in some differs from another0s- .e sho,ld therefore
deal .ith people 3as to important matters4 onl+ in things .herein their "ati*ities s+mpathiJe .ith o,rs- /,t
in other things to for/ear- and indeed .e o,ght generall+ to a*oid the societ+ of a person the &ord of .hose
(scendant is an !nfort,ne and 6oined .ith the ;ragon0s Tail or an+ male*olent Fi1ed %tar- for ,nless there
/e a great agreement /et.een o,r "ati*ities the+ .ill do ,s some mischief- tho,gh perhaps against their
E. )hen the significators of 6o,rnies are in .ater+ signs and the !nfort,nes 3or the Fort,nes themsel*es
,nfriendl+ posited4 /e ele*ated a/o*e them- the :,erent .ill /e m,ch tro,/led in his 6o,rnies .ith /ad
.eather and tempests- and note that the ca,ses or /,siness of 6o,rnies is to /e disco*ered from the
dispositors of the significators.
9. 5o, ma+ sometimes ,se the !nfort,nes as 8h+sicians do poisons- for the+ prod,ce strong effectsA /,t ,se
them li2e those- sparingl+ and .ith ca,tion.
1F. "e.s or reports raised and spread a/road .hilst the 9oon is in the /eginning of %corpio or Capricorn are
generall+ false- /,t if she /e .ith H,piter in a masc,line sign the+ are li2e to pro*e tr,e.
11. Begin not to /,ild .hilst the 9oon is in %corpio or 8isces or .hen a so,thern sign ascends- nor let the
9oon or &ord of the fo,rth appl+ to a Retrograde 8lanet- for it threatens that s,ch edifices shall soon fall or
/e r,ined.
12. (t 8la+ and in )ar it is said that it is considera/le for a man to ha*e his face loo2 to.ards a friendl+ 8art of
Hea*en- and that if /oth parties do so- the contest .ill /e tedio,sA if neither of them- then /oth in /attle .ill
/e m,ch pre6,diced- and in gaming there .ill /e little .on on either side- /,t if one of them onl+ loo2 that
.a+- he .ill soon con:,er his antagonist.
13. !n e*er+ lection- let the 9oon and &ord of the (scendant /e free from impediment of affliction.
1<. B,t if .hen the 9oon s,ffers some impediment from another 8lanet- tho, art forced on that da+ to ma2e an
election- let a sign ascend that is either the ho,se or e1altation of that 8lanet so impediting.
1=. !t is /est to ,nderta2e 6o,rne+s .hen the significators are in mo*ea/le signs- for the+ signif+ celerit+ and
ret,rn .ith dispatch of /,siness- /,t fi1ed signs in s,ch cases are *er+ /ad- so also it is if the &ord of the
(scendant or 9oon happen to /e in the >th- Eth- or 12th ho,ses.
1>. !t is ,ndenia/le thing 3in general4 to deli*er a petition or re:,est to a great person .hen the 9oon applies to
H,piter- and he is 6oined .ith the ;ragon0s Head in the 9idhea*en.
(8HOR!%9% R&(T!"# TO C&!8%% ("; CO9T%
1. !n an lection it is necessar+ to consider the strength of the 8lanet then r,ling- for his significations
.ill chiefl+ appear.
2. clipses of the %,n ha*e po.erf,l effects- and therefore if the+ fall ,pon a *er+ flo,rishing and
promising crop the+ generall+ damif+ it- so that it scarce comes to an+thing near .hat might ha*e /een
3. )hen at the time of an clipse the %ignificator of life in an+ person0s Radi1 shall /e .ithin the Beams
of the (nareta or 2illing 8lanet- or of an !nfort,ne not friendl+ disposed- s,ch nati*e .ill inc,r
e1traordinar+ haJard of his life.
<. !n general some clipses of the l,minaries at the time or e*en /efore the+ happen raise sho.ers and
rain- others great dro,ghts- some *iolent .inds- others earth:,a2es- some scarcit+ of the fr,its of the
earth- others terri/le fires.
=. ( Cornet ,s,all+ foresho.s the /irth of some famo,s persons in some time after to happen- for he is
not said to /e /orn ,nder it 3in this sense4 .ho is /orn d,ring the time of its appearance- /,t he that is
/orn in that region or co,ntr+ s,/6ect to s,ch an (ngle or Fig,re- and hath his %,n and 9oon in its
place- or the &,minaries and the &ord of his (scendant- in cardinal signs- .hen the Comet rises- sets or
c,lminates- and the li2e.
>. ( Comet in the ast- signifies the rise of some eminent*erA in the 9id7hea*en- of some po.erf,l
Cing- /,t seldom and ill,strio,s matter .hen @tis in the )est or s,cceedent ho,se.
B. Comets .hen the+ are immo*ea/le- signif+ seditions- /,t .hen mo*ea/le the+ denote Foreign )ars-
and one "ation in*ading anotherA in Cardinal %igns- the death of 8rinces and great menA in the ninth
ho,se- scandal or detriment to ReligionA in the tenth or t.elfth ho,ses- the pestilence or scarcit+ of
cornA and in the ele*enth ho,se- great sla,ghter and destr,ction of "o/lemen.
E. !f a Comet appear .hilst a .oman goes .ith child- if it /e either in the fo,rth- si1th- or eighth month-
s,ch child .ill pro*e prone to anger and :,arrels- and if he /e of :,alit+- to sedition.
9. "o eclipse .hatsoe*er can threaten a scarcit+ or plag,e to the .hole arth- nor can the pestilence
contin,e a/o*e fo,r +ears in one place.
1F. clipses in the fo,rth ho,se are more strong and efficacio,s than in the eighth or
t.elfth ho,ses- and in the (scendant more than in the ninth or ele*enth.
11. (n clipse of the 9oon e1tends its effects as man+ months- and of the s,n so man+ +ears- as it
contin,es ho,rs.
12. (n clipse has a threefold effect- first po.erf,l /+ reason of the con6,nction or opposition on .hich it
happensA second general- /eca,se it slo.l+ cools- in .hich respect it is e1tended for a long time.
Thirdl+ .hich it has from the &ord of the place .here it happens and other positions at that
13. clipses operate more forci/l+ on Cities- 8ro*inces- and Cingdoms than on 8artic,lar persons of
pri*ate condition- or e*en ,pon Cings and 8rinces- for their effects rather respect the m,ltit,de.
1<. )hen clipses happen or Comets appear in arthl+ %igns the+ portend /arrenness and scarcit+ /+
reason of e1cessi*e dro,ghtsA .hen in )ater+ %igns /+ reason of too m,ch rainA in (ir+ %igns the+
signif+ might+ .inds- seditions and the pestilenceA in Fier+ %igns terri/le )ars and sla,ghters.
(8HOR!%9% TO$CH!"# )(THR- 9TOR%- Ic.
1. )hen %at,rn passes o,t of one sign into another- +o, ma+ e1pect for se*eral da+s together strange
9eteors and splendid sights or apparitions in the hea*ens.
2. )hen signs *er+ different from the common co,rse of nat,re appear a/o,t the %,n- or in or a/o,t the
9oon- %tars- or an+ part of Hea*en- if +o, o/ser*e the place .here the+ appear- and the fig,re of the
hea*en from the /eginning to the end- tho, ma+est ,nderstand .hat the+ portend.
3. The &ord of the !nterl,nar+ Fig,re signifies *er+ m,ch as to the :,alit+ of the (ir- and also the 8lanet
that /eholds him- especiall+ if the+ /e in Cardinal %igns.
<. )hen %at,rn is Com/,st in the ho,ses of 9ars- and 9ars /eholds him- he often /egets conical fig,res
.hich are seen in the air composed of *apors that ascend- and are signs of an earth:,a2e to ens,e.
=. %at,rn and 9ars- and 9ars and the %,n- and 9ars and 9erc,r+- ca,se hailA %at,rn most in s,mmer-
%ol and 9erc,r+ most in a,t,mn- and those that ca,se hail in these t.o :,arters ca,se sno. in the
.inter and spring.
>. %at,rn .ith the &,minaries- H,piter .ith 9erc,r+ and 9ars .ith 'en,s- ma2e an Apertio portar"mor
an opening of the gates- and ,s,all+ ca,se some nota/le change of .eather.
B. )hen a/o,t the /eginning of .inter %at,rn shall dispose of the 9oon- e1pect ,n,s,al Colds .ith a
clo,d+ season and rain.
E. )hene*er %at,rn is 6oined to the %,n the heat is remitted and the cold increased- .hich alone ma+ /e a
s,fficient testimon+ of the tr,th of (strolog+
9. )hen 9ars and 9erc,r+ are 6oined and /ehold the 9oon or &ord of the (scendant in the si1th or
se*enth ho,se- the+ portend a great dro,ght to ens,e.
1F. The %tar has a great efficac+ on the air- to .hich the 9oon shall /e first 6oined after her con6,nction-
opposition or s:,are .ith the %,n.
11. The mi1t,re of the /eams of Ho*e and 9ars in moist signs gi*es Th,nder .ith s,dden sho.ers.
12. H,piter nat,rall+ raises "orth )inds- %at,rn asterl+A 9ars )esternA 'en,s %o,thern- and 9erc,r+
9i1ed )inds- according as /e applies to other 8lanets.
%O9 (8HOR!%9% R&(T!"# TO H$%B(";R5
1. !f +o, pr,ne +o,r *ines .hen the 9oon is at f,ll in Ta,r,s- &eo- %corpio- %agittari,s- neither .orms nor
/irds .ill infest +o,r grapes.
2. #raft not Trees- the 9oon .aning- or not to /e seen- and if +o, shear sheep in her increase their .ool .ill
gro. again the /etter.
3. Fr,its and )ood for ,se sho,ld /e c,t in the decrease of the 9oon- /,t if +o, .o,ld ha*e Tim/er to 2eep
long- fell it to.ards the latter end of the .inter- the 9oon /eing ,nder the earth- and /eheld /+ %at,rn- for
that .ill pre*ent its rotting- and render it e1ceedingl+ hard and d,ra/le.
<. B,t fire .ood and .hat +o, .o,ld ha*e gro. :,ic2l+ again- c,t .hen the 9oon is a/o*e the arth in the
first :,arter either 6oined to 'en,s or H,piter.
=. %o. or 8lant .hen the 9oon is in Ta,r,s- 'irgo or %corpio in good aspect of %at,rn- /,t .hen she is in
Cancer set or so. all 2inds of p,lse- and in &i/ra or Capricorn dress +o,r gardens and trim +o,r small trees
and shr,/s.
>. %at,rn in fi1ed signs ca,ses scarcit+ of corn- dear +ears- and the death of man+ men.
B. )hen trees /lossom the+ are most apt to /e affected .ith in6,ries from the Hea*ens- for then the+ are li2e
teeming .omen and .hen the+ ha*e p,t o,t their fr,its li2e ",rses gi*ing s,c2- .hich can end,re more
than .hen the+ .ent .ith childA and therefore if clipses happen .hilst a tree is /looming- it most times
ca,ses a scarcit+ of that 2ind of fr,it that +ear- and indeed the plent+ of corn and fr,it is not m,ch
disco*ered from the 'ernal fig,re of Re*ol,tion of the )orld- as from the temperat,re of the air- in
moist,re- dr+ness- or ine:,alit+- as also from the ne. and f,ll 9oons- and risings of the %tarsA and clipses-
especiall+ happening then .hilst things respecti*el+ /lossom.
E. ( 9ale*olent 8lanet /eing &ord of the +ear- tho,gh fort,nate- generall+ h,rts all fr,its of the earth- /,t
those partic,larl+ signified /+ himself.
(8HOR!%9% R&(T!"# TO #"R(& (CC!;"T%.
1. %at,rn o/tains Cingdoms or %,premac+ of /+ la/o,r- fra,d- and infam+: 9ars
/+ *alo,r- rapine and cr,elt+A /,t H,piter /+ H,stice and great opinion of the goodness and
2. )hen %at,rn is in &i/ra and H,piter in Cancer- great changes and alterations shall
happen in the .orld.
3. For disco*ering s,ch grand m,tations .e sho,ld .ell consider the great- mean- and
lesser con6,nctions of the 8lanets in the se*eral Trigons- the remo*es of the %,periors
from one sign to another- as also their application to the Fi1ed %tars.
<. &i2e.ise the changes of the (/sides of the 8lanets ca,se m,tations in go*ernments
and la.s- .hich is a point *er+ m,ch to /e regarded.
=. 9erc,r+ .ith an ,nfort,nate 8lanet in the ele*enth- denotes the esta/lishment of
some se*ere or ,n6,st la.s in the .orld.
>. ( Con6,nction of 9ars and %at,rn in the si1th or eighth ho,se- especiall+ in a
h,mane sign- signifies a great 8estilence.
B. )hen in the Radi1 of an+ Cit+ 9ars shall /e in the 9id7hea*en- in !nha/itants .ill
/e inclined to %edition. !f %at,rn /e there the+ .ill /e *er+ mischie*o,s- +et *er+
E. !f 9ars /e signified note the (ngle of the fig,re .herein 9ars is posited- for from
that 8art the nemies shall come.
"; OF TH (8HOR!%9% OF C(R;("
3)hereas mention is often made in the foregoing treatise of the Fi1ed %tars- and their eminent ,se in
(strolog+- .e ha*e tho,ght fit for the /enefit of the reader to
add the ta/le of their places.4
( C(T(&O#$ OF F!FT5 OF TH 9O%T 8R!"C!8(& F!U; %T(R%. their tr,e &ongit,de- &atit,de- 9agnit,de- and "at,res- to the 5ear of Christ 1BFF- Han. 1. Foe
e*er+ +ear /efore- s,/tract- and for e*er+ 5ear after add =F seconds to or from their &ongit,de in the
Ta/le- and +o, ha*e their tr,e places for an+ time past- present. or to come.

The %tar in the end of the )ing of 8egas,s
The Head of (ndromeda
)hale0s Bell+
The #irdle of (ndromenda
%o,thern %tar in the former Horn of the Ram
The horn of the Ram
= A FF
1F A F9
13 A <B
2> A 11
2E A =9
29 A <=
12 " 3=
2= " <2
2= % F1
2= " =9
B " FE
E " 29
Bright %tar in the Head of the Ram
The &eft Foot of (ndromeda
The Bright %tar in the Ha. of the )hale
The Head of 9ed,sa
The middle and /right %tar of the se*en %tars
3 B 2E
1F B F1
1F B 19
21 B =9
2= B <>
9 " =B
2B " <>
12 % 3B
22 " 22
< " FF
The "orth +e of the B,ll
The %o,th +e called (lde/aren- 8atilici,m
The Bright Foot of Orion- Rigel
The former %ho,lder of Orion
The %hee7#oat
The former %tar in Orion0s Belt
The middle %tar in Orion0s Belt
The highest %tar in the Head of Orion
The %tar in the e1tremit+ of the %o,th horn of the B,ll
The %ho,lder of Orion
The right %ho,lder of (,riga
< C 1=
= C 3<
12 C <9
1> C <=
1B C <E
1E C 12
19 C 1>
19 C 33
2F C 3<
2< C 3<
2> C <<
2B C 1<
2 % 3>
= % 31
31 % 11
1> % =3
22 " =1
23 % 3E
2< % 33
13 % 2>
2 % 1<
1> % F>
F % 13
21 " 2B
The /right Foot of #emini
High Head of 31 Castor- (pollo
8oll,1- Herc,les
The &esser ;og
< D =3
1> D F
19 D F=
21 D <F
> % <E
1F " F2
> " 3E
1= % =B
The "orth (ssell,s
The %o,th (sscll,s
The Heart of H+dra
Basilisc,s- Cor &eonis- Reg,l,s
The middle %tar in the &+on0s "ec2
3 E 2E
3 E 19
< E 3F
23 E F=
2= E 2F
2= E 22
1 " 1<
3 " FE
F % F<
22 % 2<
F " 2>
E " <B
The /ac2 of the &+on
The Tail of the &+on
The %tar ,nder the 'irgin0s #irdle
B F F3
1B F 2=
= F <=
B F 1B
1< " 2F
12 " 1E
1> " 1=
E " <1
The 'irgin0s %pie2- (rista 19 G 3E 1 " =9 1 T U
%o,th Ballance
"orth Ballance
&cft Hand of Ophi,ch,s
Higher %tar in the Forehead of the %corpion
1F H. =3
1= H 1F
2 Ht FE
2E H =E
F " 2=
E " 3=
1B " 19
1 " F=
The left 2nee of Ophi,c,s
The %corpion0s Heart- (ntares
The right 2nee of Ophi,c,s
= I F2
= I 3=
13 I <E
11 " 3F
< % 2B
B " 1E
Bright %tar in the hand of the )ater7Bearer Bright %tar of the
2B J 31
2B J 31
E " 1F
29 " 21
The 9o,th of 8egas,s
B K 2<
29 K 33
19 K 1E
22 " FB
21 = FF
19 " 2>
%o,th Tail of the )hale 29 L 1E 2F % <B 2 W

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