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Principle 1- Stability The lower the centre of gravity, the larger the base of support, the closer the line of gravity to the centre of the base of support, and the greater the mass, the more STABILITY increases. There are two types of stability !. Linear a" Static# at rest a person stability is proportional to the mass and the frictional forces between the person and any supporting surfaces. b" Dynamic# $hile moving a person%s linear stability is directly related to momentum. The heavier the athlete and the faster his movements, the greater the person%s linear stability. &. Rotary a" 'esistance against being pushed over b" 'esistance of rotating an ob(ect or person against a reduction in rate of spin. Principle 2- Maximum Force In order for ma)imum force to be produced it re*uires the use of as many (oints in the body possible. Principle 3- Maximum Velocity +or ma)imum velocity to be produced it re*uires the use of the (oints from largest to smallest. Leaving out one (oint can reduce the overall force. Principle 4- Applied Impul e The greater the applied impulse, the greater the increase in velocity.


Impul e! Force x "ime

Principle #- Direction ,ovement usually occurs in the direction opposite to the applied force. Principle $- An%ular Motion Angular motion is produced by the application of a force acting at a distance from an a)is, by means of tor*ue. Angular momentum increases the closer the force is to the a)is. Principle &- An%ular Momentum This principle refers to constant momentum when and athlete or ob(ect is free in the air.

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