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Month in Holland
March 2014 his Month!s "ocus
Our theme will continue to be In The Country In The City

- Chec the !nac calendar &or your day# AM count$ 20 1M count$ 12 -%hen colorin") (lea!e wor on control and !tayin" in the line! -Con&erence! March 12th 3 14th

Each wee thi! month we will be learnin" a new letter# The letter! are$ Aa, Mm, Nn, and Vv.
Reading: %e are wor in" on letter identi&ication and letter !ound!' Matchin" word! with the !ame be"innin" !ound'

Wish #ist
-.y!ol %i(e! -+nac /a"! -Colored E0(o Mar er!

Writing: %riter! write about (eo(le) (lace!) and thin"! they now about' %riter! write with a (lan' *raw it) +ay it) %rite it' %e are wor in" on lea,in" !(ace! between word!' Math: We are working on joining and separating groups. Recognizing when a group has increased or decreased. Also, understanding whole, parts, and parts that make a whole. +cience$ %e are loo in" at !imilaritie! and di&&erence! between the city and the country'

$pcoming %vents
-March 4rd56th$ *r' +eu!! %ee -March 12th$ Con&erence!57O +CHOO. -March 14th$ Con&erence!57O +CHOO. -March 14th$ 7O +CHOO.

&app' (irthda') 8endyll5 March 4th *onnabelle5 March 29th

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