Learn The Use of Present Continuous Tense

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Simple/ Present Continuous Tense.

To A. B. C. D. be discussed: The pattern. The use. Time signal Verbs not used in P.Cont.T


The pattern

(+) Subject + to be +V[ing] (- ) Subject + to be+not+V[ing] (?) To be+ Subject + V[ing]? To be is, am, are
Example: Please dont make so much noise, the baby is sleeping. Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a caf. Tom says Im taking an English course at the moment. Ill go to USA when Ive finished. Ann, would you like to play tennis with me this Saturday?. Oh, Im sorry Tom. Im attending our family gathering this Saturday

B. The use of Present Continuous Tense

1. At the moment of speaking
Look! Its raining hard outside. What are you trying to say? I don understand. Your baby is crying, she needs milk. Excuse me, Im looking for a phone box? Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own house. On TV, the president candidates are persuading us to choose them. Tom isnt playing football this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies.

2. Around the time of speaking

3. For fixed plan or schedule

This is Toms diary for next week. He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon. He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning. He is having dinner with Ann on Friday. In all these examples, Tom has already decided decide and arranged to do these things

C. Time signal or time marker

Now At the moment Right now Today. this year, this month, etc

D. Verbs which are not normally used in Present Cont. Tense

Want like belong Need love see Prefer hate hear Know realize believe suppose mean forget Understand remember seem Think [opinion] I am believing you. I believe you

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