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Mobile Banking

Introduction of mobile banking

Mobile Banking This term is used for performing balance check account transaction and payments. Financial transaction used log on to bank website using cell phone programe down load Your bank.

History of Mobile Banking

New York commercial Bank who in ent first !utomatic teller machine "!TM# in $%&%.To pro ide better facility to their customer the struggle on inno ation continue so that in mid $%%' internet Banking introduce.

Mobile Banking in (akistan

)ut reach of mobile banking . !lmost all commercial bank after getting green signal from state Bank of (akistan ha e come up with mobile Banking as a substitute for banking points* branches . This will substantially add to their out reach.

Muslim +ommercial Bank

M+B is the first bank who recently launched Mobile Banking in (akistan .It is internet base ser ice that run on mobile broswer. Microfinance banks are going to ahead for agency arrangements with (akistan post for e,panding their out reach in rural areas in particular Mostly for deli ery of credit and collecting repayments .-nder this inno ation arrangements points of sale de ice electronic message through mobile phone can pro ided fastest ser ice and it also can lead to .uick settlement of funds bet (akistan post and the dealing bank

Tameer Bank and Telenor

Tamer Bank is also recently launch easy paisa Mobile banking in collaboration with Telenor is pro ided different facilities. +ell phone industry has grown ery fast. By /une 0''& the number of cell phone users had reached 1&.& million Monthly increase two million new users. This gi e ample opportunity to financial institute to e,pand

2er ice (ro ided through Mobile banking

$.Transaction Base Funds transfer Make 3onation Bill payments 0.4n.uiry Base !ccount balance +he.ue book re.uest Ministatements

!d antages of Mobile Banking

The biggest ad antage of Mobile Banking cut down the cost for pro iding ser ice to customer Mobile Banking reduced their administration e,pense and create opportunity for lunching new credit and sa ing product for all segments of population

3isad antages of Mobile Banking

For mobile banking re.uired (.+ and internet connection . But funds transfer through M.banking has yet to pick up growing terrorism and increasing cyber crimes are infact impeding use of ser ice generally.

(romotion of Mobile Banking

To promote mobile banking for funds transfer ser ice need to de elop a software and hardware which is not ulnerable to cyber crime

3uty of (hone company

In order to a oid risk like financing terrorist acti ity or money laundering go ernment should allow cell phone companies to conduct proper screening of their customer before their registration.


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