Earth Day Project Rubric

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Earth Day 3 Rs Project Rubric 3 points Has both pieces that are complete Shows a good understanding of the

3 Rs by correctly telling what they mean and giving examples Chose a resource that can be recycled or reused and gives specific examples of how it can be recycled or reused. Letter is persuasive to the reader and gives at least 3 supporting reasons for taking action. Posters message matches that of the letter. It is detailed, neat, and colorful. It includes pictures (drawn or printed). 4 or fewer mistakes total on letter and poster 2 points Has both pieces, one of which is complete Shows some understanding of at least 2 of the 3 Rs with examples. 1 point Has only one piece that has been started or finished Shows little understanding of the 3 Rs. Can tell what some, but not all, mean. Does not give examples. Chose a resource that can be recycled or reused. No explanation given. 0 points Does not have any pieces Shows no understanding of what the 3 Rs mean and does not give examples

Required pieces of project (letter and poster) Understanding of the 3 Rs

Chosen resource for collection

Persuasive Letter

Chose a resource that can be recycled or reused. Explains that it can be recycled or reused but isnt specific. Letter is persuasive to the reader and gives 2 supporting reasons for taking action. Posters message matches that of the letter. It is neat and colorful, but not that detailed. It includes pictures (drawn or printed). 5-8 mistakes total on letter and poster

Chose a resource that cannot be recycled or reused, and no explanation given.

Letter is somewhat persuasive, with only 1 supporting reason given for taking action. Posters message matches that of the letter. It is not detailed, neat, or colorful. It does not include pictures.


Letter is not persuasive, with not supporting reasons given that make the reader want to take action. Posters message does not match the message of the letter. It is not detailed, neat, or colorful. It does not include pictures. More than 12 mistakes total on letter and poster

Punctuation, Grammar, and Spelling

9-12 mistakes total on letter and poster

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