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This PETITION is being pressed without frivolous or vexatious intent, in order to fix a mess called Law and Order.

It s being underta!en b" our P#P $uadra E%&, and is being pressed b" this agent '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (" initialling each entr", this E%& agent hereb" verifies that the individual who signed this form is who claims to be, and in so doing our $uadra E%& will collect and forward this PETITION for verification to the appropriate authorities

, who sign this petition do so to in order to press what at face value will end the h"pocris" in %emocrac", through Peaceful means in order to achieve the goal of reall" being e)ual before and under the law. *e the undersigned are petitioning our courts and governors to fix the fundamental wrongdoing created b" perverting the foundation of law and order N&#EL+, - no one is above the law. . *e the undersigned are Peacefull" pressing all Public Officials to underta!e the trust to fix this flaw b" converting the &ct of /upremac" of 0112 to no body is above the law as a wa"s and means to return to a civil societ" that is governed under full protection of 3anada s 3onstitutional rule of law N&#E 4print5 &%%6E// 4regular or email5 /I7N&T86E 3E6TI9IE6

(" placing an 4:5 on "our E.#&IL address, means we can contact "ou to ;oin our 9aceboo!, Twitter, 7oogle< Our E%& certifies that under the Elections &ct, the information on this form is for private inspection onl".

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