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Name ___Billy Mondragon_________________________

Week 2 Appendix
Application Practice Answer the following questions TRUE or FALSE. Save this file to your hard drive by selecting Save As from the File menu. Click the white s ace below each question to maintain ro er formatting. !ach question is worth two oints. ". ______true_________ #he set of natural numbers includes $. %. ______true_________ &. ______false_________ ). _____true__________ +. _______false________ -. _____false__________ *. ____true___________ ,. ______true_________ .. _______false________ by a = x . "$. _______false________ #he sum of two negative numbers is always negative. 'or any integer a( then a $ = $ a #he fraction
) < , - &* is not fully sim lified. """

#he equation x + x = x has no solution. "* is a solution of the equation ". = % x "+ Solving by = ax for the variable x gives the solution
& + x = "$ + x has no solution.

/ritten by 0ames 1alles( for MA# ""- at A2ia 3niversity

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