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Read Isaiah 8:11-22.

Every day you see him. You walk by him at the marketplace in the afternoon every day. As the days have gone by you have noticed that his face has begun to look more and more pale, losing its spirit. You remember him years ago, when he was celebrated and greatly admired. But now hes disrespected, ridiculed and mocked. You, yourself, are even surprised upon hearing about the things that he has been saying recently. You are shocked because you remember all the blessings he had spoken about for us in the past. Everyone remembered him as a true patriot but now everyone thinks he is a traitor. You also remember him as more than just a good man, he was a man of God. One who was believed to have spoken with God, face-to-face. His reputation preceded him and he was loved by everybody but that has all changed now. Today is the day though that you decided that you were going to hear what all the fuss was about concerning this man. You decided that you were going to at least give him a chance. So you approached him where he was speaking to the people. Most of who were there were mocking him and chanting out to him, Lies! Much of what he was saying was really difficult to accept, speaking about destruction and death, yet you knew the man to be true in the past and he had been right on several accounts before. He was speaking about how God had dealt with his people in the past and about how our nation was looking at seeing similar consequences. These consequences were not good, yet you knew that the past could not be denied. What do we do when the people around us contradict was Gods plan has been all along? When we put these kinds of people under the scrutiny of divine truth, it will be less tempting to want to follow after false messages. How do we respond to those who are calling out our sin and those who admonish us? How would we respond to Isaiah?

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