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Use the past simple to complete each sentence:

1. She 2. The storm 3. An apple ". #ike's ball %. &ane (. The part) midnight. +. , -. .e

(go) to the disco alone. (start) at about ten o'clock. (drop) on e!ton's head.

(roll) do!n the hill and into the ri$er. (get) the best score in the 'nglish test. (begin) at eight o'clock and (*inish) at

(sell) m) old red guitar and (!alk) along the beach until !e

(bu)) a trumpet. (see) the ca*e.

Present Simple or Past Simple 1. She (go) to Australia in 1994 and she liked it very much. 2. My father usually (like) his steak well done. !. "he dog (eat) its toy last night. 4. "he #oliceman (talk) to the $urglar yesterday. %. (you &have) a test last week' (. ) often see her mother $ut she never (s#eak) to me. *. "he gentleman (s#eak) to his servant 2 hours ago. +. "he kangaroo always (carry) its $a$y. 9. My friend (talk) a lot every day.

1,. "he man (drive) to the su#ermarket last weekend. 11. My $rothers (leave) for -ngland last week. 12. My sisters (leave) for -ngland every year in .une. 1!. ) don/t like that man $ecause he often (laugh) at me. 14. 0er sister never (smoke). 1%. "he cat usually (leave) its $asket when it is hungry.

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