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Digital Literacy

Web 2.0 Tools in the Classroom

What is Web 2.0?

Web 1.0: Internet = Repository of Information + Static Content Web 2.0: Internet = User Generated Content + Cloud Computing Brought about by Increased Bandwidth and Computing Power

ISTE Standards for Teachers

2: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

Digital Literacy
Process of Teaching and Learning about technology and the use of technology.

Source: Digital Citizenship in Schools, Second Edition by Mike Ribble

Types of Web 2.0 Tools

Social Media Tools Content Curation Tools Blogs Presentation Tools Productivity Tools Many, Many More


What is one Web 2.0 tool that could be used to create an interactive timeline?



What is one content curation tool we discussed?

Blendspace Listly


What Web 2.0 tool can be used to create an online interactive poster?


Follow-Up Activity
Create an account on Blendspace. Create a Curated Content List of a topic of your choice. Include at least FIVE different resources. E-mail the link to your list to your instructor.

Did this workshop increase your knowledge of Web 2.0 tools and was it applicable to you as an educator?

Thank you for your participation!

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