Some of You Are Looking For Alternative Textbooks To Broaden Your Knowledge. Here Is Our Recommended List

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Some of you are looking for alternative textbooks to broaden your knowledge. Here is our recommended list.

Introductory finance focusing on intuition building: 1. Ross-Westerfield-Jordan: Fundamentals of corporate finance !roduct"$%%&&'((1)* +. ,odie--erton: Finance http://,odie/dp/%1''1%()&0 1ccounting2 in order of sophistication: 1. Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts2 methods2 and uses / 3lyde !. 4tic5ney ... 6et al.7. 1'th ed. 4outh-Western 3engage 8earning2 +%1%. +. Intermediate 1ccounting ith ,ritish 1ir ays 1nnual Report J. "avid 4piceland2 James 4epe2 -ar5 9elson . -c:ra -;ill/Ir in< =th ed. '. Financial reporting > analysis / 8a rence Revsine2 "aniel W. 3ollins2 W. ,ruce Johnson. 'rd ed. !earson/!rentice ;all2 +%%*. 3orporate finance2 in order of sophistication: 1. 3orporate finance / Jonathan ,er52 !eter "e-ar.o. !earson 1ddison Wesley2 +%%&. +. http://boo5.ivo- free online te?tboo5 '. 1pplied corporate finance / 1s ath "amodaran. 'rd ed. Wiley2 +%11. *. 3orporate finance: theory and practice / 1s ath "amodaran. +nd ed. Wiley2 +%%1. 4trategy: @. Ahe "elta -odel: Reinventing Bour ,usiness 4trategy 1rnoldo 3. ;a?. 4pringer< 1st ed. +%%) =. 4trategy and the ,usiness 8andscape C'rd DditionE !an5aF D. :hema at. !rentice ;all< +%%) &. 4trategic -anagement :arth 4aloner2 1ndrea 4hepard2 Joel !odolny Wiley< 1st ed. +%%1

1dvanced te?tboo5s:

1nalysis and Galuation: Hrishna :. !alepu and !aul -. ;ealy: ,usiness 1nalysis > Galuation Ising Financial 4tatements2 Ae?t and 3ases2 Fourth Ddition2 Ahomson/4outhWestern2 +%%( http://,usiness-1nalysis-Galuation-Financial4tatements/dp/%'+*'%+)+* ->1: "onald -. "e!amphilis: -ergers2 1cJuisitions2 and Kther Restructuring 1ctivities. 1n Integrated 1pproach to !rocess2 Aools2 3ases2 and 4olutions. =th Ddition2 1cademic !ress2 +%11 http://'(@*(@&/ref$srL1L1#s$boo5s>ie$IAF(>Jid$1'@+(%*(=+>sr$11>5ey ords$"onaldM-.M"e!amphilisN'1M-ergersN+3M1cJuisitions N+3MandMKtherMRestructuringM1ctivities 4toc5 mar5et manipulation2 its conseJuences and prevention: Regulating competition in the stoc5 mar5ets2 edited by 8a rence R. Hlein2 Gi5toria "al5o2 -ichael ;. Wang2 John Wiley and 4ons2 +%1+. http://*(1=/ref$srL1L1#s$boo5s>ie$IAF(>Jid$1'@+(%*)*+>sr$11>5ey ords$dal5o

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