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The Burren


What is the Burren?

The Burren is a great example of a Karst landscape What is a karst landscape? A Karst landscape is a geological formation shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of permeable bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone which is found in the Burren

What is it famous for?

It is well known because of its Natural features Flora Fauna Beauty

What type of rock is limestone? It is formed on the bed of a shallow sea It is made from skeleton remains (teeth,bones,shells)of marine creatures such as fish and coral

Remains build up over time

Compressed Cemented to form rock containing fossils It is a sedimentary rock, What are the other rock types?

Limestone containing fossils

This is a limestone pavement with clints and grikes

But how are these formed?

Limestone contains calcium carbonate-this does not dissolve in water HOWEVER-rain water mixes with carbon dioxide in the air and forms a weak acid. This reacts with the limestone causing clints and grikes to form were the limestone has been weathered. What is weathering? The breaking down of rock due to exposure to the atmosphere

Stalagmites and stalactites what are they?

Weak acid in rain dissolves the limestone
Dissolved limestone stays in water The water seeps through roof of cave and leaves droplets on the roof of the cave which form stalactites Some drops on the ground forming stalagmites

When they join pillar is formed

Aillwee cave in the Burren is very famous.

Aillwee Cave near Ballyvaughan, containing vast, dry caverns, is one of Ireland's oldest caves and must have formed when the landscape of the Burren was very different from that of the present day. Exploring the cave of Pol an Ionain at Ballynalackan, involves a low, stony crawl in water. However, at the end of the crawl, the explorer enters a large chamber where, hanging from the roof is a huge stalactite, 6.7 m long and reputedly the longest known in the world.

The burren is known for its flora and fauna(plant life and animal life)

Ox Eye Daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum

This cheerful flower is still used in Irish herbal medicine. relieving coughs and chest infections It is thought to be relaxing It is a tonic drink and can be used in a similar way to chamomile. Also used to relieve bruises, wounds and ulcers.

Burren fauna

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