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DTE Student Name & ID No.: Leslie Middleton G00273688

Sub e!t: D.".G. &u#il )ea' G'ou#: *t+ )ea' Lesson No. * o, -8 Date: -6t+ 1an 20-0

To#i!$s%: &e's#e!ti(e &'o e!tion No. o, &u#ils: -3 Len.t+ /, Lesson: 00 mins Time o, Lesson: -2:*0

-. ST2TEMENT /3 T4E &5&ILS6 &7E8I/5S 9N/:LEDGE 2ND S9ILLS In t+e #'e(ious lesson t+e #u#ils ;e'e int'odu!ed to t;o #oint #e's#e!ti(e in ;+i!+ t+e< !om#leted t+e oute' ,'ame o, a !on!'ete blo!=. T+e ,ollo;in. #'o!edu'es ;e'e ta=en to !om#lete t+e >uestion u# until t+is #oint. T+e #u#ils !an no;: "om#lete t+e #lan (ie; o, t+e ob e!t and lo!ate t+e s#e!tato' on t+e #a.e. 1oin t+e t;o most out;a'dl< ba!= to t+e s#e!tato' and bise!t t+e an.le bet;een t+em. "onst'u!t t+e #i!tu'e #lane #e'#endi!ula' to t+e bise!ted line? @0mm ,'om t+e s#e!tato'. Lo!ate t+e t;o (anis+in. #oints b< !onst'u!tin. t;o lines ,'om t+e s#e!tato' to t+e #i!tu'e #lane #a'allel to t+e t;o o, t+e blo!=. &osition t+e .'ound le(el line belo; t+e s#e!tato' and lo!ate t+e 4o'iAon line usin. t+e +ei.+t o, t+e s#e!tato' ,'om t+e GL.

T'ans,e' t+e t;o (anis+in. #oints do;n onto t+e 4o'iAon line. Lo!ate t+e ,i'st line o, t+e blo!= usin. t+e tele#+one #ole t+eo'<. 3inis+ t+e oute' su',a!es o, t+e blo!= b< oinin. all ba!= to t+e (anis+in. #oints.

2. 72TI/N2LE 3/7 T4E SELE"TI/N & ST75"T57ING /3 S5B1E"T M2TTE7 2ND 3/7 T4E MET4/D/L/G) In t+is lesson I ;ill ,i'st 'e!a# o(e' t+e ste#s ta=en to t+e >uestion as stated in t+e #'e(ious =no;led.e. I ;ill do t+is usin. bot+ t+e #u#il6s memo'< and unde'standin. in !on un!tion ;it+ an animated &o;e'&oint slide. 9e< te'minolo.< ;o'ds ;ill be stu!= on t+e boa'd ,o' lite'a!< 'easons. I ;ill t+en inst'u!t t+e #u#ils on t+e !o''e!t met+od ,o' ,inis+in. t+e >uestion usin. bot+ a #+<si!al model o, a !ube in !on un!tion ;it+ t+e &o;e'&oint. I ;ill #la!e t+e !ube outside t+e ;indo; o, t+e !lass'oom as it ;ill 'e#'esent t+e #i!tu'e #lane in t+e >uestion. Lines ;ill t+en be d'a;n on t+e !ube to 'esemble t+e !on!'ete blo!=. &u#ils ;ill !om#lete t+e >uestion ;it+ a !lea' unde'standin. o, +o; and ;+< ea!+ line ;as !onst'u!ted.

3. 2IMS T+e aims o, t+is lesson a'e to Des!'ibe t+e ste#s ta=en in t+e #'e(ious lesson and >uestion ;+< t+e< ;e'e ta=en to !om#lete t+e >uestion. 8isualiAe t+at as a line mo(es !lose' to t+e #i!tu'e #lane t+e line a##ea's la'.e' on t+e #a.e and (i!e (e'sa. "om#lete t+e >uestion o, t+e !a(it< blo!= to lea(in. !e'ti,i!ate standa'ds.

0. LE27NING /5T"/MES & "/77ES&/NDING 2SSESSMENTS Learning Outcomes (LOs) enabled to 7e(ise t+e di,,e'ent ste#s ta=en to !om#lete t+e oute' o, t+e blo!=. /bse'(e +o; t+e ob e!t a##ea's smalle' as it mo(es a;a< ,'om t+e #i!tu'e #lane. 3inis+ t+e >uestion b< ,illin. in t+e t;o !a(it< +oles on t+e to# o, t+e blo!=. Assessment of LOs variety of ty es.) "lass dis!ussion on t+e di,,e'ent ste#s ta=en #'e(iousl< and >uestion ;+< ea!+ ste# ;as ta=en. Cuestion t+e #u#ils b< loo=in. out t+e ;indo; and obse'(in. a model !ube as it mo(es ,u't+e' a;a<. Monito' t+e !lass'oom and #'o(ide assistan!e i, ne!essa'<.

At the end of this lesson the students will be (Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a

*. &L2NNING 3/7 LITE72") & N5ME72") In o'de' to en+an!e to #u#ils lite'a!< s=ills? t+e 'e!a# at t+e be.innin. o, t+e lesson ;ill !onsist o, eD#lainin. =e< ste#s lea'ned in t+e #'e(ious lesson. Laminated ;o'ds ;ill t+en be stu!= on t+e !+al=boa'd to 'emind t+em o, s#ellin.s t+'ou.+out t+e lesson. Nume'a!< s=ills ;ill be en+an!ed as #u#ils 'ead t+e measu'ements ,'om t+ei' teDt boo=s. 2ll measu'ements ;ill be measu'ed usin. bot+ set s>ua'es and 'ule's. 7eadin. measu'ements ;ill !onstantl< en+an!e nume'a!< s=ills. 6. &L2NNING 3/7 DI33E7ENTI2TI/N &u#ils ;+o a'e ,inis+ed t+ei' d'a;in.s >ui!=l< ;ill be .i(en t+e o##o'tunit< to !onst'u!t a s=et!+ o, t+e !a(it< blo!= at t+e bottom o, t+e #a.e in !on un!tion ;it+ t+e #e's#e!ti(e

d'a;in.. T+is ;ill en+an!e t+ei' s=ills ,o' t+e D.".G. #'o e!t. T+e sli.+tl< ;ea=e' #u#ils a'e onl< 'e>ui'ed to !onst'u!t t+e t+e blo!= as t+is is su,,i!ient lea'nin. ,o' a t+i'd lesson o, &e's#e!ti(e #'o e!tion. I ;ill also en!ou'a.e #u#ils to +el# out t+ei' #ee's i, t+e< a'e +a(in. di,,i!ulties. 7. T4E LESS/N SEC5EN"E TIME LINE !ins 0E* TE2"4E7 2"TI8ITIES Set indu!tion? 'oll !all &5&IL 2"TI8ITIES and Students ;ill 'e#l< to t+ei' name bein. !alled and ta=e e>ui#ment ,'om t+e #'ess a!!o'din. to !lass 'ota. *E-* 2 detailed 'e!a# on t+e #'e(ious Ea!+ #u#il dis!usses a di,,e'ent #'o!ess !lasses lea'nin. ;it+ dis!ussion and t+e a!tions 'e>ui'ed to !om#lete it. t+'ou.+ t+e ste# b< ste# #'o!esses o, !om#letin. t+e #'e(ious >uestion. -*E2* 2n animated &o;e'&oint o, a T;o &oint &e's#e!ti(e Cuestion ;ill be s+o;n usin. #i!tu'es and eDam#les. 2*E30 &'o!esses eD#lained usin. a model !ube outside t+e ;indo; o, t+e !lass'oom. 30E3* "lose monito'in. o, t+e #u#ils as t+e< !om#lete a T;o &oint #e's#e!ti(e >uestion ;+ile #assin. &u#ils !om#lete t+e >uestion and as= t+e tea!+e' ,o' ad(i!e i, ne!essa'<. &u#ils listen to eD#lanation and as= >uestions i, needed. Students ;ill ;at!+ t+e #'esentation and ,inis+ t+e t;o !a(it< +oles on t+e to# o, t+e blo!=.

dist'ibution o, e>ui#ment.

a'ound a #+<si!al model. 3*E00 "lass !lean u# ,ollo;ed b< #u#ils &a!= a;a< all e>ui#ment a!!o'din. to s#ellin. t+e di,,e'ent te'minolo.< 'ota and ans;e' >uestions ;+en as=ed. used ;it+ t+e to#i!.

8. TE2"4ING 7ES/57"ES

"lass Names. &e's#e!ti(e Model. Model o, a "ube. &e's#e!ti(e Ne; :o'ds. &e's#e!ti(e &'o e!tion &o;e'&oint. "lass 7ota &oste'. "+al= and Boa'd. #-62E-63? 2nde'son? D. $2007%. Graphics in Design & Communication. Dublin: Gill & Ma!millan LTD.

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