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Ulises Celestino Stephan Topf ENGL114B 1 March 2014 NFG Style Summary "We can come back in about

500 years and talk about It." says former rocket scientist and current college president, Mr. Duncan. Mr. Duncan has a very unique idea, one that may be interpreted by some as science fiction and by others as a thing to worry about or begin to prepare for. Mr. Duncan believes that technology on earth is improving at a constant rate, a rate so fast that it is inevitable that the world and all its inhabitants will be surpassed by technology. Duncan is absolutely confident that this technological advancement will occur. Mr. Duncan states that as the days go by, technology advances. He states that every 24 month, computer hardware double. This lead him to the estimation that by the year 2030 computers will have consciousness and be virtually indistinguishable from humans. This lead him to the conclusion that by the year 2045 we will be surpassed by technology, a term he refers to as the singularity. According to Duncan, this the singularity is inevitable thus everyone should be prepared for the consequences. Mr. Duncan leads a group of 15 students who are perusing their masters in business administration. Duncan leads them in preparing for future plans for business. Duncan asks the students whether they would live forever if they had the chance to. Two students said they would not like to do so. Then Duncan asked if the students would be willing to off their parents in order to make life for new human and about half of them raised their hands.

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