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Louise Redknapp: The truth about Size Zero

Learning Objectives

1) To understand the concept of size ‘zero’ and the negative affects this can have on
people’s health
2) To understand what BMI is and what a healthy BMI figure is
3) To understand what ‘crash dieting’ is and the problems with this kind of eating
4) To develop knowledge of eating disorders and the effect they can have on
people’s mental and physical health

1) What size is Louise?

2) What size does she want to be?
3) What normally happens to Louises’ photographs afterwards?
4) What is BMI? What number BMI was banned at Spanish fashion week?
5) Why is Louise doing this?
6) What is crash dieting?
7) What are the side effects of crash dieting?
8) What are anorexics more likely to have?
9) Why does Louise go to LA?
10) What British celebrity did Louise meet in LA and what did she say about Nicole
11) Why does Barry not want her to eat carbohydrates?
12) How far does Louise have to run and how often does she work out?
13) What did the catwalk models die of?
14) What is Louise’s favourite meal of the day?
15) What is Rhode’s farm?
16) What did the girls say about having an eating disorder?
17) Why is Louise so irritable? How does this affect her husband, son and dogs?
18) Why did Louise interview Mel C?
19) Why does the doctor want her to stop?
20) What will happen when she goes back to eating normally?
21) What percentage of teenage girls are worried about their weight?
22) How long has Louise worked out over the 30 days (hours)?
23) How many calories did she eat?
24) Two months after the experiment what has happened to Louise?


As a class discuss the following topic. Should size zero models/celebrities be allowed to
work at fashion shows and in magazines? Split into yes and no. How does this impact
on young girls?

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