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Lavells 2nd Grade Daily Schedule

Time/ Duration 7:15 - 7:35 7:35 $ 7:%5 Activity Quiet Hallway &ornin" Routine Aspects of the lesson to be included may vary on different days of the !ee"# Children sit quietly & read a book or study. Responsible students ay !o plete ornin" #obs quietly. 'tudents (ollow &ornin" Routine: Co e in) ha*e a seat at desk) unpa!k books+ (olders) put a"enda on desk) han" ba!kpa!k and lun!h ba") do lun!h !ount) sharpen pen!ils) !o plete !lass #ob ,i( appli!able-) then be"in war -up. .ea!her takes attendan!e+lun!h !ount) !olle!ts oney) ay !he!k H/ !o pletion) and prepares (or day. 'tudents will "reet ea!h other) do a shared readin" o( the &ornin" &essa"e) and then pause to wat!h announ!e ents. .ea!her will then "o o*er &ath 3abulous 3i*e war -up. 4ntera!ti*e 'trate"y-based &ini-lesson usin" Co on Core standards and distri!t-wide assess ents &ath 5earnin" Centers based on student-need Rotation o( .e!hnolo"y) &edia) 89) &usi!) and 7rt ,'ee spe!i(i! !olor-!oded !alendar on y website:n ost &ondays) /ednesdays) and 3ridays students will parti!ipate in di((erentiated spellin" instru!tion. .hey will !o plete word sorts and *arious a!ti*ities under the tea!her;s "uidan!e. :n .uesdays and .hursdays students will (o!us on "ra ar and phoni!s e<er!ises. .ea!her introdu!es a writin" ini-lesson typi!ally usin" a entor te<t that will be read aloud. &ini-lessons are based on = .raits and 5u!y Calkins >nits o( 'tudy and (o!us on: Content+4deas , ain idea supported by spe!i(i! details :r"ani?ation ,!lear introdu!tion) body) and !on!lusion @oi!e ,in!ludes 'enten!e 3luen!y and /ord Choi!e Con*entions ,"ra ar) pun!tuation) !apitali?ation) and spellin" is !he!ked (or errors'tudents then work on !ertain aspe!ts o( the /ritin" 8ro!ess: 8re-writin"+Arainstor in" Rou"h Bra(t Re*isin" 9ditin" 3inal Bra(t+8ublishin" .ea!her !on(eren!es with indi*idual and s all "roups o( students to pro*ide di((erentiated instru!tion. C 'tudents ay eat a healthy sna!k they brin" (ro quietly at their desks. 'na!ks !annot be shared. ho e while writin"

7:50 - 1:00 1:00 $ 1:50

&ornin" 2reetin" &ath

1:55 - 6:%0 6:%0 - 6:55

Related 7rts /ord 'tudy

6:55 -10:30

/riter;s /orkshop

Mrs. $ishers 2nd Grade Daily Schedule

10:30 $ 10:%0 10:%0 - 11:35

Readin" 'trate"y 5esson Readin" /orkshop

11:%0 - 1D:05 1D:10 - 1:00

5un!h '!ien!e or 'o!ial 'tudies

1:00 - 1:30

Copy H/ and .97& Huddle

1:35 - D:00 D:00 $ 3:00

Re!ess Read 7loud+ &ath 4nter*ention

.ea!her be"ins with Readin" 'trate"y &ini-5esson that tar"ets 3luen!y) 7!!ura!y) Co prehension) or 9<panded @o!abulary) usually presented as a Read ,and .hink- 7loud. 'tudents !hoose Baily 5 Readin" Centers that are Read to 'el( Read to 'o eone /ork on /ritin" /ork on /ords 5isten to Readin" .ea!her !on(eren!es with indi*idual students) pro*ides s all "roup instru!tion ,based on need) interest) and+or le*el-) per(or s assess ents) obser*es & "i*es (eedba!k. 'tudents are en!oura"ed to eat silently (or the (irst (i*e inutes and then ay talk quietly with "ood table anners the rest o( the ti e. '!ien!e or 'o!ial 'tudies unit 5essons !an in!lude: literature) te<t book) workbooks) web sites) hands-on a!ti*ities) intera!ti*e study notebooks) assess ents) e<peri ents) learnin" stations) and pro#e!ts 'tudents will re(le!t on what they learned that day) what went well) and what i pro*e ents !ould be ade. Copy H/ into 7"enda) then pa!k up all ne!essary books) a"endas) and (olders. /e will end the day with a .97& Huddle Co unity &eetin" whi!h in!ludes these !o ponents: 2reetin" ,builds so!ial and e otional skills 'harin" ,%-5 students a day share+others respond 2roup 7!ti*ity ,sin" son") read poe ) play "a e Eews and 7nnoun!e ents ,dis!uss .97& 5i(eskills) !lass e*ents) listen to !lassroo reports) "et Baily Bete!ti*e !lue and re inder o( 4dio o( the /eekBependin" on weather) students will "o outside. 'tudents ay ha*e to walk laps (or beha*ior in(ra!tions. 4( it is too !old or wet) students will re ain indoors and play "a es in the !lassroo . 'tudents will end the day readin" aloud to"ether (ro *arious resour!es su!h as basal te<tbooks) online sites) and book sets. 'upport tea!her ay pro*ide additional ath instru!tion to so e students. 7ll students will pra!ti!e ath (a!ts usin" Ro!ket &ath. Bis issal is at 3:00.

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