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The ECOSOC President

APPOINTMENT OF ECOSOC ELECTION TEAM AND CORRESPONDING DATES THEREOF ----------------------------------------------------------------To: Economics Community 01 March 2014

Good Day Fellow Members of the Economics Society! As President, with the consent of the General Assembly, is hereby appointing the following competent individuals as ECOSOC Election Team for the Botar Ekonomista 2014: JERONE VANZ D BATALLA IVY JILL R SUBRABAS SARAH JANE F BEHIHA DHEN P GABOR MS ANA GRACE D SAAB -Chief Commissioner -Commissioner -Commissioner -Commissioner

-Chief on Tallying and Canvassing

All campaign and election guidelines, disputes, appeals and other functions thereof shall be decided by the Election team, en banc. No other entity or officers can dictate and influence their decisions. Campaign Dates are 3, 4 & 5 March, Miting De Avance will be on 05 March (5:30-7PM at AVR5) and Election dates will be 6, 7 & 8 March 2014. Furthermore, final tallying and canvassing will be on 08 March at the Economics Department Office and Official announcement of winners will be on 10 March 2014. For your guidance.


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