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Carl S. Bosco D.C.

Chiropractor - Naturopath
P.O. Box 1653 Coarsegold, Ca 9361 559-!6"- 199

In This Issue
1. #$other %oo& #t 'xercise (. # Success)ul #lter$ati*e Ca$cer +herap,

Exercise Doesn't Have To Be A Drag . . . We Used To Walk A Lot

n any given day you're likely to see

a group of gangly teenagers jogging by as you wait for the light to change to cross the street, as they fulfill their requirement for High School Phys d! "n fact, nothing is more bracing and salubrious that a brisk jaunt in the crisp mountain air we are privy to! #ord knows these youngsters can use a break from the computer monitor once in a while! $ost of us seniors remember when as youths we walked everywhere! "n my hometown in %ew &ersey, as in Oakhurst, everything was accessible on foot! $any would disagree with that, since many of us are so unused to walking at all! Our days seem to be cluttered with so many things to get done that there is no time for foot travel! 'e had so much leisure time in the ()*+s, when ,- was relatively new and didn't take up much of our time! ,here was only one car in my family . almost unheard of today . and " never had a problem getting to where " needed to go when my father was at work! ,owns were naturally set up to be walkable! Originally smalls towns grew up around the railroad tracks! "t's still like that to a large e/tent in urope! 'e walked to the movie theater down the block and around the corner! "t was right ne/t to the shoe repair shop, across the street from the bakery and the butcher and the electric appliance store and barber shop! %e/t to the barber shop was a 0curio1 shop, a dimly lit antique store run by a slow.moving portly woman, a widow of indeterminate age who always wore a shawl and gave out chocolates when visited by children!

On summer days there were leisurely walks along the meandering 0Saddle 2iver1 that laced around the edge of town and flowed under a small bridge shaded by mulberry trees heavy with fruit! 'alking was a way of life! 3s " remember, few people were obese! ,here were e/ceptions and they seemed an oddity but unique unto themselves! ,he health consequences of being overweight did not come readily to mind then! ,here were famous actors like 4harles #aughton, 2obert $orley and Sydney 5reenstreet whose stock in trade was their bigness! ,hat's just who they were! " think the reason we didn't talk much about our health, or the prospect of sudden death, was because, for the most part the (++,+++ or so people who die each year now from prescription drugs didn't die then because most of the drugs hadn't been invented yet! %either were the names and virtues of vitamins in everybody's vocabulary! %owadays almost anybody can rattle off the health benefits of -itamin 4, -itamin 6 and 4o n7yme 8(+, not to mention the wonders of a diet! "t was not so then! One of the first proponents of natural health and supplements to wheedle his way through the cracks in the medical megalith and onto the radio dial was Carlto$ -rederic&s. 9or me, listening to his liltingly soft but confident voice on 2adio Station 'O2, %ew :ork . as he educated the public on the role of nutrition and diplomatically e/posed the e/cesses of medical practice . was intriguing and liberating! ,o many, he was a heretic! ;ut he kept on year after year and gradually people began to learn something and build confidence in themselves and their understanding of the role of micro.nutrients and better diet generally! 9redericks became the teacher their family doctor could have been, but wasn't! ,he 3$3 <3merican $edical 3ssociation= and the drug conglomerates were beginning to fashion a stranglehold on medical education and keep competition safely out of the limelight! 4arlton 9redericks helped pave the way for people like 3ndrew 'eil, 6eepak 4hopra, 6r! #endon Smith and 5ary %ull! %ull > whose work was virtually banned from regular maga7ines and television . for a long time could only get published in Penthouse maga7ine, and now he regularly appears on %ational Public ,elevision! ,hank you 6r! 4arlton 9redericks Ph6!

The Human Body Is Designed To Do Work and To Move

$ost of the work we do today is not very ta/ing physically, but is usually e/ceedingly boring and enervating! " think we should be asking, at this point in history, why we haven't learned to restructure society in such a way as to eliminate such spirit crushing jobs as flipping burgers, shuffling papers, or sitting in front of a computer for hours entering meaningless data! ,his is the ?(st 4entury@ 4apitalism has created a lot of things, filled our closets and lives up with a lot of chaff, but really, what has it done

for the uplifting of the human beingA Bids crave meaningful work! " think every school should have a productive garden where kids grow some of the food they will eat for lunch! ,his will make clear the connection between the soil and what ends up on their plates! $any kids have no idea of what a ;russels sprout is, nor have they ever shucked peas from their pods, or picked a ripe tomato from the vine!

You Hate Long Cardio Workouts? Here's o!e "ood #e$s

Some people get high from jogging long distances! ,hey say the serotonin really courses through the bodyC makes them feel great! ,hey also sleep better and are able to maintain their proper weight more easily! " don't doubt this, but there are negatives to intense jogging, like damage to knees and other joints! 3nd it turns out it's not the greatest thing for your heart as was originally believed! Putting the heart under heavy strain for long periods can cause scarring of the heart muscle, known as fibrosis! "'m not talking about running a mile or two, but running marathons! 3lright . who runs marathonsA

.igh /$te$sit, /$ter*al +rai$i$g

" would be the last one to discourage anyone from getting e/ercise, in whatever form, but some interesting discoveries have been made by researchers the last few years that you might like to hear! ,hey found that short bursts of intense workouts, followed by short rests over a period of about ?+ minutes, maybe three times per week, was enough to give a person the best over all cardio workout and boost to the metabolism! "'ve been doing this for a couple of months and " have to say it is very effective! " find that going from the high intensity session right to weight training works very well too! " get a terrific workout and can sleep like a baby!

#s Si0ple #s 1u$$i$g /$ Place

:ou can use a stationary bike for this or an elliptical trainer or a treadmill > or just run in place for D+ seconds! 2ela/ for a couple of minutes, then do it again! %o fancy equipment is needed! "f you want to buy an ine/pensive heartEpulse monitor to see where you're at, that's good too! 'atch this video as Dr. 2ercola demonstrates H"",F httpFEEwww!youtube!comEwatchAvGH%m%SI*w)h" 6uring his work out $ercola brought his heart rate up to over (J*! 3fter just a couple of weeks of training "'ve been able to perform * or K intense L minute sessions over a ?+ minute period! $y heart rate <pulse= goes up during the intense session to no more than (D*! %aturally, "'m wondering why " can do the same amount of work as 6r! $ercola with less heart effort than him, even though "'m (* years his senior! Hmm! " have a lot of respect for 6r! $ercola! He's a progressive doctor and gives some good advice and

health tips! ;ut he is also an advocate of the need for consuming meat, dairy and eggs! " believe he is more into a heavier protein intake than is really necessary, which " think is a dietary mistake! ,oo much protein > especially of an animal source > is ta/ing to the body! $y advice, over all, is to keep meat, fowl and dairy to a bare minimum! :ou may have heard me say this beforeF 3/ assure ,ou .ospital 4aiti$g roo0s are $ot )illed 4ith *egetaria$s.5 "'m not a vegetarian but " eat almost no beef, little chicken, but some fish and shrimpC a poached egg once per weekC no milk!

C#6+/ON7 'ork your way up to D to J, L minute sessions slowly! "t takes time to get into
condition! 4onsult your prescribing physician if you are taking pills for any reason! 2emember, proper diet is essential for maintaining optimum health and longevity! 'ith the cooperation of their prescribing doctor, " have personally helped many people get off their pills after a relatively short time! "f you do the homework, you will see the results!

See You At The Gym!


Regular Cancer Treatment Based On A Flawed Hypothesis

'henever " suggest looking into alternative ways of treating cancer, " get the same closed.minded reaction as when suggesting that #ee Harvey Oswald probably didn't shoot &9B! ven though our senses and intelligence and evidence tell us otherwise, most people will go along unquestioning with the word of so.called 0orthodo/y!1 Since any other opinion is not allowed on television or in the newspapers or in the waiting room of your doctor's office, it's no wonder we remain ignorant! ,he latest news says that cancer deaths, over all, have gone down the last few years! 'hyA 6rops in two kinds of cancers account for the reduction > but it has nothing to do with chemo!, radiation or radical surgery! Statistics show thatF <a= 9ewer men are getting lung cancer because fewer men are smoking! <b= 9ewer women are getting breast cancer because they stopped taking hormone replacement drugs and getting more frequently! $eanwhile mouth and throat cancers, esophageal, melanoma skin cancer, liver cancer, thyroid, kidney and pancreatic cancers are on the rise! Human papillomavirus <HP- is being blamed for some of these, as well as previous hepatitis infections and bad genes! " think these so.called 0causes1 are mostly a fiction, another way of saying they have no idea why people get cancers! 9uture open.minded, honest researchers > those not funded by drug companies . will some day admit that viruses don't do anything! ,hey already describe viruses as non. living bits and strands of matter which > though not alive > are able to take over and influence the metabolism of cells! " wonder how these dead entities do thatA "f they were to/ins, like arsenic, " could understand how they might kill a cell! #et's not forget that only living things can do something! %on. living things just lie there and are moved along by the living body! "s it such a stretch of imagination to postulate, perhaps, that these 0viruses1, so.called, are nothing more than the remnants of already sick and broken down cells, the result of a diseased body rather than the causeA

The Gerson Therapy For Cancer

W%olis! Ex&lains A Lot
llen is a beautiful, vibrant woman now in her early si/ties! "'ve know her as a patient for over ?+ years! 3bout (? years ago she came by to say hello and also to tell me that she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! " think " turned white when she said this, however she sounded upbeat and confident! " asked her what she was thinking of doing about it! She said she wasn't going the usual route! She was going to change her diet and start taking care of herself more vigorously! " was astounded by her resolve and positive attitude! " told her that, knowing what " know about the 5erson ,herapy, " thought she had a good chance of being OB! ;y way of shortening the storyF "t is (? years later and she is still alive and looking darned good! " don't know how much evaluation of her condition she has had, but " do know for certain that her therapy consisted > not of poisonous drugs . but lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw juices, elimination of meat, sugar and all junk from her diet! %o chemo or any other medical intervention was ussed! 3nother storyF 3 case of liver cancer in a dentist who lived in a nearby town! 'hen " met him he had already had e/tensive chemotherapy! He was not doing well at all! His comple/ion was slate gray! His liver was swollen so much you could see the bulge in his shirt! ,he doctors now offered him total body irradiation > after the blood was drained out of the body@ Survival after this macabre process is nil! ,horoughly discouraged with conventional treatment, this man decided to go a different route! He would try cleansing his body and restoring nutrients with large amounts of fresh juices and natural foods! <,he 5erson ,herapy also employs coffee enemas on a daily basis, which stimulates the liver to e/pel metabolic waste more efficiently!= Several months after starting this regime he paid us a visit to tell of his progress! He was certainly not yet cured but he looked a lot better and he had a positive attitude! 3lso, some of the swelling had receded! Over a period of a couple of years he returned to report at intervals! ,he changes that took place in his body would be interpreted as miraculous if " didn't already know how successful this concept is in the healing process! He was looking and feeling great! ,he liver swelling had gone way down to almost normal! His diet now consisted of large quantities of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, baked sweet potatoes and fresh vegetable juices! He still continued the therapy on a less intense schedule!

" met 8a9uie Da*iso$ about D* years ago! She had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a very serious and aggressive form of cancer! "n her book Cancer Winner she details her e/perience with the 5erson ,herapy, and how her devoted husband, a 4hiropractor, helped her through her difficult period of recovery! &aquie attributes her healing to her strong 4hristian faith and to the 5erson ,herapy! 'hen " talked to her she had been well for about ten years! She is now I( and doing just fine! "'m certain that you have heard of, or know of someone who has refused regular medical treatment and subsequently died! Of course, we seldom know all the details of the habits of those who have 0tried1 the natural way and failed! ,he devil is in the details, as the saying goes! ven when treated conventionally, liver cancers, for instance, have an M+N to (++N likelihood of returning after the * year survival rate! Obviously standard treatment is not getting to the root of the problem! Simply eating a carrot occasionally is not going to get the job done! "n a body so sick, you really have to get with the program, and " mean intensely! Having said that, " still think prevention should be uppermost in our approach to healing! 6on't wait until it's too late! 3nd when one does decide to go with a cleansing, rebuilding regime, there can be no room for playing around with a halfhearted e/periment! " can tell of other stories, but you get the picture! ,hese three people had gotten well by applying the principles of the 5erson ,herapy! Only &aquie applied it (++N, but the other two benefited anyway! $any people in your own community have been healed this way! ,here are many variations of this way of healing from cancer! 3ll of them have their merits but, having studied the 5erson ,herapy with other doctors at 5erson seminars and at their hospital, " can say it is superior to many others! Put simply, you don't heal diseased bodies by flooding them with poisons! "f you still think cancers come from out of nowhere, you haven't been paying attention! ;ecome familiar with the 5erson ,herapy! Ose your own judgment! Start by watching this videoF Dying To Have Known " recommend watching it several times to really understand the principles involved! :ou can see it here, on :ou,ubeF "httpFEEwww!youtube!comEmovieAvG6oOlI9Id'd PfeatureGmvHsr See also The Gerson Therapy by &une ;utlin, $;3%,, $!Sc!, Ph!6 httpFEEwww!wholisticresearch!comEinfoEartshow!phpDAartidGMM


Please Note7 /:*e 1elocated +o Oa&hurst

.o4 +o ;et +here7 /$ Oa&hurst, tur$ do4$ 1oad (6 <at the +al&i$g Bear=. ;o past School 1oad. 2a&e a right tur$ at .ill*ie4 Street <8ust past 'un(a's .air Salo$= 9!! 1d (6. +he )irst dri*e4a, o$ the le)t. #$d. . . there are $o stairs to cli0>? Disits B, #ppoi$t0e$t #lso7 Co$sultatio$s i$ Nutritio$ )or7 #rthritis #llergies .eadaches Dia>etes .igh Blood Pressure Eeight %oss 2S Carpal tu$$el Chro$ic -atigue . . .

"'m often askedF @7 What Do Chiropractors Do?

#7 In a nutshell: Chiropractors take

pressure off pinched nerves

Try Chiropractic First

3/s that allA5 Bou 0ight >e te0pted to sa,. #ctuall,, thatCs sa,i$g a lot. Pressure o$ the ce$tral $er*ous s,ste0 is respo$si>le )or a lot o) our 0iseries a$d co$tri>utes to earl, dege$eratio$. /t all starts 4ith the >rai$ a$d tra*els do4$ the spi$al cord to all parts o) the >od,. /) pressure o$ the ce$tral $er*ous s,ste0 has$:t >ee$ released, ,ou reall, do$:t &$o4 4here ,ou sta$d. s

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